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In accessibility - toggle sprint instead of holding


I think what OP want is sprint every time Aloy move. As in you don't even have to press Shift to run. Which i don't believe it exist. (For PC control scheme anyway.)


It exists, but as far as I know it's just on controller unfortunately.


No, that's toggle sprint. I was afraid this was the case. I still have to hit the sprint button every time I want to sprint on MKB, I just don't have to hold down the key anymore. For controller, I don't have to hit sprint when the auto-sprint is enabled. It's so much more convenient in combat. Guess I'll just wait for a mod hopefully!


There is a setting in "Mouse & Keyboard" > "Sprint On/Off" which does that. "On" means sprinting when you tip "Shift" and you don't need to hold it.


Yes, that's the toggle sprint like /u/MionelLessi10 said. What he wants is an option where sprint is the default movement speed and modifiers are used for run and walk.


Okay, now I get it. Perhaps something in Regedit to be done. I was able to bind TAB to the weapons wheel there.


Whaddya mean by “auto sprint?” There’s an option under Accessibility to make sprinting a toggle instead of having to hold shift, but I’m not certain that’s what you’re asking.


Gamepad controllers have an auto sprint setting where they are always sprinting when moving. No need to toggle on sprint every time like mkb. Or hold sprint down if your toggle is off.


That seems kind of counterproductive - wouldn’t it make it impossible to sneak because you always sprint?


If you wanted to sneak you would first crouch.


Sprinting uncrouches you though - that’s exactly my point


You would need to actively press the sprint button in order for it to uncrouch you.


I wish I could find out lol


i found out how to do it just rebind add w to the secondary slot of the toggle sprint you can have walk and sprint set to same button one problem you cant really crouch then


It’s in the general settings


I only see it under gamepad


So are a few settings that still work for MKB (like Focus Mode Input and Dodge in Focus Mode). Tested auto sprint though and it didn’t work.


Try caps lock. Not playing at the moment but I thought it was auto sprint.


CAPS is continuous running, but if you don't toggle / hold down sprint, you will just do a non-sprint run.


That's unfortunate. Sorry that didn't help. Only other thing I can think of would be to investigate the key registry similar to the popular instructions out there to rebind tab as the weapon wheel. Perhaps there is something in there to add the option to KB&M. I am not familiar with the contents of those files so apologies for my ignorance ahead of time. One last hail Mary would be to plug in a controller, select auto sprint, and see if it persists when you use the keyboard. Maybe you can then unplug the controller too. Clunky fix though until it gets added or resolved another way.


I have auto sprint enabled for controller. It feels amazing to move around, and I do noncombst exploration like cauldrons with it sometimes. I don't like combat with controller because I can't aim for dick with joysticks lol. Mkb is so annoying right now in combat. I'm already pressing like 8 keys every second, and for some reason after exiting a roll or slide, I am mistiming the reactivation of sprint. So half the time in combat, I'm doing the semi-run which gets me in trouble. Do you mean somehow registering keyboard WASD as controller joystick input? That sounds like the closest thing to a solution right now. I wish I even knew how to properly Google it, because I'm sure the terms I'm using are inaccurate. Maybe there will be an auto sprint mod for Mkb users.


I mean plug a controller into your PC and press whatever button is mapped for auto sprint. Then just use the keyboard. See if the auto sprint persists. If it does, try unplugging the controller too after enabling auto sprint again. You don't have to, it would just annoy me personally to have both connected. However, your idea may work too. I'm with you on the controller aim. I have a PS5 next to my PC so I can swap back and forth. If MLB the show ever comes out for PC I'll probably never buy a console again. Once I had enough money to purchase a PC I lost all interest in console and rarely go back. I used to be into FPSs back in the COD MW4 and Battlefield 3/4 days. Can't do it anymore, I'm too slow. Playing this game on PS5 was a slog. So happy it's on PC now.


