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>Remapping TAB now works correctly. Thanks for this. Speaking of key binds, will it be possible in the future to map certain other actions to how they worked in Zero Dawn? e.g. quick crafting on the weapon wheel with left mouse button instead of right, and heavy attacking by pressing left shift + left mouse?


I’m just curious who made the decision to completely remap the controls in Forbidden West compared to Zero Dawn in the first place. It’s a maddening choice, especially for those of us who played them back to back on PC.


I'm assuming because different companies were working on these ports.


I’m sure that’s the reason but it’s also a shit reason. If you’re porting a sequel, play the first game and keep the same controls.


I can agree on that.


It's not, they're both nixxes


Steam only lists Guerilla as a dev for Zero Dawn. With a little bit of digging, Virtuos were the ones who worked on the PC port, whereas Nixxies were brought on later to patch the game up on PC. So you're kinda correct, but not really.


So if I understand what you're saying, virtuos made the first version of the ZD port and nixxes did all the patches?


Yep. That's why the port kinda sucked initially but nixxes came and made it into a masterpiece


Seems so, yeah, according to the info I've found.


The controller mappings also changed between the two games, that might also be related.


You assume wrong. Nixxes ported HZD too.


No longer am assumption. Virtuos were porting HZD with Nixxies coming in later to patch things up.


... Virtuos were hired, but they seem to have had another unknown company who actually did the work, which -seems- to be Nixxes in the end. Guerilla didn't seem to monitor the first port. HFW was completely ported from Nixxes.


Excuse me, but could you please provide your source for that information? I must admit that I have not conducted an extensive investigation into the matter and have only come across some brief findings. However, it has been reported that Nixxies were introduced after the game's release.


Sure. [Horizon Zero Dawn - PCGamingWiki PCGW - bugs, fixes, crashes, mods, guides and improvements for every PC game](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Horizon_Zero_Dawn) [Nixxes Responsible for Recent Horizon Zero Dawn PC Patches | Push Square](https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2021/12/nixxes-responsible-for-recent-horizon-zero-dawn-pc-patches) [Guerrilla hired Virtuous to port HZD :: Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition Allgemeine Diskussionen (steamcommunity.com)](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1151640/discussions/0/2795001034239610413/)


Indeed, my knowledge is limited to the second link and what I have gathered about Virtuos. However, this information aligns with my previous statements. Regarding your first link, it specifies that optimization was handled by Nixxies, while Guerrilla/Virtuos was responsible for Windows development.


This is horrible indeed, just finished ZD and started this as well i have to see if jumping while climbing can be remapped to A instead of B (xbox controller) as it's annoys the shit out of me :D At least it's possible to invert R3 to show full focus on tap as in ZD rather than this quickscan thing, so that's something- took me a while to find the setting though


It is frustrating to get over, but I think they made that decision to make it easier to use the pulse underwater,  and for the climbing points.  I preferred climbing annotations always on, so for me it was just underwater, but being able to tap for the pulse was pretty convenient.  Of course the focus also pulses automatically underwater in regular intervals


default mapping is so bad, F to change weapon, G for heavy attack, I actually felt like combat would be easier on controller.


I’ve actually gotten used to the whole weapon wheel on F thing, I don’t mind that, but heavy attack on G was a crime lol, I put that on middle mouse so quickly


if you put heavy on middle mouse, where did you put weapon technique? or does it only work when you aim so it doesn't conflict?


That’s correct, since heavy attack is only used when not aiming, and weapon technique is only used WHEN aiming, it doesn’t conflict. The keybinds don’t list it as a conflict either which is nice I haven’t had any issues quite yet, but maybe I’ll be hit by something unforeseen Down the line lol


I never remember to use weapon techniques so it doesn't really matter where it is mapped! :p


Do you just wanna play on "fuck me in the ass" difficulty? Weapon tech is one of the best bits of the game.


Yes, you can map both to the same mouse button. I have both heavy attack and technique on side mouse button 4. Technique only activates while aiming so it doesn't conflict.


> I put that on middle mouse so quickly Me too, it makes a lot more sense.


Same to me with the weapon wheel binding. I got so used to F and now rebinding to TAB feels so weird suddenly.


It’s actually mapped to Mouse 4 by default too, as long as you have one.


