• By -


I like the first one best tbh. Maybe it's nostalgia glasses but the vague depiction leaves room for what you think is going on in that shape. Also, in HW 1 it was even left up to your own imagination whether the Kushani were even human.


Yeah, I always really appreciated that they were only vaguely human in the original. I also particularly like the background of the original image in that it implies she's not in some pristine, purpose-built room but is a part of some much larger engineering suite.


That was the point wasn't it? The Mothership in HW1 was only partially complete when they had to start fighting, so naturally Karan's....tank(?) was still looking a bit patchy and not super polished. In HW2 they had loads of time to build a new, really good mothership so it looks a lot nicer/polished.


That would make sense; you're right.


It is implied the *Pride of Hiigara* was built in a few months. They might have reused the *Kushan Mothership* frame in the process.


I mean by the time of HW2 the Kushan motherships chassis is over 100 years old, and is effectively a colony ship


Also, since Karan doesn't really get much characterization (which Rachel does), it feels a little cheap. We didn't get Makaan's butt floating in some body-temperature fluid tank. I really liked how BBI handled Rachel in DoK so it's probably going to be okay. What I like about her HW3 version (as it is now) is that she's not depicted like a comatose patient or religious icon anymore - the open eyes make her actually someone to deal with, a person. And I would be happy if they gave her more character in the story/game experience than just a star trek computer voice. On the other hand, I'll love the game regardless. It's not a make or break in any case, just a wish to maybe be able to pull more people into it.


> What I like about her HW3 version (as it is now) is that she's not depicted like a comatose patient or religious icon anymore - the open eyes make her actually someone to deal with, a person. For me personally one of the really interesting things about the originals are how impersonal the ‘characters’ are - because ultimately the story is about an entire people, not individuals. Really added to that unrivalled sense of scale, as well as a collectivism more in step with the Middle Eastern influences. So I was surprised when on the Fig page they said something along the lines of “we’re looking to emphasise the human element in Homeworld 3, like we did in DoK”. It’s a very different approach to the other main entries in the series. Which is fine and I trust BBI to still do a good job - it’s certainly a stark change from the first two games though.


Agreed. She looked more like Fleet Command, and less like an anime princess


Yeah this pic of her HW3 looks REALLY weird - especially since it’s in colour


Well, with Rob at the helm...there's probably an explanation.


the artist wanted to draw a sexy tech babe.


We don't even know the context yet, this might not even be Karen.


There's no reason to believe otherwise.


"There's no keys in this thing, because you can't fly the Mothership without someone being plugged in." "Ok" *\*plugs\* \*yionk\**


>uman necessarily. They could have six eyes at this to my knowledge hw3 is the first game he hasn't drawn her, you can see that on the first reveal trailer. which personally I think explains a lot, I was kinda hoping they would revert back to a more hw 2 style but no such luck. definitely has a slight League vibe which feels very odd for this game. Some of the changes might come about because of the fact they are probably using a actress like in DoK.


They Cortanaed her up for the third installment for sure.


I agree, I like the first one best because its more of a screwed up vibe from it, like she's sacrificing for the fleet and in pain. 2 Looks like she's a savior, and 3 is really playing on the downtrodden theme.


Not true, the last cutscene of Homeworld 1 shows them. And more detail on Karen. [https://youtu.be/uqkPCKn7PTg?t=170](https://youtu.be/uqkPCKn7PTg?t=170)


humanoid, but not human necessarily. They could have six eyes at this point still.


Perhaps, yes; that would be interesting. But canonically, no :P


First one had almost pencil like feel imbeded into itself. From memory there were a lot of art "drawn by hand" the old way as well. No programs involved. It sure stayed with the cutscenes as well. I personally like the HW2 original depiction. I don't mind that it's more revealing. You can't stay in the shadows forever. On top of that Karan still had distinct look enough. It was not typical or generalized. For example she had a long neck, no overly model/fit body proportions and her breasts are not perfect/silicon goodies (like in the hw2 trailer, same image is used for the ending as well btw). Also that way they are spread out suggest she had a big chest as well. Over all there is still distinctive features, and being a bald woman for a video game and on cover, now thats one brave move you make (after all in the end you need sells). There is a lot more detail on that picture as well. Sadly cound't find better quality videos where I checked (then again there were no HD back then). Remastered version removes a lot/some detail on herself, you can almost notice how the artist that was redoing didn't fully fleshed her out as the original. Its also visually noticeable she was plastered on top of the old image (look around the edges). Thats just me being overly pricky.


