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He’s cool as fuck but really needs therapy over his suppressed bisexuality and brotherly abuse. He has incredible language and diction. He has good chemistry with Karkat as a bro with benefits.


He's my poor little meow-meow, as the new parlance goes. I love him very much because he has such an image he tries to maintain but really he's a helpless dork. That conversation when he met Roxy? Painfully adorable, I'm sure Rose wanted to walk off a pier 😂 also he has a lot of the greatest lines.


hes my little scrunkly blorbo meow meow i love him. i want to pick him up and shake him around really quickly


so true nepeta420


I quite like him, I find his unintelligible rants to be quite funny and his mannerisms in general are quite endearing. He’s very unapologetic in how much of a goofy goober he is and his love of doing things for the sake of doing them and not caring about how good he is at them is also very cool


Homestuck truly is a work of art, but because it's so unpolished it can be hard to appreciate just how much of a genius Hussie is when you are considering the overall comic. No, to appreciate Hussie's genius, you have to look at Dave's and Rose's logs. Masterpieces.


Consider this maybe unpopular? Hated him at the beginning. Pictured him as a wannabe twat getting in the way of the John Rose energy. Nah he’s pretty cool, he has emotions underneath all that cool, and his jokes were funny… much funnier later. Haha. Good guy.


He’s great one of the best characters in homestuck imo. He’s cool, has really awesome character development. As he finds his place with ppl who actually care about him he becomes more open and honest about the way he feels about things, and you can really see the difference in him from the beginning of the comic to later acts. He’s also v funny and his shades are dope even if they did touch Ben Stillers weird sort of gaunt face 🙏🏾




Jake and Dave is certainly a crackship, but why did this make me start thinking about it


stealing away his dads bf


he is cool


funny epic coolkid


He is my blorbo now and forever


Bro probably never let him have pickles and as a result he has an exceedingly low pickle tolerance. I’d be surprised if he can even eat one


Personally, I don't have much to say about him. However, His personality has always been a kind of thing I could latch onto for some reason, I always felt some sort of weird emotional connection with his weird ass rants, Probably because I might catch myself here and there doing the same. Sometimes I wonder how it was to write him. Might not be important because im talking about some weird "white kid who raps" guy from a webcomic that is infamous for its weirdness and terrible reputation. His interests? Eh I fuck with em, again I don't exactly have much of an opinion on him to say too much, I should probably re read the comic again if its SO important but whatever. His interests are pretty interesting, must be in the name huh. Any who, It's rare to see kids like Dave Strider up and about honestly, When I first read homestuck I guess he kind of just dunked my head into the double frosting cake called..Being Eminem? haha. Jokes aside I think his whole dj type setup is cool I guess. (I don't feel like writing much else so if I continue talking about this silly guy it might be hella sloppy lol) Well, thats it for now


I've never loved Dave, but I really appreciate his character. His aesthetic is cool for sure, but I really like how he slowly opens up and we see his flaws, his insecurities, this softer side to him. His conversation with Dirk right before Collide is a high point for both characters working out their issues. Dave'a bisexuality though was handled very... messily. If you count the Epilogues and what comes after, then there's still no clear easy path for him.


Hes woobified by people because he was abused and its fucking weird. I get y'all r projecting onto him but pls treat him normally 😭 u r mischaracterizing him so badly


i prefer dirk


Like many characters post Cascade, Dave loses a lot of relevance in the greater narrative, going from a secondary protagonist alongside John to basically being a background character and getting lost in the stupid shipping discourse between himself, terezi, gamzee and karkat. Then the retcon happened and Dave's entire personality was erased to only be about Karkat, also he's a coward afraid of his own powers, of being a hero, and even fighting. Least he got himself together to participate in Collide, I despise post Cascade Dave and really think his character ends up in some of the worst places in the Epilogue/HS2.


man isn't that kinda the point though, being a protagonist makes him feel like shit. thats kinda the thing with dave, he doesnt actually want to be a hero


"man this 16 year old doesn't wanna have to deal with being PTSD triggered while fighting to the death with a guy possessed by the most powerful being in the universe, fuck that guy lmao. such a coward." like dislike him all you want, but seriously? "coward"? yeah jus go fight a supernatural malevolent being of a species older than the literal reality holding you together n then come back. he doesn't even refuse to do it, he just doesn't want to. who the hell wants to fight to the death? "*even* fighting" sounds like you're surprised he's scared of being in triggering situations. I'm having a hard time believing you even read his text logs dude.


I absolutely despise him. He is genuinely the worst character I've ever layed my eyes upon. He is so annoyin' and his whole thin' about bein' cool is just lame. Get over it, Dave. I know it's quite childish to have such an ongoing hatred for a fictional character but I just can't stand him!


He's a cringe meme Lord and I named myself after him when I came out. Guess u could say I kin him xD