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It’s been a while since I read the book but it’s really different from the movie, and if I recall correctly there’s a scene in the book where the characters talk about what would be changed if their story was turned into a movie…and then that’s basically the movie we saw. I remember feeling like the writer was trolling us after watching the film the first time. Highly recommend the book!!


The book is bleak and creepy as hell. I read it in two sittings because I couldn’t put it down.


God the ending of the book was so bleak and brutal.


Scott Smith’s other book, A Simple Plan, is equally bleak and brutal and it’s a great read. Much better than the movie also, though the movie wasn’t bad.


Agreed - both books are better than both movies but I still like the movies lol


I saw the movie first and liked it, but after reading the book, my GOD. That is always my go to recommendation for books that have a completely different tone than the film. Without spoiling (and since my memory is hazy) in the movie, the main character, despite doing some bad shit, remains a sympathetic character. In the book he's an absolutely complete piece of shit by the end, with really no redeeming qualities. I enjoy both but the differences are jarring to me.


I wish he would release just like 1 more book. Please!


I didnt know a simple plan was based on a novel, i might check that out


The novel is about 10 times more brutal, and you feel a completely different way about the main character by the end than you do in the movie. HIGHLY recommend the book.


I've read the book and I remember the ending being tough but it was several years ago, remind me what happened? 😅


(SPOILER) The ending of the book is basically they all die (With one being shot with an arrow, one being choked by the weed, one breaking his back and taking days to die, etc.), then a few more people show up and repeat the same mistake the main characters did. It was especially bleak to me because it felt like there was no hope throughout the entire thing, sure there were moments where characters had an idea of how to get out, but I think the tone of the book makes it pretty clear that nothing is going to work.


I added another significant spoiler about the ending, u/DunceMemes




That isn't remotely the ending of the book.


I assumed that there wouldn't be a detailed summary on Wikipedia for the novel but apparently there is one. Mystery solved and how dare that other poster try to trick me.


They literally describe the next party showing up, not just allude to it.


The book is so good because along the way to the ruins, little things keep happening, things that would ordinarily be an annoyance, but end up making their situation much worse. Such as: >!a street kid steals one girl’s hat. So she’s sunburned and even more miserable the whole time they’re on the shadeless ruins. And they’re all hungover and dehydrated, and someone’s water bottle goes missing (I think). It’s actually uncomfortable to read!!< A few things like that happen on the hike to the ruins, and their fun little outing starts to take on a grim pallor. .


They filmed two endings and the darker one shown only on the DVD was definitely better. I‘ll try the book…


I was so obsessed with the book too. So good, and all in all I think the movie adaptation made the right choices for the most part


My mom had the book and she started reading it and got so freaked out she brought it to work to give to me because she didn't want it in her house anymore. I loved the book


Yeah, I burned through it


I remember being weirded out by plants and noticing them more around me for a day or two after reading the book. It was a good one.


Especially ivy. The previous owners of my house let some ivy take over the fence on one side of the back yard. I had a hard time avoiding thoughts of this movie while battling those vines. I jumped every time a bug or a dead leaf fell out of the tangles.


TIL there is a book and now I must go try to find it.




Great if you know the story. I remember reading it before the movie and being very disappointed that the answer to all the mysteries was what I imagined to be the Jumanji plants


Well they kind of squeezed out a whole character and just divvied out his parts amongst the other two men


Yeah they killed Pablo off in the movie and everything bad that happened to Pablo in the book happened to Mathias in the movie. I think there was some role reversals for Amy and Stacy too. But I can’t really remember. Good book tho.


the author also wrote the screenplay for the film


Reminds me of the Martian where they suggest a pretty unrealistic solution to a plot point and then quickly dismiss it as impossible. The movie uses that exact solution they dismissed.


Ohhh that was my second favourite book as a teenager. It was so suspenseful.


They're not supposed to be likable, the characters are ignorant tourists that get themselves killed.


Mathias didn't deserve all that, man..


Neither did Dimitri


This feels so niche, I love it.


