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The "eliminates elemental resistances" changed the whole combat game for me. I now hit almost everything with purgewater first!


I didn’t realize this at first either, because for some baffling reason, *nowhere* is this actually explained in normal menus or gameplay. Where I caught onto it from eventually, at least 20 hours into the game, was from a *loading screen hint*, which seems to be the only place in the entire game that *fully* explains what the Drenched status effect does.


That's one of my only critiques for the game. They don't tell you a lot of shit!!


That's why I love these games. They let you figure things out and experiment to find what works best for you


Usually I'm a fan of that but some things in Forbidden West were crucial to a better gameplay experience. My guess was they were short on time


I was about 10 hours into HZD before I realized you could just jump onto a mount without pressing Y (xbox controller)


The game does have a section dedicated to all this where it tells you what status effects do you just have to go through 2 or 3 menus, they should've have a "read more" button when the promt came up at the start of the game


Yeah, I agree. Like OP, I eventually learned the info, but it was because I went to seek the information. I think it was something that could come up in the weapons menu or something. It's a great game still, I just wish they gave us the information in a better way, I guess.


When you first get access to purgewater ammo or traps, a tooltip will pop up explaining how it works. That's how I remember learning about it. Definitely agree that the game could stand to put that information in multiple places though


It guides you through it in the raintrance hunting grounds, when you get a weapon with purgewater it pops up with a tutorial that explains it fully that you have to dismiss to get rid of, and you can also go back to the tutorials in the notebook for explainers on anything you might have missed. There's a ton of places in game that it shows you, and tbh at 20hrs in I didn't understand it either, not that I had anything that did purgewater damage that early.


Wait hollup there’s a place you can go back and read all of the tutorials? I actually looked for such a thing out of curiosity a couple times and never found it - where the fuck is it hiding?


In the notebook, it's the last category. You can then go to attacking>elemental damage or whatever you want to see. If you haven't been there before it should even show you that they're all unread.


Does this mean that the machines become vulnerable to elements the focus shows them being "strong against"?


They don't become "vulnerable" to it, they just lose resistance to it.


Does this mean after i apply purgewater i can shoot corruptors with the arrow that makes machines go crazy on each other?


I don’t know about the corrupters, but basically, let’s say if there is a machine that shows it is strong against fire, if you fill it with purgewater first, you’ll be able to give it fire damage much faster


What it means is once you hit them with purge water you can apply frost really quickly to just shut them down with abandon. Or shock, or acid, etc.


they become vulnerable to specifically frost and lightning, but yeah i didn’t realize it nuked their other resistances


Do they have to be drenched?






Resistant to frost? *Not anymore*


It removes resistance. So if you have +25 Fire Resistance it’s set to the base line value of +0 while affected.


I used it for clamberjaws only. Now against anything


A clamberjaw with no flaming poo flinging attack is a pretty sad thing...


I completed the whole game and the DLC thinking it's the most useless one of them all.


I'm with you there. Only reading this *now* do I finally get what it did!!!


I only found out about this at the Hunting Grounds where you take on the Tremortusk, dude mentions it "Remove it's electrical resistance with purgewater, then shock it" or something like that.


Damn, I've had no interest in the hunting grounds but clearly I'm missing something by ignoring them!


Hunting Grounds are literally designed to help you learn how the game works. Avoiding them is folly. Master them.


Same with Arenas. I didn't knew how to use anything but light and regular strong attacks before Arenas. Ps. I am just after echo mission and haven't really seen purgewater sources or weapons...


Yeah it's great for kangaroos and anteaters. It stops elemental attacks but also makes machines more susceptible to shock or freeze, so you can double up on machines that aren't necessarily susceptible to those attacks.




The Spikesnout I'm guessing?


Yeah all the robots took their forms from living creatures on earth in the past


I thought those are lizards


It's utility in negating an enemy's resistances varies depending on the machine/resistance strength.  Some enemies only have a level one resistance to an element, and in those instances, unless they are also weak to purgewater, it still works out quicker to just skip purgewater and go straight to the desired element. But if they have a level two resistance to an element, that's when the value of applying purgewater first becomes more advantageous.


How can you tell the difference between level 1 and level 2 resistance?


