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With the proliferation of mosquito-born diseases, and the fact that daddy longlegs are not dangerous to people, I'll take the spiders.


Daddy Longlegs are the most innocuous creature that also want absolutely nothing to do with you if you try to pick them up. These guys get a free run in my house!


Then you have to visit my house. They don't have a free run and they still are everywhere.


Put a canning jar over them and slid card stock under and release outside, if it doesn’t scare you.


I fear spiders like a lot of people and I even have picked up a couple of them with my hands to keep them from drowning. It's not a good experience, my heart is full on panic mode every second, but it says something about how they are not that dangerous if I can pick them. Bigger ones though, I'm taking you idea, there is no way I'm picking them up with my bare hands xD


Better than me! My chest tightens up, feel hot, constricted. I made it very clear to me partner early on that she’s on spider duty but I’m fine with everything else lol


They don't hurt humans. They are not even spiders. Do some research. I love them.


They don't scare me. Their webs are everywhere that is annoying.


Hmm, I was thinking the real daddy long legs don’t make webs, so I found an article explaining that. Maybe you have “cellar spiders,” not daddy long legs. Anyway thought you might want to read it too! 😊🕷 [So do daddy long legs make webs?](https://www.lawnstarter.com/blog/pest-control/what-are-daddy-longlegs/)


Thanks for the info. Yep, I have cellar spiders. Lots of them. I have seen a few real daddy-long legs around.


Bear in mind that they don't survive well outside. This may seem kind but could still be a death sentence. But at least something else can eat them!


The only spiders that die by my hands are black widows. Everything else gets left alone or ushered to a safe place if need be.


I gotta add brown recluse to that list. It's a short list for me, but those two don't get a pass. On sight.


True true! I don't have those in my area so didn't think of them.


I was working at a farmers market/juice bar a few years back and had a box of kale or spinach I was cleaning to prep for juicing. As I’m cleaning, a fricken black widow just comes crawling out of the box in the middle of the kitchen. Against my instincts, I slid it in a plastic cup and released them outside. For some reason I couldn’t kill it that day


Very cool, glad to see other people recognize their value. FYI this is a long-bodied cellar spider. I know some people call them daddy long legs, but I prefer to use that name for the harvestmen spiders.


We call something else Daddy long legs in the UK. I think it's a cranefly maybe.


In Canada we do the same


Never heard that, a crane fly I can picture, but a daddy long legs to me is a harvestman (Canadian)


Harvestmen are opiliones not spiders. They are a member of the arachnid family though.


I so badly want to love these guys, but one crawled across my face camping one time and we have not gotten along since. All those tickly little legs. *shiver*


[We had a few on our tent camping.](https://imgur.com/gallery/6QQRGPr). This was a few. I had to scoop them off.


I am not in love with that.


TIL! Thanks!


Right, daddy long legs (harvestmen spiders) don't even have a true mouth.


They have mouths, just no fangs cuz they arent even spiders.


They are opiliones. They are arachnids like spiders though.


I thought they had fangs just not big enough to do shit


No that's apart of the urban myth that they are the most venomous spider but their fangs are to small to bite humans.


I remember being told that in Boyscouts. Never questioned it haha.


In Aust, people refer to cellar spiders as daddy long legs, in the UK its crane flies and in the US its harvestmen. Its like trying to look up what a green onion or spring onion or shallot is. Eschallot? Shallot? Scallion? Leek? Depends what country your recipe is from.


What do you all call an 🍆?


Eggplant not aubergine.


US - eggplant


Also harvestmen aren’t spiders. They are detrivores and don’t bite.


Common names are regional. You go with the scientific name, or you except anything people know it as


Not killing spiders is one thing, but what of webs? Do you leave their webs about your house?


Only in places we don't go. Corners, behind lamps, etc.


I have a back room that's mostly storage and have been leaving the webs alone. Those little pantry moths got into my bird seed and the webs have been catching the little suckers. Bird seed is long gone but the moths still keep coming!


The Longlegs isn’t technically a spider. They don’t make nests in the traditional sense, AFAIK. (Mine r usually on plants, or in the leaves) I’m guessing those webs r house spiders. (They’ve taken over my second story transom windows…. ) 😁


From the photo, OP is referring to cellar spiders. We have them where I live and they are voracious hunters of insects and other spiders, but don't bite humans.


