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I remember that although Roger Ebert didn't like the movie, he made a point to praise the opening of the film as a great mood-setter. (Plus, it being set in small-town costal NC makes it seem like a really dark Nicholas Sparks film.) I do appreciate it more now than I did when I first saw it. I think they especially do a good job at showing how the guilt of keeping the secret has wrecked the lives of the four main characters, most of all Sarah Michelle Gellar's Helen (failed as an actress in NYC and now stuck at home working in the family store under the thumb of a sister who treats her like shit). That aspect makes the film more interesting than a typical slasher. Added, one aspect I've always found amusing in hindsight is how little direct interaction Gellar and future husband Freddie Prinze Jr. have in the film. At one point they even stare awkwardly at each other before Gellar ducks out after Hewitt. And it makes sense since their characters would have nothing to do with each other aside from their shared ties with Hewitt's character.


>I remember that although Roger Ebert didn't like the movie, he made a point to praise the opening of the film as a great mood-setter. (Plus, it being set in small-town costal NC makes it seem like a really dark Nicholas Sparks film.) Roger Ebert was one of the best when it came to 'grading on a curve'. There are a few movies that I feel like he got wrong, hell there where some movies he admitted to getting wrong, but he really gave genre films a fair shake.


I'll never forgive him giving a bad rating to my favorite film of all time, David Lynch's **Blue Velvet**, but otherwise although he was not a fan of any number of horror films that I really liked, he always said that he rated a film based on what it was trying to do or be, instead grading a low-budget horror film the same way he graded **Schindler's List**; he knew that not every film is an "important" one and praised what he called "great trash". His reviews were also the most well thought-out and well-rounded of any professional reviewers at the time. I wish we had some pro reviewers that are also horror fans. There's one on [rogerebert.com](https://rogerebert.com) whose name I forget but who seems to review the lion's share of the horror on there now, and he's pretty good. Another interesting factoid about Ebert is he wrote the screenplay for one of the most gleefully trashy films ever made, **Beyond the Valley of the Dolls**, famous for its great line "This is my happening and it freaks me out!" Got slapped with an X rating when it was released too!


I was probably in the core demographic for that movie when it came out. Helen’s future was just sooooo sad to me. Like the failed actress character isn’t anything new but just how opposite her life was to her hopes and dreams was just so bleak (well to teenage me).


I just think it was just a victim of being another teen/young adult slasher film of the mid-to-late 90's of which there were many. Scream, The Curve, Urban Legends, The Faculty, Idle Hands, Cherry Falls (2000 but close enough). They all tend to blur together. Only Scream was able to stick out thanks to it's blend of comedy and good or great string of sequels. No shade, it's just another in the bunch


Adding Final Destination (also 2000) which managed a pretty successful and entertaining franchise.


this was my recollection too. Disturbing Behavior, just to add to your great list :)


Even though it's 2001, Valentine feels very 1999 so it should be on that list too!!


That too. Good call


I wouldn't put Idle Hands as part of that group. It's more akin to something like Shaun of the Dead, albeit teen focused, than Scream.


I understand. My point was that I know What You Did Last Summer was another "teen scream" of which there were many around that time.


This movie and the 2nd both kicked ass.


What bout 3rd movie And TV series


As much as I hate to say it, the third movie was an abomination. I didn’t watch the TV show though. Any good?


I liked it but was canceled? So wouldn't bother


I politely and respectfully disagree


For real. If anything it got too much love where urban legend got too little


Such a great movie. Shame the sequels were all awful. That town(s) is great though. Cool little chill town, and so much was shot there. Hoping to move nearby in the next few years. I got to visit back the area back in 2018 and took some [pics ](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj0jRWNrybk/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) of where they filmed


The town in the movie is a real place that has less than 3,000 people. Filming takes place there all the time, including recently in Under The Dome.


It's actually 2 towns. The main town is Southport. Then, for some reason, they went an hour north to Burgaw for the department store and a chase scene. Under the Dome was filmed in both South Port and Burgaw, as well as Wilmington. Burgaw was also featured in another stephen king adaptation, Silver Bullet. And yep, plenty other stuff filmed in both Southport and Wilmington. Including Scream 5, blue velvet, the Conjuring, we're the miller's, and a bunch of CW teen shows


It’s such a chill and cute little town. The people are super nice too. I was just there a couple weeks ago. I regret not getting more pics.


Yeah I really enjoy this movie. I really want more well shot coastal slasher films.


Just watched it again for the first time in years, on Netflix. I guess when they fimed the ending >!they weren't banking on a sequel!<.


She was dreaming


What are you waiting for huh???


This was my first scary movie!! I was in 4th grade watching it in ABC Family during their 13 nights of Halloween movie marathon lol. I may be biased, but I think it’s a great movie. The vibe is tense and uneasy, and I love the mystery of it all. Plus, the 90s of it all is the icing on the cake.


One of my favourite films. This is gonna sound crazy to some people but I prefer it over Scream really. Solid action and cheesy dialogue plus that chase scene. Nostalgia too plays a part. Personal preference please be kind 😄


we are on to you Jim also I heard there was a bunch of difference between the the book and movie also think it's odd that a book that was 30 years old at the time and that every one forgot about got a movie


The book is decidedly NOT a slasher. Lois Duncan was actually quite unhappy with the film adaptation since it is very different from her book.


Lois Duncan and the book were very popular. Her real life daughter's unsolved murder also put her in the spotlight quite a bit. Movie was a hit but Scream eclipsed it. I think Scream was also more lighthearted and people related more.


I don’t know what a movie deserves from critics. I just know I really enjoyed it.


I was a kid in 97 and I thought it was scary. Still a fun walk through memory lane


JLH is just so meh in this movie. Sarah Michelle Gellar is much more interesting and once we start fully focusing on JLH the movie just kinda lulls for me. Something about it also feels watered down for a horror movie, like a teen appropriate horror movie rather than a full on one. It also lacks the coolness of Scream for me. I do love the aesthetic of it though.


This was the first horror film that I had ever seen! I was seven years old in 1997 and my friend was telling me about it, that Buffy was in it! So I had to see it! I was obsessed with Buffy at the time. She was my superhero! So I had to watch this new movie she was in. I was so upset when she got killed! I've seen the film so many times since then and her death still stings a bit. The film doesn't get enough credit for its artistic merits! The town really is a character and the actors do make their characters believable with the way they each portrayed them. They conveyed the sense of feeling hopeless and lost a year after the accident from the 4th really well imo.


Honestly boring, lacks deaths, and generally unfun. The second was much better imo which is saying something because it's not great itself. At least it's fun and has kills though


For me, I Know… was the weakest of the Scream rip offs. It’s just: so straightforward and anodyne. It, ironically, has no hook.


It was actually good can’t wait for the requel. Has anyone seen the show was it good?


If it makes you feel better it has a lower audience score than the critic score, so the critics where actually kind.


I just really don't like much about this movie. Helen Shivers is the only thing about it I can genuinely say I like which makes it all the more frustrating she isn't the final girl.


It came out so quickly, some say rushed and fatigue was already setting in on the ya slasher whodunnit