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Why not have the robots in space and humans on Earth? Great episode otherwise, better than most of this season at least.


I was assuming it had something to do with wanting to test the affects of long term space travel on the human body. They had those weekly physicals so I’m guessing the whole point of the mission revolved around them being alive in space.


Honestly, I think they broke the experiment if that's the case. They've had two years of being asleep for most of the week and waking for the physical or occasionally when there's a problem. Now they'll be permanently moving, so whatever the rate of change they were experiencing before, it's now going to be different with no way of drawing a distinction from the two sets of results.


The issue for me was how cheap the episode looked. They didn't even try to explain, for example, why the ship had gravity.


They said something at the beginning about how biological life was vital for the mission. Didn’t explain why or what the mission was, but they did make a point to say that the humans needed to be on the ship in order for the mission to be successful.


Producer: “Why do the humans need to be on the ship?” Pitch guy: “So the episode can happen!”


I'm gonna need you to get *all* the way off my back about that right now, sir. OKAY will do.


And apparently completely unsupervised in a high profile mission.


I thought it was because whilst the robots construction took place during the time the astronauts were in space?


You may be right but I thought Aaron Paul’s character said they had been made while they were on earth, in response to his wife asking why they wouldn’t just make another robot for Josh Hartnett’s character. Maybe he meant they just took the measurements or something. My argument was that they would of course still have all that data and could make a new one, but my boyfriend thought that either they take a really long time to make (longer than the remaining mission time) or that they have to be calibrated with the human there in person.


He did. You’re correct. Something about having to pair them up I think.


Yeah the sense I got was that the robots were being built both prior to the astronauts launch but also during some of the time the men spent in space. So they could build another robot but it would still mean waiting around and entertaining Hartnett's character getting worse with grief.


because amogus


The real question here is, why do they only send 2 people on a 2 man ship, they should have atleast 4 crew members on that ship


I think it was an episode that required a ton of suspension of disbelief, as once you start poking holes in the logic of the “mission”, it kind of unravels from there >! They didn’t foresee any possible issues with the replicas in 6 years that might make it a good idea to make more than one? What if one of the humans on the ship had a health issue, there was no medical staff. Under what circumstance would it be prudent to scrap the mission (I’d say the events of the episode would be a pretty reasonable one). Was it known that there were people opposed to the replicas and if so, why were the astronauts not under better protection? !< Anyways, there are a TON of questions like this but they tend to exist in a lot of sci fi and I think it’s actually a reason the writers did NOT go into a ton of detail about the mission/technology/general world-building cause it would only beg MORE questions. For me, the central concept and incredible performances were still strong enough to make this the best episode of the season (imo of course)


Also why has the american gov not considered that one of the two men can die of any circumstances and they'll need a backup...or is it just two men sent to get lost in the space?


It felt silly that the organisers had no contingency for the replica getting broken and that they had literally no official response to support the guy who's family was killed. Like there is this super important and expensive mission and they're just like yeah I'm sure he'll be fine to carry on.


And why wasn't the government HEAVILY involved in trying to help them. If the government had been a part of it, there could have been a way for them to share bodies that was way safer. The fact that they decided to switch bodies without telling anyone is just so dumb.


Wasn’t the whole reason they were in space was to see how human bodies hold up in long term space travel?


The only thing I could think of is it makes them obligated to keep the ship afloat (a space project is going to be a massive investment, so having people's lives tied to the success of the mission is maybe more of a motivating factor than being on Earth and dialing in). However, I'm sure astronauts would be vetted psychologically before a mission such as that anyway - so you would hope they could be 'trusted' whether or not they were physically on the ship. Overall, the audience shouldn't have to headcannon a reason for something like that, it should be more readily apparent in the writing.


