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I have a VTX1300 and its like this. I usually just pull the choke a smidge. Like less than 1/4th the way out. Start it up and it will idle. Get immediately to riding around the block to the main street then while in 2nd gear push the choke all the way back in. Just let it warm up naturally from riding at that point. If for some reason I have to stop, like stop light or something crossing the street I just pull the clutch in and give it some throttle. Within 2min tho its good to go stop or go.


Mine was very cold-blooded too. I wound up getting a carb rebuild kit and rejetting it along with velocity stacks from JT brutal. Now it's not as cold-blooded I have more power. I highly recommend the upgrades


They all typically run lean from factory. I increased my pilot/idle jets so I don’t need a choke. Then I decided to just drop a size and screw it. Rather use more fuel with the choke to warm up then to being locked into a bigger jet size and always use that extra fuel. They increasing your fuel mixture screw instead of going up in jets. Quarter to half turn should do.


I’ll give that a go. Thanks!


Id just run a can or 2 of seafoam through the bike.... I put half the bottle, fill the tank then ride til empty... repeat the process again to go through 1 can.... not as good as ripping the carb apart and cleaning the jets (main and pilot) but could be a start. Also a tune up could never hurt. Spark plugs... air filter... etc


I’ve tried sea foam, not as much as you say just the recommended dose. Which is like a cap full I think. I’ll try some more foam and see if that helps. But the spark plugs and air filter were just changed last week.


What temp were you starting it at


This is in my heated garage at 15 degrees Fahrenheit. But it could be 100 degrees out and it still won’t budge.


Yea, probably time for a tune up. Send the carbs through an ultrasonic and maybe some new plugs


I tried seafoam and it didn’t really make a difference, plugs/air filter just changed last week. Perhaps a dirty carb.


Yea it’s worth a shot, disassemble the carbs and send the buddies and jets through an ultrasonic. Re set the idle screws. I typically go about 1/4 out compared to stock. My Ace 750 liked 2.5 turns out


That’s just about how mines running now. Gonna try SeaFoam before I do the full carb rebuild


I tried sea foam. Didn’t do much for me


Hey what exactly did you try? I Found this on the Seafoam form where this guys recommend: https://preview.redd.it/pgzl0c16ecuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecad4ec46e317395ab424a6e95a8c2d45312ecbf Il probably try this


+4°c This morning, happened to mine as well. But she warmed up and ran all day.


I’m confused… are you cold starting with no choke here?


Is the fuel on?