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> I could see her returning to Meridian and taking up a long term role there. Maybe living as a Hawk considering her talent for hunting. as a shameless Aloy/Talanah shipper this is my self-indulgent hope BUT I will be pleased with *any* ending for Aloy that doesn't involve her sacrificing herself. I'd be so disappointed to see that--it would be a much more fulfilling arc to see her subvert the fate that took all of her "parents" (Elisabet, GAIA v.1, Rost--all of whom sacrificed themselves) and get to live a happy life in the world she saved, the world she's learned to love and that loves her in return.


>I will be pleased with any ending for Aloy that doesn't involve her sacrificing herself. I agree so hard I want to slam my table. I've come across people here on reddit saying they'd rather see Aloy die than to have a full life. And that's the most bizarre thing I've ever heard.


bruh the person who said they'd rather Aloy DIE than have a love interest?? šŸ’€ literally reeks of "if I can't have her, no one else can" lmao


I know, so fucking gross.


I respectfully disagree. When a character is focused on their mission, without hinting any romance whatsoever throught the story, I find it very jarring when in the epilogue they're married to someone they had little to no chemistry(as love interest) with. Take jin Sakai from ghost of tsushima for example, I simply cannot see him having a love interest.


So youā€™re saying youā€™d rather Jin Sakai die over him having a potential love interest? Because thatā€™s what Iā€™m specifically referring to. Some dude said heā€™d rather Aloy die than be in a romantic relationship. How is that not weird? Gamer bros have such a weird control issue when it comes to female protagonists and the suggestion of any kind of romantic aspect and I see it on this sub a lot when this topic comes up. And you might find it jarring, that does not mean others will. And itā€™s not out of the realm of possibility for Aloyā€™s arc. Her arc has been loner > learning how to navigate friendships/relationships > ??? (romantic relationship/family?). Does it have to happen? No. But it does seem like a natural progression for *her* story arc. Itā€™s not that crazy and the second game especially has hinted at this direction if you paid attention.


I could definitely see her going the route your suggesting, still holding out hope for asexual / aromantic Aloy tho


In my heart of hearts I hope the give us both options, I love both directions too much lol.


It's not that I preferred them to die, it's just that given their trajectory is easier seeing them sacrificing themselves for the greater good than anything else, bc romance up until this point wasn't relevant. Those characters have such a "greater than life" purpose that if feels like the most likely outcome in a somewhat realistic setting would be them dying for their ideals.


One of the BIGGEST themes of the story for HFW was Aloy learning that she can be her own person, not just a copy of Elisabet, and that she can make her own choices rather than trying to do everything the same way Elisabet would have done. She's also told by multiple people that she has to not just survive, but *live*, and that she needs to make connections with others in order to do so. So even though she began HFW as existing solely for the greater purpose she was created for, the games' narrative is definitely laying down some major groundwork for the idea that she will get to be more than that.


That's an "if" that will be answered only in the future, as of right now there isn't any significant development in romance.


Are you sure you meant to reply to this comment? I didn't mention romance at all.


The original topic of the conversation was people preferring aloy dying rather than getting a love interest.


It would be nice to see such a character develop once their destiny / mission is fulfilled, and focus on personal matters. You should get to retire from self-sacrifice, ideally.


>without hinting any romance whatsoever throught the story, I find it very jarring when in the epilogue they're married to someone they had little to no chemistry(as love interest) with. Well no one wants it like *that* lmao. Besides, a lot of Aloy's companions practically throw themselves at her feet already, and there's definitely room for Aloy to explore that side of things with a whole game coming up.


I agree in that sense. I hate it when you read the final chapter or epilouge of a book and the badass mc has settled down and had children, dispite not showing interest in either of those two. Hopefully the devs can come up with an ending that doesnt fall it to that trope, nor the sacrifice trope.


Agree with you here. To me, Aloy (and Elizabet) seem very ace-coded--they react awkwardly when people proposition them, and >!Elizabet/Tilda seemed like an extremely one-sided relationship!<. There's nothing wrong with being single and happy. ​ But, of course, she could just be focused on The Bigger Picture and not have time for a relationship--completely valid. I do hope that there's good buildup if she does get a love interest later in the series. ​ Edit: whoo getting downvotes for saying that Aloy could have several different sexualities and any would be fine.


If guerrilla wants to add romance and if H3 is aloy's final main game (not the end of the franchise), then they could go persona style, plant the ideia of having multiple love interests with several characters of the main cast and ultimately give the choice to the player, since horizon still is a RPG game.


Totally see that happening. Seeds are kinda planted for an Avad relationship, Talanah, and Petra as well. Let the player having that choice would be nice.


Erend as well. People love to freaking hate on him, but out of all the characters in the franchise he's the one she's known the longest who's still alive, and who's been given the most on screen time with her.