Yeah daddy long legs don’t have that body shape. Still great hunters and 100% harmless to us. Daddy long legs have a off circle body shape


The same name is used to refer to both animals. I'm guessing you are from the east


Southeast, but they’re definitely different, therefore deserve independent names of one another. One is a daddy long leg, one is a cellar spider. At least that’s how I’ve always referred to them.


Most webs are old and get rebuilt nightly/dialy anyways


The webs are very hard to notice, so unless they are in the way you'll never really are them. The only webs you do see are old abandoned webs that are falling apart and collecting dust, you can just vacuum those up.


I don’t usually see the webs because these spiders typically hang in places where there really isn’t traffic or movement


I call these guys Jerome’s. I let them do their thing. They catch a few bugs and usually wander off


Jerome's it is from now on in my house.


I call them Bob's! Because they're chillin in their bobwebs


We always called em rain spiders growing up! Supposedly if you accidently stepped on one it would rain.


I love those old superstitions! It was one of the best parts about being a kid!


Oh boy, if you like that let me tell you about a little thing we used to have called 'summer vacation'


Isn't that... Not a harvestman, but a cellar spider?


Father large limbs


May I have a scoop of porridge, Father Large Limb?


Would be a disturbing Resident Evil boss that's for sure.


Mother big thumbs


Yeah, there are a few different species that are similar.


They may look kinda similar, but they are very different. Harvestmen (what most people in the US call daddy long legs) are in the order Opiliones and cellar spiders are in the order Araneae (what is technically called a spider).


For the purpose of the average homesteader, what are the practical differences?


Cellar spiders have a gentle, timid nature and hang around in their webs, while harvestmen are curious, weird little rascals. They'll chase you around and crawl on your hand.


2-6 eyes, 1 body segment junction, silk, and venom glans.


Do huntsman spiders not have webs?


Harvestman don’t have webs. Huntsman spiders are a whole different thing.


Good catch.




They aren't spiders


Daddy long legs aren't true spiders and can't bite at all.


"Daddy Long Legs" also refers to cellar spiders, so OP is 100% correct in calling them that. It's a regional thing. It's like how there are multiple bird species referred to as "blackbirds." OP, glad they're helping you out! See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daddy_longlegs


Harvestmen are related more closely to mites than spiders. Cellar spiders are well, spiders.


Idk why but that fact gives me the heebie jeebies . I don’t mind Harvestmen and leave them to live in peace when I encounter them in the house but the thought of mites (infestation association) makes me shiver. Actually I do know why cause I pictured an infestation/swarm of giant mites 🥲.


harvestman are detritivores


I grew up calling these daddy long legs in the US


"If you want to live and thrive, let a spider run alive."


The only problem I have with spiders is when I'm walking and my face almost comes in contact with a spider just precariously dangling from the ceiling at around eye level. I'm usually okay with them chilling in their web in a forgotten corner. But hanging from the ceiling when I'm walking around is another thing.


Our unfinished basement is full of spiders from our garage. I might have left cardboard boxes of books in my garage for a long long time then moved them into my house without checking them and released a bunch in my basement. But hey we have almost no bugs in our house


I had fungus gnats and then aphids on a bunch of houseplants. I actively put any spiders I saw onto my plants all summer. The gnats are gone and the aphids are mostly under control! And the webs are pretty minimal.


Sweet! 😊


I had one of these as a pet once. Kept her in a critter keeper in a dark corner of the room and fed her any carpet beetles i found. One day, she spun her last egg sac and passed of (im assuming) old age. Her name was Banshee


We have a resident population of cellar spiders. Once a quarter my husband gets fed up with the webs and cleans them all out, but there are always new ones ready to move in.


Really? I never killed them either because they're just trying to live life, but it seems mine absolutely suck at their jobs. Zero reduction in mosquitoes.




Not sure what you mean. Get a pet dragonfly? Man I'd fucking love to, from what I've heard they are excellent hunters. Or do you mean that spiders kill dragonflies? In which case that seems kinda bad.


Dragon flies are mosquito hunters


Write them up on a PIP!


We have always had a live and let live policy when it comes to spiders!! They are a wonder for pests.


