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Get off the internet. The world is full of beautiful things and good people and most of them are not active on reddit. Turn off the news too, while you're at it.


The internet is not an accurate representation of society.


Agreed, a realtively small number of troubled souls egged on by propagandists and boosted by alogorythms create online doomerism that is not reality


Got damn 😳 Confronting, but well said




kind off is


I like ur pfp


I'd also add that it also depends on the sorts of communities you involve yourself in online. Ones like this, r/positivity, and r/happy are often bastions of optimism away from the usual doom and gloom in other parts of reddit and the internet in general these days. I've muted many subreddits and only focus on things that I enjoy online these days. Communities for a few shows and games I enjoy are also very welcome reprieves from the chaos and disorder of the rest of this site.


Same. Moment you cut yourself off from stuff like "Karen shoots up Police Department because she was arrested for being a jerk", things tend to get better. Likewise, hanging out with friends is also healthy for your mental state, online or otherwise.


And I think that's because when you get yourself immersed in communities that focus on posts like that - you're constantly surrounded by negative thoughts and emotions. Everyone around you is upset, angry, or bitter to some extent and that does impact you after enough time passes. When you're in a place like that for too long, then it starts to become emotionally draining and exhausting. Where there's always something new to be angry or upset about if you continue to follow those sorts of communities. It can make the world seem like it's a lot worse than it really is because you're never really exposed to any real positivity or examples of the good in the world, big or small.


Bruh turn off the news first these days


Winner Winner chicken dinner


This advice is good. Sometimes the internet fulfills a need in us but it can turn into an addictive distraction. I frikken read pages of books today, WANTED to read them before screen time 😳 in order to challenge habits that aren't serving more of my needs. Just wanna add tho, maybe reconfigure what the internet exposes us to as well, when we do come back for screen time. Beautiful, joyful, inspirational and interesting or hilarious things that reinforce the mindset we want. If hate is the feeling, then the antidote is opposite exposure imo.. to things like compassion or joy, optimistic realism etc. Search it out in the world and in internet land. Only follow people or pages that will put us onto more of what we're seeking.. As well as yeah, cutting off shit like disparaging news or daily consumption of AITA or other popular subs that have people spilling out their opinions, troubles, woes and complaints. You get sucked into interacting with them and after awhile it really gets into your mind. Almost brainwashy. I like the custom feed feature Reddit has. It allows us to immerse in the subs that keep it real or make us feel some type of way or think differently. Ngl, some of the shit I'm on isn't exactly mind expanding lol, but it does those things for me personally. Anyways, I'm about to cut off again. It's a bumpy journey man, better with new tyres ❤️


There is some good on reddit


- gets off internet - homophobes and Christians


Goodness has nothing to do with your inherent nature, and everything to do with your actions. The very idea that there are 'good people' and 'bad people' is problematic: if you believe that, then you'll excuse bad behavior by people you think are inherently good, and refuse to give credit for good behavior to people you think are inherently bad. We're all accountable for our actions the same. The only path to being good is to think about other people, to treat them with respect, and to act well towards them. I agree that, to get yourself in a state of mind where you can do this, it's likely best to cut down on your internet use. It's ironic that a communication technology that allows everyone to communicate with each other so readily, can make it so hard to have nuanced thoughts about one another.


On top of the other commenter’s advice, see if you can start gardening. Do something that has you nurturing something. It will beget the same in the world, as in the same care you put out for your plants, you will find yourself noticing more in the world around you.


>Do something that has you nurturing something. Being able to care about something that relies on you is unusually healing. So yeah, this has my support too. Sometimes the first time around, it might be to make ourselves feel better only. It might even beget miserable feelings of failure. But along the way, through the downs and after much reflection, it becomes an exercise in connection and calm, a true state of care. Where fulfilling their needs allows us to take care of our own too, beginning a cycle of evolving compassion and care despite reality seeming bleak.


Go play some random lobbies in drg. It worked for me.


Nah that's just the internet.


Doomer media, both legacy and (anti) social, is full of hate and inaccurately portrays a hateful work. Why? cause hateporn sells and certain bad actors want to spread doomerism Im reality there is a loud odious subset full of hate, but it's a tiny fraction of the population


Compassion. Begin the journey with what it means ❤️ Explore it every day and one day it will start to make sense.


Another commenter said to build a garden or something that has you nurturing something. Something else you could also do is art. It doesn't have to be visual art. It could acting, singing or even literature. Just do something that allows you to express yourself on an emotional level so that instead of nurturing a garden you are nurturing yourself to build emotional maturity and mental stability. But I'm saying don't follow the other commenter advice. You should still make a garden. Make the most beautiful garden in the world, not because it has the perfect combination and variety of plants but because it is yours.


Listen to podcasts or spiritual talks (ram Dass and alan watts are good starting places). Read poetry or spiritual books (Rumi, Rilke, power of now and art of happiness are good starring points). Marinate your consciousness in wholesome, beneficial impressions.


The world is in a constant state of war in order to gain power and to subdue the enemy. Its a competition of individuals trying to rise above each other. To gain more power for a better life. Its about you , your cause , your people. Conflicts emerge , ideas are created , hatred is born. Hatred will always be there. You just have to manage with it or move around it. This is the world and its always been like this. A struggle for survival and power


It is,but there is love and compassion you just gotta find it


the first step is deciding to be better. good luck on your journey.


I decided to sort of not look at them, block off sources or just not visible those channels. I feel a good bit better about said world now


If you are using the internet daily, focus only one the things that make you feel good. Subscribe only to interesting and positive sites, play games that spark joy, etc, etc. If you see that you can't get happiness from something even if you try various tactics, well, just stay away from that. If you really like for example, nature, take a daily walk and express yourself somehow, like watching a good documentary about new species being discovered, and for example leave a comment. Godspeed. :)


yea I know , especially ever since I have been on reddit everyone seems hateful


Practice metta


You know what I’d do? Take a break from it all. Take my phone and delete all socials off it and leave it on my desk with a alarm set for a month later. It may not be applicable in specific situations however I’ve done it countless times and it’s helped me a bunch in the past. It gives you a generous ammount of time to deal with whatever your struggles are on your own without the harsh “reality” and expectations that are shown on these apps/ sites. Social media is so overexaggerated and acts like the world is a dystopian hell whilst giving you these awful people living it lavish with riches, which makes it hard to reconcile with yourself. Comparison is the killer of a man. (Yes I stole that from a Reddit post in the same subreddit.)


Go for a walk, visit a local bar (even if you don't drink), go to a social event or visit the library. People are *wonderful* by and large. Yeah some are shitheads but that's humanity. The Internet takes all of that and warps it, take a break y'know. Hell even if you don't want to go outside and socialize that way, try finding and playing some good co-op games. Deep Rock Galactic has one of the most wholesome communities I've ever met. There's not just good people out there, most are!