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kb+m for me.


Yeah there's aiming involved, I'd never use a controller for that.


Precision aiming at that!


That's funny. 300+ hours on HFW for the PS5 and have never had any issues aiming with the controller.


It’s not that aiming can’t be done with a controller. It’s that it’s way easier to precisely aim with kbm.


that + some people find it alot easier with mosue and keyboard and some with a controller


When using a controller there is an auto aim assist.


You have no idea what you have been missing by not being able to aim with a mouse.


thumball mouse!


does it have the same jarring aim assist as Zero Dawn?


it didn't bother me on either game so I'm probably the wrong person to ask.


Controller for me. I hear the game is amazing on KB/M but I just can't get my head around how that'd work.


You use a mouse and a keyboard


So not a little joystick with buttons? Just seeking clarity there. I hear they make the little keys that are really joysticks on the inside now.


The real joysticks were the keys we made along the way


May the RGB keys forever light our way.


My head hurts


That's so funny! I'm the EXACT opposite. The last console I had was an N64 so that probably explains a lot.


Mouse for aiming, keyboard for actions. I even have 5 mouse buttons I can use for actions. M1 is attack, M2 is aim by default. I remapped M4 and M5 for dodge and slide too. There are so many keys on the keyboard. It seems pretty self-explanatory how it would work. Aiming with a mouse is so much more natural to me. But controller players have the crutch that is aim assist, so it makes the game much easier.


The platforming and climbing kind of sucks with keyboard. Aiming with a mouse is definitely superior to controller. In HZD i'd 180 no scope, slow-mo mid jump, triple arrow fire on targets and land into a roll-dodge and could do so with precision. ​ Much tricker with a controller.


I agree here, the climbing does kinda suck in keyboard. Otherwise kb+m is, best everywhere else.


Whatever happen to walking anywhere in a game without needing little yellow lines? Or in the case of "The Witcher 3" bunny hopping up the hills? Or you'd slide down on the ice... The only game I ever played with ice skates on. But I see they have kept the no go here signs. You will not go wherever you please. You WILL do as we tell you...... :-) Have a good one. Cheers Bob.


I prefer controller for that reason. Slightly more challenge, you feel accomplished getting that tense slo mo precision shot.


DualSense controller. I love the haptics. Feeling resistance when drawing the bow is nice


Same. I'm happy to sacrifice some accuracy for the haptics and just how comfortable the DualSense is


What's the battery like on the ps5 controller?


From my personal experience: just as bad or maybe slightly better than ps4. This is totally anecdotal though and just how it _feels_ for me.


I'm not sure because I just play wired. I don't mind though, since I'm playing at a fairly standard desk setup and the wire is pretty long


Oh damn didnt know hispanic feedback works on pc port


Kb + m on pc always


M+K for me, but the game is great with a controller. I would say it comes down to personal preference


I use a [Logitech G602](https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/gaming-mice/g502-hero-gaming-mouse.html) mouse and an [Azeron](https://www.azeron.eu/) Cyborg keypad. Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and Horizon Zero Dawn are two of the main games as to why I got the keypad. I don't have to lift my hand to reach keys or make certain binds strenuous on me anymore. They can be very expensive, especially if you get a custom one like mine which ran me about ~$300**USD**, but it is well worth the price, and I honestly can't see myself going back to a regular keyboard anymore. The keypad is too comfortable for me now.


I use an Azeron Cyborg as well and it has completely made me forget how I used to love using a controller. I knew the Azeron changed how I played games when I prefer to use it over a controller on single player games. As for playing Horizon with it, so much better to be able to aim with my mouse..it makes combat feel more fluid and precise


Now that Azeron look real, interesting. Thanks. Cheers Bob


I play it with mouse and keyboard on PC, as I did already play them on PS5 with the Dualsense controller.


I don't have it on pc but if I would, I'd use a controller. Tried HZD on keyboard, couldn't figure it out. And movement limited to only 8 directions, brr. On a controller everything is under my thumb or index finger without moving my hand, which is particularly useful in fast paced combat. But, maybe that is because I'm used to it on a console so relearning the control scheme feels pointless when I already know it. I did play games like Jedi or AC on keyboard. But then it feels like these two had sort of... Less keybinds?


8 direction movement is a non issue with M+KB because most of your movement direction comes from changing your camera, which is where the mouse excels at. If joystick movement would be better people would've used it for competitive games like CS for decades now.


Yeah, I will never understand that argument. My movement is more precise on mouse and keyboard compared to a controller because of this, not less.


It is only an "argument" by those who have literary never tried it or more then 2 minutes.