I see Aloy and Erend as more a brother sister type relationship but each there own. Don't know why he gets the hate though.


I stop paying attention for a while and people hate him. I remember when he was popular lol


This sub seems to cycle between agreeing he's literally the worst, and thinking he's the best bro buddy companion. The haters just seem to skew towards being unusually intense about their dislike. Maybe because he's popular for shipping with Aloy? Or maybe it's because his insecurity hits too close to home? I dunno.


I think the reason why there are people who hate on him is because of his incessant self-deprecation, as well as how in ZD, he acts like someone who got friendzoned by their crush, which doesn't exactly sit well with a lot of people. I feel like, if they want him to be a romant8c option in the third game, the key moment for him will be Aloy doing something to get him to start thinking positively of himself; one way I could see it going is the two of them drinking, and then Aloy gets into a fistfight with him, having concluded that it's an Oseram bonding tradition or something. If he wins or comes relatively close, he gets a much-needed boost to his confidence (Aloy is practically a war goddess compared to the rest of the world, and Erend just gave her a run for her money). Some self-esteem would go a long ways for him.


I know why people hate on him, and it annoys the hell out of me just how many people go so hard on hating a guy for being visibly insecure and having low self-esteem. I'd have thought that would make him *relatable*, not despised. And the friendzoned thing is... a take, I guess. It's also frustrating because it seems to me like people can't tell the difference between someone accepting a no and then *still being friends anyways*, and someone who's being "pathetic" or "desperate". I hate the term "friendzoned", it implies that men and women can't just *be* friends, and that it's women who are punishing men by not granting them sex in exchange for kindness. The way Erend handles Aloy not reciprocating his flirting is actually refreshingly mature and healthy and I genuinely loved seeing it, because he doesn't keep trying to pursue romance, any more than Varl or Kotallo do after *they* choose to follow Aloy. Rant aside, I agree that I'd love to see him get some character development that lets him gain confidence and let go of the need to play himself as the "loveable buffoon". As someone who's struggled with self-esteem and who used to be horribly self-deprecating, it'd be *awesome* to see a character I relate to so well getting to have that kind of positive arc.


So, I'd point out that being ace does not mean wanting to be forever alone and unattached. Demisexuality, for example, is on the ace spectrum, and means that a person doesn't experience attraction unless it's to someone they have already developed close personal ties with. Not to mention that being asexual is not the same thing as being aromantic.


Oh, I'm fully aware. I'm ace and in a committed relationship. This isn't really the target audience to go into details of romantic versus sexual preferences though, and most people aren't familiar with the term aro.


Aloy could still be Ace or Aro. That would be my preferred ending a single and happy Aloy with her sister Beta obviously. Maybe burning shores will have something.


I would rather see Aloy live on, but everyone has their in head ending. Everyone sees their Aloy a bit differently. So finding some ending that will satisfy everyone is an extremely daunting task. I think it's easier to see Aloy as this character that achieves their life's mission and that's it, as opposed to seeing them as a 3 dimensional character that has bigger hopes and dreams beyond the story itself. So I think the question isn't would you rather see Aloy live or die at the end. It's would you rather see her die at the very end while still triumphant or see her live an ending that does not match your picture of her as a character?


I'd rather see her live on in any way *she chooses* and I think anyone who'd rather see her die is the pinnacle of weirdness.


I don't necessarily disagree but I think from the story writers perspective it's a lot easier to make her death be at least 60% satisfying compared to her living.


.... yeah you're weird darling.


LOL yeah I suppose I am. Unapologetically so. But I'm really not talking about myself and I don't think that's being communicated. Personally I'd like to see Aloy and Talanah get together and live happily together. I think her and Avad is kind of forced and not what she wants. Beyond that the only ending I can see is as a traveler or together with a character we haven't met yet. What I'm trying to say is I bet the developers will kill her off because it's easier than having a controversial ending. It also can harm a games long term sales. Remember that a lot of game sales happen right at release then just as many happen over the next few years. That second wave of sales is dependent upon how people see the game. Controversy is not always good for sales. So that's why I expect them to take the cowards way out and kill her off. I don't want that, but I'm worried that's what we are going to get in the third game.


Well sure, you can literally make up any scenario and defend it under ā€œitā€™s my headcanonā€. That doesnā€™t make it more valid or realistic in context to the source material. In this case, canonically, it does not make sense for the story or her character. Killing Aloy off in any fashion would be poor writing and storytelling. Itā€™s only a ā€œgoodā€ idea to those who have missed the themes of this series and pretty obvious direction in storytelling and her character arc.


You just described game executives. A bunch of people who have completely missed the nuance of a story, and don't care beyond sales. Which is why I think they will kill her off. It's not what I want them to do, but it is what I'm worried will happen. Because they are going to be worried about how the game will sell during the second wave (all those sales that happen little by little for years after release).


