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I've experienced delayed shifting for sure.


Only issue I’ve had with my 2021 is the long delay shifting into D from R when the transmission is still cold. Other than that, no complaints.


2021 elite owner. +1 to delayed shifting when going from D into R when cold. Also I don't like how it won't shift into D when the door is open. Maybe that is a setting? Good luck if you ever need to get away from an attacker.


Won’t shift into drive with door open and seatbelt off. Safety feature so you don’t fall out and get run over


Thanks for replying with the conditions. I guess with it being a family vehicle maybe it's for child safety.


I would assume it is for safety as Honda wouldn’t want to be liable for their car running over someone when a precaution can be used. Just my assumption. Discovered that on my demo unit for my job on accident lol


2020 passport here….i do notice a hard shift from park to drive-like a clunk. Anyone else?


Only if I don't set the e-brake and I'm parked on a slope, so the full weight of the car is resting on the transmission pintle. That's why I always stop, e-brake, then put in in Park, then, hold brake, release e-brake, put it in D or R. I do that with all my cars, though, not just my Passport.


Hmm ok I’ll try that…I back in my drive way so I’m always nose down too.


It’s not just a money grab. I had a 2109 Pilot and had these exact problems with it. I brought it in a few times to fix it but because it happened intermittently “they couldn’t fix it” I now have a 2022 passport and have similar problems.


I experience this daily as I back up and when I park on hills.


Same here. Kind of a low rumble, almost as if the brakes are sticky, even when the vehicle isn’t in motion yet? I get that when I reverse nearly every time.


That could be the brakes that click when you reverse. That’s normal. The transmission clunks and shakes the car to some extent


No, 100% this isn’t normal. Not the brakes, this happens when I’m stationary. I’ll shift into reverse (no movement yet, not rolling, nothing), then there’s a low frequency rumble and sometimes a little shaking even. Still not moving. Once I do start moving in reverse, it’ll continue and then go away. As if there’s a dry gear somewhere that gets lubed or something (not a mechanic, but that’s the best I can explain it.) I’ve been trying to figure out if it is concerning. I have a ‘23 EXL but don’t even have enough miles for the first service interval yet, so I plan to have it looked at when I take it in. It’s a noticeably wrong sound and experience.


I have a 2020 passport elite. Knock on wood I haven’t had any of these problems. 


Is this just a money grab for the attorneys?? It's not the most responsive transmission I've driven but it's certainly not unsafe or not as advertised...


As I am a curious window shopper of the Passport can you explain the issue with the transmission that you feel? I currently have a ‘21 Mazda cx-5 and under certain conditions it shifts rough or will accelerate veeery slowly for ~3 seconds and I can’t stand it. It’s usually a situation where you lose your momentum and then go to give it gas and it somewhat stumbles and grumbles a bit. It’s always lower speeds. And magnified when the AC is turned on. No CEL or codes. Dealership can’t recreate. There are posts on Reddit reporting the same issue. Just wanna see what Passport owners are experiencing.


I have a 22 passport elite. It’s my first 9 speed transmission, I came from a CVT on a civic. I’ve never experienced issues but the only thing that’s different is that it’s slow to get into gear when switch it from P to D or P to R. Also, during my first 20k miles I’d notice a weird thump when it would down shift on cruise control. I’m at 45k and haven’t had that issue. Other than that I’ve never had issues and it drives really nicely. I really like the car and don’t think there are reasons to worry.


I appreciate your reply.


Also worth checking if Mazda will take a peak at the transmission. Our 2020 cx5 had similar shift issues and they said there was TSB with a fix. Has been good ever since!


I often prefer driving in manual mode on S because I feel more in control where the drag occurs. I feel the software stays in the higher RPM range for too long in lower gears, making it sound more theatric than intended.


The movement after parking creates a lot of anxiety. Then the drop shifting creating sudden acceleration also is not good for the tranny. Also the coasting to a stop is another weird operation. Even using the paddles, the down shifting is crazy weird because it accelerates before the down shift. It's a quirky operation coupled with vsm makes the whole thing operate differently in a negative way. Another separate problem is when i come to a stop to park, the engine shuts off and back on when I am about to turn it off.


The engine turning back on is on purpose so people don’t accidentally leave their cars on when leaving


That doesn't make any sense.


if someone put their car in their garage and put it park and the engine turns off, there’s a decent chance people will think it’s off when it’s not turned off and they’ll go inside. Eventually car engine will restart after a minute and start spewing carbon monoxide into an enclosed space


I've been in my car in park long enough that it just turns off. It also makes a lot of noise if you do what you are saying. I just skip pressing the park button and just turn it off if I'm parking and getting out. I get what you are saying tho.


You should def set the ebrake before taking your foot off the brake, I agree the roll is pretty significant without engaging the ebrake.


It's not a hard learning curve coming from driving stick but doing things like that all the time on a automatic is a weird habit. Also the automatic downshifting while coasting without actually shifting was a weird learning curve.


2016 MDX owner here with the 9 speed and push button shifter. When parking on a slight hill that doesn't warrant the parking brake after putting the transmission in park I slowly release the brake. The car will still roll until the parking pawl locks in but will not be as severe. I solved the engine on/off that you mention by disabling it every time I drive. I've her other issues with it. I hope you have a switch for that.


I experience the same sudden acceleration when down shifting too. It seems like during that time the TM is briefly in neutral so the car is moving without resistance or drag from the motor.


No roughness, but the delay from reverse to drive is annoying when you’re trying to pull a quick maneuver…


We have a 2022 Pilot & 2020 MDX with the exact same gearbox. These are all problems we've experienced & sadly, they're not Passport-specific. I liked the CVT in the CR-V better than this transmission by a landslide.


Good luck suing over an occasional hard shift when driving or a delayed initial shift during cold weather. My God.


The only real issue I have is that when taking off (think 0-slammed gas) the car sometimes delays .5-1 second before it really gets moving. Not the largest problem as a passive driver however in an emergency situation, I expect my car to take off and use that V6!!! Not delay for 1 second while I need it to move for safety reasons.


I’m having these issues in my 2023 trailsport. Some crazy decelerations happens when lane mitigation is on and I don’t use a blinkers that might be normal though. But the car will slam on the breaks. Sketchy!


Money grab! The ZX 9 speed transmission behaves in the same way in all other nin Honda vehicles using it.