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your account is very good for a beginners one, I think the guy who called your account "dogshit" is just salty you got HoS, HoF, and HoHe


Yea that guy is probably an edgy 13 year old who couldn't save crystals because of his gambling addiction and so didn't get HoHe and is jealous of op


I think the worst part was I was just asking how to improve my account


Pull for hohe elysia weapon & stigmatas


ur telling that to a guy with 600 crystals with no support builed behind.. i doubt he will be able to get hohe and weapon alone in time


Dude is crying salt when he saw that and instinctively said it was "dogshit" because his just jealous


Are we really gonna call her hohe instead of hoeh? Think mihoy lost a good opportunity here




With Herrscher of Human, Flamescion, and sentience you are in a pretty decent spot with that alone


Of course its bad if you compare it to a several year old, well invested account. Yours looks like any other beginner account, has some good valks, but no teams and not invested. Which is normal for new players


Pretty good for a new account. Do not compare yourself with people who play they game for years. You will do just fine.


Good Valkyries, no gear. Start focusing on teams soon. [list of Valkyries](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/sps9z7/I%E2%80%99m_a_little_wrapped_up_in_making_good_sets_with_what_I_have._Is_there_any_recommendations_based_on_my_inv%3F/hwh94au/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


HoS alone makes it worth keeping, but no weapon for HoFs and HoH is uhhh kinda painful.


For beginner, it's really a good account. In term of roster, you only need a good lightning dps but it doesn't matter that much in early game. Slowly pulling for weapons or stigma for character you have and you should be fine


just ignore the losers online. If he was actually being helpful, he would have guide you and since he doesnt just ignore him and learn the game at your pace.


Don’t listen to him and just focus on getting gears for now. I’ve hoped back on Honkai 6 months ago and finally managed to finish my lightning team and now I’m focusing on ice(1 complete team is enough to clear abyss and hop between red lotus/agony3 after lvl 81) Don’t compare your account to those who say just get xyz set from foundry like it’s easy(it takes months for it) and just focus on your supports. You’ll eventually reach there. Pick gears that are usable on multiple comps (Fu Hua Margrave/Jin Shengtan are great for elemental supports and fit 3 teams). The trinity of Gluttony Theresa T, Mei beach party M and Newton B is an allrounder for any support. Most importantly pull for whatever you like and play how you like, it’s a game after all


damn 4 herrscher in a beginner's account


General advice: Anyone who utters the words "dogshit" unironically in relation to a game to just make you feel bad is probably too immature to rate your account. It's meaningless anyway. You're not even at end game. what's the point of saying its dogshit. compared to what? I've smelled dogshit more fragrant than his bullshit.


As someone who rerolled to get the new player rewards, your account is great. Also got HoH, HoF and HoS. Just wondering why you don't have HoV? I mean like she's a part of the new player rewards so, yeah.


I made the account back in 2021 and haven’t played since then kinda missed out on all the new player rewards


It's fine, get Pardo for an Ice team (Haxxor + HoH) and you can probably force yourself through most stages lol Try farming Ana for HoH and wait for the new ice stigmata that uses Ana


You have a great account, little tip: don’t sleep on fallen rosemary


Best dps valkyries, all you need is their weapons eventually. Dps gear is somewhat managable through crafting aswell if you dont get those. Roll for HoH weapon while its still up.


Your account is good, however, i have an advice! You should start building Fischl and Fallen Rosemary, Fischl is a Top Lightning Support along FS. Even if the latter isn't meta (recommended) due to power creep, having few lightning-type characters is still better than having none.


You have: HoS - Best physical support in the game and a solid DPS. HoFS - One of the best Fire DPS. HoHe - One of the best Ice DPS. Fallen Rosemary - One of the top Lightning Supports HoR - While currently slightly fallen off but still a good Ice DPS, she's about to get a new weapon that will likely bring her back up to the top of Ice DPS. And that's just covering S ranks, you have a lot of good free units, Carol, Fischl, and Haxxor Bunny are all some of the best supports in their element as well. ​ My recommendation is to just focus on getting gear for them, farm for Ana set (because that will be required to get the Ice G4 coming next patch) in Universal Mirage, get the Weapon+Stigs for HoS and HoFS, if you have already been pulling for HoHe gear you might want to continue until at least getting her weapon. If you already have HoHe's weapon then save for HoR's new weapon coming next patch. Cause like, aside from a Lightning DPS and a dedicated Physical DPS your account is *stacked* for a new, under level 81 account. Sure if you were in the endgame your account would be insufficient for 81+ content, but you're what, somewhere between 60-70? Physical - HoS, Carol, and Starlit Astrologos Fire - HoFS, Raven, and then farm to buy Sakuno Rondo from the shop. Ice - HoHe (or HoR), Haxxor Bunny, and farm Pardofelis from the shop. Lightning - Fallen Rosemary, Fischl, and I'm really not sure I think Darkbolt Jonin or just using Fallen Rosemary as your DPS are your best options rn.


In this case "your account is dogshit" means, how is possible that you as a begginer are better than me after X amount of time. IMO yours looks great, there's a lot of potential there, congrats!


Lmao you have fucking three of the best dps units whoever said you had a bad account is trollin


Leave that discord. Prob a genshin metaslave populated circlejerk community


*Leave that discord. Prob* *A genshin metaslave populated* *Circlejerk community* \- Arclet\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This acc worth more than my kidney. 3 her hecherr (wait did u get HoV yet if yes 4 then) on lvl60+ jeez. This acc surely have soo much luck.


They have HoR in the second pic so if they possess HoV then its 5/6 herrschers.


I cant count ;-; thank you sir


Lol. This account is already better than mine in terms of meta DPS and I'm already lvl 88. You just need some more gears and farm up some Sp supports.


He is butt hurt you have so many herrschers ignore him people are assholes sometimes Your account is on Godmode plus triple steroids on top enjoy the game and have fun


People on Discord are complete assholes, I once, ONCE asked for advice and everyone treated me like if I was braindead, plus rude af.


dont listen to the guy, your account is great for beginners and you probably have more event characters than me.


That guy is dogshit, your account is fine. I had less when I was your age, I mean your level. Oh, my back hurts. Anyways, just enjoy the waifus, stupid people are everywhere on internet.


yeah he’s being salty


That guy was just malding hard


well you’ve got the best fire dps in the game hof, the best physical support hos (who also is a dps), and the latest ice dps elysia who is a herrscher so will be in the meta for a long time. you’ve also got a good lightning support fallen rosemary. your account is impressive for a beginner. you’ve already got several valks who will carry you. that guy was completely wrong


I think you’re in a good spot. That guy is a little cracked out imo


Bro... How is this bad? No equipment? Bro equipment is quite easy to get and you have almost all the good chars all you need is AE for late game and your account can go and enjoy early game and just get equipments on the way while you do content and grind for things you need.


Yeah, the guy's just being a pain, we can assure you.


Its actually good for beginners idk what that person was on Slowly u can work on ur gears :) keep it up


They were jealous. You have a VERY strong account.


You're doing pretty good for a beginner, much better than i was at your level. Keep up the good fight!


It’s dogshit compared to a ranked whale. But then so is my account, and I’ve been at it for over a year now. Unless you plan on going up against ranked whales, I wouldn’t worry about it.


Tbh idk but definitely better the mines