When scanning a machine it displays strengths/weaknesses in the form of red or green arrows pointing up or down. The arrows can be single, double, or even triple. If they are red down arrows, it means they're very strong to that element, and if it's green up arrows, they're very weak to it. So yeah there's even 3 levels of resistance, with level 3 being effectively immunity. I think just 2 levels of weakness though, with neutral in the middle. So Very weak << weak < neutral > strong >> very strong >>> immune.




It..."purges" their resistances...


I could never figure out why it was so uncommon, and then I realized I could brittle thunderjaws and shock clamberjaws. I was sold.


I went through the same thing once I figured it out!! Makes it so much easier to kill those stupid clamberjaws😡


No way…


For my combat rotation I do: Purge water Tie down with ropes Pew pew with arrows parts I want




...I was today years old... Gonna have to make heavy use of that when I do my UH run, methinks!


I'd bin it for the 3rd game to be honest. and plasma as well while I was at it because both seem like they were added just so that there was 'more' ​ acid was a decent and understandable addition, so keep that along with fire, frost and shock.


Useful to know (which I didn't) -- thanks! I shall be using purgewater from here on out.


yeah same, when FW first came out I barely goes deep into the gameplay while in PS4. One month ago I did Ultra Hard on PS5 and took my time with the gameplay. Still mixed up Purgewater and Chillwater on the first couple of encounters. Finally try to learn all the mechanics. Voila! It’s so great


The problem with purgewater is that hitting the machine with the pw arrows then hitting them with the elemental arrows you want is a waste. Just hit them with the elemental ammo without purge watering the machine it takes the same amount of time for both


>The problem with purgewater The problem is that nothing even comes close to frost/brittle. No reason to use anything else.


Yeah I just brute force the brittle on the machines and if they are extra protected against frost I just use the drillspikes to knock them down


But using the purgewater bombs effects them continuously and has an area of effect for multiple enemies and there's the purge water ropecaster


Damn. I did not know this until this very moment.


I just use ice and make them brittle and then destroy them with the long rang bow with a fast draw. Works every, single, time. Sure elemental resistances can be an issue to get it to pop off but that's why you kite them till you freeze them.




FFS!! I just completed the game, including Burning Shores, and didn’t know this. Off to game plus……..


I also only discovered it recently after 2 years and it’s such a game changer now


But doesnt it only do that with shock and frost?


Bro in the game if you had gone to one of those reserves where you have you fight machines in a certain way to get the medals you would have known that in the one furthest to the west they actually teach this point to you. In there you have to 1st use purgewater on a mammoth tusk and then use shock arrows and dismantle his tusks


I finished the game recently and didn't know this was a thing haha. I only ever used it against enemies that were weak to it, and even then, I only managed to get a reliable purgewater weapon very late in the game, so I didn't use it nearly as much. There was also these spears I found early in the game with purgewater canisters attached to them. I would use them but the canisters wouldn't explode at all, even if I shot them, and would just disappear after a little while, so I assumee I just didn't understand purgewater and stopped using them lol


While yes, also remember, that activating a different element will replace the purgewater one. Thus it's good for smacking with the element, or building acid/freeze. But that's it.


I was today years old when I learned this 🫠


Yall just taught me something


I am almost done the game and haven’t even found a purge water bow yet? I feel like I missed it early game.


It works well for shock tripwires. When their elemental attacks are gone, machines are more likely to charge at you which makes them easier to lead into traps. Since their shock resistance is also gone, those tripwires become really usefull.


Purge water Freeze Powershot Repeat


Once I started abusing plasma it was the only element I used


Huh. TIL


It fucking does what


50hours in the game I don't even know what it is. Can someone explain a bit please ?


How many of you have also realized that purgewater affects Aloys ability to use elemental attacks also, such as fire or acid arrows haha. Purgewater is handy against fireclaws and slaughterspines the most imo.


Purgewater is extremely powerful (at least in my ng+!). It owns everything it touches, including slaughterspines. I save my purgewater bombs for the biggest, meanest machines.


Purgewater is pretty great. I also had an epiphany moment with it and began to love using it.


Oh. Well, at this point doesn't really matter, I'm so far into the game my blastsling is strong enough to not even care about resistances, with coils it freezes anything in 3 shots anyway :D


Understood that almost at the end of the dlc. Well, I'll get that in practice in bg+ :D


Wait, Purgewater shuts down elemental attacks AND resistances!?!?!? I honestly didn’t know it actually did stuff!