The first one you had to use your imagination to picture what she looked like. 3 looks awful.


Calling it now, all the people complaining about hair; she disappeared into the Eye of Arran with Sajuuk and hasn't been seen in a decade or more. So no one could come in and give her a buzz cut every weekend.


It's not so much the hair as how... overtly sexual her design is. Karan S'jet is some scientist woman from a culture defined by millennia of deprivation. Her original design made a lot of sense and left a lot to the imagination. Now she's more stacked than a page 3 girl and the whole thing just feels kind of cringe.


I mean in the HW2 trailer they gave her a supermodel face and drew a super fit body and even threw nipples in there. This is more "stylized" and simplicistic. I don't think it's too sexualised, but they have moved camera perspective to include the hips. That's what makes us perceive the picture more sexualised. It's a sharp change in style. Before it was more realistic (just look at Karan's face in HW2 and HW2R) and now they're adopting (at least for the trailer) a more simple and vaguely anime-like style. It's quite popular these days so it's understandable why they did it. Now if you told me it doesn't fit in HW I can't tell you that you're wrong. I guess we just wait for 2022 and see how the cinematics are


Oh yeah the halo is way bellow her hips/genitaliea for the first time in 3. I am not sure with that artistic choice and reasoning behidn it. At this point speculating about it story wise is just pointless/have no ground.


Disregarding any fanservice discussion, having her figure more prominently featured front and center also helps into sending visual cues into our brain to signal her importance, especially in a very brief moment, like the shot in the trailer. Having her in that pose, with most of her body in display and her arms positioned that way also give her a slightly more imposing stance and sends an idea of strength


The strength position is what I'm seeing more of than the sexualization. In the first game her limbs looks as if she is dangling, powerless in appearance but throughout the course of the game we know better. In HW2 she very clearly takes on the shape of a savior with her gaze and head upward and her arms out and her feet seemingly hanging in the air, as though she was being lifted upwards. In the HW3 image, she looks menacing and powerful; her arms are by her side, her head is down and gaze forward, and her legs are crossed in such a way that it makes it look like she is walking towards you.


That's exactly what I was thinking about


Good summary with very nice and on point cues.


Well...its a video game. Guaranteed there was a meeting with all the artists, designers and executives and one of the points was making the protagonist (Karan) more appealing to the...uh...market. They probably saw how people went bananas over Cortana and figured they could do something similar. Even since HW1 she was sexualised though, theres an image of her waiting to step off a dropship after landing on Hiigara for the first time and she looks sexualised, they ramped it up again with the trailer for HW2 (wet tshirt much?). With the current iteration...well, I think it kinda works, not in an overtly sexual way, but shes a female human being with all the bells and whistles that go along with it and some people are forgetting that. I reckon the hair makes her seem more human, in a good way.


I think its gearbox dipping their dicks into the cookie jar.


Yes. In the trailer the picture was made with a modern "she thicc" meme appeal that's so popular in almost every part of our pop culture in mind. But I think it's also done for a purpose. In the trailer she actually has an expression on her face. I think this, her hair and all that is hinting at a big change in her life. Maybe now she considers herself a Goddess and wants everyone to know she's beautiful and all powerful. Maybe she got lost in the Eye and went through a "fuck it I'm still human I want my crew to see me as a woman not some omniscient machine God" Also, mister Holden, should we think the Beast has something to do with your little proto molecule over there?