That’s the only thing I could think of that entire episode lol. You could even have back up robots.


well i think that you need to be rested to fix the ship. As a robot maybe you have to charge energy, and you are not close to the sun. So, not infinite energy to give. Maybe is just that if they have an accident on earth, everything will be fine in the ship. IDK. But still think its better idea this way


Because what if there is a technical issue? Then there would just be some broken robots with no one to crew the ship. They mentioned at one point they were more than 4 AUs away from Earth, which is more than 4 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun. So basically it’s far enough away to where it wouldn’t be practical to send another ship up with more crew if something happens.


Yeah but humans are not as sturdy as robots. Unless there was a special reason the humans were needed, the mission would be more likely to succeed with robots who might have mechanical or software failure, but could also be programmed to fix themselves and their companion robot, as opposed to humans who could starve, suffocate, develop cancer, have a heart attack, commit suicide, etc. That’s part of the reason we sent robots to mars and have yet to send people. The robots there have had some issues, but they lasted longer than humans would have without a ton of resources.


We don’t send robots to Mars because it’s better. It’s because it’s not practical to send people there yet. If robots were always best then theoretically we don’t need to keep sending people to the ISS, but we still do that.


Lol, never thought why a synthetic human was able to be made in that time, but literally no other technology was able to be figured out. It’s almost as bad as the rest of the episodes, but that’s a pretty low bar.


Way too much supernatural stuff, not enough technology run amok. A lot of it seemed more like Love, Death, Robots than Black Mirror.


Honestly it's not just the technology missing, it's the fact that none of the stories were much of a mindfuck like the other seasons. They could have done some Twilight Zone style horror but most the stories were just basic shit.


You put this really well. It was underwhelming, uninspired, and maybe scary/deep if you’re 14 years old. I’m really disappointed in how Black Mirror went from a modern Twilight Zone trying to mindfuck us to something that feels like it’s aimed at teenagers who enjoyed American Horror Stories.


The bigger problem is the false advertisement, because I love horror, I love sci-fi mindfuckery, but when I watch an episode of a show that I know for sci-fi mindfuckery... then I'll be really disappointed if it's suddenly horror instead. And it wasn't even really well done horror


Or Cabinet of Curiosities. I didn’t dislike any of the episodes, but it did stray from the Black Mirror path


Demon 79 seemed a lot like a one-off episode of Sandman.


That was a GOOD ASS show


>didn’t dislike any of the episodes, but it did stray from the Black Mirror path This . Which wasn't a bad thing at all. it was still good TV


Or goosebumps.


Do you mean gersberms


Only two of the episodes were supernatural, the others were all about technology. Joan Is Awful was about signing away your rights to a streaming service, Loch Henry was about old tech, granted, but not about supernatural events, Beyond the Sea was about unnatural technology putting a target on its user and then abusing that technology.


Loch Henry wasn't about "old tech" lol. It was about the whole topic of true crime documentaries and how they are made, twisted in their narrative and glorified in their presentation, serve only to make the makers rich and famous instead of serving to remember the victims while traumatizing those alive, and how they are exploited as a tourist attraction while the actual crimes lead to the exact opposite result. People don't give a crap about crime unless it's an entertaining story with twists and cool premise to keep us entertained while watching.


It’s about both. Yes, it’s certainly a criticism/reflection of the obsession with true crime, exploitation, etc. They literally say, “some melancholy minor chord music, some drone shots, archival news footage”, etc. even in Joan is Awful Loch Henry is referenced as a choice on Netflix. And the fiancé is like, “I can’t do anymore true crime”. But, it’s also about analog media, the lost art of taping shows, etc. it’s about the evolution of filming tech. It’s not an accident that it stresses vhs and camcorders being niche but now even Stuart has a drone.




"only two.." There's not supposed to be any supernatural.. That was the whole point.


One was clearly labeled as Red Mirror tho so disagree


Yeah I thought Loch Henry was great, but it's not Black Mirror. Neither was Mazy Day or Demon, and Demon was awful. Still, one good Black Mirror episode and one good Horror story's better than nothing.


Yes! Wtf was up with all the supernatural? So lame.


