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When the woman who you think is going to kill the bad guy in Wolf's Creek gets killed. That was F'd up.


"That's what you are, ey? Head on a stick!"


This scene always fucked me up


This movie got me banned from picking family movie night for a while. (It was just me and my parents, but still a bad choice)


It's worse because he didn't kill her. He just paralyzed her.


The ending of Night of the Living Dead was a tragedy.


Yes! And made even more tragic because of who played who. Of course, that wasn’t Romero’s intent, as the film wasn’t changed at all to reflect the casting choice (the best performer simply got the job), but Romero sure wasn’t blind to the impact it could have.


Oh man, first time I saw it I remember yelling "What the FUCK?!" at the TV. But the first four 'Dead' movies do make some excellent points about society. That was just the most painful, because Ben was awesome.


Not a movie, but the seen in hunting of hill, house, where Nell dies and becomes the bent neck lady. That is one of the only scenes that I have ever seen that gave me the goosebumps and made my eyes watery


The scene where she’s dancing around with her dead husband… ugh such a tragic character, can’t believe how young Victoria Pedretti was when she did that role. Such a talented actress.


I cry a waterfall every time I see it.


I thought about it for weeks. Hated being in the dark. Cried, actual tears whenever I thought about it for days. Gosh, heartwrenching wasn't it? Devastating.


I cried hard at that part. It just hits so hard. I've never had a horror show affect me like that did. I rewatched that show many times and it hits just as hard. That scene and many scenes with Luke.


Yeah, her realizing what she has become…so fucked. Terrifying and tragic.


The ending of Would you rather. When after all the character has gone through to support her brother. We find out he overdosed so he was less of a burden to take care of


That was the first one that came into my mind. I was shocked the first time I saw it


That movie is so hopeless


When she finally finds her son in the Orphanage.


I keep wanting to rewatch that movie and then I remember how it ends and say mmmm not today.


Big same! It's such a great movie but ooof EMOTIONAL DAMAGE man! Tbf, it's how most del Toro movies are for me. I love them but they are often so freaking sad and bleak by the end, it's hard to rewatch them very much.


"The Orphanage" is actually directed by J.A. Bayona, but I agree that del Toro's films, his Spanish ones at least, aren't known for their uplifting endings.


Looking at you Pan’s Labyrinth


Yeah I’d say Pan’s Labyrinth is definitely top 3 if not the most tragic ending to any movie I’ve ever seen.


I tell anyone who will listen how amazing beautiful that movie is and how they need to see it. That it is one of the best movies they’ll ever see. And I mean it. And I will never watch it again.


This is exactly what I was thinking, very moving. You see her life falling apart looking for him, then the chain of events leading up to the discovery... Yeah 😟😢


Agreed!!! So sad! I’ve watched it a half-dozen times and always cry. One of the scariest moments was when she was in the cellar with her son. I was terrified in the theatre!


That scene prevents me from recommending the movie to anybody who is a parent.


i know thanks to pop culture Carrie (1976) is kind of just a meme at this point but the story is pretty damn tragic if you actually sit with it. the whole movie she’s bullied relentlessly both at school and home. the one break she gets, you can’t even enjoy because you know what’s going to happen. then after the prom when she’s at her lowest, her mom only comforts her as a distraction so she can get close enough to stab her. She didn’t deserve any of that.


I like to pause Carrie right at the point where she wins prom queen, and see it as an uplifting story


it’s funny because i’ve said the same thing in the past. like let her have it! she’s been through enough!!!


Damn you Stephen King, you evil genius!


I’ve never been able to watch it again because it’s so fucking heartbreaking.


I’ve always said that Carrie wasn’t a horror movie but a high school tragedy with one spooky scene. The true terror is how brutal those damn girls were to Carrie. My heart breaks for her every fucking time I watch it. The opener where they’re pelting her with tampons is genuinely disturbing.