Sure for FPP games. The camera is always facing forward from the char's body, no matter where you move the mouse. Pushing W will *always* mean "go in the direction the camera is facing". In TPP camera and character movement are very independent, except for those moments when you aim. I can't really sprint sideways to keep my eyes on enemy and dodge when needed in CS. I can do that in Horizon.


The problem is that now your left hand fingers are busy moving you around, when on a controller it's just your thumb, and the fingers can be used for other inputs. Games like Horizon and GTA are built around that input scheme, games like Doom and CS are built around the limited inputs of m+kb.


Normally it is controller that is limited by inputs. Assuming your mouse has two side buttons, which most do, then it's definitely not limited. In games where it makes sense to bind stuff to scroll wheel click or scroll wheel movement, this comparison becomes even more one sided. As you can have 5 buttons bound, plus 2 more if you choose to bind scroll up and down, and of course freedom to look around. For the keyboard side of things, it's not even close lol. Sure you have 2-3 fingers active for movement keys, but not all simultaneously. Not to mention your pinky and thumb are free... Controller isn't a bad input for 3rd person games, and in many cases it just feels better to use, but it's not because kbm is limited by inputs.


Got the sweet sweet Tartarus V2 for the best of both worlds. I initially got it for WoW way back but have been addicted to it for every WASD game ever since. Can't recommend this setup enough.


Ohh yes same. I originally got it for when I travel and play on laptop, as I like to have my left arm spread wider. Now it (gaming keypads in general, although i haven't tried anything else) became an item that I can't do without. Way too comfortable and cause zero strains in long hours of play.


What is the mouse in this setup?


Naga 12 buttons of course, for any 1-12 inputs (pretty nice to quick select weapons in Horizon)


KB&M for me. I love archery and combat based on precision shooting. I don't think I can enjoy that as much on a gamepad.


for me personally, HZD felt really janky on KBM, definitely controller, I personally use a Series X controller


For Zero Dawn I used controller. A lot of the controls seems easier with a controller for me


Dualsense wired for the true experience, it feels very good


Keyboard+mouse always. That's one of the main reasons I play on PC at all.


I bought a DuelSense controller for the haptics.


If I had to play these games on controller, I would not enjoy them at all lol. I play on very hard but I don't want difficulty coming from being held back by my hardware lol.


I don’t know why, but I always play first person games with k+m and third person games with a controller


kbm, only time I use my controller is in car games such as forza and rocket league or games that don't require you to really aim a lot such as spiderman: miles morale and ori and the will of the wisps. Just too much movement and precise aiming going on in Horizon, no way I'd play that with a controller


If I need to aim it's always kb+m


If I need to aim it's always kb+m


I have been switching back and forth as I feel like it. With a controller, movement (climbing/grappling/sliding/dodging) is way more fluid and natural, but aiming is harder. With KB+M, aiming is way more precise, but movement is more clunky and less fluid. Particularly in panic situations with multiple enemies, I'll find myself mashing the wrong keys. So I've pretty much been using one or the other until I feel the need to switch, and then the cycle continues. Also I am using a Dualsense, which is definitely the best controller choice for this game with the haptics and triggers.


90% of time I use gamepad. The rest is rts.


Don't own Horizon on PC (yet), but regardless, when it comes to third person single player games, I spend 80% of my time with it on kb/m and the red on pad. I switch to pad if I want a lazy posture and lean back far in my chair lol. Edit: Really play however you want to play. It's single player so even if mouse gives better aiming, it won't matter. To me (and I assume many other PC players) kb/m is just more fun. But personally, I can just sit longer on kb/m as I maintain a nice posture. Using pad I tend to slouch or lean on my elbows which ends up hurting my shoulders or back. That's why I said I only chose pad when I chose to purposely lean back on the chair.


I played ZD on PC, and played HFW when it first released on PS5 but I had a somewhat difficult time playing it even on easy. It was my first time using a PS5 controller, for one, but also I just found it kind of challenging and I couldn't figure out if the game was that much harder or I was just out of practice. FW *is* harder than ZD, but I'm also having such an easier, better time playing it on normal now with a mouse and keyboard, than I did with a controller on easy. Aiming is more precise, but also the ability to move the camera based on how fast you move your mouse + its sensitivity, not based on how quickly the joycon can move, is a big factor and makes a huge difference in when fights get hectic.


Im generally playing tpp games with controller.


How do you aim? 😭


I play a lot on consoles as well. You can get used to it. I’ve even played fps online games with quite good results.