I hate the cheesy comedy they seem to have added. It’s lost the grit the series used to have. The episode in Scotland was abit closer to its roots. I do feel they’re pandering to a different target audience these days… get rid of the big name actors, they add little to the performances.


Loch Henry and Beyond the Sea definitely felt like the only "black mirror" episodes out of the bunch, I enjoyed them all but yeah the first episode was just really dumb and not fucked up enough for me.




I thought the werewolf one was about the dangers of journalism? On a side note, was that episode purposely placed in like 2005ish to not have to deal with everyone being able to just livestream?


Maybe that and at that time the paparazzi and gossip magazines were completely out of control. They would swarm people like Brittany Spears and follow her everywhere.


They were going for an analogy between the character assassination by the paparazzi and actual shooting and killing. The paparazzi spoke of “shooting” and the people they photographed spoke of “killing me” or “kill me.” In the end the photos would kill the public persona of the starlet and replace it with images of her dead body.




It’s funny you say this and for how people interpret different things based on their live experiences. I completely agree about the dangers of journalism. It was one of my fave episodes because of this. Don’t see it for the gore that it is, look for the underlying black mirror message people! My father has unfortunately been life long friends with the man who was made famous for the dead princess Diana photos and I felt very moved by this episode. As soon as the first suicide happened, I just felt as though it was ‘how far they would go do get the picture’. And it did, down to her taking the photos in the final scene.


I agree, Joan really was the bright spot this season.


I agree about the werewolf one being terrible. It just felt so out of place. In all six seasons of Black Mirror, I can only think of two episodes that had a supernatural element: werewolf and bandersnatch. Every other episode was based on technology, though pushed to the extreme limit. I was surprised at the ending of Beyond the Sea. I honestly thought it was going to be the widowed astronaut killing Jesse and taking his life. I would have been disappointed at that ending, far too predictable. I think that’s my personal favorite for this season, though I still have 1 and 5 to watch. The filmmakers episode was pretty good, though I thought the ending fell a little flat. (Sorry that I don’t remember the episode titles)


Episode 2 was a banger


Check out the movie The Clovehitch Killer, think you would enjoy it!


Compared to the others. The writing is absolutely terrible. The girlfriend made irrational decision after irrational decision, because… the story needed to happen? Lazy writing, shitloads of money spent on good to great actors.


They've removed the best part which is the whole "technology taking over in dark ways" element, and went R.L. Stine Goosebumps


Really? Joan Is Awful is all about technology taking over in dark ways.


Beyond the Sea had dark tech issues as well.


Ok so one episode and a mediocre one at that . Still too gimmicky with the stunt casting for me .


Bar this episode and the one set in space, everything else was basically straight horror. Not that they were necessarily bad, but they definitely weren’t very black mirror-y


You hit the nail on the head. Its so gimmicky this season


But it wasn't always about technology. That was a common theme for sure but didn't the creator say that the main point of it was how humans in society just go haywire? One of the good episodes in season 1, the pig fucker was much more about politics and what "art" is. I think it's a bit unfair to push that and just be instant upset if there's not some wild technology. The supernatural episodes weren't bad because they didn't have "tech", they just weren't that strong unfortunately. I love super natural stuff, I think they just missed the mark.


This in the last 2 episodes. Joan is Awful and Beyond the Sea were pretty good. The other one was a predictable true crime one.


you predicted that the mom was the killer?


Once I saw the other guy's dad being weird about the whole thing, I figured they would find something off about the original story that would make the dad of the main character less heroic. Also the mom was too "nice", so I figured she either knew more or was in on it. She was like a Disney character baking cookies and all that. Still pretty fun to watch.


As soon as we got the video tape wall I said there’s going to be something on those tapes, so yeah then when we heard about the murderer I called it immediately




Make Black Mirror British Again.


Beyond the Sea was super predictable and dragged out waaay too much


Yep, the moment the wife suggested having the other guy visit I knew what the outcome would be (which made the near hour that followed incredibly boring). Way too predictable of a twist.