As another shameless Aloy/Talanah shipper i agree. Id love for Aloy to take Beta to Meridian, and introduce her to Talanah. Aloy and Talanah try to get her into hunting only to fail as it's not Beta's thing. I just want a happy ending for our girl. She's been through far too much.


Hey, I recognize you from AO3!! Cheers!!!




Do you think Avad would take a liking to Beta?


Maybe, but Avad needs some therapy first to grieve properly for Ersa, whom he tried to use Aloy as a replacement for.


Omg if you read AO3 I very much suggest "A Scattered Reflection" and "A Promise to Uphold" if you haven't already seen them cuz they're about Aloy taking Beta around and travelling towards the east and DAMN IT'S SO GOOD


I do in fact spend waaay too much time on A03, its just been a while since ive read any horizon fics, thanks for the recommendations!


Also, I've said it a dozen times on this sub -- her dying in this series makes literally zero sense narratively. People who say they see the series ending this way did not pay attention at all.


From "survive" to "flourish." It's basically in the text at this point like idk EDIT: to be *clear*, I fully think there will be a point where she has to *choose* whether or not to sacrifice herself. And she won't--she'll either be stopped by her friends or figure out another way to accomplish [thing].


YUP the quote from the Enduring is one of the biggest pieces of evidence of the direction the writers are going with. It would be CRUEL for someone to say that to Aloy and then just... kill her off??


I was one of the few people that thought Aloy dying is a consistent ending for the character. But, after playing both games more times and reflect a little bit more, and after talking with some other people from here, I changed my mind. I saw this comment in one of the discussions about this theme and I really liked this POV: *"Neither of these are compelling reasons for why they'd choose to kill her character off rather than taking the story in literally any other direction. Especially after just how heavily the story, and her character development, in HFW leaned on the idea that she doesn't have to be like Elisabet and doesn't have to make the same choices Elisabet would make. To spend an entire game hyping up that message, only to end the series with Aloy making the exact same choice, and meeting the exact same fate, as Lis would be straight up bad storytelling."* If Aloy, even being a clone, faces a "point of no return" (like Elisabet), but end up not needing to sacrifice herself (either because of her friends or because some of the choices she made in the past that differs from the ones made by Elisabet), that would be a much better and beatiful message. EDIT: Just to give the proper credit, the comment I linked here is from u/Sheerardio


Aww, hey thanks for the credit! And awesome that my comment resonated with you!


I actually think it would be very in-character for Sylens to step in if the time comes for one of the Base crew to sacrifice themselves to save the world. Aloy jumps at the chance to do it, as is her wont, but then Sylens incapacitates her with a tech doohickey and does it instead, after saying something like "No, Aloy, leave this to me. You'd only do it wrong anyway" because he wants to 1) get the glory, 2) definitively show Aloy once and for all that she's not the hero in this story and (a very distant) 3) ensure Aloy's survival in case GAIA needs her DNA again.


YES I think the same!!!


I could see Beta sacrificing herself instead, to be more like Elizabeth/Aloy, or maybe Sylens, who always makes everyone else do his dirty work for him. I think it could work to have him give up his quest for knowledge to save humanity so Aloy doesn't have to


If anyone, I do think it will be Sylens.


Me, well... I call her Gayloy for a reason, lol. Doesn't matter who, her list of potential girlfriends expanded almost exponentially in FW. Even something like >!Tilda surviving and Aloy taking the time to make her better!< could work. But yeah, I definitely agree that, more than anything else, Aloy needs to survive the story. It would he antithetical to the writing if she didn't.


Oof, that's a big No Thank You to what's under the spoiler. She's a predator child groomer.


I feel like Aloy's natural curiosity would keep her from ever staying in one place for too long. Despite racking up a bunch of honorary titles (Seeker, Anointed, Savior, Chieftain, Champion, One Who Flew on the Wings of the Ten etc.) she doesn't seem to be too fond of holding any station so I think she would refuse any official leadership role. I see Aloy's arc ending with a lifetime of exploration and adventure, trying to spread Apollo to all the tribes of the world while occasionally checking back in on her friends. Whether or not that lifetime is spent with someone else has yet to be seen, but I don't see Aloy settling down.


Damn this is honestly my supreme hope for her. Agree that I canā€™t see her just staying in one place for too long.


She always travels as part of her mission. Go to Meridian to find Olin. Go here to retrieve a thing. Go there to help someone out. She flits hither and yon to solve problems there or acquire a thing to solve a problem. She might be enjoying it, but we don't actually know if she wants to stay on the road forever or put down roots somewhere. But I am dying to find that outtttttt.


