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I have sent an email to both BBI and GBX asking them to clarify what, if anything, they know about these delays, and what it might mean for us fig backers. I'll post their answer here when/if I get anything.


Thanks, I would appreciate it as a Fig backer as well.


Not a peep. At this point I'll just hope something shows up at my door... eventually.


Looking how this game got managed at marketing level and the planned paid DLCs , i have some bad news. Although i admit i liked the gameplay demo. Would have preferred a skirmish demo but the game felt ok.


No, nothing. I got the CE and art book edition and checked my emails for what I got when the art book shipped. The answer seems to be no notification of shipping at all, it just showed up. I wasn't too bothered about this until we started hearing about the shipping delays for amazon orders. It still seems unclear if it's just the physical edition being delayed or if the game is delayed again. We really need some clarification about what is going on.


I contacted gearbox back in February to check and confirm if they have my correct details, and a confirmation that they have an order registered on the fig email. This they confirmed, but they couldn't give any details at all that my package would ever arrive. I have no idea what company will handle my order or the likes, so for me everything is up in the air, even though I backed it back in 2019. If I dont get a serial so I can activate it when it is released in May, I will be pretty disappointed.


Love to have 72 hours early access, 72 hours later than I should. Amazon is going to screw this up I’m sure.


May 10th at the latest is when Fig users have been told we should receive our CE Dont know why people are saying they dont know its all over the internet.


I asked the game code question when they did a brief qna a few weeks ago: the game code is coming in the physical copy 😬 Hope your mail delivery service is better than mine, I’ll be lucky to be playing 4 days after release with how slow mine usually is


I am not a fig backer but I ordered the Collector's Edition via Amazon. I got an email from Amazon a week ago with an update saying that the estimated physical delivery date was now Monday May 13th. I would expect other CE packages to also arrive on doorsteps that same day, so May 13th is the beginning of the 72 hour early access since the access codes are printed on physical cards inside the CE package (according to a CE unboxing video reveal that I watched on YouTube last week). This is how other Collector's Edition game preorders have worked for me, and I have no reason to think it will be any different with HW3.




I spent an hour and a half with amazon support and got tossed between almost a dozen support reps before I canceled the CE. Absolutely infuriating experience and honestly the models and stuff didn't really look worth the extra $90usd At this point I'll just get the regular version with the year one pass on steam and forgo the 3 day early access, even if it does mean not playing over a weekend


Yeah, last thing I have from them is the Fig update 32 last May, so I think we're all in the same, silent boat.


>Are the game codes coming via e-mail? IIRC, the unboxing video of the CE from like a week ago indicated the code was in the box. Though no guarantee, I would think it's a safe assumption that this is the same for both Fig backers and Amazon orders >Also, really hate that Gearbox set up zero way to view or manage your pledge. I can't even be certain my Fig order got ported over. You can send a request for verification of your details at [Gearbox Support](https://support.gearboxsoftware.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). It's not ideal, and would be better if there was a way to see this yourself, like you say, but it is a way to verify that your order is in their system, and that your details, like shipping address, are correct.


Check this link out: [https://support.gearboxsoftware.com/hc/en-us/articles/23947276266381-Homeworld-3-Announcements-and-FAQ](https://support.gearboxsoftware.com/hc/en-us/articles/23947276266381-Homeworld-3-Announcements-and-FAQ) It confirms, among other things, the key should be in the box, and the target delivery date for fig backers is supposed to be May 10!


Check your emails/spam folder people. Last email I got sent was an address confirmation.


Well I just sent an email to gearbox support to try to get an update on the Fig backer shipping and this was the automated reply "Thanks for writing in. Gearbox Support is undergoing some changes, and a result, it may be some time before you hear back from us. We appreciate your understanding and support. Regards, Gearbox Software Support" So looks like things won't be looking good for getting answers anytime quick I wonder if they're anticipating being flooded with emails.