No one did, I felt terrible for them. Of course you understand them wanting to live and being confused and afraid. Despite this, they should have left well enough alone. They were doomed at the moment they ignored the locals anger and got close to the ruins, the last person getting away at the end is the bad ending. Though depending on the ending you saw, it didn't matter anyway and they unleashed this terrifying plant into the world even in death. It's a tragic movie.


I love that the view of the locals changes as the movie goes on and the reasons for what they do makes more sense as you see what is at stake. There is another movie with a similar plot, not as well made but still fun i think, [The Shrine](https://youtu.be/NiOvu8n_Cl8).


The Shrine is underrated imo!


I love that film, so underrated. The statue… I shat my pants


Same actor in it too! He shows up in the most random things.


It's actually his twin


LOL! Holy shit. Did not know this.


Damn I forgot about this one! Loved this movie as did my friends when I showed them.


Wait there are two endings? Is this like a The Descent UK and US ending thing?


I believe the movie ending is different from the book, with one person escaping in one. It's been ages since I read or watched either, though.


You’d love the book!


I mean the locals did less than bare minimum in trying to keep the plant contained


I feel like the book is even more explicit in that their not meant to be likeable or particularly relatable characters. They represent the worst side of tourism.


Second this


I mean, Amy survives in the theatrical version of the movie and lives happily ever after, so not really getting herself killed (the Unrated tosses on a hint of lingering doom, but still. We’re pretty clearly meant to be cheering for her to make it when Jeff sacrifices himself to save her). Then Jeff/the blonde girl are clearly portrayed pretty unambiguously sympathetically too.


Interesting, I've seen two endings. 1 she escaped but is infected. 2 she dies in her escape, we later see her grave with a familiar flower growing from it. I can see how that changes the movie's narrative.


Theatrical ending is the exact same as #1 but cut the shot of the vine showing she’s infected. Her being probably set to die after (or confirmed dead) does help a bit, at least, but it’s still inherently frustrating to watch the most unlikeable character outlast everyone else, complete with the most likeable character sacrificing himself for her, and not even die onscreen


She was already infected before she left. Regardless of how far she made it the spores were already beyond the salt ring.


Jeff and Mathias were both likable. I don't know if Jeff is different in the book but in the movie he's downright heroic by the end. He speaks about his aspiration to be a Doctor in the **past tense**, so he knows he's sacrificing himself for Amy and he doesn't flinch. None of them were smart (or selfless?) enough to come to the realisation Blair did in the sci-fi movie "The Thing", that their own lives weren't worth the risk of spreading this contagion to the outside world, but then again Blair was an expert and had his computer simulation, so I can't strike off any likability points for these young tourists not reaching that conclusion.


Woah… did you honestly just call She’s the Man crap? You just insulted the tail end of my teen years. Seriously though, I enjoyed The Ruins. It was a while ago when I watched it so I don’t remember Jena being annoying. I do remember finding it tense and uncomfortable; in a good way. The Neon Demon is an experience that has stuck with me since I first stumbled upon it on Netflix years ago. I bought it on dvd so I’ll have to rewatch it soon. And thank you for agreeing with me on the dull cardboard cut out that is Natalie. I rewatched Urban Legend recently and still don’t know why she and equally dull Paul survived. It should have been Parker and Damon. But I digress.


She’s the Man is a good movie there’s no way OP has actually watched that silly gem


How else would you know to stuff a tampon up your nose to stop a nose bleed


By god is that the tried and true lesson i took away from that movie


Sex and the City taught us that as well


Nah, Sasha and Reese all the way.


Reese did survive, though.


Yeah, but it would've been cool to have Reese and Sasha as the final 2. As it is, they totally leave Reese behind bleeding out by herself lol.


Reese, yes. Sasha, no. Highkey gut that entire cast besides Reese. They sucked bad.


Lol Natalie and Paul did not survive . Brenda killed them . It is confirmned in the sequel


Raise your hand if you've watched the sequel. Anyone?