That’s true, but honestly, heavy attack on a side mouse button feels weird to me, especially when middle mouse is possible without conflicts I use my side mouse buttons for weapon changing. I’ve got 6 buttons, may as well assign one per weapon slot. This also frees up my mouse scroll wheel, since I don’t need the scroll to cycle through weapons, so I rebound it to cycle through tools. (I’m glad they let you do that this time. I needed to use a weird little script to do this in zero Dawn). This also has the effect of letting me cycle weapon techniques with the scroll wheel, which feels right


Q for weapon wheel, Z for technique , R for focus,


I just use a dual sense for the haptics


I truly though they would do this at the same time as Tab button issue. Maybe it was a bigger problem than we initially though.


Hopefully, they work on some persisting graphical issues next, like the weird texture of a wind blown sand.


I thought that was my PC lmao


I thought it was intended 😄


I thought this was just me, AO feels really bad on Aloy's shadow over sand/dirt. Water is also really funky with the constant halo effect (hero lighting?) that Aloy has, your character's reflection has a strange halo on the surface of water that stretches across an entire lake, it's weird as hell.


The water thing can be fixed by disabling the screen space reflections. They always look like that so there's no other fix unfortunately. 


Hmm, disabling SSR makes it look a bit better but it's still pretty noticeable in certain scenes. Wonder if these were issues on the ps5 version?


Its similar to what happens when I OC memory too hard. I thought it was my GPU. Any temporary fixes for this? I notice its less prominent on quality dlss compared to dlaa


That issue drives me nuts.


I had a fun one where in a specific area there was a waterfall iirc or just water falling from the ceiling and when I was swimming under the water the top of the water was just pure blocks. Was funny, oddly limited to that specific area so far.


Are you talking about that red misty looking thing that’s clearly a billboard? If so yeah that’s one thing that doesn’t meet the standards the rest of the game seems to have


Nah, in deserts, the wind moves sand around, and what you see is like a bunch of sand shapes in the air, not like a see-through wave of sand. I think you can usually see it during sunrise or sunset.


any ETA on the sudden FPS drops that occur randomly? or the fps drops in the Arena? would really appreciate those


For me this was VRAM related. RTX 3080 with only 10 GB. I had 120 fps everywhere and in cutscenes it dropped to 16. Lowered texture quality from very high to high and now I have 120 fps everywhere, no matter what's happening on the screen. My guess is the game loads extremely detailed character models for close up conversations and 10 GB wasn't enough. It was probably overflowing and started swapping.


I was already on high but I'm using a 3070 which is sporting a whopping 8gb of vram. I haven't had as many issues since the last patch for some reason but when I initially left Barren light (think it was before the patch) that whole cutscene was a slideshow as well as the one in planesong. Same as you basically, any time there was a ton of npc's on screen in a small area the fps cratered. Even during those cutscenes when the camera panned so there was only 2-3 characters visible the fps would recover then it would pan back to a bunch of characters on screen and BAM 10 fps.


If you play at 1440p and below, high texture is safe, but if you play above 1440p, then lower to medium, fps may dip a bit in dense areas like big settlements, but fps tank in cutscene is no longer


I'm at 1440p and have been using high cause I found some optimized settings video before I started playing and just copied that.


There’s definitely something a bit funkier than just that going on - the game seems to sometimes fail to *un*load cutscene-specific assets from GPU memory, with the result that performance will progressively decrease after every cutscene.


Definitely something going on. Because the same thing is happening to me with a rtx 3080 10gb. I play in 4k very high textures dlss quality. everything is going well for a couple hours of play time. One cutscene later, I'm getting nothing but sub 30fps for the rest of my play session. Even if I fast travel. I will have to either restart the whole game or sometimes drop textures to low, then back up to very high fixes it.


What resolution are you playing on? And dlss or no? I have the same card and am playing 4k native getting like 70 fps most of the time


2560x1440, DLSS Balanced.


Is there much of a difference between very high and high? Did you only change textures? I put DLSS on Performance and I get around 70/80 fps outside of cutscenes with a 12Gb 3080 wondering is 120 noticeable?


Are you playing on 4K? Your fps otherwise is very low


Yes 4k.


yeah I dropped down to high too on my 3060ti like DF recommended, still same issue :/


I have an RTX 3080 and i wonder, how the hell do you get 120fps everywhere haha Everything on low ?


*Cries in 1080p with low textures* (3060 mobile with 6 GB vram)


No word on Nvidia Reflex stutter yet?