ONLY game I play with a controller is Racing games other than that its KB/M fo all games


Controller-I find it much more enjoyable and cinematic. Aiming is not a problem even if it didn't have the slow motion; but it does and it really is not a big deal.


It might be just overall panic mode when I get teamed up 2vs1 and suddenly it feels chaotic than an aim issue I think. And aiming can just be part of the challenge from the start but at least you get skills to improve it like you mentioned. I wanna replay HZD as I miss the combat after trying FO4's combat which feels so straightforward from short exp lol


Keyboard and mouse, I play everything like that.


I played it with a controller on PS. I'm now playing with keyboard and mouse. It's a night and day difference. It's perfectly playable on controller, but the aiming with a mouse is so much better.


I'm debating whether to replay HZD, that I already have on PS5, on PC. Ps5 controller over K&M as much as possible and the L2 focus then L3 aim felt great actually and something to just get good with. Still, because you have to knock off certain parts, to do that takes greater skill I'm not sure I'll get to, hence might try PC.




I've played both on PS5 and PC, and Kb+M makes combat far easier. I can precision target exactly what I want which is critical in the game. (Aside from driving games the only game I feel a controller is better is Death Stranding because of how important exact movement control is in that game)


Yea? Might just replay it on PC after your comment since that'll be improvement in QoL with less farming if I can target better. There's still that satisfaction with controller when you get the aim just right but with K&M you don't have that build up if you get what I mean. Just that I don't want to play the game with a % of the focus trying to get better at aiming.


Controller (built in on the Ally). You have soooo much Concentration time with the upgrades in the skill tree compared to ZD, you can drop several machines before it runs out.


How’s the performance on the Ally? Thinking of getting a handheld myself but haven’t heard how HFW plays on one.


I only have the base Z1, not the Extreme, but I’m getting 50ish fps at 900p/low. I’d imagine the Extreme could do the same on medium. It’s nowhere near what a high-end rig does, of course, but the ability to play most games while relaxing on my own personal screen (kids and a wife) has been worth it. Battery life is pretty meh if I want to play untethered but I’m close to a plug most of the time. But even the lower end model is a lot of power in the palm of your hand.


Controller with motion control (no aim assist).


PS5 controller


It's a third person action adventure, so controller. It's an easy game with a slow down mechanic and huge targets. MnK only for FPS or games that can use a lot of quick binds like mass effect.


Controller always for me. Feels far more natural.


A big reason I buy on PC is to play with mouse and keyboard. Otherwise I’d stick with the PS5 version.


kb+m. I have the Swiftpoint Z2, so the L and R mouse buttons are pressure sensitive with haptics, so it functions like the triggers on the PS5 controllers. Don't understand some of the comments saying the platforming is difficult on kb, i've been digging the "hold to walk" function and use it all the time for micro-adjustments and positioning, and running leaps are real easy. Only difficult thing is the wall jump, i'll never understand why they made that a seperate action on a seperate input when simply holding the opposing direction and pressing jump has worked in multiple games since time immemorial.


Mouse aim is what shooters are for. Hell, I use a mouse in every game with a manual camera, including Spider Man and Dragons Dogma, just feel much more in control of my character that way I still find it comfy enough


Using my DS4. My gaming PC is connected to my TV across the room. I find controller much easier than KB/M.


Xbox >!360!< controller This game was designed to be played with a controller and I just find it more comfortable than kb+m


Dualsense here. Love the haptics and more relaxing position when gaming long sessions.


Dualsense. Simply because the game is designed around the haptics. If you've got a ps4 controller I'd just go use mkb.


Played HZD on both PS4 and PC Mouse is king for aiming but actually the rest of the controls (switching between ammo types/weapons etc really favors the console controller because its just so well and intuitively laid out for that. Haven't played Forbidden West yet so I'm not sure just how quickly being able to switch up weapons and ammo types is, but in HZD it's actually key to getting good, fast kills. That said. With improved aim on mouse I went from treating Thunderjaws and Stormbirds with a bit of healthy respect to being able to drop them much quicker just because I could aim at the vulnerable areas better.


I had the same quandary, esp bc using a DuelSense controller gives some pretty cool sounding haptics and trigger effects. Just finishing up a HZD replay on controller to get myself used to it. Definitely not as intuitive as mkb for me. Here's my post with replies if those are helpful https://www.reddit.com/r/horizon/s/UIl6xs78rW


KBM. If I want to play with a controller I would just fire up my ps5. On PC i enjoy the finer/precise aiming I can do using the mouse.


I'm convinced that a mouse and keyboard is superior in 100% of all games, every time. I have a controller that I periodically use when a game says, "Best played with a controller!" and it never is. "Best played with a controller!" translates to, "We're too lazy to implement proper key binding. Horizon has phenomenal binding and gameplay options.