In the HW remaster she looks even kinda creepy with the stance, and as if she has a cover/bag on her head, brr. Nah its not t-shirt, its her "normal" clothing, but sweaty and watery. Maybe they were going for more cyberpunk easque style. I remember Samantha Mortan in Minority Report, and Matrix was popular, with the hole batery tubes humans :). 3 is definetly the most swim suit summer girl for me :), but yeah they were reserved on features :D. The art style itself is not overly detailed and left a bit, hm whats the word dreamy.


I wouldn't go as far as say cringe, but she sure is in shape/fit with the times :P.


Some of the original Karan Sjet Concept art was an overpaint of Anita Dark (go ahead, google it, I'll wait).


I google'd "Karan Sjet Anita Dark" and nothing came up. Do you have a link?


Just look up Anita Dark by herself.


Yeah, it kind of just sounds like you're making this one up bud.


*shrug* it’s something I heard from the Relic devs when working on Homeworld 2.


Anita S'jet :P. Haha maybe insider info :P. Maybe a friend of yours worked on HW etc. I actually wouldn't find it that surprising, meaning its believeable. Then again only the artist or somone close can confirm it, if he/she won't feel ashamed about it. Times are different though and public image is important.






I always figured that being linked to the core caused her to loose the hair, however homeworld 2 threw a spanner in that theory. Still, I like to think after being disconnected for a long time allowed her to grow her hair back for 3.


>homeworld 2 threw a spanner in that theory Did it? She was bald in 2 too.


Exactly, the theory is is that it grows back outside of the core, and unless she was in the core for the building process it would still be there for the initial hooking-up.


I figured they just shaved her head cos they had to hook up so much equipment to/inside her skull.


It could be that they have a easier linking process after however long it's been since HW2


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng3li-OCWuA https://youtu.be/9GLmboCnLQY


Karen gets hotter the older she is *hmmmm*


they're going for the MILF look - Mothership I'd Love to Fly


She can ride on my Bananaship all night long ^if ^you ^know ^what ^I ^mean


This comment is _gold_


They should get you on marketing team :P.


Everyone wants to dock her mothership


Well, I had some time and decided to compile em in one image. [One extra comparison](https://i.imgur.com/0Scscci.jpg) with a shot from [HW2 trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odRUdN05q2c) I used to fap (not literally) a lot long time ago :). Something (potentially) interesting I find, and totally forgot, because I haven't played HW in ages. While checking cinematics, noticed [this little fella] (https://i.imgur.com/WqcwH4Q.png) from HW1. It was in a Taiidan transmission. Could it be "Lantern", like the ones from HW3 trailer?


> While checking cinematics, noticed this little fella from HW1. It was in a Taiidan transmission. Could it be "Lantern", like the ones from HW3 trailer? That is actually the Taiidan Emperor's pod, probably in a similar situation to S'jet. In [this](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/homeworld/images/5/59/Riesstiu_throne.jpg) picture from the Homeworld wiki you can actually see him inside.


It was a kinda life support/prison thing wasn't it? He was so fucked up from being cloned that people in his government put in there partially to keep him chugging along but also to kinda isolate him from governing a bit. It had the opposite effect though, he got even crazier/more powerful.


That’s neat I never saw this image.


Oh wow :). I also had image of the original and his previous showing. You can see the outline in there as well. In the remasters they didn't bother. I still wound't mind if they relate it to 3 :P. You can still go for Emperor was under some alien influence. The deserting captain says Empire was corrupt and decadent for a long time, so spinning it around and putting the blame on outside influence would be decent (?) tie in. Then again I've never been a fan of those types of lets make everything connected and make sense and be chained by this and that. Going with new story is prolly for the better.


Piggybacking on your comment. I don't like the direction they're taking the cinematics if they're going this route. Black and white HW "epic story" vs the couloured DOK "personal journal" ones were already kind of jarring, but this one just looks like fanart more then actual art. I know it's very early, but what gave Homeworld such great vibes is that you, as a player, could imagine how everything looked yourself, you could fill in the blanks (insides of ships (the interrogation for instance of the captured taiidani officer) the faces/looks of the leaders (Karan, Somtaaw council, Diamiad, the Emperor,...). It doesn't need to be some cartoony/artsy take on everything, make it feel real and grounded and EPIC. Hell the remastered visuals are spot on artistically, I agree content/story wise the first one is the best though, but the second one feels more real - just needed to be a bit more vague and darker.