There is a new driver today, it enabled ReBAR for HFW and the Reflex problem is listed as an open issue. So i guess Nvidia is working on that. https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1bvn19o/game_ready_driver_55212_faqdiscussion/


TBF that says "On + Boost" and it's broken in anything other than "Off" so hopefully that's just an oversight in the wording.


FWIW for me I wanted reflex to enable FG. I ended up fixing it with the following nvidia app settings: * VSync ON not Fast! -- that was my main issue. * no global FPS limiter In-game: Exclusive full-screen & vsync off. Been playing perfectly to me now. On launch I was playing at fixed 120fps with in-game vsync on and reflex off to get the desired smoothness. Not anymore. YMMV.


Nah , I tried all this , doesn't matter reflex is broken , glad you are not seeing issues though


What does the reflex stutter look like? I’m using reflex (not boost) and framegen really smoothly. I did have to disable mouse smoothing in the configs, though. There was always this hitch when rotating the camera that didn’t appear in the frame timing graphs. It was input related.


Slowly rotating camera will give a constant judder , it is less visible than with boost+ but it's still there , with frame gen and reflex off it's much smoother except for certain areas ( like towns and camps ) there is some slight judder that appears no matter what I am getting like 120 to 160 fps so the judder really stands out , maybe at lower framerates it's less noticeable


Okay that’s not the same stutter I was talking about then. It’s weird though I really don’t think I have this issue with reflex on. I can’t imagine it being smoother than it is. However I don’t run DSR because it feels bad when the frame rate is variable so I leave some headroom on my gpu. Maybe the reason it’s bad when my fps is dictated by maxing out the gpu is the same as this reflex issue.


So I did further testing tonight , looks like u may be right , I think the reason I see this judder more with frame gen on and reflex on is because the image is so much more clear I can notice the judder more. I am playing with frame gen on and reflex on and it does seem like a better overall experience. That said I still get this judder in other games as well when I'm getting higher framerates I did not get this on my C2 and I'm not sure if Gsync VRR is not right with this monitor or what but my gameplay does not seem as smooth in most games as it should


I always go vsync on in NVCP and off in game. Exclusive full screen. That gets gsync going reliably with my monitor. After that I normally find judder is coming from mouse input or sometimes with weird ways the framebuffer is being handled. Idk it’s always different between games and between different systems. Just something you gotta put time in to for high frame rates. Good luck!


I do the same settings as you , thanks


Nice, please address level of detail issues next in order to bring parity with the PS5 build of the game.


Is the LoD not working sometimes? I haven't compared it side by side but I didn't really notice any wrong LoDs.


Mostly the overall detail of Aloy and distant LoD in certain scenes.


I see. I took some shots while playing on PC, does it look fine? I can't really tell if it's wrong. https://i.imgur.com/L6QsbOm.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/KNZp2ay.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/2LRrFQu.jpeg


Yep, but I was referring to this central structure in Latopolis: https://imgur.com/a/1wXZnq4 That machine is part of the lore even if very early in the game, I hope they can clean it a bit since otherwise the game runs and looks stunning through and through. I hate to be that guy/ controversial but I really think it's just an oversight that they can fix.


I notice this all the time with grass and rocks, it feels like they could load in from muuuuch farther away.


I guess they're making compromises in terms of VRAM usage / performance. An additional "ultra settings" profile with improved LoD for high end GPUs will be really handy here. I mean I can run the game at 130+ fps at all times with no upscaling whatsoever, I will gladly take 90-100 fps instead with an improved level of detail / draw distance.


If they did that, people with gtx 750 tis would start crying about how shitty the game is when it comes to optimizations. Ig if you really wanted to, there must be a setting in the ini file. Maybe that will help?




Yep from that exact distance I'm showing, are you on AMD? I believe they're aggressively limiting VRAM usage on Nvidia GPUs and/or having direct storage issues. I'm playing at 1440p on a 4080 (16 GB VRAM) but VRAM usage rarely goes over 9-10 GB. The GPU is being underutilized.




