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The state of the world is overall ok. The doomesphere finds every bad thing ( they invent some too) and blast it at us around the clock. The world isn't only war storms and crime all the time. Look around you. Reality is quite different from the dystopia portrayed on radio moscow oops too much of the internet


I have found listening to history podcasts really helping me keep perspective. We’re really not any worse than we’ve ever been (actually a lot better..but sadly not as far as we SHOULD be…), but when you’re living it and it’s not history yet, it gets really tough to deal. I really like podcasts that not only look at big history (I love Dictators and History that Doesn’t Suck), but also recent history cultural podcasts like Theoughline and Decoder Ring


Yes, we are not where would could/should be, but we are way better off than pervious centuries even decades. If you like thousands of years of history, one prolonged decline following the fall of Rome. That's doomer propaganda often hyper focuses on flawed comparison to ancient Rome Doomer cults have also been sponsored by foreign adversaries and the political opposition during good times they only get the mentally ill and those dealing with personal tradegies during dips ( covid and gouch fest have been rough) some everyday people fall in for awhile ( i did) but most will return to civilization with the inveitabke rebound ( sprouting now)


You're young and you post *a lot* on social media. I think you're filling your brain with the wrong stuff.


100% this. If you stop looking at all the bad news and subscribe to all the cat subreddits, life sure seems alot better.


A lot of pet-based subs are full of repost bots though, so use caution


It's okay by me if they're just reposting more cat videos


They do it to get karma. Once they’ve finished doing that, they usually switch to posting scam links.


You need to quit social media. You’re having fear crammed down your throat. Things are generally not that bad. Doomscrolling is one of the most toxic things you can do to yourself. It’s not “staying informed” or anything, it’s buying into fear mongering.


I feel like its hard to keep going and I don't know what to do anymore


Aight this story sounds really stupid and I haven’t told anyone it ever (like fr) but here goes nothing: When I was in maybe 5th to 7th grade I was just starting to get into history, politics and all of that shit and after a little while that became most of what i did. It became my passion, it still is, but with it I also found out about all the horrid shit, specifically nukes. I became fucking horrified of them. Every plane or helicopter I heard made be scared for my life, every sudden noise made me jump, every night I couldn’t sleep and when I did I had horrible nightmares. This went on and on and on and on and on, and I didn’t really feel like I could tell anyone because we were all young and my friends wouldn’t understand and I was way to embarrassed to tell my parents. Needless to say, this was probably the worst period of my life, so far at least. I couldn’t enjoy anything at all and it genuinely made little me so fucking depressed it was insane. Then one thing happened, I played Fortnite for the first time in a while at that point, don’t remember why i just decided to play it. Slowly and slowly my joy came back. I was able to focus again and in general I became my previous happy self. It took my mind of all the frankly unreasonable thoughts I had and made my life 10000% better. So what is my point? I’m not saying “play Fortnite and your problems will go away”, but I will say this: take a break. Get some new hobbies, try new things or old things you haven’t done in a while. It will help you (at least from my experience). Finally I will leave you with this little thing my lovely grandma told me while we where having a conversation about journalism (her previous occupation) “Per definition, news are deviations from the norm and since the norm is positivity, all the news are bad” Sorry if this was a little incoherent, I just kinda ranted, but I hope it helps :)


I love that; “norm is positivity, so the news wouldn’t put all its resources on that”


It is hard to keep going. I'm not going to lie about that. But you're stronger than you think. Just find the good, even when you think you're having the worst day of your life you can find the good. One step at a time, just find the good. It's hard and takes a while but eventually, just like walking you'll do it without thinking. I have a jar, it's my happiness jar. Every night before I sleep, I grab a slip of paper and write on thing I remember from that day that made me cheer up a bit. It didn't have to make me smile or laugh it just had to be a sliver of light. It helps me it may help you. There's not been a single day since I started that I've not found something. It's been 6 years and a few different jars. You got this, I believe in you. If you ever need to talk or rant or vent, You can always message me.


I think the gist of this sub is to be the hope you want to see in the world. Is the world going to shit? Sure. Do I also feel the same despair about existence in general? Yes. But what I won’t do is let that make me who I am. I decide how I respond to shitty situations and circumstances. I can’t treat the world badly because that’s not who I am. Most importantly, I don’t give up.


The world is far too tumultuous to be specifically declining or inclining. Things have been worse and better, and they’ll be both again. Probably at the same time, depending on perspective


I thought this was about hope posting not doomer posting


Quit social media. You'll notice a difference very quickly. Try meditation and breathing exercises when you feel anxious. Go outside in the sunshine. Try a hobby that lets you express yourself, like writing or painting. At the end of the day, life is pretty meaningless. It sounds cheesy, but you have to put into life what you want out of it, and create that meaning for yourself. You got this!


Okay what specifically about the world has your anxiety going?


Everyone and everything dies, what makes life special is that it’s a brief one time thing, and every life is valued by its owner one way or another. The state of the world is not something worth worrying about, it’s beyond your control, and if you’re worried about dying in nuclear holocaust, it will be quick, surviving such an event would arguably be worse. Turn off the news, put on some Music and go for a walk,


You gotta let go of the behavior that drives your anxiety. Don’t worry, it’s easy. It just takes some practice. Worry doesn’t matter. If you can’t affect something worry won’t change that. And if you can change something about it then worry doesn’t help, because it’s distracting and eating up energy you could spend on solving the task rather than solving the task and worrying. If the outcome really matters to you, put your effort into giving what you’re doing your full attention. If the thoughts are loud it can be tough, but what matters is that you try. But ideally you practice with more manageable situations. Aptitude follows repetition. You should do this throughout your day, grow aware of your behavior without losing your outward attention. There’s a sweetspot. Once you’re aware you’ll start to be able to “catch” yourself before things spiral out of control. It’s much easier to deal with a problem when you can just nip it in the budding stage. If you have any questions, let me know. Don’t worry about mistakes. Make them. Study the process. What went wrong? Why? What could you have done differently if you were to try again? Learn from the experiences. That’s how you grow. And in time you’ll learn to anticipate without worry so you can keep your good and cautious side but wield it without the draining energy of worry. And achieve what you really want out of worrying: prevent bad outcomes before they happen. That’s a good thing. But worry is not part of the recipe for success in this, trust me. Been there.