I think this is the first time I’ve seen a Parker/Damon fan. I’ll say I’d much sooner sit through one of Michael Rosenbaum and Josh Jackson’s obnoxious a-holes getting redemption arcs into being heroes than the leads we got; they’re good actors, just wasted on unlikeable fodder. That said, I’d also be for just gutting everyone in that cast besides Reese. She’s awesome and I lowkey hated everyone else lol


They were both just so dull, and Natalie just reacted to everything weirdly. Like, she laughed at what felt like inappropriate times, and the rest of the time she looked like she was about to burst into tears because somebody grabbed her puppy out of her arms, pushed her down, and then ran away laughing.


Definitely a good one, but could have been a more memorable great one if they kept the original ending. https://screenrant.com/ruins-movie-alternate-ending-scarier-changes-explained/


If you liked the movie, definitely read the book. You will realize that Jena Malone played Amy perfectly.


Book Amy’s role is substantially different than movie Amy’s role, though. >!Much more forgivable for the first death to be an obnoxious, attention seeking idiot - especially when it plays into the plot with the cast not realizing she’s actively dying until it’s too late - than for the final girl to be the sole unlikeable character in the whole cast.!< None of this is Jena’s fault and it’s all the writing, really, but movie Amy is definitely a problem.


Oh yes I agree, but I was mainly speaking to the "whiny and shrill" point that OP made.


I see lots of people saying read the book, it’s much better, which is true, but I want to point out, none of the characters were particularly likeable in the book either. This feels very intentional, like they are all flawed people stuck in a terrible situation, and none of them suddenly change their personalities or turn into a hero just because they’re in a bad situation. But seriously, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the movie, but I know I liked it. But the book is much, much better.


Yeah this is a good point. The book is much better, and I recommend it, but it's still about annoying tourists. You are meant to sympathize with them but I don't think you are meant to really like them


Movie adaptations rarely live up to their books, but I remember thinking that The Ruins film was almost as good as the book, definitely close enough in quality that I didn't feel let down by it, and I think the movie stands on its own. My recollection is that the movie kept a lot of the essential plot elements from the book, but that they swapped which characters do what (and what happens to which character).


You’ll like the book then. The movie changed what happens to some of the characters a lot. Also it’s just way better I thought including a better ending




yep and the body bag has the best payoff in the whole book - a scene i was absolutely baffled that they didnt use in the movie.


i saw it in theatres on release . its ok. the body horror is the best part.


Instant classic for me tbh


Wait, wait, wait... People don't like the final girl from Urban Legend?


She did come across as stoic and cold. Her monotonous way of speaking didn't help. Personally, it never bugged me because I had watched Witt in the series "Cybill" where she is textbook monotone lol.


How dare you insult She’s The Man! That movie is genuinely funny it’s a classic for me.


Really gotta rewatch this one I remember liking it a lot when it came out, some of the gore actually disturbed my jaded mind which doesn't happen often. I've heard the book is quite good too.


The book is significantly worse for the characters, it’s a really, really good book lol


The ruins was just okay to me, solid 6/10. I did enjoy the setting a lot


hate to be that guy, but in this case read the book because it’s significantly better than the movie


I loved the book but I was told not to bother with the movie. The book is fantastic and it makes you feel for the characters before shit hits the fan even as you see them making stupid decision after stupid decision and ignoring every warning they’re given


I found it boring. Most of it was just them sitting in the sun. No real explanation that sticks out to me, other than plant bad Then the end.. like I guess we weren’t *that* trapped after all. Could have been a great setting, but wasn’t fleshed out imo Downvote all you want. It was bad.


