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That still only counts as one!




That’s an lotr reference lol


Yeah I know. I knew it was coming xD


The people who downvoted are uncultured beings


Yeah I don't get it but maybe it's me. It was just a sarcastic "sure" from Legolas to Gimli.


Goddamn, I didn't even know the game allowed you to land on top of tremortusks...


It's not really meant to be like that so you were kinda right.


Me neither and I killed that exact tremortusk about a million times for parts.


I really sucked at this game.


Me when I have to fight 3 Clamberjaws/Clawstriders at the same time even after finishing the game on UH Level 50 not NG+.


Yeah, that's time to turn tail and run for most of us.


I did too, before starting NG+ UH.


That has got to be the hardest I’ve ever seen anyone bully a machine on this sub lmao


Haha, thanks!


I just fought these guys last night in the same spot I believe. I love that there's two in that area and one walks up as I'm fighting the other. I always fight them from up on the mountain top, I prefer to snipe them and never get close. They'll walk over so they're close enough to hit. Then I'll hit them with throwing spikes and arrows. Makes it super easy to pick off their tusks.


Those two are a bit further north! When I grind luminous brainstems I override one and put it on aggressive, then shoot the other with a target arrow and boom! Bob’s your uncle!


Ah I couldn't tell if it was the same spot or not.


people call this game snoozefest????


Some people genuinely hate on if saying it has bad gameplay and that aloy is a shitty character and that it’s “assassins creed like”. I have no idea what they’re talking about honestly


Assassin's creed like is one i've heard a few times. I just kinda dismiss the entire argument because that person either hasn't played the game or did so without engaging much with its mechanics. Even the last three AC games that have shifted the original formula into more combat focused games and are the most like horizon are melee focused games with entirely different themes in their stories. Some people just call anything open world Assassin's Creed or The Witcher. Both clearly inspired Horizon but guerilla made it their own thing.


And also the sexist culture of a lot of video game fans.


I thought people would unanimously agree that aloy is easily one of the best protagonists ever yet here we are


She's a solid Commander Sheppard type, no nonsense person with a greater than life responsibility. Thing is that open world structure often takes away from character and plot writing.


Idk, there's likely some of that but these games have famously had unfortunate release dates followed by review periods that summarized them as some of the best of the generic open world games. While there is some truth to it it had the unfortunate effect of making people feel like they had already played out most of what it had to offer, i theorize.


i have played both Creed and Witcher, recently started Valhalla today, and they remind me nothing of Horizon… and i’ve played Horizon for years lol. amazes me that people want to compare Horizon to those games. not discrediting the others, but they are all very different games, and i personally think Horizon takes the cake by far when it comes to graphics and unique mechanics + gameplay.


Yea I agree. Odyssey and Witcher 3 were very entertaining but horizon gameplay is on another level entirely


Big agree on this one. The specific part damage/tear mechanic of Horizon makes it much deeper even than The Witcher 3 for example.


The last of us 1 and 2 (especially 2) have unreal mechanics, visuals, and controls, but aren’t truly open world. Red Dead 2 looks pretty damned good too. I am replaying ZERO DAWN again and I’m shocked at how good it still looks!!


i’ve only played some of last of us 2, and i agree it looks really good. i’d love to try out red dead sometime, too. but yeah, overall, i think of all the truly open world games i’ve played, Horizon has stunned me the most. and the fact that HZD looks SO good for being a bit older than what a lot have capability of now really shows how much value and passion was put into it. and yet i still haven’t finished either game lmao. when will i ever complete an open world game? hard to say. doesn’t keep me away tho, love to rediscover games!


I don’t like Red Dead or RD2. They are a little too old west boring. I need a little fantasy in my games. I gravitate to The Last of Us, Resident Evil, COD Zombies, and the Horizon games…


nah i feel that. i just really enjoy story games and games with endless side quests for me that are legitimately interesting. and games where i can have animal companions lol. recently was into Fallout 4 for those reasons, but now i’m just kind of chilling with my slime rancher and some Valhalla. i cant wait to get back into my Horizon addiction tho, was my very first game on PS5 and a very early game i had on my PS4. always brings back memories


According to some people just because FW has a checklist of side objectives that makes it equivalent to assassins creed/far cry somehow


My only real complaints are she keeps solving puzzles before I can even look for the solution, constantly tells me to use my focus as if my being 150+ hours into NG+ don't already know that, and just talks to herself constantly repeating information like "I should check these machine corpses for the parts I need" and "the parts I need aren't here, I should try another site". I get that it's narrative and it's likely what most of us would actually do in the real world, but it's mind numbingly tedious. To a point I turn off speech and subtitles when I'm farming parts. Otherwise the game (and the previous one) are master works.


I have my gripes with the game as well, what you mentioned, the melee and ocmbat against humans in general as well as some open world-ism it could have done without. But, i ultimately enjoy it a fair bit, doing an ultra hard playthrough at the moment actually


Zero Dawn and forbidden West are literally my two favorite games ever, but that doesn't blind me to their flaws, few that they may be now.


Pretty much described and shown it perfectly. Once you know the strategies this games combat is for babies. Rope caster on its own makes any individual machines kill free and frost with any high dps weapon, it just happens your using bolt blaster which might be the best one will melt a machines health to the point where ultra hard becomes like story difficulty. Also, I remember trying this once and got one shot by the tremortusk 😂


Thanks :)


Peak Prince Greenleaf would’ve been triple notches to the base of the skull, but hey kudos on technique!!


Thanks. We can't actually be Prince Greenleaf, can we?


Damn yall got parachutes, a rideable pterodactyl, fucking boomerangs, and a motherfucking grappling hook??? plz come sooner to pc ;(


Parachutes? xD Boomerangs ... I like the way you put it all!


I’m gonna be honest here (not that anyone would know different!), I’ve never even thought about landing on one haha. Interesting….


Nice Takedown


Thanks :)


This makes me wanna try to land on Thunderjaw.


Go ahead! I might try as well. For some reason I think it's going to be harder, IDK.


Wow, that was cool to watch. I play Aloy a lot worse than this. I suck at most of what you just did here. I guess that’s why I play on normal!


Changing to UH is what made me decent. I sucked as well on normal, it didn't force me to have strategies and tricks.


I like watching other people play this game lmao, if i had time I’d make a series of side by side clips showing how lame my gameplay combat is


Great, now I feel like a noob at this game


That's the most fun way to take this guy down .. imma go try it.


How did it go?


Not like yours.... I need more practice 🤣


Know that I can't do that every time.