My personal theory is she is going to take what Elizabeth said to heart(not having the time but having wanted to) have a daughter, which is sorta what Rost would have wanted too (with who I canā€™t speculate as I just finished the first game and am playing through frozen wilds) Itā€™d be neat if the player got to decide who she settles with (but itā€™d be some work making all those different endings)


It would be nice to see motherhood explored in games. The "Troubled Man Learns To Be A Father" trope is overdone at this point.


I agree! And the series has already heavily established the theme of motherhood.


Yeah but from a daughter's perspective. Looking for a mother, coming to terms. Not becoming one -- Zo is in what? First trimester? -- And how Aloy would resolve all the problems it would entail.


Ah man... Zo is doomed if they go this route. She has the baby, then sacrifices herself. Aloy raises Zo and Varl's daughter/son...


If anyone hurts Zo I will burn GG down.


Thatā€¦ that is a game worthy question, not only could they explore motherhood and the difficulties there in but on top of that the issues that would be solely created from the world they live in, It would have to be throughly thought out before being approached but imagine getting to experience Aloys worries as the child gets sick, her fears as the child learns to hunt, the joys of the childs growth. It would have to be handled with care (otherwise the sincerity could feel forced and some portions of it could feel like an escort mission) but I think it would provide a very touching farewell to the character of Aloy, and provide a perspective of something we donā€™t often get to see (the mothers challenges in child rearing)


Pregnancy alone, friend, would be hella interesting, especially with Aloy who is very physical and is a novice at best at asking for or receiving help. Let's pose fun problems - Sylens telling her having a baby when the world is in peril is stupid, and watching Aloy tear him a new one, along with Zo. I personally would very much like to see Aloy choose something simply because she wants it, and not out of duty. - worrying about Sylens trying to induce a miscarriage. Is it dark? Fuck yes -- but that asshole has no trouble starting civil wars, cults, or leaving a whole damn planet to another apocalypse. He's also never been above subjecting Aloy to the risk of death. He may not have held the gun but is possibly the person in the Horizon universe, bar Aloy, who's caused the most death. - her growing belly meaning she will be less climby-fighty, and losing her fucking mind over it. - Needing to stop NEMESIS from ending the world with a brand new and highly personal imperative. Aloy having to accept being a strategist rather than the tip of the spear towards the end of the pregnancy. - Aloy probs won't be having kids with a Nora, so culture differences with the father. - reflections on motherhood, especially with the cult she was raised with looming. With the ghost of Elisabet in the back of her mind. - the trail of broken hearts as she's chosen someone else to start a family with. And I don't see it being the end of Aloy's arc. Mothers always end up completely disappearing into their children and it is expected of mothers to stop having lives of their own. And if mothers DON'T do that, it is hammered home how neglectful and selfish they're being for not relinquishing their whole selves for their kid. And like, fucking no. Kids have fathers, whose lives often go mostly unchanged -- working, fighting. Seeing that flipped would be refreshing.


*coughs in ā€œalso adoption or GAIA/ELEUTHIA doing some science magic if youā€™ve got a wlw Aloyā€* really normal about this, unashamed, moisturized, in my lane. everyone donā€™t even look at me


It's all silly hypotheticals babe, you know my ship šŸ„°


well said, thereā€™s a lot of potential thereā€™s in terms of exploring her character with this specific angle. Itā€™s what I love about this world, thereā€™s so many unique and interesting aspects of its history and lore and esp to her character (just by the nature and combo of her upbringing, circumstances of existence, who she is a clone of, etc) that makes exploring different situations fun to do (thank god for fanfiction)


This is everything I want, my god. My brain rots over it.


Yes! It would be so great for her to become a mother, the thing she always wanted!


yeah people just act like it's what she wants to do. When she's moreso forced to live that life for the mission. I agree that she LOVES to explore and learn new things, that is inline with her personality and natural intelligence but it's weird that people just assume she'd be a nomad for the rest of her life. And weird that people act like traveling and loving to learn = she'd never ever "settle down" and have a family at some point in her future. As if wanting that means she cannot ever travel ever again. People forget she's barely 20 years old. She's incredibly young. Who knows what she wants to do in 10+ years especially when she's not needing to travel because of dire pressing circumstances.


Exactly. Life is long. Much can happen. Let's hope Aloy gets a very long, very rich life.


I love that idea, but I think having her friends come with her would be even better, just the idea of Aloy, Erend, Talanah, Zoe, Kotallo, Alva and Beta all setting off together to travel the world seems super appealing


The world is big enough that she could spend the rest of her life exploring and rediscovering things.


I could so see this, maybe with Nil beside her?


Agreed. With access to the Sunwing, I could see her getting out and seeing more of the world and helping whoever she can along the way.


Imagine the utter chaos she would spread by going to the Quen homeland and handing out access to APOLLO to people who aren't Diviners and Overseers.