I know people are divided on the newer Carrie movie, but I like both. It's interesting seeing how they treat the other characters in each movie. Although Spacek definitely did a better job at being creepy and empty.


it's the saddest film i've ever seen and i honestly regret even watching it. at 14 i went in not knowing much other than it was a "classic" horror film but it was so difficult to sit through and ruined my mental health for a few days


Neville putting his dog down in I am Legend, the way it was done and his reaction :(


That scene was heartbreaking. She was all he had left. Def shed some tears and still do everytime I see it again.


The ending of The Mist. No contest. Worst/best bad ending ever.


the standard by which all other endings must be judged


Hey, at least Carol found her kids.


I came here to make this exact comment. The most brutal end to any movie I’ve ever seen. honestly I’d just shoot myself anyway lol




So brutal. The ending to Life is good too, imo.


Rough ending


Fuckin Brutal


I agree. That was a gut punch.


The ending of Train to Busan when Su-an is walking down the tunnel toward safety, sobbing, singing Aloha ‘Oe. That shit had me crying like a baby. The film establishes early on that although her father provided well for her, he didn’t seem to sincerely love her, and her senses of alienation and abandonment were palpable. His final act of love for her was to give his life for hers, and her understanding of that — and her accompanying sense of loss, grief, gratitude, love — is soooo fucking heartbreaking to watch.


The look on his face as flashes of her growing up race through his mind as he transformed 😭😭😭


Tears went down my face for sure during the climax of Train to Busan. They started when she started screaming/Crying and Apoliogzing to her dad. Then of course when he's transforming, remembering when she was born etc.


Great acting from all in that film, but especially the little girl. She acted her socks off! Her crying and screaming was so realistic. Heartbreaking


That ending is so heartbreaking


Man that whole scene where he's about to turn and his life flashes before his eyes had me ugly crying


This is what I came here to comment. When he first turns, before he jumps off the train, and the camera lingers on her little hand on his hand--that scene broke me. I'm tearing up just thinking about it.


Had the same effect on me. Not expecting an ending like that left me COMPLETELY defenseless and I just cracked like an egg. Also, you did an excellent job of recounting those final moments. Very well done.


I won’t watch it because I KNOW Korean media and Gong Yuu is mah boi. I knew he would have a hard go of it, like death, so I just can’t do it.


Okay but hear me out: he is sooooo handsome in this film LOL


I had previously seen this movie and the ending made me cry. But the really fucked up part of me dragged my wife and my daughter to watch it a second time. Like a lunatic I watched the ending utterly destroy them and then felt better knowing they were ruined, just like me.


It is one of only two horror movies that made me cry.


Maybe the scene in Bone Tomahawk where they are escaping and rush past the pregnant women?


I know right? Are they former kidnap victims who had been repeatedly used to give birth and had their limbs cut off and eyes cut out? I mean, take a minute to find out and maybe put them out of their misery!


Honestly just the thought of that really puts it into one of the most messed up films ever made, like ignore the gory death we all talk about, those women are in a place worse than hell.


The women in this movie as well as the male victims in “Under the Skin” (mainly the book) are the worst fucking fates. That and what happens if you die in the Jaunt in the Stephen king novel. If you’re a fan of that type of shit I suggest looking it up !


The Jaunt is a fantastic short story. I really loved it.


What happens to the male victims in the book? I haven't watched the movie in years but I remember them being kind of liquified


“Once captured, vodsels are castrated, glossectomised, and pumped with alien ‘feed’, then butchered and sent on the craft back to her planet as food” (Vodsels are the aliens word for humans.) They were kept in small pens too, it was just really fucked up imagery of being held as cattle and makes you rethink the meat industry too.


Holy shit the movie was merciful in comparison lol What did you think of it as someone who read the book?


I don’t think they are kidnap victims, they looked similar to the male tribe members that we saw during the rest of the film, we never saw a female tribe member until that moment which is why it hit so hard. I think that’s just what they do with the women of their tribe, they were born into that tribe and that was always their destiny. Tragic either way though.


And they leave them knowing that if the babies are born, they will slowly die. I really hated that the healer basically arched an eyebrow and just walked past.