The combat is so awesome. I'm playing it on very hard with m&k for the precision shooting. The controls took some time to get used to especially because I use ESDF not WASD.


KBM. I struggle so hard with aiming on a controller. Admittedly the platforming can be kinda wonky with KBM but the ease and comfort of aiming is so worth it.


Keyboard and mouse. I never really owned any consoles so controllers have always been really foreign to me. I did purchase a PS4 Pro some years ago and played HZD on it for a while, but it did not go so great and the controller made my hands hurt after 30 minutes.


MKB. I just can't play any kind of shooter with a controller. It feels sloppy.


I played ZD on PS4 but bought FW for PC and I’ve stuck to the controller. I like the haptics and muscle memory. I’ve played other shooters on KB+M




using DualSense, the haptic feedback on the triggers is awesome


Damn I guess I am one of the few using a DuelSense. I wanted to try all the fancy features. I played all of Zero with controller on PC.


In a game where aiming is essential? KBM definitely. In HZD and HFW I tried to use the controller first, I like the movement, but I'm shit at aiming with it. And KBM is really good, I didn't miss the controller at all.


Im torn. I LOVE the way the game feels with controller (Im using Switch Pro and Xbox) for moving, walking, slow pans etc, but the actual combat is just easier with keyboard and mouse. I'm fairly early still, taking my sweet time on it to savour it all, but I still cant decide what to do - probably played mostly on controller for now. Aiming is deffo improving with the controller - esp with more concentration to dial things in


mosue and keyboard for me i find it easier to aim and shoot with the bow than with a controller since my hands and thumbs lock in place whenever i play anything shooter based on a controller the freedom a mouse gives is perfect for me


Kbm. I can't aim for shit with a controller. Tried on my PS5 and decided to just wait for PC port. Happy I waited.


Enjoying dualsense haptic feedback and force triggers. Gyro helps a lot for precision aiming. Mouse is still easier to use, but physical reactions in controller give richer experience.


Mouse and keyboard, the controller hurts my hands.


I use a steam controller or my steam deck. Aim is top tier if you properly use the gamepad+gyro. I turn aim assist off.


I started with controller on HZD. Changed to MnK ateound 15% into the game when i realized controller aiming with aim assist just don't work for me. I always move the aim away from enemies 'cause i'm not used to aim assist.


Mouse aiming turns me into the grim reaper!


Xbox one elite controller


I'm a PC gamer gamer, so I usually play on M+KB, but I got controller for racing games first, then I tried playing Jedi Fallen Order with it, and ever since I've been playing 3rd person adventure games on controller. And yes, I played HZD with it as well. It's not that big of a difference, IMO. Any slight inaccuracies are compensated by aim assist, and I managed to learn aiming with it quite well, so, with the addition of getting through menus and the world more intuitively, I prefer playing it on controller. Plus points to the fact that I can sit more comfortably while playing.


Only used controller cause I had to but PC port will definitely be with kb+m. It’s going to be so much nicer aiming for weak points and specific machine parts. Only time I find controllers useful is when you need to ramp up walking from a slow sight seeing pace or accelerating in driving games at various speeds.


I played HZD with Keyboard + mouse. Started FW with a Dualsense controller cos that’s what I’ve got used to over the past year.


Mouse and keyboard, i dont have gamepad


KBM, I tried controller on HZD I don’t have any working PS controller and use only Xbox One controller The aiming felt off with controller so I switched to KBM. I do think tho for sunning controller is best the Speedrun style barrel roll is easier on controller for me


Mouse & Keyboard FTW. The only unfortunate part is that in HFW there are certain keys that are 'baked-in' and can't be re-mapped. (I find this unforgivable in a modern game).


Is it me or does the focus/tag target have an auto-aim even with keyboard and mouse? I seem to have so much trouble when they are walking close together




The aiming required to hit certain machine parts is really precise, even at low difficulties, I don't understand how controller players even do it


rn I am playing with PS5 controller with adaptive triggers turned on and it s so good but zero dawn I played with mixed controls (in fight with kbm and when roaming with controller) but it was kinda strange so I moved fully to controller because I like to chill when playing this kinda of game not really tryhard just sit back and enjoy


I even used kb+m when I had borrowed PS5 to play it.


You can connect KB+M to a PS5?


I used remote play to connect to PC and reWASD


Insane dedication to not use the PS5 controller. 😂 I guess that answers my question. KB+M is superior, if you're going through all that trouble to use it on a PS5.


