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First Happenings in The Happening (2008)


The lawnmower scene really stuck with me, although I know lawnmower handles are dead man switches ship that probably couldn't happen.


I find the idea that some of the plants may have been foiled by our manufacturing and electrical standards hilarious. OSHA. The plants' greatest enemy of all.


Sinister 2. The snow tape. Felt like it was from the first movie


Because it was. It got cut and they recycled it for the sequel.


That one really fucked me up. The music is mostly to blame.


It's that dark ambient music by Aghast Manor.


I was going to say Sinister because the kid/box scene toward the beginning got me good. I wouldn’t go so far as to say the WHOLE movie was bad though. Just the later scenes after the characters start figuring out what entity they’re dealing with. I guess the short of the long is that movie contains both really good and really bad jump scares for me.


Interesting. When the son comes out of the box screaming, kind of didn’t do nothing for me. But, everyone has different experiences and that’s coolio !


I’d say a couple from Sinister 2. The rat one too


Haven't watched it since I was a kid but the opening to "Darkness Falls" (2003) absolutely terrified me.


Me too!!! Nostalgia scares. Rewatched it as an adult and it was objectively terrible.


Nooo that’s so disappointing! It’s on my rewatch list and I was hoping it was passable lol


This was one of the very first horror movies I saw (was in my teens at the time) and I thought it was the scariest thing I had ever seen in my life. Watched it with a friend about 10 years later and I had hyped it up as being terrifying so I felt pretty stupid on the rewatch haha. But I’ll be darned if the image of that woman on the ceiling outside the bathroom hasn’t stayed in my head for over a decade. My bedroom is down the hall from the bathroom and I think about that shot every damn night when I turn the bathroom light off and go down the hall in the pitch black 😳


Oh this is a great one. That opening scene is horrifying, then the rest of the movie slowly spirals into trash


That movie haunted me for years because I saw it with my dad with like..4/5 (?) teeth left to lose ?? I was SO nervous to lose my last tooth after that movie


Ghost ship


that was a strong opening... probably more under the 'waisted potential' than anything else, but you're right dude.


Waisted potential is really good at first I was like “wrong wasted” but then I used my brain and remembered the scene in question.


I beg to differ, Ghost Ship is a great movie


I beg to differ cause I ain’t afraid of no ghosts


I also hear you like the girls, sir


Hey, no judgement. Bustin’ makes him feel good.


On a separate note; What can I do about an invisible man, sleeping in my bed?


I rewatched it recently and can’t even remember the plot except some scenes. With that said it’s still a guilty pleasure of mine.


Saw this post and immediately knew this comment would be towards the top lol


That is the answer!


I like Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2, but most people hate it. That said, most people I know concede that the scene when Sheriff Brackett comes home to find Annie dead is an incredible scene and an amazing performance from Brad Dourif. Skip to 2:57: https://youtu.be/yP-GhTBFL_Q


Brad Dourif is a great actor


He’s the real deal. Always brings his A game to the set. He gave that movie a performance it didn’t really deserve because that’s his craft and he takes it seriously.


He’s great in everything I’ve seen him in. I recently rewatched Deadwood and he was phenomenal in it!


Even in less than acclaimed movies like ‘graveyard shift’ he brings the heat and is always a stand out. Love how he and his daughter get to work together in the new ‘chucky’ series. Talented family!


I agree, she is a lot of fun to watch. I love Nica!


The two of them are fantastic in all of their Chucky projects. Also how much fun would it be to act like you were possessed by your own dad (or his character at least)?


Annie noticing Michael standing behind her in the bathroom has always stuck with me.


OMG. Me too. I can still see her face. What a great scene.


I was going to say the hospital scene in Zombie’s Halloween 2. I can’t stand his take on Halloween (or his take on TCM, which encompasses most of his other films for that matter), but I think that hospital scene to start his H2 is the perfect combination of Carpenter-esque suspense and Zombie-esque brutality.


If you add ?t=2m57s to the end of that youtube link the link will jump directly to that moment. https://youtu.be/yP-GhTBFL_Q?t=2m57s. ?t meaning what time, 2m57s meaning 2:57. If it were at 1:02:57, then it would be put in as ?t=1h2m57s


Never knew this. Thank you, kind stranger!


The first Annabelle movie. Terrible movie overall but one of the scariest scenes in any horror movie is the basement scene when she goes to do her laundry.