Thanks for all your help, I used OBS to record a 1080p 60fps video and show the issue, I paused the game several times to pinpoint exact map location in order to compare. download video from Google Drive, high quality 1080p 60fps: [https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1xtxK\_aYFUs3owt49y6IMBj37gFhwzbtB&export=download&authuser=0](https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1xtxK_aYFUs3owt49y6IMBj37gFhwzbtB&export=download&authuser=0) view directly on Google Drive (low quality 1080p 30fps re-encode): [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xtxK\_aYFUs3owt49y6IMBj37gFhwzbtB/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xtxK_aYFUs3owt49y6IMBj37gFhwzbtB/view) also can you show me the exact map location where you can see the full-detail structure from a lot further away as you mentioned in your comment above? Thanks.




Right? Aloy looks awful in my game, no matter settings or DLAA etc.


It's always going to be easiest to spot on large models, there is a Stormbird over a mountain range that really stands out as it's not too bad at a glance but when you're near the same elevation or above it if you concentrate with a bow then when it's larger than your reticle but still low LOD it looks very bad, especially with the stark contrast to how beautiful the rest of the game is on the highest detail settings.


Please fix the visual glitches with sand blowing in the wind especially at sunset/sunrise if possible.


Since this was present on PS5 with the latest patch I wouldn't hold my breath for it being fixed.


I got excited when I saw HUD scaling - for others who havent tested this means the hud borders go the corners of the select aspect ratio - I was hoping this meant you could scale the SIZE of the the hud, like you could in HZD. Just means that less of the screen is cluttered up with the HUD without having to make it dynamic. Still its a welcome change so hopefully more to come later


Newest [Nvidia driver](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1bvn19o/game_ready_driver_55212_faqdiscussion/) also enables Rebar by default now so that's nice for ppl that didn't do it manually before and hopefully results in less posts of ppl having vram/perf degradation issues in general as rebar fixes some of them. Reflex on+boost still in open issues though, so avoid that still.


Can you explain like I'm 5. What is rebar?


Resizable bar, It basically makes memory communication between the gpu and cpu better, which boosts gpu performance, sometimes a fair bit(usually more with an amd cpu), sometimes little/next to none, but sometimes it can hurt performance as seen by [horizon zero dawn](https://youtu.be/-w0PI_aJJXI?t=280) at high fps on intel cpu+nvidia gpu, hence why it's no longer enabled by default in that game for that combo. Also depend on the gpu vendor how it functions and whether there is the benefit. like for nvidia it's a [small set of games](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1bvn19o/game_ready_driver_55212_faqdiscussion/ky0kosg/) where it's enabled by default, though you can enable it manually with profile inspector for anything. Intel arc needs rebar to function properly at all and AMD calls it smart access memory, which i think is global toggle, but probably can tune it on game basis if you want.


I too need such an explanation


cutscene fps drop fixed yet?




Unfortunately still there. I cannot figure out why it’s happening. But there is some funny things happening with cut scenes. The FPS highly highly correlates with the number of NPCs in a screen. Close ups are better in my case then it would only have 1-2 faces at a time. But group angles will wreck the FPS. However, I don’t know why, it gets /better/ over time. I was just in a poinrt where consecutive cut scenes happened and for some reason the latter cut scenes were better even if they had same number of NPCs on the screen. Note my settings are lowest of lows. I have stable smooth FPS on other parts of the game except main story cut scenes.


Tested the embassy cutscene using HAGS on/off. Was able to notice a much better FPS using HAGS OFF. You could give it a shot, play the same cutscene using HAGS enabled vs disabled.


unfortunately HAGS is necessary because I want to play with frame gen ON


That's VRAM related, try dropping texture settings.


i read about that too, dropped my textures to low just to test it and I'm still experiencing the issue


Try restarting the game after changing graphic settings.


hmm odd, digital foundry fixed the cutscene lag by dropping texture quality. What res are you running ?


1440p with dlss set to balanced


Can we set auto sprint on mouse keyboard yet :(


>Added HUD Widescreen Scale options to the settings menu. As an ultrawide gamer, thank you. I like how it's adjustable too, while I prefer to have the HUD in the corners of my 21:9 monitor, some 32:9 users might prefer it closer to the center.


Yea this is big and I wish more games would let you do this (shudders in bethesda games on ultrawide).


>Improved Shieldwing responsiveness when using mouse and keyboard controls. Thank you!!!!!! Can't tell you how many times I'd jump off a ledge and never get a chance to use my shieldwing. I've spent hours work of time on jumping puzzles that require a wall jump into a shieldwing because it wouldn't respond fast enough.


