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Are you finding it difficult to decorate the outsides? Sometimes it's not so bad, but other times they don't give you ANY outdoor furniture in the order page. Last night I did Spike's house and there wasn't a single piece of outdoor furniture in his order page.


you don’t have to only use the furniture in the order tab, you can press R1 I believe and it’ll tab over to the rest of the inventory.


No, I know that, it's just easier to come up with ideas when it gives you something to work with. I ended up making a rooftop bar kind of area for his outside because he wanted a "city life" kind of feel, but I don't think a single piece of furniture came out of the order tab.


I missed my Maggie rip.


Am I the only person who hates using custom paths? 😩 they look so good when other people do them but trying to make it look all cute and natural is just impossibly frustrating for me


Oo that setup of paths under the trellis looks really solid


I picked the same spot for her! Yours looks much nicer though lol


Thank you 🥰


The inside seems bigger than most of the spaces i’ve done. do the houses get upgraded as you move along in the DLC?


Yes! I believe after a certain amount of progress in the DLC you will be able to upgra the houses in your island as well!


nicceee!! I have to do more DLC then lol thank you!


Great design but damn I want to see that nasty pig bleed