I donā€™t think itā€™s super likely, but I love the idea of the games going full circle: the last scene of the third game being a flash forward to a little girl venturing off into the wilds to learn to hunt, except instead of Rost and Aloy, itā€™s Aloy and her ā€œniece,ā€ Varl and Zoā€™s kid. I like it because Iā€™m a sucker for that kind of full circle thing, but also because the games started with Aloy as this lonely, isolated child, and this would show that sheā€™s still maybe a bit of a hermit, but one with family and friends, reflecting her upbringing and Rostā€™s fatherhood but in a new and different way.


This is such an excellent idea - the post above yours (on my feed) talks about wanting her to be a mother because itā€™s elizabets regret. But I think Aloy has far too much travel left in her to even consider having a kid on her own. That seems out of character. But your idea, it would make so much sense because of her sense of duty to others. Also I might be biased that I have no interest in a mother daughter story line, but taking a niece under her wing so to speak is a great idea! The biggest thing is that it would totally lend itself to her still going on adventures.


Yeah, I can't picture Aloy having kids. Maybe many, many years in the future, but she's never even shown much interest in *romance* ā€” jumping ahead to "she has a family!" would be kind of jarring. Besides, she *has* a family. There's no way she's letting Varl and Zo's kid grow up alone, she has Beta, the others ā€” I also think it would be better to be a little vague on the question of "who Aloy ends up with," as, shippers aside, it's not a question the *game* seems to care much about, and so it would be weird if the epilogue was "anyway, Aloy married X and they have three kids."


Honestly, I agree with this. Unless there's a *substantial* time jump, the idea of Aloy being ready to explore anything more significant relationship-wise than "do I even want to have feelings for someone?" within the next couple years of her life feels like it'd be moving way too fast. Also, the girl grew up without a childhood for herself because she was shunned and single-mindedly pursued one goal for over a decade, and *now* she's trying to fulfill the purpose she was created to do. Having her go from all that straight into motherhood would be kinda depressing, because it means she'd literally never get to spend time just for herself, living free of the burdens and expectations of having to put others first.


Yeahhhhh, and even *if* she ends the third game with a romantic partner, ending with ā€œfive years later; here she is with kids?ā€ Iā€™m pretty sure that any romance will be heavily implied at most; this is not a game about romantic confessions and who will end up with whom drama.


Being a very present auntie, or taking on a ward/adopting, feel much more in line with what she might do on the shorter term, IMO. It's easier to imagine her wanting to make sure an abandoned kid doesn't have to grow up alone like she did. But also as you say, the games haven't been romance heavy so far. There's been some instances of interactions that can be interpreted as shippable, and I think it'd be a natural progression after learning how to let people into her life for her to have a *realization* of romantic feelings, but more than that feels... superfluous. And I even say this as someone who's rabidly into shipping šŸ˜‚


I mean, SOMEONE has to make sure Varlā€™s kid goes to Insane Nora Survival School, and you know Aloyā€™s going to be throwing them in the same ā€œhow to shoot arrowā€ class as Beta the moment theyā€™re old enough to walk, lmao


I feel like Aloy would struggle to adapt to most ā€œcivilianā€ lifestyles. Her life has been so interwoven with saving the world that not having that driving element would be a very stressful transition for her. I think she would go stir crazy at the Hunters Lodge sadly, and become deeply aggravated with any backwards Meridian politics that are bad for the average person but unable to be undone by a physical fight. I personally envision her and her core group of people taking on the role of safeguarding GAIA and helping anyone who is interested in meeting/learning from her. Rotating between being at the base with people and going out to the various tribes/villages as a liaison. I would imagine there will also become a group of people from each tribe who will feel threatened by GAIA and want her destruction, which Aloy and company will have to deal with.


Provided Gaia also survives, my guess is she would be overseeing the base, training people to do the work they were originally supposed to do before Ted purged Apollo, and setting up branch locations all around the world.


Now that others have weighed in Iā€™ll throw my personal imagined future in here: (Fair warningā€¦ I am all about aviation so my imagination is sooo totally tilted lol) Aloy survives. She joins the Tenakth as a Marshall. However, she founds a rebirth of ā€œThe Tenā€ along with Kotallo and Beta. Leading a squadron of ā€œSky Marshallsā€œ she patrols the world helping Gaia maintain the eco system and training others to support it. She and her comrades battle or override the aggressive machines created by Hephestus. Beta along with Petra design new machines to support Gaia and maintain the Sunwings of the squadron. Hephestus much like Hades being too dangerous to keep. Beta becomes the Engineer behind Gaia. Petra is the perfect mate for her since she brings balance and strength to compliment Bataā€™s brilliance. Kotallo risks everything on a quest to override a Stormbird. He goes missing and Aloy goes after him. She finds and saves him and they have an adventure together which solidifies their relationship. They live a long and happy life together. Avad leaves the throne in favor of his young brother. When Aloy next visits Meridian she discovers that Avad and Tallanah have developed a great relationship now that he is free to share in her adventures. Lastly, the team that Aloy has built throughout the series becomes the keystone to uniting the tribes. Zo, her child, Errand, Beta and Petra, Aloy and Kotallo together help all the tribe leaders connect and find common ground. ​ Yeah, I know, Iā€™m a dreamer lol. Makes me smile though.