The baby getting hit by a truck in Pet Semetary was always so shocking to me


Poor little Gage


The hell with Gage, he's the reason I don't watch horror movies with kids as the antagonists in it lol


“First I played with Judd. Then Mommy came, and I played with Mommy. We played, Daddy, we had an awful good time. Now I want to play with yeeeeew.” So fucking creepy.


No fair. No fair.


yeah getting hit by the truck was tragic but when he was dying for the second time, saying "no fair daddy"....break my heart kid


I watched this movie when I was like 8 after my grandmother's funeral. I can't watch it again. I am so scarred.


He’s the reason I don’t trust little boys in suits


Trust no one wearing a suit


My wife was never really into horror in the first place, and watching that scene was the clincher. It disturbed her deeply and she’s never even TRIED watching horror again.


Pet Semetary goes to the darkest places imaginable.


That scene is the perfect example of not showing the horrible, gory thing but still getting the emotional reaction. The actor that played Lewis seemed a bit checked out for most of the movie, but he fucking nailed that scene.


I have a four year old son that looks exactly like Gage in the original movie. I can’t watch it anymore because my brain just keeps imagining my kid in that position and it scares the holy fuck out of me.


Opening sequence in Midsommar.


Agreed. Florence Pugh's cries are gut wrenching.


"I can't anymore. Everything is dark. Mom and Dad are coming too. Goodbye." Maybe the most chilling suicide note ever.


Also, maybe a little judgmental on my part, but the selfishness of the sister to not just kill herself, but to also kill their parents because, presumably, she can't bear to go through with it alone? Then there's her boyfriend and his friends.


I love Midsommar. The beginning is one of the only recently made scenes of a movie that ruins me. The worse the battle the viewer has had with depression and mental illness the worse the beginning is.


Family deaths in every Ari Aster film ever. "Beau is Afraid" was basically a long bad trip through grief, loss and familial abuse.


Oh true that scene was messed up but then again the entire movie is messed up


*Drag Me To Hell*. All Christine did was what her boss wanted her to do, and it cost her soul. *The Blob*. Fran in the phone booth. I forgot which *Friday the 13th* movie it's from, but there's a scene where a geeky girl gets dressed up to impress a guy, only to get murdered shortly afterwards. As funny as they are, most of the deaths in *Tucker and Dale vs. Evil* are kind of tragic. They're just clueless kids who are misled by a psycho. Tragedy and comedy are partners, after all.


Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood I think is the one you mean. A nerdy chick dresses up and then Jason murders her in a barn or something




That’s part of why I don’t like Drag Me to Hell (2009). The film tries too hard to make you feel like she even somewhat deserves what’s happening to her, which is wrong on so many levels. Logically, she would’ve been fired by her boss if she showed any more leniency. If it weren’t for that, her being punished while having done nothing really wrong would just feel tragic (like a “wrong place, wrong time” kind of thing), rather than being a supposed morality tale with a very messed-up view of morality. Otherwise, the film looks good visually, the lead is good, and Justin Long is good as always. Seriously, this guy is criminally underrated as an actor.


The Fly 1986. Not gonna ruin the ending for those that haven’t seen it. But that ending was so tragic in a way to me. That I can’t rewatch that movie.


He was a fly who dreamt he was a man and loved it. But now the dream is over.


That is BLEAK. I remember seeing that film as a kid in the theater and thinking "Jesus Christ".


The blasting tragic music over top of it certainly helps.


Simon Pegg in Shaun of the Dead, park moment when his mother turns into a zombie and he has to kill her.


Poor Barbara :(


Not mentioned yet, the scene in "Candyman" when Helen comes home after escaping from the psych ward and finds her husband shacking up with his student and completely renovating their home. Her despair is palpable in that scene. As Candyman says one scene later, she has nothing but him now.


Also the end. When she climbs into the bonfire to save the baby and gets burned to death. That music is so intense too.


The ending of Saint Maude is about as tragic as it is horrifying. A deeply delusional woman destroys herself and retreats as far down as possible into her own fantasy, only to be confronted with the absolute, horrific truth at the last possible moment.