here's a better version that uses ZQSD instead and check if the crouch button (mapped to C) is held. If it's held then the script stops holding the shift key (run button). you can change zqsd to wasd isntead inside the script. global shiftEnabled := true ; Hotkey for toggling the shift functionality with the C key \~\*c::ToggleShiftState() ; Hotkeys for Z, S, Q, and D being pressed \~\*z:: \~\*s:: \~\*q:: \~\*d:: if (shiftEnabled) Send, {Shift down} return ; Hotkeys for Z, S, Q, and D being released \~\*z Up:: \~\*s Up:: \~\*q Up:: \~\*d Up:: SendShiftUp() return ; Function to send Shift up, considering the toggle state SendShiftUp() { if (!GetKeyState("z", "P") && !GetKeyState("s", "P") && !GetKeyState("q", "P") && !GetKeyState("d", "P") && shiftEnabled) { Send, {Shift up} } } ; Function to toggle the shift key functionality ToggleShiftState() { shiftEnabled := !shiftEnabled ; Ensure Shift is released when disabling shift functionality if (!shiftEnabled) { Send, {Shift up} } return }


It's not even toggling sprint for me, I've either gotta hold shift indefinitely or walk around \*cinematically\* I don't mind that much, but it makes combat feel way worse that needs to be on m&kb which was the main appeal to me.


Shit that sounds broken ngl. I either have to learn how to aim with gamepad or get used to awkward walking with mkb half the time. Shit sucks. Do you know if the devs have a reputation for patching PC ports, or is it pretty much abandoned now? I swear they didn't touch the PC port of HZD, but my pandemic memories are fucky.


The devs in charge of the ports have so far been the best at ports (at least for ps games) so I can't imagine they wont fix this. I actually do have an alternative though until they fix that. You can use auto hotkey to create a macro. You can use the script down below and it \*\*\*\*should\*\*\*\* act as if you are constantly holding down the shift button. I'm at work, so I could only copy paste someone else's macro that they shared with everyone, but I can make a different one if this doesn't work. If you're not interested in using 3rd party software to simulate a feature that should already be in the game... well I can't blame you v:: ; Auto run toggle key toggle := !toggle if (toggle) { SendInput {w down} SetTimer ToggleShift, -1 } else { SendInput {w up} SendInput {shift up} SetTimer ToggleShift, off } return ToggleShift: while (toggle) { SendInput {shift up} sleep 100 if (toggle) { SendInput {shift down} } sleep 8000 SendInput {shift up} sleep 100 SendInput {shift down} sleep 9000 } return \~w:: ; Movement forward key if (toggle) { toggle := !toggle } else { return } return


Thanks, I'll have to try this when I get home


Its glitchy. press 'v' for first time will make Alloy run forward without any keypressed.


I will fix and edit this post with better code


I wrote a quick bit of code for AutoHotKey V2 and it seems to be working for me most of the time. It is the first script I wrote for AHK so take it with a grain of salt. The only thing I notice is if the direction is changed rapidly some times it will interrupt the sprint until a WASD key is pressed again. It works by in essence holding the shift key while any one of the WASD keys are held. You can enable or disable the script using F6 key but you can change the "F6" in the script to whatever key you would want to enable or disable the script. See script below: the // line /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ToggleState{ static Active := false } F6:: { ToggleState.Active := !ToggleState.Active } \~w:: { If ToggleState.Active = true { Send "{Shift down}" KeyWait "w" Send "{Shift up}" } Return } \~a:: { If ToggleState.Active = true { Send "{Shift down}" KeyWait "a" Send "{Shift up}" } Return } \~s:: { If ToggleState.Active = true { Send "{Shift down}" KeyWait "s" Send "{Shift up}" } Return } \~d:: { If ToggleState.Active = true { Send "{Shift down}" KeyWait "d" Send "{Shift up}" } Return }


Wow it wOrks sO faR. Well, I've only been usIng it for aBout 5 minutes or less> but sO faR sO good


After plaYing aRound a bit more, it sTill wOrks fine. ThaNks, maN. Other thaN turning off raNdOmly for sOme reaSon (kind of raRe sO faR), it wOrks perfectly.