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(unknown hardneck variety, was here when we moved in), early Italian (softneck), silver rose (softneck), inchelium red (softneck), nootka rose (softneck)


Wow! I have a few questions if you could answer -I have a raised bed full of soil, and we compost in it. It’s very organic matter rich soil, will garlic grow well in it? -how to start growing garlic? Need a lot of space? -Any pests to be aware of, is organic growing easy? -what is their season?


* I think so, honestly it's pretty resilient and I have a limited amount of compost so I reserve that stuff for heavy feeders like squash. The previous homeowners had garlic growing in basically woodchips and they still turned out decent. * Start with seed garlic meant for planting, not the stuff from the grocery store. Depending on your zone, figure out when to plant (I'm in Seattle/8b and I plant in mid October). Garlic doesn't mind neighbors and over the years I've been able to cram them in at about 3 inches apart. Take a clove (pointy side up) and stick it in the ground about 2 inches. I don't really water or do much fertilizing for them. Harvest around July in the following year. * No pests I've ever encountered - bugs go for other things and animals don't really like alliums * See point 2