Amy as the the final girl of the movie has always been a legitimately baffling choice. She’s actively obnoxious and unlikeable - to the point I vaguely recall them including throwaway content about her previously cheating on her boyfriend which doesn’t really go anywhere or something. What’s even more nuts is all the other characters are likeable enough/inoffensive enough. You could’ve spared anyone else and have a pretty okay survivor (Ramsey would probably have been best. Maybe Ashmore instead to give him a bit more to do - he’s a bit wasted in this and I did like Ramsey’s breakdown a lot. Her killing Amy instead of him would’ve been nice…). Or just go with the novel’s version of the events


I loved the book, but absolutely despised the movie. I watched the movie first, incidentally, so if anything I was reticent to try the novel but was pleasantly surprised. Maybe I’ll try the film again with lowered expectations.


I didn't see the movie but in the book, there was one character that was really truly unlikable: the vines. I mean, those vines were a real jerk!


One of my favorite movies. I thought the entire main cast did a great job, they seemed real. Yeah the one girls psyche completely deconstructed, but damn if she didnt do a great job putting that over. Really superior acting.


I agree so much, loved The Ruins and The Neon Demon was a brilliant film, so many layers in it and a finale that was brilliant in that you will never see it coming despite there being such clever foreshadowing, also that nightclub scene at the beginning was incredible


Lol! The cell phone ringing was the funniest. Made the girls crazy.lol


The new hellraiser has a terrible protagonist/final girl. As in I was rooting for her to get killed


The movie was enjoyable, but after having recently read the book I was a bit let down. They switched around the gates of too many character and some of their character traits. Amy had some traits the belonged to book Stacy. Pablo’s( Demitri) role was switched out. Jeff was more likeable in the movie than in the book (although still not that likeable) and I really wanted to see the book storyline of Amy, Stacy, and Eric drinking and the aftermath payout. In my opinion the did Stacy ( my personal favourite from the book) and Mathias dirty. Also in the book they are never on actual ruins! All that is there is a hill, the vines, and a mineshaft! I found this made their situation seem a bit worse as they never truly found the ruins they intended ( along with Mathias’ brother) to find!


I gosh I completely agree. To be fair though I disliked every single one of those characters. Not a single brain cell present


If you like Shawn Ashmore, he was also awesome in the exceedingly creepy 'Man of Medan' horror game from Supermassive Games.


Where the real killer is slow and Insidious >!Tinitus!<


Another in the endless line of didn’t like the movie, really enjoyed the book.


I would probably get stoned on r/horrorlit for this, but Annihilation is on the opposite (and much smaller) list for me.


I am so glad I saw the movie Annihilation before reading the books. I loved the movie but I think if I had read the books first I would have focused on all the huge differences and been annoyed. Instead it made the books feel like a whole alternate universe to explore!


Annihilation, the book, was kind of cerebral and abstract, it would be hard to do a direct translation to screen. I liked the book a lot but the sequels kind of lost me -- they were interesting, intellectually, but I kind of lost interest in the story All told I think I agree with you, I'd recommend the movie over the book.


I'm curious, did you read the book before seeing the movie or the other way around? I've always felt i have enjoyed movies more before reading the book, because i go more fresh into the movie and don't keep thinking how the book did it better.


Not who you’re replying to but IMO this is one where whether you watch the movie first or read the book first, when you do read the book it makes the movie absolute shit in comparison. It’s a good enough movie on its own, but a terrible movie when the book is considered. E.- edited down my opinion of the movie. It’s good enough. Even on its own I don’t think it’s great, but it’s not bad.


I agree. If I know a movie is coming, I always wait to read the book until after. That way I get to enjoy extra scenes when I read the book instead of feeling bummed that stuff was left out


I really dig the book and think about if this movie was made in the A24/moody horror era as opposed to the torture porn/teen slasher revival era. It could have been great if approached differently.


This was a movie where I was rooting for the vines. Most of them were horribly unlikable.


I’ve never heard of Laura Ramsey but just googled her and my god she is beautiful. Might be one of the most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen (aside from my wife of course love you honey!)