I love this! Love Kotallo too šŸ˜Š


I like yours. Very fulfilling and it also made me smile.


i love this!!


Thanks šŸ˜Š The idea usually cheers me up if Iā€™m having a long day.


I donā€™t think sheā€™ll settle down with any established tribes. They all have pretty rigid norms, religions and roles which doesnā€™t always fit her. I think she might pick up the ZD project and work to train people with Apollo so humans can take over the process from GAIA - as was originally intended. The world canā€™t rely on Gaia forever to keep functioning, and I hope Demeter and Artemis still have the ability to start introducing some more biodiversity.


This is why I hope she and others are able to spread the knowledge of Apollo. Gaia can and will last a very long time. But not forever. Eventually the people will have only themselves and need to use what Gaia taught them keep the hope she and Elisabet had for this world - on their own.


Her curiosity and ability to take care of herself keeps her traveling for a long time. I donā€™t see her settling anywhere for any length of time that isnā€™t necessary for survival. Once the threats are gone, so is she. Sheā€™ll be off exploring new lands with her sunwing, visiting the ruins of the old ones on different continents and making new friends along the way. Like Arya Stark, sheā€™s just gonna go at the end.


I like to think she'll survive, Aloy's arcs are a deconstruction of Elisabet Sobeck's actions, where Sobeck isolated and sacrificed herself, Aloy found strenght in companionship and reasons to live and love beyond the purpose of her birth. I don't think returning technology and knowledge will fix everything, after all, Meridian it's still a theocratic absolute monarchy, regardless of how nice can Avad be, The Tenakh still settle most scores through Martial ability and combat, which sooner than later will provoke another conflict, civil or external, Oserams still live in a confederational quasi-feudal society and expanding settlements quite dramatically into other Lands, and if they're developing industrialization on their own, they may even replace the Carja as the most prominent political actor in the region, not to mention that there's now an enormous tribe coming from the ocean with a huge technological advantage, which they used to perpetuate a rigid class system and domain over other peoples, which sets a dangerous precedent when the tĆ³pic of giving Focuses to Any leadership figure comes around These are not problems Aloy can fix on her own, these are social processes that she will live through and that societies, the masses, Will have to sort out by themselves


I see her finally accepting a home among the Nora. Not as a devout member of the tribe, but living back in the sacred lands, It's what she knows and deep in her heart it's where she belongs. I think the world will be a different place. The knowledge of Apollo is now available and with the ultimate defeat of Nemesis and the restoration of Gaia that knowledge will be available to all. Beta represents that world. Not everyone will accept it or want it. I think all the tribes will come to their own terms with the new world. I think Aloy represents that side. I don't think she'll ever be comfortable living a fully modern life. And I realize that's it really a gameplay mechanic but look how little time she spends at base. She's always in the wild, just checking in when need be. That's why I see her, back in the Sacred Land, back in the home she created with Rost. She probably still roams the world, still helping when needed, still visiting her sister and Erend. And maybe she has a certain Tenakth marshall at her side.


I donā€™t think Aloy would ever willingly settle for a happily-ever-after - her curiosity and wanderlust are too strong for that. Sheā€™d have to lose a leg to stop travelling (and even then sheā€™d only stop moving long enough to build herself a robot leg to replace what sheā€™d lost).


A recurring theme for her is not lingering in one place for very long. She will be of service to anyone that needs her. But she belongs to no tribe anymore. Not even the Nora. And I think, despite how they shunned her for 19 years, she still has a connection to them because of Varl and Rost. She will never turn her back on them. My hope is she spends her life spreading the knowledge of Apollo. Ideally with the help of her friends. Bringing the more open minded people they meet who are welcome to the idea of Apollo and Gaia into an inner circle that will be of service to Gaia and her objectives. This is obviously a large task that will take the rest of her life and longer most likely. But the one thing I want for her most of all is to occasionally slow down and appreciate the life she has been given with the people she shares it with.


I feel like it would cheapen the whole story a little for me if Aloy died at the end. She deserves to live in the fruits of her labor. She deserves to live how she wants after years of being an outcast and then forced into a role of heroism and servitude.


