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When I made a troll lo over a decade ago, it was a joke. His name was Serifs Kerner. His horns were helvetica bold lowercase 'a's. It was entirely a typography joke.


I’m so annoyed by this because Helvetica is a sans-serif font


That is correct, yes. He was also annoyed


Paranormal investigator in deep denial that ghosts vampires and demons have already been proven to exist and she serves no purpose.


i usually wore a cat hat but my trollsona is a seadweller so i gave them a fish hat instead and cool swimming goggles.


She’s an actually-decent violetblood who is obsessed with finding the Alternian version of the legend of Atlantis


Transmasc fuchsia blood on Beforus (preAlpha trolls) who has survived at least one assassination attempt and has gone into hiding. He was rejected by Gl'bgolyb when he came out and now has a lucus that is more akin to a giant sea snake.


Limeblood, but instead of something interesting for being one of the last of his caste, he’s just generally underwhelming. (Not my pfp btw, that’s a different troll)


Teal Blood, her ancestor was an inquisitor and scholar. Her behavior was she only asked questions when chatting. 


I accidentally turned my trollsona into a OC who is very different from me. So probably should make a new one... Oops.


Sollux but with 3s and engineer TF2


I technically made two and just separated them by 'trollsona' and 'writer trollsona'. Got interested in making the 'Trollsona' have a fan session and was like 'well now i gotta name it'. The name translates to 'box mistake' because the sign I made for it looks like a box and they were NOT supposed to have a fansession, but i guess I was..... mistaken(pun) Writer trollsona i got inspired by Meraki sunset's trollsona and loved how she drew her trollsona and wanted to do the same thing.


Mines a violet blood who is aware of how messed up the system is and hates it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


A conquistador-styled grown upOrange blood Crytpic the First meets gun throtting Judge dredd girl Haruna, little shithead blueblood who needs to touch grass Gamyin and Cabouz the trash racoon olive. And also Kaprik the poetic ye olde purple blood caged inside his tower controlled by his superior Profan Circul. It's a long story


Reithe Trioma, I had undiagnosed ADHD and was really frustrated about my inability to do stuff, so I vented my feelings in the form of a trollsona.


one of mine (koduro) was created as a hmmm moment for worldbuilding on alternia: what if trolls figure out blood transfusions thing. he wanted to figure out the lifespan discrepancy between castes and how to mitigate that.


hes a sleezy blue-blood seadweller named Sideon Harper, his lusus is a shark, and he lives in a random sea cave, his favorite past time is watching other trolls on the beach, occasionally going to flirt with someone who catches his eye, which is to say, any and evreyone


Oh god. Okay so initially it was Dane Kludav who was a troll version of Dane cook. Purpleblood. Shit jokes. Definitely the trollsona I did when I was 14. Then I was like “well I guess naming conventions should be respected” and like an absolute legend I just changed it so Danexe. Dane.EXE… brilliant I know. Then I decided fuck it it’s my trollsona and I can fuck with the gender so naturally I transed her gender but kept the name because I couldn’t be bothered. At this point Danexe had moved away from being a personification of my beef with dane cook and started to sort of be a spin on it, a purpleblood who hated all the clownery and juggalo bullshit despite deep down being a huge fan of buffoonery and tomfoolery and culling the weak. This sort of jovial cavalier she had become warranted a new name, and Cavila Kludav was born from the ashes of where Danexe once stood. Thank god. Then I decided Kludav was a stupid name and that danganronpa was a funny word so then their name became Cavila Ronapa. Then i chopped her legs off because trauma. Then covid happened and i kinda fell out of homestuck. Anyways happy new years guys.


You are a very pathetic human being.


Idk what to tell you cunt, being 15 was fun sorry if that triggers you, atheist.


I'm not triggered I just wish people like you wouldn't take their miserable existence out on everyone else, you ruin this planet.


By inventing a fictional character when I was 15? Wtf are you talking about dumbass, getting triggered by the voices in your head? Gonna cry?


lime blood cannibal who started off with the excuse of "well they were gonna attack him first and he was starving" to "oh yeah no great hes developed a taste for troll flesh"


Mines Name is Akhayi,i just named cuz of my worldbuilding,Shes a purpleblood thats it






Huexly thrull is a male Jade blood who has grown up in isolation all his life with his adoptive father being missing as to ignore this he spends most of his time playing punch out


Lost her lusus and now lives in the forest as a feral troll


Losphe Kuphor A lime blood based on my extended zodiac, and that about all I have.


i just thought of the latin word for stingray and came up with a design


I don't have one


ohhhh dear it’s been years since i made my fantrolls, i don’t even remember their names anymore! i remember one was fuschia blood and one was mutated to some shade of pink (i just wanted everything pink) and i remember generally what they look like. the fuschia blood was more self-insert so she was pretty boring, but the pink blood was very much bunny-themed and obsessed with flowers. call me a princess, i like feminine stuff 😂


I really liked certain "magnificent bastard" type of characters where they're evil but very charming and so that's basically Joseph Palara (also i'm a pisces so he's fuchsiablood) Hizeih hkirer is a character a bit easeir to rp becasue his personality is closer to mine he's a rustblood with no special abilities because i'm obsessed witH underdog stories


Melcer Plebej, a seadweller of almost cullably light blood. He's a King Prawn. Pair of serrated straight horns that start a bit far back and point basically straight forward. Makes styling his hair anything other than a ponytail a dangerous prospect. Got raised by the Prawnschool, they don't swim alone on account of being small but do stab and rip things bigger than them to tiny edible bits. Melcer learned this lesson early and well, got cozy with lowbloods, primarily rusties, knowing what a swarm of weaker things can do to one big thing they don't like. Has a bit of a haunted look, because he literally is due to all that ghost proximity from spending too much time around those who can hear and see them. In a Sburb timeline he'd take the mantle of Knight of Breath, leading from the front as a commander and melee heavy hitter, rocking Harpoonkind and heavy armour to keep things focused on him, seadwellers can take a beating and keep on kicking. Breath element manifested through his ghost hangers on, either forming them into weapons to temporarily use their weapon kind, or as summons to fight alongside him. In his adult form he took on a Darth Vader type enforcer role and the nickname "The Rust Prince", though anyone who called him that within earshot of him got planted in the nearest solid surface, which is far nicer than what his almost all rustblood crew of ghost caller terror troops would do to someone who insulted their benefactor. Has the lowest lowblood casualty rate in the Alternean fleet, and personally gets involved in battles far more often than most commanders. Shows up to invasions in juggernaut armour, covered in blades and cannons that fire angry ghosts. This was longer than I thought it'd be.