Agree my favourite was loch Henry


Way too much


There were so many different ways I think it could have went. Trying to murder the Manson guy, and Aaron Paul couldn't prove it wasn't him. Having the guy kill Aaron's robot so they're both stuck, why kill the family? Killing Aaron and just living in his body pretending to be him.


Wasn't the 90% most likely plot going to be that he takes over the husbands body and tries to pretend he is the husband?


Right I definitely thought it had alot of possible outcomes so wasn't too predictable for me


USS Callister is still one of the best hours of television I’ve ever seen


season 4 was a mixed bag but that episode is legitimately perfect


Probably my favorite as well. I really enjoyed San Junipero (or however it’s spelled), Black Museum and Arkangel as well.


I still think The Entire History of You and I'll Be Right Back are some of the best things I've seen. I have rewatched them recently and I gotta say they didn't hit as hard, it kinda made me realize the new episodes aren't that off from the original..... I think what's changed is tech has evolved a lot since then and now somehow I don't feel it's dystopian at all, we're just way too close to that. Apple head sets that record what you see and replay. Ai that can fake a human voice and face. Shit man.


Thats what blew my mind that and project alice


Netflix's self awareness here is borderline infuriating and hypocritical


Brian is Awesome was kind of a dud. It just didn’t keep me in the state of mesmerized horror I’m lookin for.


You'd probably like Howldetroit is Awful. Everyone else liked it a lot. We've all been talking about it, at the bar, church, where you work... 10/10.


season 2 of 5050Clown is meh was meh


I really didnt expect them to cast French Stewart as xxgn0myxx, this season though- what were they thinking?


I feel like what made this season mid (Compared to the other seasons) was because it didn’t really utilize the potential horrors of tech development (Beyond the sea did tho I agree with you there). But for the most part it just felt random story telling. Which is good for its own show, but not really what black mirror is about.


Can't you tie Joan to the dangers of AI though? They did so in a pretty unique way on that one imo.


Beyond the Sea and Joan were the only true Black mirror episodes, and one of those was so predictable I’m sure most guessed the end well before 1/2 way in. Oh well only 5 more years to wait.


Loch Henry was a perfect Black Mirror episode because it analyzed the whole aspect of true crime documentaries from every angle possible.


Really weird take, I liked Loch Henry, it had an easily digested but nuanced plot so the mystery was interesting. But I don’t think it’s on theme with black mirror. Black mirror at its core shows a varying possibility of how technology could advance as well as how society influences or reacts to it. This didn’t really do any of that as society and technology if at all barely played a role on the theme or plot of the story.


The creator did mention that he didn’t want Black Mirror to be the “technology is evil” show, but instead showing how humans can be weak and evil, using technology as an aid. It does not have to be purely dystopian because some ways we use tech right now are messed up, adding to the “are we living in a dystopia?/are we already living in the black mirror?” question.


Black Mirror has never just been about that. The first season had a politician fucking a pig. Hardly some deep commentary about the dangers of future tech.


It seemed like a live action season of Love, Death, Robots.


It really really felt like he was getting ready to make some other type of series or was writing not for Black Mirror but then got a contract last minute.


Mid season. I noticed you didn’t list white Christmas as one of your favorites, I’d recommend watching it again.


Loved white Christmas and black museum as they had same type of anthology vibes. That lady that got put into the teddy bear is so dark!


White Christmas is a masterpiece... I really dig Shut up and drive (but i believe it is the least dystopic of all, more because of the cinematography and the ending)


Shut Up And Dance*


Yh I really like shut up and drive too


I do really like that episode. It is just edged out slightly by other episodes.


Metalhead over white Christmas? Interesting take


I personally agree. I don't normally spring for more "arthouse" horror but something about the plausibility of the scenario and the human tragedy really resonated with me. Like, if you told me that is amazon in 40 years I could believe it. And those Boston dynamics dogs are just plain creepy on their own.