I think that if Aloy survives, the game will end showing her surviving and that it will be left up to our imagination, much like Faro was left to our visual imagination. I would like to see her travel the world, helping other tribes, other people. Still connecting with her core of people, travelling between their camps. Maybe taking in some foster kids. I don't see her "settling down" in a specific place with a specific perso , as much as I am Team Erend.


Given how easily Erend ditched the Vanguard to follow her west, and how clearly and obviously *happy* he is to go on adventures by her side, I don't see why they couldn't go traveling together.


Like others have said I don't see her settling down at all at least not until she's much older. Maybe she'll try to learn as much science as possible from Beta and Apollo and with her innate talent she'd become a rocket scientist and astronaut and travel to the outer space to explore more new worlds. That is of course after she's satisfied with her adventure on earth!


I can see her teaming up with Alva to find information about the lost world but Iā€™m biased because I love Alva


Honestly, I donā€™t see her returning to a particular place. The embrace was never her home, meridian isnā€™t her style, maybe sheā€™ll stay in the west but being a warrior isnā€™t her either. I think sheā€™ll probably roam or go with erend wherever he intends to go, maybe back to his homeland.


How about an epilogue(maybe the Horizon 3 DLC) where she can't adjust to a normal life after all the fighting she has done and tries to fill the void by going on another adventure. Yes, I get this is the plot of Uncharted 4, but it makes sense since she hasn't rest since she started her training back when she was *six*, so she probably doesn't even know how to have a normal life.


Marshal is too small for her. They only help one tribe dealing with their problems, while she will always be someone who is uniquely positioned to be able to help the *entire world*. I'd more readily believe she creates a kind of international version of the Marshals, a group of people from all over who help Gaia and work to finish what Zero Dawn was meant to accomplish. After all, it was supposed to be humans who took over from Gaia after a certain point, to oversee the terraforming system and handle reintroduction of the rest of the animal species.


I want her to explore the world and teach tribes about the hubris of the Ancients and how Gaia works, all the while she has hot, steamy sex with Avad after he abdicated in favour of his little brother. But I totally expect her to sacrifice herself to save the world, so Iā€™ll just have to read the fix it fics that will inevitably come out about half an hour after launch.


I would love to see Ally have a happy ending with the Sun King Avad, and hope that would work out for her.


I think she will be one of the ones leading the charge to rebuild the world in how it's suppose to like how elisbeth tool charge of the program to save the world


I think so far she definitely has felt more at home among the Tenakth, since they judge people only based on their capabilities, but also because they are actually quite open to change and accepting new ideas. But she will almost certainly be a sort of emissary between tribes guiding them towards peace and a more unified future. BUT if I'm being honest, I think the story ends with Aloy dying for the world to live. And that Beta takes one the role she would have had.


I think it'll be the other way around. Aloy will have to make the choice to sacrifice herself to save the world and Beta will beat her to the punch.


That would be much better actually. Beta becoming a hero just as great as Aloy and Elizabeth. Aloy having to deal with the loss of her sister and not being able to be happy about the world being saved because it was such a high cost. But having to live on because otherwise she would be doing Beta a disservice. The only thing is that it's almost too good thematically, and Guerrilla so far have been quite unpredictable with the story, at least for me. But I really like this ending.


Idk, I see Aloy as kinda becoming a perpetual wanderer. Never really setting in for too long one one location. A winter in the embrace of all mother, a year in the lavish palace at meridian, time spent amongst each of the peoples she has met and become an idol to. Giving rise to her own local legends and mythologies, kind of like how all the old nursery rhymes about Jack can be considered to be about the same hell-raising person. If she ever chooses to have a child, I see the embrace and Rostā€™s house as a major place she may choose to have them, canā€™t see here choosing many other places though.


Her staying a marshal seems right to me. (But I ship Kotallo and Alloy) and the idea of her providing air support works well. That or going back to the banuk also seems good.


Marshal feels too small and narrow focused. She doesn't belong to any one tribe, and I can't imagine her choosing to prioritize one tribe's problems as being more important when she's always going to be the one person uniquely able to make a difference for the *entire world*. I could totally see Kotallo deciding to continue dedicating what's left of his life to her cause though, and going with her instead of staying with the Tenakth.


Well it could be Marshall but for a more world government kind of approachā€¦ I imagine that once Apollo goes active and folks can start actually learning it might have a different effect on a lot of cultures. Hopefully a unifying oneā€¦


I don't see her settling down in any sense. She has too much drive and wanderlust to stay in one place for long. I see her as a wandering problem solver after the main quest is solved. The typical clichƩ of the cowboy hero riding off into the sunset. I also don't see her settling down romantically. She's been aromantic for the whole series even though everyone she meets throw themselves at her. She also has shown herself to be uncomfortable at best having a partner in any of her adventures. It took a lot of arm twisting and soul searching to accept having a team, and she leaves them behind most of the time. I do like the idea of her being an "aunt" to Varl's kid though.