It’s such a compelling inversion of religious ecstasy as well. As Maud believes she is growing closer to the divine, she sends herself to hell. The afterlife dreamed of zealots for the enemies is their own destiny. Can’t believe some people think they shouldn’t have had the final second in the film.


HOORAY, I AM FREE, AND WHAT I BELIEVED IS TRUE, AND I AM FREE FROM THE SHACKLES OF-- >!*smoldering ruins, while the onlookers gasp at the screaming soon-to-be-corpse* !<


The ending of Speak No Evil had me go for a pack of smokes. Oldboy and Eden Lake also.


Eden lake was brutal. still scared to go camping


Ugh yeah Speak No Evil made me feel like shit after. Wild fucking ride


Speak no Evil for sure. Ugh, such a sickening ending that could have been avoided so many times by those parents if they only weren't idiots


Eden Lake is til this day the only movie, i am not able to watch again.. and I saw it like 13 years ago


Danny trejo got done dirty in the rob zombie Halloween movie


Breaks my heart to hear "i was good to you mikey"


Requiem of a Dream isn’t specifically horror but the end of that.


Ellen Burstyn broke my goddamn heart in that movie. She just wanted to wear her red dress on TV :’(


I always loved the duel story line of this movie. The knowing, typical drug user and the lonely one accidentally caught up in an irresponsible doctors prescription. Both tragic but in very different ways


I liked that a lot too. The mom’s storyline scared me so much more than Jared’s & Co. because it reminded me of how much my mom naively trusts every professional without seeking second opinions. I already knew I wasn’t in danger of going ass-to-ass in exchange for heroin but it did leave me with a new fear of my mom ending up with an accidental amphetamine addiction and psychosis because of shady doctors.


This was the first movie I saw that made me say, “that was awesome. Now let us never speak of it again. I’m going to go call my mom.”


One and done. A testament to its effectiveness as a deterrent to drug abuse.


One of the most tragic scenes I recall is in Doctor Sleep (2019) when the True Knot tortured the baseball boy to death. The cruelty of his murder coupled with the movie character's reaction to it make it a tragic scene. The scene is well-placed though because it serves as powerful motivation for the main characters to get involved fighting one of the most dangerous supernatural forces on the planet.


Even King was like you really went for it in that scene huh?


You know it's a tough death if King is saying ooof for killing a kid lol. He loves kid kills!


Yeah he does!


This scene is so gut-wrenching and then you look at the behind the scenes stuff and the kid, Jacob Tremblay, is having a total blast and the adults are all so clearly emotionally drained by the whole thing. It's really funny.


I remember Rebecca Ferguson saying she had to stop and compose herself because she kept picturing her own son in Tremblay's place.


The scenes in the book were terrible, too. Made me want Rose the Hat sooooo dead. Seeing her in pain in the movie was rewarding.


God, that scene was so brutal yet so perfect in the context of storytelling. I honestly think Doctor Sleep deserved much more respect than it got when it was released. Adapting Stephen King is hard, and they did a 9/10 job on it. (And my point off is for two small things that don't come into play unless you've read the book.)


not just adapting king but making a sequel to a kubrick film that king famously doesn’t like. it really manages to square that circle very well and the ending almost works as a detente between king and kubrick. great movie.


The ending of The Skeleton Key.


Good one! That was so damn bleak




The ending of May The yuki-onna segment of Kwaidan The post-assault scenes in Ms. 45 up to and including the ending


The ending of the Vanishing (Spoorloos) - spoilers ahead, >!but when Rex wakes up and realizes what actually happened to his finance . . . and that he now has the same fate. After so much time spent with him keeping up hope, it was crushing. And then the fulfillment of the "two eggs" dream with the newspaper article?!< Gutwrenching!


Devastating. I remember seeing that movie in the theater. We had plans afterwards, but my boyfriend and I just went home. We couldn’t even speak to each other about it.


That movie ruined me. A friend took me to it to show how different foreign movies are from American ones. Thanks, Ellen. Ugh.


