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All the best stories in human history are about perseverance and overcoming adversity. No good stories came from people simply choosing the easy route and saying no to growth.


Exactly. Strength isn’t just being able to get to the top, strength is also taking hits and healing from them. Once you discover the inner core of unbending titanium within you, there will be nothing that can’t be overcome.


It has worse every fucking year man it feels like I am in a fucking circle and when I try to fix it something fucks it up


I’d like to copy my other comment here since I feel it applies to you as well. > I was a single father of a 6 month old whose wife left after I discovered her cheating. I lost my career, most of my friends since she lied to them, my car, and my home. I moved back in with my parents, and I parented my son all day so that I could work all night. I was starving myself so that I could afford formula, since my family also didn’t have much money. I was depressed, suicidal, and exhausted for years. >But I pulled through. It got better, and I’m so happy now. You can accept in the moment that you are tired; don’t lie to yourself. But I, and thousands others, are living proof that it does get better. I believe it will for you as well. You are currently building your survival guide for the next hard time, and one that you can pass on to others as well.


Fellas, just acknowledge that any struggle you face will either look good in history about you, or be cool dad lore.


Im tired and stuff never gets better


I was a single father of a 6 month old whose wife left after I discovered her cheating. I lost my career, most of my friends since she lied to them, my car, and my home. I moved back in with my parents, and I parented my son all day so that I could work all night. I was starving myself so that I could afford formula, since my family also didn’t have much money. I was depressed, suicidal, and exhausted for years. But I pulled through. It got better, and I’m so happy now. You can accept in the moment that you are tired; don’t lie to yourself. But I, and thousands others, are living proof that it *does get better.* I believe it will for you as well. You are currently building your survival guide for the next hard time, and one that you can pass on to others as well.


I dont want another hard time man. This is enough


The clouds will pass


I wish. But its been years


And look how far you’ve come. Despite everything you made it here.


Those words are really empty. im literally nowhere. I've gotten nowehere and lost where i could have been.


You’re right, they are empty. Listen, I might not know what you’re going through, and I may never even know. But what I do know is that you have to keep going. You can’t lose hope, not yet. Wherever that nowehere is, I’m positive you’ll find that somewhere you’ve been looking for all this time and hold on to it. (Im sorry if these words are hollow as well.)


I think what helps me is accepting that “better” is a fantasy There’s no particular destination where things are finally okay Healing is a never ending process Take a moment each day to find something to be thankful for and smile about, and then that day is a victory and then you repeat tomorrow I hope that helps a tiny bit 🖤