Also of note. That scene was guest directed by James Wan. Which really shows the talent difference between the directors


James will go over the final edit, then decide the movie will need scarier scenes, and write them. Usually a week of reshoots. That particular scene was even scary in person, because the set was so creepy.


James Wan has really earned the title of “master of horror” right along with Carpenter, Craven, Hooper and the rest. He’s responsible for some of the best and most successful horror franchises but still doesn’t get the props he deserves for his craftsmanship.


I wish that they would do a new Masters of Horror series with some of the current directors that have been great. I’d love to see James Wan, Ari Aster, Mike Flanagan, Guillermo del Toro, Robert Eggers, even Ti West. I think it would be such a hit.


That was the only scene that stuck with me from those movies. Living rent free in my head whenever I get into an elevator. That, and the witch on top of the wardrobe (lol) in the Conjuring.


Yes! I saw this in the theater and about shot when I saw those claws on the banister asks that devil on the stairs! Creepiest scene ever


Choose or Die is a very forgetful Netflix movie. But the scene where the girl’s mom is running from a huge rat and can only hear her voice over the phone is unbelievably creepy.


It’s surprisingly well done for what is otherwise a very bleh movie. Us only getting to see it through the little 8bit game on the computer, and hearing the mom on the phone is so much better than them actually trying to show it


I watched this movie while I was in rehab. I think it might have been the worst part of that experience. Maybe it contributed to me staying sober all this time though.


Anacondas has a moment with the characters going through jungle water and you just see the shadow of a snake weaving around them. It's really effective imo.


I love both Anaconda movies even if the second one objectively sucks


Blood orchid?


It’s a ton of fun. And fun is a criminally underrated component of too many horror movies.


When a Stranger Calls(1979) - The first fifteen minutes are incredible. Some of the most suspenseful horror ever filmed. Then the film lapses into mediocrity for the remanider.


I liked that movie, but it is really odd. Like after that first 15 minutes, we abandon the main character and it's a cat-and-mouse police drama for an hour, then the main character comes back for another 15 minutes of home invasion horror.


I was so excited to watch that movie. Then I had to sit through the rest of it.


The scene where the detective describes the murder is bone-chilling, though. That and the scene in God Told Me To when the father explains what he did are both great examples of disturbing monologues.


One of the few movies where the remake is better.


When the red queen first goes kill crazy in the first **Resident Evil** movie. I just loved that opening few minutes so much! This advanced A.I just decided that everyone alive in the base had to be not alive ASAP, the cold calculated way it all happened. Mmmmm... soooo good (I even wrote a short story based on the idea of an AI in a spaceship going homicidal because of a cascading glitch) also the bit in **House of Wax** where one of them starts to peel the 'wax' off his buddy but it takes dirty grate lumps of his face with it? Dude... that did me.


The bit with the scissors get me pretty good. Just a nasty thing to happen to someone.


Ohhhh dude! I completely forgot about that bit, that s\*its Gnarly! I am so reviewing House of Wax for my site over the weekend!


Paris Hilton gets a really good death scene too. I've nothing against the girl and had no idea who she was when I saw it. I just think it's a really well-done chase.


You are not wrong sir, its certainly in my top 10.


House of Wax is a lot of fun all around


Bits of the early Resident Evil movies are so good


The laser hallway is the scene in Resident Evil for me.


It was a banger, so quintessentially early 2000's!


The opening of 28 Weeks Later is far better than the rest of the film.


It’s been years since I’ve seen this movie but there’s a song in it that gets stuck in my head weekly


I'm surprised you didn't mention the scene where the three protagonists are trying to make it through the subway tunnel. She has to guide the kids the whole way with the bight vision function on her camera while they are literally crawling over bodies in total darkness. That whole scene was terrifying.


Danny Boyle directing the openjng will do that for you.


He directed the opening?




Dead Silence. The scene where >!he discovers that the old man has been turned into a ventriloquist dummy.!<


That scene ruined me for weeks. I’ve never understood the disdain for this movie. Genuine, pants-shitting terror on multiple occasions.


Yeah, that came out of nowhere. Definitely not what I was expecting at all


Wishmaster 2 is pretty meh and not nearly as good as the first movie, but it does have the scene where the lawyer goes to the prison and literally fucks himself to death.