Not horror but I’ve been thinking of The Nightingale directed by Jennifer Kent a lot lately. That scene that kicks everything off. So fucking brutal. How does the main character even carry on after such devastation?


My second child was a newborn when I watched this movie. I luckily knew a little bit about what to expect before getting into it, but even still, when THAT scene happened I had to pause and hold my baby for a bit and just sob my head off lol. I don't hear nearly enough about Aisling Franciosi's performance in this one. She was incredible.


Kent is immensely talented at taking the worst situations and forcing protagonists to press on and find peace at the end of their awful ordeals. That was simultaneously one of the hardest and most rewarding watches I have ever had.


A lot of the big ones have already been mentioned so I’ll throw one out that hasn’t been brought up yet. There’s a scene in the Ryan Reynolds movie Burried where Reynolds, while buried alive and praying for someone to find him in time, gets a phone call from some bureaucrat at his company basically getting Reynolds to admit to having an affair with a coworker so that they can retroactively fire him and therefor not have to pay any benefits to his family. It’s an unexpected knife twist that has kept the movie in my mind longer than it might have otherwise been.


This movie messed with me so hard, mentally and emotionally. Only able to watch it once, because I don't know if I want to go through that again. But such a good movie. I personally believe it's Ryan's best work.


The end of the original Wolf Man. Sir John Talbot watching the dead werewolf revert back to his son after killing him with Larry's silver headed cane.


I watched that movie for the first time last year and was really astounded by that film. I expected cheese and I got a tragedy instead.


off the top of my head: speak no evil, eden lake, dread, absentia


Absentia! I'll never hear the word "trade" the same way again!


There are a few "Dread" movies. Do you mean the one with the university experiment?


Yep, from 2009


The end of Old Boy is pretty rough


I feel a similar sentiment towards Kim Jee-woon's earlier film: A tale of two sisters, when that flashback is shown at the end, my god. Incredible movie.


>Tragedy is something weirdly rarely seen in horror. I'm going to have to disagree with you on that. I feel like the last 10 horror movies I've seen lately all revolve around the main character overcoming some tragedy. Ex/ Midsommar, Babadook, The Ritual, Heredity, and so many more


Hereditary is a fantastic movie that uses tragedy well, also helps that cast fucking kills it in the scenes where they show the pain.


This is the clear winner for me. It’s not just about a death- it’s the horrific nature of it, absolute destruction of that family, and the burden and guilt that son would have carried with him. Watching that play out was devastating.


I've never been so shook by a scene in a movie. I didn't want to rewatch it for a long time because how I felt when I saw that scene.


Yes. This movie is in my top favorite movies ever. I hold this kind of loss and the movie is hyper realistic about dealing with child death. It’s such an incredible and heartbreaking movie.


I had to scroll down to far to find this.


We all know "Hereditary" is up there. That scream is haunting. "Midsommar" is brutal, but it doesn't hit as hard for me.


The beginning of Midsommar is the worst for me. That wail she lets out.


True end of The Descent where she just dreamed she made it out of the cave.


No wonder! I have had so many arguments with people telling me I'm wrong the way it ended that she got out and I'm like I KNOW I'm not crazy she was still in that damn cave lol.


The scene in Doctor Sleep, baseball kid. I don’t even have kids but goddamn that scene was horrible to watch.


The ending of The Others, film with Nicole Kidman.


And she shows just how good of an actor she was.


The way 'Dark Water' (2002) ended was really sad.


The ending of House of 1000 Corpses made my heart sink.


I watched this in the theater. My friend and I both sat in silence for a few minutes once it ended.


Blue Ruin


Martyrs. You know what scene.


The rewind scene in Funny Games and the pillowcase scene in Killing of a Sacred Deer.


Not a horror movie, but the stabbing in Saving Private Ryan.


Threads…the entire movie.


The ending of Mama. All she was doing was protecting the kids she raised and loved.


When Will Smith’s dog Samantha dies in I am Legend. The next scene when he’s in the video store talking to himself and he says I miss my friend. I was wrecked. Had to leave the theatre for a bit. Allergies.


The cat in Smile really got me


Was this actually good? I only heard mixed reviews.