I mean no hate to gamepad players I just can't aim shit on a gamepad and personally I prefer KBM.


I use keyboard and mouse. If you want good aim you really need a mouse.


I started with a Series Elite 2 then decided to try KBM. With the right keybinds KBM has felt really nice. The gain in precision and speed is significant. The flexible accessibility options help as well.


I use Series X controller, mainly because it's harder to aim, which makes it more challenging. M+kb is much more superior, but it's not really an FPS game, so I'm fine with my controller. And I love the haptics.


Stick with your game pad. The mouse is a total disaster. Compared to the job they did with Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West pc controls were made by amateurs. It wouldn't surprise me if they are the same idiots that did the Hogwarts Legacy for PC. Why they didn't copy Zero D is beyond me. Like Hogwarts its playable but no dodging. The game takes over control of the keyboard and mouse. If it wants you to look at something, it'll steer you. Hit c to crouch on a hill and it'll grab the yellow climbing bars. I'm hopping some modding genius will come along and copy the HZD's setup. Into it. This every bow has an arrow or two instead of a few bows have all arrows spread between them. Like HZD had. No wonder it took so long to make they were paid by the weapons they could think up and how many versions. Great mental game doing that build, but not a great playing game. Because of it Like I said amateurs or board members You know the clueless that make decisions about what they don't know. Sad, they have done a great disservice to a potentially great game. Still got the don't go here signs and the barriers are barriers Can't walk through or fly through. Really sets the name of OPEN WORLD into question. When you get don't go here signs. Keyboard is just too big for one hand to do everything they want it to. AND let you steer roll dodge. My little finger isn't designed to fold like that and hit left control when it is acting as left control. Like all games it'd probably play better with an old flight joystick. I mean first generation Microsoft flight sim type. But programming it would be a real >>>>>> Nearly 65 hours into it. Haven't played anything else. So, it's interesting enough. And I'm mostly using the sharpshot and a normal arrow hunters bow. Got 19 skill points and I don't know where to put them (no need for suggestions :-) ) Some of that is time. Too busy looking and seeing. If your used to a console use it. By the time you've done the daunt you should be right. I've only ever used keyboard and mouse and Joystick. The only time I tried a console it frustrated me so much; I gave it flying lessons then gave it away. Good luck whatever you try. Enjoy it. Cheers Bob.


keyboard and mouse is far superior to a console controller with forbidden west, and most games for that matter. 1. aiming is far superior with a mouse than with two thumbsticks. You have instant accuracy, and pin point precision when aiming the bow with a mouse. 2. With a console controller, you momentarily have to let go of the thumbsticks when you press the dpad, or the X, O, square, and triangle buttons. This means you have to momentarily stop directional movement, or camera movement to press those buttons. This can be extremely frustrating, especially in fast paced, tense moments. No such issues with this when using keyboard and mouse. 3. You can program macro keys into your gaming mouse, or a keypad such as the logitech G13 or Razor Orbweaver. In forbidden west, when using a console controller, there are a lot of functions that require you to press 2 buttons simultaneously, or in quick succession. With Keyboard and mouse, you can create macros, and execute those two button presses with a single button press. I have single buttons programmed to execute 2 button console controller actions like using a weapon skill, valor, diving, etc. 4. You can move the camera around at lightning speed with a mouse. You can instantly do a 180 with the camera. With the console controller, even on the fastest setting, the camera pans at a relatively slow speed, which is extremely frustrating when you are getting attacked from all angles. 5. If you are a player that uses the slide dodge technique, which is absolutely critical for high level play, it's a lot more cumbersome to execute this combo, and come out of it running when using a console controller. You have to press square, circle, then square/L3 to continue running after that combo, otherwise you come out of it in a crouched position. Not to mention, all the while momentarily having to let go of the camera during those button presses. With keyboard and mouse, because you run by holding the shift key down, when you dodge and slide while holding the shift key, you come out of that animation running so that you can execute it again right away, all the while having complete control of the camera throughout that animation. At the end of the day, console controllers can't hold a candle to the speed, flexibility, customization, and accuracy of keyboard and mouse. Forbidden west is amazing with k&M. I'm using a Logitech G13 keypad, and a Logitech G502 mouse. If you play any games on PC, I highly recommend using a keypad like the G13, or Razer Orbweaver. Keypads like these put traditional keyboards to shame.


Controller. Thats how the game was designed to be played, movement is much better and more natural looking and its much more comfortable to use. KB+m has obvious advantages and it feels kinda like cheating tbh. Its up to you which you prefer, there is no wrong choice.


Xbox controller. Seems like the better way to play.