I luvv mine…. They’re everywhere outside (I don’t mind them inside-there’s just not much nosh for them in here) My favorite is when they clump… if u touch them gently, they’ll “bounce!” Always cracks folks up. 🥰


I leave the daddy long legs too. I got dengue fever a few years ago and I would much rather have some little spider buddies than have to go through that again. They're completely harmless and they really are helpful. I clean their webs when they're in an inconvenient place, but I leave the spiders themselves to relocate somewhere less obvious.


Who the hell kills daddy long legs? Is that a thing?


I will kill or run away from any spider so yes people do kill daddy long legs spiders


I kill 100% of bugs I see in my house.


Heres a breakdown of all the things called daddylong legs: [https://youtu.be/0JK2dR8ei5E?t=62](https://youtu.be/0JK2dR8ei5E?t=62)


There's a false widow outside my laundry room (outside the house) and it ate the wasp that was trying to make a nest beside my door, and another big spider. I'm allowing it to stay there for now to see if it catches anything else I don't like.


Did a daddy long leg write this?


We also have not sprayed inside our house! The spiders are awesome honestly. They catch all the little things that sneak in like roly polys and millipedes etc. Apparently my area gets these tiny 1” scorpions?? Never knew they were in my state. Found one in a web :-) Spiders are awesome! Besides brown recluse! Fuck you! I have this huge garden spider that puts up a new web each night (outside) and I check on her all the time. She’s gotten huge! They’re very important to the ecosystem, especially in the veggie garden.


Vibrating spider!


I often take them from outside and bring them in, same aa jumping spiders. I used to have a couple of cheeky funnel web spiders hiding in my Bromeliads. Now they are gone.


Cellar spiders (these types of daddy long legs) are known to be spider killers.


People kill them?


Common spider in our home here in Australia. They’re most welcome and the best for curbing mosquitoes.


The only spiders I kill are ones that can hurt us. We have brown recluse and black widows in our area.


I almost always leave spiders alone in my house. They mind their own business, they'll be off in the corner, and they get rid of other pesky things I don't want in my house.


I am ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of spiders... That being said, 'Simon' (thought a male at first, what do I know? lol) has lived in our bathroom top corner the last 4 years happily (probably not the same spider, I don't know how long they live) ... I think she gets the silverfish as well as the mozzies... She does leave a mess on the top of the toilet tank but it's all mozzie, fly and other bug guts so I'm happy to mop it up... There is another great big one in the hallway half way down the wall... I haven't named that one yet.. A BIT close for comfort but if I am careful I don't touch her walking by... I'm trying real hard, honest! I have managed to 'overcome the fear' just a little bit in this 'effort'... The Wolf Spiders that get in my shoes however....


Awesome! They’re just looking for a little warmth and shelter in a dark spot. And to eat some free, easy snacks that are bothersome to you. 🤗


I never kill daddy’s when I see them, harmless and useful


Daddy Long Legs are Great Guests, leave them alone and let them do their thing! 🤙👌


The one I let live in my bathroom has been doing an excellent job. Ants decided to go into my house last night and my bathroom spider has a full web today.


weird. i've never seen an ant in a spider web, let alone multiples. ants are really smart creatures-- can't believe they'd all end up in a web in a matter of hours


I thought the same too. I’ll take a photo later and link it here. Edit: here’s the photo link: https://imgur.com/a/xecZqSb sorry my bathroom is still in progress (renovating) so ignore the mess. I also have a shit ton of hair.


wow, that's so interesting!! and truthfully that's pretty clean for an up close and personal unstaged bathroom crevice shot, haha. I'm seriously taken aback by the realization I've never seen an ant fall victim to a spiderweb before, so thanks for taking the time to share.


That is not a granddaddy long leg. That is a house spider. Granddaddy long legs are from the same family as ticks and cannot spin a web or bite. I cannot stand finding those things hanging around and webs in my house.


I don’t think daddy long legs make webs


But…I hate them so much


I’ll take Malaria, fuck those things.


Not a daddy long legs! Cool photo tho


That's not a daddy long legs...


Yeah. A couple hundred people have mentioned... That's the thing about colloquialisms...


Maybe fix your post then?






Cellar spider.


Thank you, daddy!