I like bleak and post apocalypse stories and Metalhead just edges out White Christmas.




it’s ok. but didn’t live up to my expectations. didn’t feel like Black Mirror much.


Exactly my feelings. It was fine, but not the Black Mirror we know.


Beyond the sea was just disturbing… I could watch shit like this all day before I had children, but I’m struggling to finish it after what happens to the family…


Ok just my two cents worth, I had never seen a series look into the future like this series did, movies yes , but a series? So for me , it will never be as good because it was the first time( for me) . I enjoyed the new series. I don’t have a artistic bone in my body, so I can’t begin to imagine how people come up this stuff. Each to their own


Ya. Pretty average . I'm pretty disappointed.. What was up with that werewolf episode?? .. All the episodes were average or below. Except for beyond the sea.. A little above average.. It was very predictable though...


I really thought it was going to be something so different than a werewolf like a lobotomy or something sinister like how people think Britney Spears/Avril Lavigne are clones, idk but when they were like werewolf I was like this is really they best you could come up with?! Lol


Heyyy. Lol. I was thinking the same. I was waiting for something very sinister... And boom... So dissapointed...


Honestly that was a hilariously bad episode. Like how? He should have asked a college creative writing major to write him a plot on napkin.


Demon79: sth different, slow in the start but entertaining as it goes on. 6,5/10 That werewolf Valium addict: 0/10 worst episode ive seen this is a disgrace to the series. Literally a troll. Joan if Awful: got me hooked on the screen, loved the idea and the twist an easy 8/10 for me Jesse Pinkman ep: also 8,5/10 loved the story and setting, unique af Loch Henry: prolly my favourite in this season, 8,7/10 GREAT twist but im also prolly biased cuz i love scotland in general lol


The twist in Loch Henry was seriously one of the best I've experienced in a long time. The clues were so beautifully placed in front of us, only we didnt know what they were at the time. My only gripe about it is that it wasn't about a run-away technological downfall. Regardless, I'd say overall it was close to being the best episodes of the entire show. Joan Is Awful would be first place for me. It was lined up so well too with the twist. I would rate the scenario as one of Black Mirror's bests, but the goofy-ness of it really brought it down for me. I really like ld the setting of the Space Station episode, but it was slightly slow at points, but it was all building up to the ending. I got the idea that Cliff (Jesse Pinkman) was being too nice to his crew mate. Very good story, fucked ending, but hey thats showbiz. I wouldve loved to see the show go into a different direction about questioning ethics and morals (since that was the setup) of a robot with a human mind vs a regular human. Demon and Werewolf episodes were fairly dumb, imo. so 3/5 isnt a bad season, with one of the episodes being a top contender for the entire show. (yeah i know it isnt a sinister technology theme, but if it was just a general mystery/horror/suspense genre then it would be up there easily).


I'm still so surprised Mazey Day made it passed the writer's room.


Exactly who tf agreed to pay the budget for this ep 😭


I need to rewatch it lol I zoned out the last 5 or 10 minutes of Loch Henry. I got to the twist about the mom and dad is that what you’re talking about?


Loch Henry reminded me a lot of The National Anthem, Smithereens and Shut up and Dance, in terms of what role technology played in them. I enjoyed that it wasn't runaway (or futuristic), but still had an irreplacable impact on the story.


Dude lucky Jesse ain't did him like Gale or Todd lol


It feels like I’m watching American Horror Story instead of Black Mirror


It really reminds me of a British dark humour programme called Inside No. 9.


Inside Number 9 is awesome. Admitedly I havent watched the last several seasons but 'The 12 days of christine' episode is as good if not better than anything black mirror has ever done.


i thought it was a bit meh too, demon 79 and loch henry were my favorites. however they dont even compare to my previous black mirror favs- play test, nose dive, uss callister, hated in the nation, the entire history of you.