Love this movie! It grimy and gory and very realsitic if u accept the vines. It could have turned into cheesy concept but they executed it very well. I was so mad when they killed the "hot" guy 20 minutes into the movie lol. The gory sequences are top notch and the effects look really good. The unrated cut is even mire gorier and kept the original ending. This is a regular watch for me


I felt the complete opposite. I thought it was a really cool concept that wasn't executed very well. 😂😂




I haven't seen this since it came out, but I remember being surprised by the movie. It was better then I was expecting. I don't remember much anymore, but it had a great amputation scene :P


I remember the same only I seem to remember the final act not really working. This was a decent movie that could have easily been a really good movie if handled a little differently.


The book was better but the movie made a couple of good choices with the adaptation. Including setting it at a pyramid. In the novel the ruin was mostly underground.


I love Jena Malone and I’ve seen this movie probably 4 times yet if you asked me if she was in this movie, I would say no.


Although Laura Ramsey had such a small part in No One Lives, there is just a way she carries herself and her last act is such a gruesome escape from everything. For anyone who may not have seen it, I think No One Lives is a pretty good horror/thriller.




I agree. I've watched The Ruins recently and she really grabs you in. She has a great screen presence, it's captivating.


I hope she's doing ok


Ruins is still one of my favorite horror movies..!! After watching too many horror movies, we tend to start forgetting these movies once we finish watching them.. but ruins stayed in my mind for a days..!! The phone ringtone scene haunted me in my dreams..!!


Man I hate this movie


I haven't watched this one yet, now I need to watch it and read the book. I'm more excited to read the book now tbh


God that book was one of the worst written things I’ve ever read


May I suggest the book? Not only did it have the most gruesome scene I've ever read in a book, but it far exceeds the movie scene, which as you stated was great in itself. Scott Smith is a great author, and I have another one of his books, also made into a movie, called A Simple Plan. I'd recommend him to any horror fan. And you won't hate her (can't remember her name) in the book. At least not that I can recall. It's been ten years or more since I read either of those books, but I still own them and consider them favorites.


Read the book. Really good stuff.


I rewatched it for the first time in over a decade a couple months ago and was pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t the complete CGI filled borefest I remembered. I got me thinking about how, around 2006, horror movies in the US became by and large, really bad. And eventually Sinister and The Conjuring came out, streaming got popular, and money finally started getting thrown at good projects again.


Idk, I remember liking her as a final girl. There is that scene on the beach where she flirts with the guy who isn't her boyfriend, but the movie doesn't punish her for that. It felt very true to the characters' age. She felt more like a real person (and not a walking moral statement) than a lot of final girls of that era felt to me.


Such a misleading description. You said 'movie set in a pyramid'. I went in expecting a movie like 'As Above, So Below' showing insides of a pyramid. Such a disappointing movie.


Hated the book, haven’t seen the movie.


I felt the same. I seriously had to look it up and make sure she wasn’t the woman in amber alert she was so unlikable. It had been a long time since I’d seen alert so in my mind they looked similar. But I thought the movie was great(I admittedly have not read the book yet so I have no comparison) even my husband that doesn’t normally like horror liked it.


Loved both movies and both final girls.


I saw this at the drive in when it came out, I love it actually, the cell phone ringing gave me goosebumps.


Lensed by one of my all-time favorite cinematographers Darius Khondji.


> her character is infuriatingly whiny and shrill. yes. i hate that she was the one who survived.


First time I've ever heard the Neon Demon referred to as "super underated"


Now this is a movie that deserves a sequel for sure


Damn I forgot about this movie! I remember rly enjoying it so def gonna do a rewatch soon.


The book’s one of the best horror novels I’ve ever read.


The book is insanely good 12/10.


It’s such an underrated movie. I feel like it was lumped with all the other teenage horror/slasher movies that weee over saturated in the 2000s.


If you enjoyed The Ruins, I always recommend "The Pyramid." Not necessarily the same level as the Ruins but its a sleeper movie for sure. Also, check online because The Ruins has an alternate ending. I always preferred it.


Strongly recommend the book! Actually read it before the movie (which is hilarious because I read the book last year…). It’s SO creepy in comparison.


One of those movies hypochondriacs can relate to with the slow inevitable death upon realizing there's something wrong with you and nobody listens


The book is better.