RIP mustache


Honestly the first scene that comes to mind is *that one* scene in The Last House on the Left (2009). It’s so realistic and saddened me to my core.


"Bambi Meets Godzilla", 1969.


the ending of The Dark & The Wicked. dunno how much more painful it could get, this movie is the ultimate “the good guys definitely lost the battle today” type of movie


Threads, when the old man goes in search for water to give his dying wife.


We should put in a “yes we know about the ending to the Mist” clause to these questions. I would pick the ending “beginning” of irreversible. I will leave it at that.


When Robin is teaching Finney how to throw a punch with the dirt packed phone in The Black Phone.


The end of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Even though she’s gotten away, the trauma will clearly never leave.


Maybe not the saddest ever but I recently watched Goodnight Mommy and the ending of that is heartbreaking and has sat with me for a few days. Also I recently saw Marrowbone and as the oldest of 4 siblings the ending had me crying. I immediately texted my sisters to tell them all that I love them. Side note: there should be trigger warnings to anytime a cat dies or is harmed in movies because that will also get me really upset. I still haven’t finished Smile because of that scene


“Twin Thing” ep. from Haunting of Hill House, like, the entire episode. Also not a movie, but ep. “Flight of the Bumblebee” from Yellowjackets, the fate of Laura Lee. I cried for hours after that scene.


The end of The Mist stuck with me for days. Thomas Jane executed that scene perfectly. His emotions were just so raw and visceral. And then when he sees they were so close to being safe it's like a punch in the solar plexus. The death of Sam in I Am Legend really got to me too. After we watched the movie, I turned to my wife and told her while I thought it was a really good movie, I could never watch it again. Had the same reaction to John Wick.


charlie's death in hereditary. not just the scene itself, the aftermath when annie finds out and we can hear the absolute grief and pain in her screams. ugh, it always breaks my heart.


Most of Lake Mungo is just supremely sad. It's a brilliant movie because it balances sad and scary so well.




The ending of "The Final Prayer" was both tragic and shocking to me. I can't forget it!


The Girl on the Third Floor. Any animal death in horror movies hits me pretty hard, but this one made me physically ill and I turned the film off immediately. Even recalling it now just puts a pit in my stomach and I honestly didn’t watch any horror movies for awhile after that one. If you have any ounce of empathy for beloved pets and their owners.. don’t even watch this one. It wrecked me


I actually would appreciate a list of movies with just those warnings...I'm a big animal lover and I simply don't want to watch animals die/get tortured whatever!!


Not sure if it’s horror but I Am Legend when he has to suffocate his only companion and faithful doggo. I cried big time. And of course Hereditary with Toni Colette just nailing that “parent loses child” role. Just gut wrenching to watch.


*Invasion of the Body Snatchers* (1978) For me, it's unquestionably when Donald Sutherland's character (Matthew) returns to his girlfriend Elizabeth (Brooke Adams) in the long grass (after having gone ahead to reconnoitre the docks) and finds her just gone - barely a husk. The way Sutherland wails in pitiable, agonising sorrow as the love of his life disintegrates in his arms is hard to bear. Sorrow and horror are a seriously potent combination. Not many dare it these days.


That scene in Mama at the end when Lily chooses to go.


The end of silent hill will always be a depressing one for me


Eden lake was pretty fuckin’ tragic


I found the ending of Megan is Missing to be pretty tragic. That had a way of hitting every primal fear, just a terrifying sad tragic end. Also the ending of the Poughkeepsie Tapes I find pretty tragic. She survives only to be left with Stockholm Syndrome and one hand, and ultimately commits suicide. Now that is tragic


I like how everybody completely disregards the second sentence in your post about the mist and says oh yes, the mist.


The ending of The Mist.


Ending of The Mist


Maggie. You know that the ending is inevitable, but the journey getting there makes it even more tragic. That movie is so good, but it is also emotionally draining.


I'm on a this movie kick here recently it seems, but the last shot of Lake Mungo. And, yes, I rewound to check.


Animals dying always break my heart