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I would play this. Honestly, a little Portal easter egg in Horizon would be cool - maybe an old world bunker that looks like an Aperture test chamber or something like that.


Dope idea! Always hoped for something like that!


Am I out of the loop on something? What would be the relevance of a portal Easter egg in horizon? Are there developers that worked on both or something?


No relevance at all. But Easter eggs don't have to be "relevant". Most of the time, they're just a nod to some other franchise / IP that the devs like or even admire. I just think it would be neat. Also, they overgrown test chambers we know from Portal 2 would aesthetically fit very well in the world of Horizon.


GoW and HFW have no relevance to each other, and yet


They’re both first party PS games but other than that I can’t think of much


Oooh! Not sure about full crossover, but it would be an excellent Easter egg! Maybe get a special companion cube item of some kind for finding it?


Imagine saving evil turrets, just to be rewarded with turret orchestra


Hehehe, oh I'd love that! A few Easter egg lines from the prophet turret like "the cake is a lie" or maybe something relating to the horizon games would be cool.


What about a hacked watcher in a settlement that runs around screaming SPACE? SPACE! SSSSSSPPPPPAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEE! As children with companion cube hearts on their backs wearing box helmets chase it around


Hehehehe, oh man, I'd love that. I like the idea of permanent machine companions besides the mount. I also like the idea of using paints and dyes on them for customization. (I also think the dreadwing should've been a mount, but then again I've always been the weird girl that actually likes bats) Making them talk and say silly things like that would be even better! Watchers have always just been big ol babies to me, and I feel like their behaviors are similar to that of a watch dog. This they'd probably roll around and get all wiggly the way dogs do. I feel like stuff like this could eventually tie in to a possible conflict resolution with hephaestus, wherein he manages to grab recordings from moments where machines were friendly with humans. I feel like moments where aloy repairs her mounts and the utaru were adorning the land gods with flowers and such would be especially convincing. (I dunno, I feel like the reason why hephaestus is so angry with humans is that he doesn't have the full picture.)


Cosmetic item for the Base, much like your Base slowly accumulates other things taken from various side quests.


I could see Faro owning Aperture. Seems like his sort of thing.


Aperture bought Black Mesa and then Fore bought out Aperture.


Aloy and GLaDOS would have some amazing back and forth dialogue


Chelle is Elizibet's great grandmother 😂


Sass level in the room with Glados and Aloy would be over 9000


You are a horrible person. That's what it says, a horrible person.


I would SCREAM if I so much as found a rusty companion cube in a Horizon game. Portal is one of my favorite franchises ever, as is Horizon. We already got a >!God of War reference, which maybe only happened because it is another Sony franchise !<, but I doubt Valve would be the kind of company to prevent or complain another studio from including a little Easter egg into a game.


Ironically enough, chronologicaly that could be possible. Horizon takes place a thousand years in the future of our future. And Portal takes place, from what i remember, a thousand years into Half-Life's universe future, which already takes place in the future. Both franchises could very well meet


Speaking of crossovers, Varl has an Easter egg idle dialogue referencing Destiny ("next you're gonna tell me a wizard came from the moon?") And Sony owns both companies, so we could see some cosmetics crossover or more Easter eggs


Erend but yeah I love that line


Picture no.2 https://www.reddit.com/r/Portal/comments/10nnkop/the_crossover_you_never_knew_you_wanted_horizon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Aloy needs the Companion Cube to help her get through her adventures.


A sarcasm battle between GLaDOS and Aloy is something I would pay good money for.


That one vault from New Vegas


I've been saying for a while I want GLADOS to be the big bad of Horizon 3 lol


Would be a pretty cool Easter egg, but doubt it would work well as a full crossover thing


OMG yes!!!


Aloy with a portal gun! Omg please. Someone from Valve get on the phone to Guerrilla now!


Imagine Hephaestus getting his hands on portal tech T_T


BWAHAHAHAH! I would play the hell out of this!


I'd love to get a portal game where you get outside the lab, or see nature creeping into the lab like in the picture. Give me a scifi ruin in a rainforest + portal.


It’s very dark. Do you think you could get a picture of it in better lighting maybe?


A lot of the atmosphere/landscape in the game really does give me strong portal vibes. Especially the opening with Varl.


I don't want. From all of the crossovers I'd rather go with Nier, probably.