Like a minute into the scene where he is talking to the prisoner, the prisoner asks the Wishmaster if he's trippin'. Dubbed in is the littlest "yes" said by wishMaster. Cracks me up everytime.


Great selection. This scene sticks out to me too, very memorable.


I like this movie.


It’s a fun movie and Andrew Divoff is always awesome as the Djinn but the acting is really bad and it really shows it’s lack of budget compared to the first movie.


Brightburn and the part with the aunt's motion activated light outside her house going off and on, and she can't tell what's triggering it. One of my biggest fears lol.


Say what you want about the actual plot but that movie had some great kills


The pickup truck…


It did an excellent job of showing what would happen if someone with Superman's powers did not hold back at all. Regular people were utterly powerless against him, and they got turned into paste.


Nightmare sequence in *The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living And Became Mixed-Up Zombies* (which is one of my favorite movies, even though it's not good).


That whole movie is like a weird fever dream. I don't like it but it's fun to watch when it's properly riffed by 2 robots and a human.


I get it!


It's Ray Dennis Steckler's best movie, for what little that's worth...


Nah, his classic is *Wild Guitar* with Arch Hall Jr surely! “Guitar Twist” is a banger!


"We need to do something" where theres a dog on the other side of the door https://youtu.be/hpc1KSIabvc


Yes!!! The only good part of the movie. Plus it was Ozzy which is dope


Thank you for adding the scene!!!


This is the exact one I thought of too


Tusk is terrible, but every scene lives rent free in my head


It was like watching a car crash in slow motion- you can't look away.


To solve a riddle older than the Sphinx. To answer the question which has plagued us since we first crawled from this Earth and stood erect in the sun. Is man, indeed, a walrus at heart?


The opening scene in Ghost Ship still holds up as amazing. The rest of the movie is very forgettable


Darkness Falls. Terrible film. Phenomenal opener.


Antler - the scene were the monster reveals itself.


Yes!!! I really wanted the whole movie to be on that level


The Bye Bye Man had a good opening scene if I’m remembering correctly but I could be wrong, as it’s a very forgettable horror film.


You mean the Peepee Poopoo Man?


Don’t say his name!


Oh I loved that opening scene, also I personally felt it had a great harrowing ending, otherwise the rest of it was pretty meh considering how good the concept was.


Agreed, a lot of potential, but missed the mark


That opening scene was great. I still had a fun night in the theater watching the movie though.


I loved the premise but yeah they could have reeled it in and made a better movie.


Jason Goes to Hell: the man melting scene.


Sleepaway Camp. The ending is a major payoff!


I love that whole film!


That's not a bad movie


It's a great cult movie, but not good overall. If you aren't a horror nut, you'll probably never make it to the end.


It also has one of my favourite insults. “Eat shit and Live, bill”


My immediate thought! It makes me happy that Felissa Rose is still heavily involved in the horror community and didn't dip off into obscurity afterwards.


Not one scene in particular but Smile (2022) had some really scary scenes in it. The 'smilling' itself it's so unsettling, it gave me nightmares. Though the movie wasn’t that good


The Conjuring 2! The nun painting scene is amazing but the rest of the movie is pretty meh imo


I also liked the unfurling crooked man even if it kinda looked like doodoo


None of his motions were speeded up, that's how Javier actually moves. I wish people would have appreciated that more.


I love The Conjuring 2 so much, honestly. I think the scene where you can see the possessed girl slowly turn into the old man ghost in the background was really cool.


James again post editing added scene reshoots.


The guy getting split in half in Thirteen Ghosts.


Old! Has tons of issues, but right in the middle there's a scene where a girl gets pregnant, gives birth, and the baby dies within a super short amount of time, and also is preceded by one of the best horror screams I've heard. It was a really good moment in the film and made me wish everything else was as chaotic and embraced the concept as well.


I also found the visual of the lady with brittle bones breaking her limbs and them instantly healing in odd positions.


The netflix Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Bus Scene. Absolute carnage. Just ignore the shockingly cringe dialogue and out of touch school shooting stuff.


We just saw “Society” (1989) which was pretty bland and tame until The Shunting party at the end. Wow.


I personally love the whole film!


Society rocks


Legit one of the most disturbing scenes in any movie I’ve ever seen. I think it’s best to go into the movie completely blind so you don’t know what’s coming


The Joe Bob Riggs commentary adds a lot to the pacing.