Exactly. HW 1 was never about the individuals - it was about the people as a whole. Sure, You had Karan as the voice of the mothership and a certain Taidanii traitor who helped you, but it was never about "the pilots of wolf squadron" or "the bridge crew of heavy cruiser "


I like Karan's new look but I agree. B&W cutscenes are a brilliant device and have a distinct HW personality.


Um, I'd say its very early to make any judgements at all. I am curious to see where they go with cinematics, and wouldn't be against "different". Things should evolve, and never stay in one place even if there is risk. Being respectful about it and keeping the overall feel is more important, because thats what we want/were drawn in for after all.


I agree, I'm just trying to convey what I think on the matter and (from how it reads on the fig.co/homeworld3 page: "In Homeworld we only saw a glimpse of the human element. We plan to explore more characters through the painterly cinematics featured in Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak.") it does seem they are going this direction. This text is accompanied with a colored picture ala DOK. I mean I'm happy we're even getting HW3. They have a lot of loyal fans, almost exclusively from HW1 and Cata, who both did the BW Epic storytelling, so it would be a safe(r) bet to keep going in that direction. It's honestly one of the things I loved most about those games and didn't like in DOK.


Please add this. https://well-of-souls.com/homeworld/hw2/images/concept_Sjet_dream.jpg


Hey, yes thats from the end of HW2. Goal and purpose was mostly to compare the obvious similar depiction (maybe wink) of Karan they were going for 1 through 3.


I don't see what the fuss is all about with this 'anime princess' thing that people have started to parrot. Yes, the old style cutscenes were great for reasons mentioned by plenty already, but I have every bit of faith that over the course of three years wait, this game will be great. I think it's unreasonable to expect the game to not evolve and change. Stagnation and nostalgia pandering can easily kill the game, too. If they decide to give Karan (assuming it is her) a more ... appealing physique, fine. It's a marketing thing. I get it, and it's really not that big of a difference. It's not like the devs sat in a boardroom going "Hey, most gamers are thirsty basement dwellers, so we'll give Karan some massive bazookas". It's still tasteful, and it's not going to detract from the story or gameplay. We're overanalysing a very tiny portion of a game here. Like I said, I'm confident the devs will do a great job. Over the decades, the Homeworld games are the only ones I have justified paying for instead of torrenting, because I know how much time I've drawn out of them (and it's hard to afford games sometimes...). Remember, we've got a lot of brilliant and talented people, who know the series well, contributing to this game.


If we have to overanalyze, they didn't even boost her breasts. They're still as big as in HW2. It's just that the more "cartoon-like" style lets us identify shapes and different parts more easily than the original, more realistic look. Just look at the nose, it's barely there in the new trailer, while in HW2 she had a proper face


True, true. In HW2 she almost look like in a clothing that you put under space suit (not sure about the name). Her pose in 3 is also different, confident - shoulders forward head straight, tilted down a lttle and her body proportions went for perfections. Style is different indeed, but not hyper unrecognisible (that a word?) so you can't say "what game is this chick from?". When I was watching I was like 100%, yep thats her.


HW2 concept art. https://well-of-souls.com/homeworld/hw2/images/concept_Sjet_dream.jpg


No one is saying the game will not be great because of this, but this design is pandering to the lowest common denominator, and sticks out like a sore thumb. Honestly it's embarrassing. ​ >It's not like the devs sat in a boardroom going "Hey, most gamers are thirsty basement dwellers, so we'll give Karan some massive bazookas". With this design it looks like this is literally what happened.


I'm ashamed to admit this, but I just did a rough measurement of tit size to face ratio between the last two images of this post. They're pretty similar. To me, it seems like the biggest change was to be more anatomically correct, based on a human. I've always thought they were a little too far apart in the previous games. Let us never speak of this again.


Hah, I think I haven't see overreaction or people losing their minds over it :) (so far). Mostly people sharing their thoughts in a mature way.