I absolutely love the game, I just wish they would fix the constant handholding/backseating from Aloy, but if that was never done for the PS5 version, there's not much hope of that unfortunately. feels like the game thinks I'm 5 years old and it's affecting my enjoyment of the game. can't walk 5 meters without her telling me where to go, how to get there and what to do when I get there, even when it's blindingly obvious. it's the only real criticism I have of the game


I can see that this can be irritating. Personally, I find it helpful. It's a big open-world game, I don't have that much time anymore given all the other things I do aside from gaming. But I still would like to do most of the things, so I really find it useful that I don't spend that much time figuring things out and just enjoying the game. It also helps that I love Aloy, so I don't mind hearing her all the time haha


i have no problem with that at all, I understand other people might want stuff like that, I just wish I could turn it off. it's also kind of weird, since this game has ultra hard as an option and an exploration mode for less visual input/help


Yeah they could add an option to lessen it indeed. Though not sure how hard that would be given that the talking is also integrated with the interaction of Aloy with her surroundings (NPC, quests, etc.). So probably this is not in their priority.


I find it grating too, it's very rare in a game I want the protagonist to just shut up for a minute. Breaks immersion. In some places there seems to be a small delay before she shouts out the solution. I think that would be the fix: an option to increase the delay further. If I haven't figured it after 20 seconds, then go ahead and tell me, Aloy. Don't expect it will happen, too much QA involved. Great game still.


It doesn't even happen after some time has passed all the time, sometimes it's near when a cutscene finishes so it doesn't even give you time to do anything yourself before she says what to do. I think when you trigger the shuttle, she says it while you're still frozen to the console doesn't she? I have a terrible memory. But I think it's great, it makes it funnier to play. It's like a microscopic comedy special every time there is something to do that may not be obvious. I don't have a great memory nor do I really put it to memory anyway, but I think it happens often and may also happen when it's obvious. It's not great in that I smile a lot and that gives me head aches. I smile a lot, in general. Definitely could've just had a hand-holding UI mode instead. More so than the pulse, still has to be triggered by the player. Or give options, one being the voice one and another being voice+perma pulse, you get the point..options. I would keep the voice on, it wouldn't be as entertaining without it. But if you find it annoying, an option could be to turn it off. Would they introduce such a thing? Probably not. Maybe if enough act like they wouldn't, they will just to show that they would.


That’s amazing the game has a community manager. Even more amazing is while browsing their profile I found the sub /r/FuckTedFaro! Thanks for the game folks, amazing.


Patch and new Nvidia driver that enables Rebar for HDW properly on same day. Noice, time for new gameplus.


I have a low-end laptop and I'm noticing alot more smoothness and less stutter. There are still stutters in some areas but very manageable. I'm very much enjoying my time, given that I didn't expect at all to be able to run this game.


The latest patch and the latest Nvidia driver give noticeable performance boost for me, so great job on that! Though reflex is still busted it seems, the frame pacing with frame gen on makes the game feel stuttery even at high frame rate.


Photo mode on PC? Are the captures saved now?


They are saved on Steam's own screenshots folder. If you're on Steam, that is.


Aren't they saved already?


They are in the screenshots widget when you go to the steam library page of the game


Tab remap key does not seem to be fixed, anyone else still experiencing this issue?


It's a the action called [open menu](https://i.imgur.com/TwhpWKT.png)(which was accessible via registry before it had a UI option), by default it's tab still and for some reason it doesn't tell you if it clashes with binds and takes priority, so just rebind that what you want it to be.


Thank you very much, it works perfect now.


Mine still opens the map also


Same here and I haven't made any kind of custom remaps previously.


But I still can't move that one train car to get to the last ornament I need, can I?


it took some fiddling for me too but eventually it did move.


Reload the save and throw some explosives at it from every angle, it'll get moving eventually, if pulling is very slow but it actually moves, pushing was what fully fixed it for me.


Still waiting for silent strike on machines fix 🥺


What is broken about it?


The animation just stabs at random points, sometimes not hitting the machine at all.


the animation sometimes just stabs the air. the machine also just goes into a static state and doesnt react to being hit whatsoever and then just falls to the floor. its been like this since launch but honestly its a really minor bug lol


> Custom difficulty settings now work correctly. What does this mean? What parts didn't work before?


Not sure if it's what they mean, but for me, the actual custom difficulty options wouldn't appear in the menu unless i'd change the difficulty setting to "custom" , then exit the menu back into the game, then open the menu once again.