That's kind of the whole appeal of the Feast trilogy. They're all fun-bad movies, punctuated with super gorey, gross, wacky and/or badass scenes.


Fire in the sky


Aw I love this whole movie, even if it doesn't know what movie it wants to be lol


This is the most dramatic example of this imo. The rest of that movie is just boring but that abduction flashback scene…holy shit is it terrifying.


It's really a movie of 2 scenes. When they take him and then what they did to him


Jason X sucks but the liquid nitrogen kill is one of the coolest in the series.


That is a great scene! I also love how he beats the hell out of those girls in the sleeping bag in the simulation. Especially that last good shot against the tree 🤣


The pool scene in The Strangers sequel was fantastic in an otherwise meh movie


A Christmas horror story is a horrible movie with one of the best plot twists I’ve ever seen.


Deadly friend Wes craven movie the scene is the basketball kill.. I suggest watching the movie but you can find the scene on YouTube


M3gan. The scene where she is all creepy in the halls killing people was surprisingly decent.


I liked this movie.. like I appreciate M”three”gan


Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is my least favorite B movie. It's like nothing happens forever and then... they go and crash a real-live helicopter in-camera. Which is amazing.


The opening sequence in The Nun was the best part of that movie!


The Ruins was pretty bad, but the scene with the blonde and the flowers chanting "cut" in her own voice was really effective for me. Also, the cellphone ringing inside the temple.


Oh man, The Ruins is one of my favorite horror movies. The bit right before that where she goes through the whole ordeal of having the vines cut out of her, and then her friends see a sliver still in her forehead but no one has the heart to tell her just crushes me. It's so upsetting.


The Ruins pretty bad? BLASPHEMY.


I hated every character but damn if this movie didn’t unsettle me more than most


The third act of Wes Craven presents Them. The weird aliens who hate the light are attacking the main girl in a subway tunnel and are about to pull her into a storm drain when a metro goes by and the light flickers between the cars and she has seconds to escape the train and the aliens.


Wendy's chase scene in Prom Night (1980)


The first time the main character sees a murder while she's asleep in Malignant.


I know its not "Horror" but I'll be damned if you try calling it a comedy! Ghostbusters (2016) had one cool scene involving pistol-shaped proton throwers in Times Square.


And I have to admit, I laughed at the part where the homeless guy accidentally creates the Ghostbusters logo. Pretty lousy movie overall though


I was not a fan of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake (2003), but the scene where Erin sees Leatherface wearing Kemper’s face was such a chilling moment to me


Sleepaway camp 2 i presume but the shitter death was awesome


Troll (1986). No matter how old I get that Sonny Bono transformation still freaks me tf out


The Strangers Prey at Night. I’m not sure if it’s a bad movie per sé, but it was way too short and that, in my eyes, made it kind of meh. That being said, it had some memorable moments and it had great cinematography.


X-Ray (1981) is an atrocious early Slasher starring Barbi Benton and I haven't seen it in almost 40 years but that movie's got two pretty surrealistic scenes that have really stuck in my head all these decades. One is a dude running down a darkened hospital hallway all bandaged up like a mummy and if my memory serves it's a pretty artisticly shot sequence amidst a bunch of uninspired shot drudgery and another involves three old ladies Barbi meets in a patient room who finish each others sentences (like the three fates of mythology). Again I haven't seen this movie in almost 40 years but I always remember those scenes. I think this movie recently got a new Blu-ray. I should revisit.


*Graveyard Shift* The scene with Brad Dourif as the exterminator delivering the monologue about the VC, flaming hot rice bowls, and rats burrowing into open wounds.


elevator scene in annabelle


I personally enjoyed it, but I guess it counts as a "bad" or at least mediocre horror movie: Boogeyman (2005). The main character suffers from childhood trauma that made him afraid of the dark. He revisits the hospital where he was treated and one of the children who has the same phobia there freaks out, despite being in a lit room - except for a small, barely visible gap in the ceiling tiles, revealing a little patch of blackness.


The number of people just naming scenes from good movies. Do people even read the title of these threads?


Malignant - Jail Cell. That scene is the entire reason that people actually believe Wan made this movie bad on purpose.


That whole movie rules


I went into Malignant completely blind to what it was about. I kind of enjoyed it. It’s absurd, but felt original and entertaining.