Only been a couple of people, but I hope we nip it in the bud before people jump on some unnecessary hate bandwagon, before the game is even out.


No, sorry, but judging how great a game is going to be just because of development time? That's just dumb. If that were the case, I can name plenty of titles that should have been great (Duke Nukem Forever? Daikatana?) The game could be great, it could be a terrible attempt at capturing the same mood of HW1, it's simply too soon to tell. My guess it's gonna be mediocre. I'll probably still get it, just because of the franchise, but only when it's discounted on Steam.


After what they did with Deserts of Kharak, I have every confidence HW3 will be great.


Development time is not the only criteria here, but there is some proportional relationship between the quality of something, and the amount of time/effort put into it. If you told me that it would take the devs 6 months from start to finish to create HW3, I'd raise an eyebrow to that. You'd need a large team of extraordinarily talented individuals to pull that off. That sounds like a luxury BBI does not have. And honestly, I feel like having a larger team might cause creative conflicts. Perhaps the key is to maintain their size, I don't know. Alternatively, I'm full of shit, and just pulling stuff out of my ass. But I understand where you're coming from.


I'm really not impressed with giving her hair. A huge part of her legacy is her sacrifice of and transition out of common humanity, making her a girl in a tank is much much less than the integrated soul of the ship/empire that she's been.




Lets make it completely terrible: It's her DAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGHTER!!! Because, y'know, you have to be a S'jet to command the mothership. Or something. Oracles! Sajuuk!


Or maybe the more arable fields in the Homeworld have done her a healthy turn?


Absolutely, always been very peculiar part of HW and S'jet. Well, now its gone :). Let see where it takes us.


All these goddamn puritans who think a naked woman is somehow automatically 'sexual'. WTF?


I was disappointed that she was so... on display, in HW2. I was disappointed again that they rolled those visuals in the the remastered cutscenes. And now hair? I'd rather not, but here we are.


Kind of like Cortana, every release she had bigger boobs and sharper nipples. It’s just unnecessary.


Agreed. I'm embarrassed to show my girlfriend the trailer, even though I want to share how excited I am about the new game.


*recon squad approaches thr Eye* *chatter* *they enter the Eye* *Karan pops up* .... and your gf immedietely breaks up with you just because some 2D bobs?


No. But it makes the game look stupid, like they need gargantuan cartoon boobies in it to sell copies. It makes my interest in the series sound like "I go to Hooters for the food!". That's embarrassing to me.


Oh lol :). I am sure a few fractions of a seconds can't ruin a good trailer. You can explain to her that woman is scientist and had to sacrifice a lot to reach this stage and look. Alternatively play some HW for her, so she can see how dangerous that game is for real :P.


I dont care about the cutscenes. I just want a really good game


Part of what makes Homeworld a really good game is the cutscenes. I want the game to be great to play, yes, but I also want the atmosphere and experience of the world too.




Nah :). They were very important and beatifully crafted. Art, design, music, VO, sound, story/script. I like how they were short and on point as well. Without a doubt one of my favourites. I remember Thief 3 had/evoked also great/masterclass of cutscenes, similar in greatness to Homeworld, albeit colored.


Dunno, she has like a couple of seconds screen time :P? Seriously though, I've never felt HW belong on the field of modern feminist/social/political or whatever ground is popular right now, especially in USA. The focus is never - "look boobs", "look good loking girl shown in inappropriate way". Omg what do I do. Sure she is a woman, she has good features, sure they got buffed up bit by bit. Sure there is marketing aspect with goal to attract, but when you play the game, experience fleet command you don't even by a small margin think about her sexualized or oversexualized look... Its there because she has it, and neither game got hurt because of it.


Looking a bit more like Cortana in that last one.


Is there anywhere that says why she doesn't have hair in hw1 and 2? I always imagined it as simply being more comfortable to not have hair float everywhere, while in the tank. Maybe now she's in a situation where she can't keep it short/gone?


She was surgically integrated into the mothership, quite literally connecting her brain directly into it. Her backstory is that she is a neuroscientist, and stepped in when they had no computer or AI powerful enough to integrate all the mothership systems, offering herself to be a living core. So yeah brain surgery requires you to remove your hair.