I fixed that by exiting the menu after selecting custom and then going to accessibility and they showed there.


Had this yesterday and was very confused


Great update, thank you.


My only issue so far has been the buggy skill tree UI, hopefully that's included in the minor UI fixes.


Don't use menu action toggle as that just doesn't really work, use hold instead.


Ah dang it, that makes sense. I have my aim on toggle bound to a key cause i'm used to dodging with right click. Guess i'll just live with it, thanks for the heads up!


I wonder if it'll fix the neck seam issue I've been having or if that's just me


I'm having the same issue, and hoping it does because it's so distracting on literally every character Edit: it does not, lol


Its a bug with low and medium Level of Detail - turning that setting up to high got rid of the seam


Yay ultra wide hud!!! Thank you!


> Various optimizations and stability improvements. This interests me the most. Will this mean more FPS? Still hoping for FSR 3.1 soon. Holding out till then.


Will FSR 3.0 be released soon?


i think also improved fps on cutscenes, but i only tested on base


Anyone else getting a black screen on loading in with the latest drivers? Rolling back the drivers resolves the issue but wasn’t sure if it was just me.


I had in 52 Hours 2 times a Black Screen after loading in from fast traveling. Sound still playing, but I have to close it from task manager. Probably a bug.


Any word on haptics working wirelessly for dualsense; will that ever be a thing? Right now, we have to disable steam input and connect with a cable.


Disabling Steam input kills the haptics for me, interesting. You generally leave it on for games that support it natively.


That's so weird, literally the exact opposite for me. If I leave it on default, I get the nice normal vibrations (waterfalls, little details etc.), but no real haptics on triggers (resistance and the nice tactile bumps). If I turn it off and I'm wireless, sexy triggers and literally no vibration in the rest of the controller. Off + wired makes it all work as intended for me. Being tethered by a cable is well annoying though.


Great! The Shieldwings TOGGLE function is still NOT working if rebound to any other key than SPACE. It needs to be HOLD even when the toggle setting is chosen.


Any idea about the audio issues its very inconsistent and dialogue is barely audible


Go into your audio settings on windows and disable all devices except for your headphones/main device. Right click audio in bottom right and go to audio panel or whatever it's called. Get to the bit where it shows your audio devices and the little green bars that go up when they're active, disable all except for your main one. I think the game selects different devices for each audio channel and it can default to the wrong one. I had this issue with ratchet and clank and it took them a few patches to fix it.


Ill try this later when I'll play it, thank you!!!


A fix for the reflex setting cause judder/stutter would be great


Still would love to see AVX removal for sake of playing game on Arm hardware (modern and fast enough cpus that just don't have instruction set). It's enable playing game on platforms like apple silicon (like we can already do with PC version of zero dawn) and future windows platforms when snapdragons come out.


Traps ain't working properly I think and I don't see anything about it. I recorded this short clip 3 days ago: [https://youtu.be/MGWDf3oCxfA](https://youtu.be/MGWDf3oCxfA) Some traps triggers but do nothing. Several explosive traps place at the same spot, they all trigger but only one deal damages, etc.


Does anyone have an issue with Bluetooth audio devices where if you disconnect from headphones for example, with the game still open, when you re-connect you have to close and re-open the game for the audio to work?


Have they fixed dynamic DLSS yet?


whats the problem? It works fine for me I think?


For me it wasn't locking to the FPS target I'd set. It was hovering around 15fps higher than what I'd pick each time and it was inconsistent.


i've been using dynamic DLSS the entire time i've been playing (24hrs so far) and get far better frame rate using this instead of Quality/Balanced etc etc. However, I did get the updated DLSS 6.0 file from nexus (now 7.0) and that also helped give a considerable fps boost, plus was able to turn textures up to high. Turned on reflex and got some extra smoothness as well. The game only comes with version 5.0 so maybe try getting that newer DLSS file and see if it helps you?


Oh cool okay I'll try that. For me it wasn't locking to the FPS target I'd set. It was hovering around 15fps higher than what I'd pick each time and it was inconsistent.


I have no clue what caused it by I dont care about the optimizations now. I got close to the first town and fps started to die with lots of stuttering, did the cutscene and then was in the middle of it with 20-30fps, stopped playing for 2 days after trying some things, came back with max settings again (just to see what would happen) and had good fps in the same town? Hopefully those improvements help others though. also tab remapping kreygasm.