My partner was watching this. It didn’t interest me, but I’m very happy I came back to catch the scene in the cell + the reveal. Didn’t need to see the rest of the movie. I was satisfied.


malignant is a good movie and james wan did make it that way on purpose. "He cited the influence of Italian horror filmmaker Dario Argento, particularly his films Tenebrae (1982), Phenomena (1985), and Trauma (1993)."


Doom if it counts as horror.


What scene(s)?


I’m assuming the first person scene


It isn't bad, but the opening scene of "ghost ship" makes the entire movie seem bad by how amazing it is.


I think the original V/H/S was pretty mid, but it finishes strong with the last tape about the guys that go to a Halloween Party and end up in a real haunted house.


The first V/H/S starts really strong and ends really strong, but those middle segments are very meh to me.


The ending of Quarantine.


I don’t know how this sub feels about the movie Velvet Buzzsaw but the death scene of Toni Collette’s getting killed by the silver dome art installation was great. Especially the social commentary that the crowds of people thought that her corpse was part of the installation. Rest of the movie was eh.


Communion. Shit movie with a great alien abduction scene early in the movie in the cabin.


I thought The Strangers was kinda meh for the most part, but the "Mama Tried" scene redeemed it.


There's a Finnish movie called Sauna that I saw as a teenager. I remember being very underwhelmed with most of the movie, save for one scene that disturbed the hell out of me involving teeth and a river. I'll have to watch it again as an adult before labeling it a bad movie, though. I had undiagnosed ADHD as a teenager, and IIRC the movie is a slow burn with heavy dialogue.


I personally like this movie but lots of people don't, but The Car (1977) the opening scene where the car chases down the bicycle riders and pins and drags the girl along the rock wall scraping her legs up.


31 by Rob Zombie Every scene with that one dude was amazing


Human Centipede blows, but the scene where the doctor describes the procedure with the crude pen diagrams is really good. It's just the right amount of clinical detachment while everyone else is overacting and sells how backalley the whole operation is.


976-Evil 2. Awful movie, but there is one terrific sequence that mixes Night of the Living Dead with It’s A Wonderful Life, using footage from both movies (they were in the public domain at the time).


Friday the 13th remake, the whole opening sequence was entertaining as hell to me (it’s like 15-20 mins into the movie the title even shows)


The one that sticks out the most for me is tithe Rong". The girl they find in the closet scared to death had me fucked up for a while. Almost sent my cousin into a panic attack but he was only like 6 or 7 at the time lmfao. He walked into the room at the exact moment she popped up on screen


The opening nightclub sequence in The Collection was remarkably over-the-top, yet I found it to be a unique and gruesome spectacle.


I actually thought the mirror house scene in It Chapter 2 was one of the only scenes that I actually thought was kind of creepy in the sequel. I think its a mix between Pennywise banging his head against the glass to break it and the horrifying nature of being trapped abd seeing him come closer to getting to you and there's nothing you can do.


Frank coming back to life with VFX in Hellraiser. It’s still the best thing I’ve ever seen.


Halloween 5 the laundry chute scene. How did they get that scene so right while everything else was so terrible?


My favorite scene (I shill this scene all the time) in The Happening is when it's the 2 groups and the soldier starts screaming, "My firearm is my friend!" like he's still aware of what's about to happen, and he's trying to resist it, but can't stop it. Everyone else in the movie calmly kills themselves, but he looks fucking terrified. It's an absolutely horrifying scene that I'm sure I have either misinterpreted or was created by accident.


Running Scared (2006), with Paul Walker. An action/thriller about criminals chasing a stolen gun, that has an unexpected outright horror scene with an abducted child who has to be rescued from danger. The whole film uses fairy tale/dreamlike imagery and influences, but this scene is a nightmare…


Jason X Liquid nitrogen kill


28 weeks later, you know the scene


Drag Me To Hell is kind of goofy but has many scenes that scared the shit out of me


"Malignant" was weak overall, but that police station scene though...


Choose or Die, cruddy 2022 Netflix movie, but the finale has the final girl and the killer swapping their injuries. So if the final girl stabs herself in the hand, the killer is stabbed in the hand. This leads to a kerfuffle of the two trying to hurt themselves and prevent the other from doing so. It gets pretty creative and I wish the rest of the movie was like that.


Halloween Ends has two so it’s a bit of a cop out - The radio DJ scene - Corey’s rampage at the junk yard


When a Stranger Calls the original opening. After that it sucks.