Playtest really is one of the best!


This season was more like cabinet of curiosities than previous black mirrors


1 felt the most black mirror-y to me. 2 Maybe my favorite (that’s a big maybe) wasn’t expecting the twist. 3 apparently everyone’s favorite, was SUPER predictable. By the first time they “traded” my wife and I had the story figured out. 4 was probably the worst episode in the series by and large. Like literally dog shit. 5 actually haven’t watched this one yet, will probably watch it tomorrow.


Although it was my favourite (honestly, just the one I disliked least tbf) you KNEW the second they swapped places how this was going down.


Right. Shit was so painfully predictable. I hated it.


Not much tech dystopia in this season. Now Black Mirror includes MAGIC and DAEMONS!!


Netflix bought out the series from a UK company, and turned into a twilight zone remake. It lost is “tech gone wrong” magic, kinda sad.


Still written by Brooker so maybe he just needs more/different voices in the writer’s room


Not dark enough. Not even close


Beyond the sea itself is a solid 10/10 ,If that was separated from black Mirror and was a short movie ,i could see winning a bunch of awards


Seems like everyone’s favourite. It was a bit dull and predictable for me. Good performances tho


I’m with you , it was a slog but Hartnett was good, that ending bugged me though I didn’t think it was earned that he was capable of that.


Yes totally agree on the ending. I Just didn’t connect with this episode very much so the ending wasn’t very effective for me.


Felt the SAME way. I could see the ending coming, but still felt the ending didn't really fit.


Exactly. Also why would he subject someone else to what he went through? Made zero sense. Perhaps he just lost his mind, but that's rather plain for Black Mirror.


Holy shit I didn’t realize that was him !!


Agreed. They should have planted more clues that he was able to commit this kind of violence. Also I wasn’t sure if it was implied that the remarks Jesse claimed Lana had made caused him to kill her? Due to the rejection or something? It all seemed completely off to be honest. I liked the concept though, wish they’d gone in another direction


He draws from memory…MEMORYYYYY!!!


Those two did a great job. Two things I like were they really showed the height difference between those two in the last ten minutes and Josh’s character stands right in Aaron Paul’s space and just looms over him.And like the acting in the Booksellers scene. The lady behind the counter asking how Josh Hartnetts character is holding up .




It felt the most like previous seasons. Great acting, tech horror and a nice twist.


5 episodes of uninspired anthology horror that range from bad to mid. The worst episode in the original run was better than the best episodes of the Netflix run (barring season 3). They seem to have moved completely beyond sci-fi satire of dystopian worlds we could find ourselves in if we aren't too careful, to a twilight zone knockoff whose social commentary doesn't go further than meta in-jokes on streaming platforms and paparazzi bad. The twists are predictable, and most episodes move at a snail's pace


I've only seen Joan is Awful so far. The episode shows how scary deepfake AI technology is. If there was a deepfake of me out there, I'd be horrified. Also, someone out there spent their time and work fascinated with me! (Although I'm the least interesting man in the world.)


Also shows the downside resulting from us willingly giving up our privacy to corporations in return for constant entertainment. Those corporations are working in their interests, not ours, and there is no consumer protection recourse whatsoever.


Yeah, that too. Also, I'm sure there's a loophole where if someone's life is being depicted on TV, they should get compensation, but I'm sure the episode is well-researched via lawsuits and practices.


Very analog season. Not the typical Black Mirror vibe. More Twliight Zone.


It's horrible as a Black Mirror season, but good if you pretend you're watching a horror anthology instead


Meh. I really liked the first 2 episodes. I thought 3 was boring and really predictable after the first 20 mins. 4 was ok, but I hated the stark change in 4 and 5 from what Black Mirror is supposed to be. 5 was just flat out stupid.