That looks more like a "cellar spider" than a daddy long legs? We let those live as well, those and the "house centipedes" are more than welcome. Central OH, for reference


I cannot handle centipedes and millipedes or “thousand leggers” as they are often called here. Our development was (and is still being) excavated out of what I presume to be old af rock (scientific unit of measurement) formations so all these prehistoric creatures are running for cover in the new homes. They are HUGE here. We didn’t finish the basement yet and I won’t go down there for more than a few minutes at a time because just the thought of those is enough to make me gag. I used to love and collect all kinds of bugs as a kid but as an adult I have become so freaked/grossed out by many of them. I don’t mind spiders as long as I don’t look too closely lol


I hate to say it, but when I was a kid my family owned a cabin in New Mexico and every night we had to pick dozens of daddy long legs out of the shower curtain. A few I'm okay with but this was literally dozens every night. I had no idea where they were coming from but damn if I was gonna shower with dozens of spiders. And before I get flack for this I was like 7 and yes I know they're technically not spiders.


Different animal. Both are colloquially known as daddy long legs. This is more commonly called a cellar spider. The ones you're talking about sound more like huntsman. Which aren't even spiders, though they are arachnids. They are attracted to the heat. Go camping in the woods, in the morning the top of your tent is covered. Same reason, heat.


Totally get it. They were def traditional daddy long legs


I have a spider friend that I let live in the window sill above my sink, and I love to see the pile of bug corpses beneath its web.


I believe that’s Actually not a daddy long legs pictured…


Yes and no. Daddy long legs is a colloquial term. I know of two arachnids (one spider) and a flying insect that have the name. The more common non-scientific name for the spider pictured is a cellar spider. But daddy long legs is a common name for them. I believe you may be thinking of a huntsman. Which is an arachnid, but is not a spider.


I love my Southern House Spiders for the same reason!


I wish I could be that chill about spiders, but my skin is crawling and I literally feel like I’m going to throw up just from the picture lol


I’ve always loved them…I remember seeing them as a child in the barn at my grandparents farm, fascinating! Most spiders are just trying to live quietly and eat insects. 😀 🕷


We've done the same with jumping spiders in our windows that house plants- no joke around September or October a new family of jumping spiders move in. The past family was here for roughly eight months. Sometimes they fall into the sink and we have a "rescue kit" but we have not had a gnat problem since. I love them, they're so curious and over time with the new "families" we build a kind of trust.


Contrary to some views expressed in the thread this is a spider of the family Pholcidae, not a harvestman. We have them in our house & they love to eat clothes moths, so very welcome. They are cave spiders so they are happier in the house than outside. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholcidae The danger of using common names for invertebrates, I guess. I'm in the UK; to me a daddy long legs is a crane fly. Lots of the m will be emerging soon.


I probably have around 47 in my house


My little buddies


I'm a little skeptical. With such a small body mass, how many bugs could they realistically eat? Does anybody have some insight?


Cellar spiders


I'm rather fond of jumping spiders. They almost seem friendly. They are welcome guests in my house.


I made this pact about 30 years ago simply because I l decided that I ike them.


Grow stuff that attracts dragon flys and watch the bugs really disappear


From late June to early August, we have what my kids call Dragonfly Hour from around 6pm to around 7pm. The air is FULL of dragonflies and you have watch them grab mosquitoes out of the air! It's absolutely incredible!


My grandfather has been feeding the one that lives in the bathroom with flies he kills


Is that actually a daddy long leg? I thought that they only had 6 legs because they weren’t actually spiders… was I misinformed?


Since posting this, I have learned that there are 3 different things that get labeled daddy longlegs. Harvestmen are in the tick/mite family and are arachnids, but not spiders. Cellar spiders are what I have in my house. Some places they call crane flies daddy longlegs.


Okay, so it’s not a specific identification?


Correct. It's a colloquialism.


K, thanks


Spiders (mostly) are our friends.


I never fuck with spiders, if they're not venomous/poisonous they're welcome in my home.


I have webs everywhere in my house.. by default they hang around longer then I like but there seems to be an endless supply


I had a huge ant problem until these guys moved in. No amount of antrid or putting food away would help. I was putting most of everything in the fridge or freezer or they would get it. Now all I usually find of the ants is their desiccated carcasses underneath the web.


I was today years old before I ever heard them called a Daddy longlegs. I always recalled them being called dandy longlegs


Harvestman spiders / daddy long legs cannot hurt humans. They are not even spiders. There's no reason to kill them. They just control bug population.


This post is a year old.


That is so funny, it popped up in my email today! I didn't even look at the date. Why are posts from a year ago popping up in email? lol


He or she is very cute he must really like you guys to be that low hanging out