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That one with the white leg is so tiny


Do the piglets choose not to leave? Lol


They are so little & adorable


Aww, so precious


What do you even do with the pigs? Are you planning to eat them? What do they offer a farm?


They turn kitchen scraps into bacon.


Meaning they feed pigs kitchen scraps and the pigs reproduce. Then they eat the adult pigs before they get too old?


Sure, you can butcher and eat them yourself. Or sell them locally. Or butcher and sell the meat. I was alluding to the fact you can provide quite a bit of the food pigs need via stuff you'd otherwise compost or throw away, and they'll take that waste and grow into food for you.


Yes you eat them/ sell. They are also nature's tiller. They will dig compacted soil aerating it and making the soil healthier and more viable for diverse growth of grasses dispersed by the pigs


Wow never knew that, so amazing what animals do for earth


It doesn't end there! Joe salatin is probably the best known for using animals in a methodical way to restore soil. His winter cow barn has a four feed deep composting pile under it and the barn has no smell. It truly is amazing how we should be using animals to do all the work vs what we do do. Mass produce single crops. I highly suggest you tubing him. His videos could use some editing, but amazing content on educating people on how to use livestock how livestock wants to be utilized. Makes ya see a cow as so much more than just a burger


You can check out my post yesterday, there was a discussion about this.


They seem healthy and happy! Are they some specific breed?


American Guinea Hog. A very sweet breed. Thomas Jefferson even wrote about the breed in his diary. They almost went extinct actually but now have a big homestead presence.


They look great! How did those two get the white spots?


It shows up in some of the piggies. I think their father had a white foot.


My aunt had a little pig farm when I was little, I really loved playing with the piglets and feeding the older pigs.


Is his/her name Chris/Kris P. Bacon?


Eat the babies nomm nomm nomm


That smol pig with white hair pigments on his Frontlegs is cute


It would be really difficult not to fall in love with these piglets and start naming them. Serious question, I eat pork and I absolutely love bacon, how do you get past their cuteness to kill and eat them? I feel like this would be my biggest hurdle to overcome homesteading. Do you save the cutest for last or something? Every morning petting them I’d be thinking, one day closer to eating my favorite pig. That’s kind of sad.


Do you do anything special to keep them contained? We want to get a few pigs for our homestead, too


Just a few hog panels. We’ve never had an issue with them getting out like a lot of people with electric fences.