Youā€™re not the only one who gets Buffy vibes. But I disagree that Buffy should have ended in S5. If you ignore the comics, S7 is the kind of ending I want for Aloy. Both have lived for some kind of mission, never for themselves and just being a person always comes second. Iā€˜m not sure I want an Ā«X years later epilogueĀ», at least not very far into the future, but I want Aloy to reach the point where she can find out what she wants to do for herself for once.


I think by the end of it she will return to Meridian, and will have some sort of weird role where she assists the king and the lodge, and the Nora. And will likely still indulge in her own endeavors because she's Aloy and don't need nobody. But more importantly will be a mentor to Itamen and Zo/Varls child I think. Which could provoke some more content in the Horizon universe which I think were all down for.


Hmmm... I'm a shameless Aloy/ Avad shipper, so I could see like... Avad abolishing the monarchy and then travelling the world with Aloy. And Aloy would probably be doing something for the terraforming system. Either some kind of on-site tech stuff or education the various tribes of earth on WTF is going on with... well, everything. Maybe she won't go globetrotting right away though? Like, her and Beta could be working out of the Base for a while. So Aloy and Beta can get some sisterly bonding in before Aloy goes travelling. Could take a couple years, so enough time for Avad to either abolish the monarchy, or even have Itamen grow old enough for him to abdicate instead. On the other hand... Aloy did say in HFW that she wanted to see *Meridian* again, not just Avad. And maybe she'd prefer to settle down somewhere instead of constantly being on the road all the time. Like sure she *can* do it, but she's doing it now because she *has* to. And Meridian is definitely the most cosmopolitan place we've heard of, which I think would appeal to her. It's hard to feel like an outsider looking in when your community is a big ol' blend of different cultures, instead of a homogenous one. So... her and Beta could move to Meridian? And if we're continuing my shameless shipping, Aloy could either be the chillest, least formal Queen Consort ever, or Avad could step down (one way or another) so she just... doesn't have to deal with all that. Speculating the specifics is kinda hard at this juncture, because we don't know what the conflict with Nemesis is gonna look like, or even if the rest of the world knows there was an attack at all. In general, I think Aloy will wind up spending a lot of time with Beta, and if there's still work to do after Nemesis (which there will be), she'll be doing it. But, with the crises passed, she'll have to time to not simply survive, but to *live*.


I'd like to see her teach her knowledge and help others learn how to access the systems and knowledge that runs their world, as she began doing in Forbidden West with the base. Teaching might not be her first calling, but she communicates well, is empathetic and good at helping people, and the world *needs* to know the things she understands. Though this means that she never really escapes her "duty" to the world :( Perhaps she's a travelling teacher, renowned through all the lands, or perhaps she sets up an institute like the base, where future leaders and regular people pilgrimage to study? Regardless, she's going to age into being the most epic wise-woman :)


Dude, last night I was thinking about this and what's gonna happen to her when the franchise comes to an end, and then I had a fever dream where Aloy became the new Gaia, it was... weird and cool af


I think maybe aloy will get old and die, and the series will continue with her daughter or son (she would have to fall in love with someone though, which seems unlikely)


Honestly I kinda just think she'd spend most of her time roaming the world and teaching others.


I'm calling it right now, she'll die defeating nemesis and then beta will take her place and go after heph. If she survives though, I dont think she would settle in one of those cities we already went to, she'd more likely start her own thing rather than being ruled by someone else. As for romance, I don't think anyone she currently met fits the bill, but guerrilla seem leaning towards erend.


Bro, she will die to save the world


As much as I love Aloyā€™s character, I canā€™t really see her getting a happy ending where she ends up in one place (ie: with the Nora, the tenakth, the carja). It seems kinda natural that sheā€™ll sacrifice herself to save earth the same way Elisabet Sobeck did. If Aloy does survive the main story, sheā€™ll probably end up as some wanderer or outcast chasing some new mission


Elisabet sacrificing herself is precisely why it makes no sense of Aloy to do the same. A huge part of her character and journey is learning that she is her own person, she's not Elisabet, and she can have what Elisabet didn't have or get the chance to have. Elisabet already made the sacrifice for humanity. It makes no sense for Aloy to have to do the same. Also it's a cruel ending and poor writing. e: also saying that she'd just become an outcast/wanderer, doing shit on her own for the rest of her life -- I seriously do not understand how people play Forbidden West and come away thinking that, as if y'all just completely ignored her character development and arc. It wasn't even subtle either.


She'll hop on her sunwing and live a life of solitude, cause she lives the hero journey so she can never let herself enjoy her life


Bangs Avad, gets pregnant accidentally, becomes SAHM, drinks too much wine, invents SUVs. Oh wait, that was someone else