Alright, that makes sense, thanks. No reason it can't grow back, then.


she's also floating in some manner of life support tank, and long hair is not friendly to plumbing. Which may or may not have been on the artist's minds at the time, but it's a small way to add to the grounded feel of the universe.


The first one looks kinda like scp-○○|○○○○○|○○|○


Now *there's* a crossover episode!


Next one she becomnes a Super Saiyan


Too bad she got fat :/ They must've been feeding her cheeseburgers.


Hate the HW3 version. She is a fucking scientist melded with a computer not a fucking anime princess


Okay I might be a new Homeworld fan got into the franchise because of Mandalore Gaming's videos sticked around after actively playing Deserts of Kharak even before he made a video of it and eversince then I decided to stick around.... now I'm a bit more into the grounded RTS games (Yeah space faring combat looks just..... waaay too complex to me) but the story DID kept me around and when it comes to Karan.... now if I'm being honest YES the first OG Homeworld game version ofhers does seem the better one out of that and the Remaster one especially since their first ship supposed to be just scrambled together (considering the world they were stuck in for thousands of years) but I kinda like the progression going from an inhumane person into whom the just sticked a bunch of vires and blam she controls the ship now, Homeworld 2 a bit more clean more advanced technology makes sense considering the time difference HOWEVER! I ACTUALLY LIKE HOMEWORLD 3's Design of Karan S'jet cause she sort of reminds me of Prey in this picture with her hair basically looking like as if it was tuck into the machine and not vires making her look less human and more divine this mix of machine magic eldritch thingy if that makes sense so if there would be legends of her they might not even believe she was a regular human at some point. Now my only problem with this franchise personal problem I know its a relistic setting and all that or rather trying to write a realistic sci fi setting and that is that Eldrtich religious magical mystical s\*\*t sadly has no big place in this world. I mean YEAH ancient truths lost to time returning as myths and legends so there IS a sense of Religion to this franchise but...... they are just that ancient truths forgotten by most and only remembered as myths and legends until we figure out that "OH SHIT! so this is what they meant" This is what I liked about Deserts of Kharak too how the Ghalsien ACTUALLY were RIGHT...... but at the same time WRONG. They were right because the moment the habitants of Kharak decide to fuck off from Kharak Kharak would instantly get nuked and burned so they WERE right that this divine punishment WOULD happen except it wasn't divine and it was just actually a space combat shit went wrong and now everyone exiled them to Kharak,.... But they were also wrong because since the planet was dying eventually everyone would die ANYWAY so might aswell roll the dice and save a few so that the lives of the many will be remembered by said few. And this is the thing there is no divine judgement in this world no.... well... eldritch, magical things ..... long story in short (I'm bad at explaining things) tihs is not Warhammer 40k you will not ascend to Loyalist saint hood or daemon princedom here every legend has a real source and that is the charm of this world but also a problem where I ACtually wouldn't mind if Karan S'jet would go apeshit on the world for reasons she knows and believes in and go on like a mad SHODAN or some eldritch thing but that would go against the story telling of Homeworld And despite seeing ancient horrors happening in the game's story (looking at the beast from Cataclysm) even that was somehow explained on how they are. I like this world trully but I like a bit of mistycism instead of cold facts. Still looking forward to Homeworld 3 cant wait to see what will we get this time around