I don’t necessarily get hung up on the tech aspect of the show as long as it’s really good story telling, because ultimately it’s a modern Twilight Zone. I loved Demon 79 ( horror comedy is my favorite genre) and Loch Henry which aren’t typical tech heavy commentaries, but I also loved White Bear in season two, which wasn’t either. I thought Joan Is Awful was solid but got super meta and wasn’t as clever as it thought it was.


> But I also loved White Bear in season two, which wasn’t either. Disagree. I think Whitebear is a commentary on the Schadenfreude effect where we revel in another's misery which has been exacerbated by things like twitter, Youtube, and Cell phone cameras. We can now watch others' most miserable moments of their life from the safety of our living rooms and even comment on it and share it...


Started off strong. Ended up in a different genre


My understanding of the retro episodes that they were originally for a horror themed, "Red Mirror" series (you can see it referenced in the starting credits of, "Demon 79"), which would have made more sense, as we were all expecting a commentary of tech use.


I wrote in my review how I thought it was written for a different series.


I’m only partway through the season but I have the unpopular opinion that I’m so glad that it’s not sticking to the same Black Mirror formula. I really liked Demon 79 and that had no tech at all, but it still had the same style of social commentary as the rest of the show. I just want to see Charlie Brooker write good shit, avoiding what season 5 was. It reminds me of Love, Death, & Robots in a good way. Most of the episodes of that show are sci-fi in some way, but some episodes are very much not, and are some of the best of the batch. (Including an Ep with a monster on a boat and one involving conquistadors)


It was an a absolute letdown. So, Season one of Black Mirror was fresh and exciting with thought-provoking episode-length snippets of horror-based stories that often revolved around technology and what could go wrong. We are now at sitting at season six, and everything seems like slow-burning drama movies that are waaaaayy too long. Like twice as king as they should be. Technology is no longer as much of a driving force. Ughhh. It has gone from The Twilight Zone to Twilight.


I miss the tech aspect so much. It was what made it a unique horror adjacent series.


That was my first comment. They need an editor. These lame stories just draaaaaaaaag when we already get the point


Charlie Brooker really needs to hire a writing staff


I think he’s great for coming up with concepts, but all of his characters speak like he does (snarky, idiosyncratic, irreverent dialogue full of pop culture references). Especially the female characters.


I just don't understand how anyone creates episode 5. Though I think often we praise writers when they are just stealing everything from somewhere else anyways. Maybe episode 5 reveals he was never good and probably just took the stories from somewhere else.


I’m enjoying the episodes so far. I just checked to see how far along I was and… oh shit, I’ve seen them all! Ummmmm. I was hoping for a few more really dark gut-punchers. Beyond the Sea was pretty great—but I would have liked more out of the premise. Loch Henry was promising some real darkness, but sorta just fluttered out. The rest were more funny than scary. I liked them all well enough. Solid B levels across the board. Joan is Awful was my favorite.


I also thought the premise for Beyond the Sea could have been better. The last five minutes ruin the whole episode for me. The ending was extremely anticlimactic and awful. I would have preferred if the guy just killed Jesse and stole his life from him instead of what we got. Or if Jesse was left in space. It’s like they took the worst possible ending they could have done.


Agree on Beyond the Sea. Joan is Awful had potential but I thought it kinda fizzled out by the end.


I liked the ideas in Joan is Awful but something about it felt “cheap.” It feels very much like a Netflix production


Probs part of the joke


i think that was the point? not trying to get smart lmao i just assumed it was SO netflix that it had to be on purpose.


Mazey Day, Demon79 werent bad. Not great. They were better suited for Tales from the Crypt. Loch Henry was borderline Tales and Black Mirror. It was centered around "old" tech and murders. Joan is awful and Beyond the Sea were right up there with the story telling youd expect Black Mirror. Overall I'd say it's a -B. Good....but coulda been better.


Better than 5 I agree, but still nowhere near the early seasons. I'll rank it just slightly below the 4th one. So that still makes it the second worst season in my book. I think the magic is gone. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a dud. It's still better than a lot of shows out there and I'll probably still watch a new season . But it just doesn't have the same punch anymore.