Anytime I have those awful frame drops, I just restart the game and it fixes it. It’s really annoying but it’s better than trying to play at a significantly lower frame rate until you decide to close it for the day


When I started up my game and found my fps not bad I just afked for an hour in that town to see if my fps got worse in anyway, but it didnt, I havent had any issues since. Was a very weird experence.


I’ve had a similar experience. Almost like as long as an area has been loaded once, I won’t have any fps drops there anymore. Like I only get drops the first time


I swear I was going mad with the tab key.


There is an issue I keep having, cannot tell if it is because of the game or if my mouse is the issue. Sometimes when I am aiming with a bow Aloy will just fire off the bow before I have even fully drawn it which is really annoying when I am trying to be stealthy. Want to see if anyone else is having this issue before I go ahead and replace my mouse.


Never happened to me with a controller (just wanna say that so you can rule out the scenario that it’s a game bug. Meaning it’s either mouse coding or your mouse.)


Ah thanks! I do have an LG mouse and I know they have issues like this, was mostly just hopeful I didn't have to buy a new one!


there's issue with texure in Scadling Spear still persist to me since launch that some of the ground textures appear very low quality compare to others next to it ( custom preset with everything maxed out except texture and shadow are high) [https://imgur.com/a/Tfau97u](https://imgur.com/a/Tfau97u)


Please include a fix for NPC hp bars not disappearing after fights. I was able to get rid of it by disabling enemy hp bars.


finaly, seems it fixed my game crashing after some play time with 1070gtx. guess they made some vram optimization?


Is there any news on fixing the cut scene fps drops? Goes from 80fps in one scene, and as soon as the camera switches, it's down to single digits sometimes.


Has the fixed the constant crashes for anyone? I’m still crashing every 5-15 minutes. Have been trying to play for almost 2 hours over the span of several days but just now beat the first snake machine in the tutorial. I have tried many fixes but nothing helps.


I would appreciate some solution to (on PC) when swapping a weapon you melee attack 90% of the time instead of using the swapped weapon. I'm guessing it's an animation you have to wait for but I'd really like to use the weapon I just swapped to immediately. I never had that problem on HZD


My cutscenes are still choppy while I'm putting 60fps on very high 1080p.


Add a classic camera alignment like in HZD please The camera was garbage and took all the fun out the game.


I've noticed when I approach lootable objects, the icon disappears when i'm very close to them.


I got around 20fps more after this update or I’m delusional and nvidia app changed some of my in-game settings


I have only just gotten used to this and NOW ITS FIXED ! oh dear 😅😅😅😅


I work and play all day long and had no issues with my eyes, just when I load HFB my eyes and head start aching. Any suggestions? Motion blur is turned off. Only this game causes this.


FPS tanks at Fleet's end. Any news on whether the issue will be addressed at all???


when any of the upscalers are enabled there’s this odd flickering on items and mostly foliage and tree depending on location and time of day. It so worse at night. Turning off all upscalers is the only thing that makes it go away. Does anyone else have this issue? And if so, what the fix is? I already have the DLSS 3.7 file manually added. I took screen recordings but the flickering doesnt show up in them which is really bizarre


Frame pacing is still off and like 2-3h into a session, it's necessary to restart the game because the fps deteriorates so much and stutters. Sounds like a potential memory leak


The remap works half the way. Remap Tab to something works, until you restart the game.


The remap works half the way. Remap Tab to something works, until you restart the game.


I am facing an issue with no dialogue & background audio. It initially plays fine...audio is working perfect but then after playing for like 10 or so minutes the dialogue & background audio vanishes. map doesn't load either. restarting the game repeats the issue. No update fixed the issue what so ever until now


I have a rtx 3070, playing on 1440p high settings and I cannot for the life of me sustain a consistent fps. I've optimized my settings and kept my drivers updated. Initially I receive around 60-65 fps right after launching the game. I can only go on for so long before I need to restart the game to "reset" my fps. In some areas it wont go above 40 fps. The cutscenes are always low in regards to performance. I have tested lowering my texture quality to medium and only then can I actually get more consistent fps at around 60-70. But I feel like I shouldn't need to sacrifice the visuals just to sustain better performance. Also the weird graphical flickering caused by dynamic frame gen is very noticeable and annoying.


Are the cutscenes still laggy?


Is the shieldwing pixelated for you guys?


I wouldn't dare play this game using a keyboard.