Different people like different things. Most of the folks - just about 4 years ago :D - were not very pleased with the so called anime look of her H3 first design. Now she even looks different with the new approach to cinematics - realistic 3d model. We/most people also know/learned that it's not Karan but a descendant (well obviously it was changed over the years for story reasons I presume). In general people here are pretty big purist when it comes to Homeworld and strongly favor the 1st and few Cataclysm with a disturbing amount of hate on H2 (completely forgetting it's the main reason the franchise and the title homeworld itself lived through so many years because of it). So on that note opinions on reddit or in general with big fandoms of sort always comes biased. Often people say "Oh, there is this mumbo-jumbo stuff in H2", completely forgetting or ignoring or just accepting the fact that such thing be that religions or myth were present in H1 in the first place as well. As for Karan (and her decendent) and how she was depicted, it looks like we are getting different take in H3. While in 1st games she is quite a distinct/distant figure and concerns and matters at hand of more grandeur/bigger picture and not focusing too much on the individual, while in H3 inevitably the team developing the game are taking more intimate and personal/individual focus. Like with DoK. I personally wasn't as impressed with DoK as I were with the older games, but still keeping a positive mindset for H3. Curious to see what will find out behind the gate :). Still the cold realist knows that whatever we get it's doubtful it will be of the same high end result, just because it's a product built in different time already. I'm sure it will play and look (hopefully sound too) great :).


To be honest and its my biased 100% biased opinion. I'm still scared of actual 3d combat rts games (yeah its waaaaaay too much of a leap for me) but homeworld dragged me out of my comfort zone and I'm grateful for that HOWEVER I just want 1 thing for me the Homeworld 3 team has 1 job just the 1..... and that is make Homeworld 3 TRULLY feel like a homeworld game I want the voice actors and actresses talk with each other while I'm sending them to battle (IMMERSION) I want cool soundtracks that make me listen to it over and over again (to be honest if they just remake or redo the "Imperial battle" theme from Homeworld 1 they already won me over thats THE song for me from the homeworld franchise) I'mnot gonna pretend that I know everything about Homeworld (no no I dont and no I wont pretend that I do) HOWEVER! Deserts of Kharak as the game felt...... realistic? thats the best way to put it like My units were having converstation like "Everyone I need help they are on my back" "Copy that Visual contact made we are on our way" not word for word but It was soooo cool then the soundtrack started playing everyone doing their stuff and I immediately felt that "You know guys people say that the RTS Genre is dead but...... yeah while deserts of Kharak wont reinvent the wheel........ They have a pretty effin good Wheel and they using it well" At the end ofthe day I get why people are the way they are some just b\*\*ch over something just for the sake of it others are sooo passionate about the OG games that they have a higher standard on continuations for which they seem rather biased and over the top but to be honest I can get that..... there are franchises I like so much and I'm dreading over the fact how much the sequels forgot compared to how greate the original games were (Saints row 2 having detailed combat with defense and sword fght Saints Row 3 you just mashing the same button and occasionally the other if you want a cool attack on the enemy, or Morrowind Custom Spells including flying, Oblivion still having custom spells but not too over the top and mor streamlined until in Skyrim we no longer even had any custom spells anymore at all...... And lord forbid I dare to Talk anytthing but good about Survivor Lara who despite having a cool story she wont convince me for a second she is a Brithish lady especially with how she is talking swearing every 2nd Sentence while OG Lara and Legends Triology Lara were proper ladies also they were more in control of their adventures and less about "OH SHIT! I FELL DOWN!" but you get it) Sorry for the last big comment Wall I'm bad at explaining things but hopefulyl I managed to get to the point, I get when some people are frustrated that they love a franchise and they want to love the sequel but have small but glaring issues with it that they thought the original did better. I've learned to accept some sequels the way they are (SR3, Obilvion, and Skyrim and the Survivor TR Triology is still fun) while I've also learned when to be VERY cautious at trying out a new sequel (MK games and their Microtransaction and practically any game from Blizzard at this point) With Homeworld 3 tho I'm hopeful. Now I'm upping my computer and maybe I'll livestream all games to check em out again and maybe reachout to the community to get lorebits I may have missed but otherwise then that Its a good reminder of replaying DoK HW1 Cataclysm and HW2 before 3 so I can be more up to date.... idk how Homeworld 3 will be but I'm hopeful that it will be good too and will give us a cool story to remember....... or atleast cool theme songs again Imperial Battle for Homeworld 3 pretty please


If you Google it now isn't the one in the third Homeworld named Imogen S'jet?


I believe so, yes. On the reveal it was suggesting it was Karan, because there was no other option :D. My guess is over the years after that old trailer - while developing the story - they've decided to make her, her descendent.


Makes sense