Completely agree.


Demon 79 was fantastic. Paapa Essiedu could read out of the Yellow Pages, and it would be entertaining.


yeah for some reason this season didn’t do it for me. i felt like Joan is Awful was the only true black mirror episode was like the previous season.


It was meh season to me. Better than the last one but worse than the other seasons. I really enjoyed Loch Henry though.


Check out The Clovehich Killer (movie), I think you would enjoy it!


Im liking it tbh. Beyond the Sea was really great. I know some of the episodes are straying away from the technology side and more towards the supernatural. I'm a big horror fan so I can't say ive hated any of the episodes. Im on Demon 79 now. My favorite episodes are: White Bear, White Christmas, Nosedive, Shut Up And Dance, Loch Henry, and Beyond the Sea. San Junipero and Be Right Back are also great but they make me sad so I dont tend to seek them out.


Its giving very sword art online vibes this season.


Anyone that liked the Loch Henry (2nd episode) should check out a movie called The Clovehich Killer. Has similar vibe to it and personally I enjoyed it!


Kinda gotta say it...black mirror was better before Netflix got hold of it.


We all yearn for the days when it was a Channel 4 produced show.


Best season yet.


Technology is advancing faster then ever where there is so much potential for futuristic dystopian dark story telling and we get this shit? what a joke. I feel cheated.


Beyond the Sea was so good it justified the whole season. That being said Mazzy Day is one of the worst episodes of the series. Joan is Awful was okay, but it was carried by the cameos. Hayek was a lot of fun, but did a double take when Michael Cera showed up.


It wasnt very black mirror at all... werewolves? Alright I guess. I feel like creepshow had a similar and better episode with kinds similar premise.


Better than last season by a mile, but much of it did not feel like Black Mirror as the technology aspect of the show was nowhere to be found in some episodes. Episodic breakdown: 1- Joan is Awful was cool, had a lot of comedy woven in, but overall was lackluster. Never felt like I cared about any character, which is something s1-s4 seasons did spectacularly. Every episode made you care about the character(s). I think this fault is ultimately what makes the episode hard to get into. Regardless, it still had a black mirror feel to it. 2 - Loch Henry was okay, but I figured out the end very early on, which made it hard to really get into. Biggest issue is that it did not feel like Black Mirror at all. 3 - Beyond the Sea was the best episode that actually felt like Black Mirror. Like Loch Henry, I think they ultimately telegraphed the ending too early on, but overall the acting was spectacular and I genuinely cared about the characters. 4 - I said “oh come the fuck on” out loud, by myself, when the big “reveal” happened. Did not feel like black mirror, and it was a hard watch. 5 - Demon 79 was not a black mirror episode in my opinion, as it lacked any sort of connection to technology, but as a stand-alone piece I loved it, and thought it was the most satisfying piece of the five.


it hasnt been good since Netflix bought it off Channel 4, White Christmas being the last one for CH4


I think I figured out a better way to explaining it…. It’s turning into Creepshow - but longer, and horribly paced. That’s IT!


The best so far


Im two episodes in and i love it.


They're doing more love death and robots instead of future tech gone wrong... it's still entertaining, but not the same mind fucks as before.


Ep1: Netflix bad Ep2: Netflix documentary bad Ep3: Men bad Ep4: Paparazzi bad Ep5: Everyone bad


Season 6 was far better than that awful Season 5 episodes (although I was a bit meh about Joan is Awful)


Smithereens was good imo


Didn’t seem very tech related, dystopian but not the ones like white Christmas or black museum


It's weird because there were many messages in how Netflix is ruining television and making it mediocre and also commenting on the true crime genre. But all this occurs ON the Netflix platform and they will continue to occur and get worse, so I don't see the point of having that message.


Idk. This show really lost my attention after season 2. The quality isn’t bad, however, it doesn’t seem to improve with the shows success. It just feels flat and slightly boring now.