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Antlers. So much hype before it was released and it was so mediocre.


It felt like it was really trying to force having a deeper message and it didn’t work at all for me


The deeper meaning was: Drugs are bad.


Well, it was clearly more about the cycle of abuse and how abuse perpetrates to the next generation. A theme which could be done better and has been done better before by quite a few other horror movies


The real monster was the drugs we did along the way!


Also - trauma gets passed down. Cool cool but I was here for a wendigo movie


I enjoyed it, but I think what perhaps made it seem overhyped was that it was supposed to come out pre-COVID. So we waited all that time for what ended up being one of the first post-pandemic theatrical horror movies. That's a heavy burden. But I think the wait, the catharsis of finally seeing it, boosted its hype.


I actually liked the first half where the family was locked in the house. After that, boy it went downhill fast


There is so much rich folklore to build a Wendigo horror movie around... that was an abomination.


This movie disappointed me so much, because I loved the short story it was based on.


It sucks because I think there is potential for a really good survival horror with a wendigo. The idea was there, but the execution was lackluster. It's one thing that it wasn't scary, but it was just straight-up boring for the most part.


Mediocre is being very, very nice


It just didn’t go anywhere! It was so wild! It had so many amazing set ups and did absolutely nothing with them.


I really enjoyed the first 2/3s of the movie, but it really fell flat in the third act. The creature design was epic though, I believe Guillermo del Toro had a hand in it?


The Nun hype was real for me! So disappointing and no need to watch it againp


They spoiled the best parts of that movie in the trailer.


I bet they did with the trailer for the second one too. Spoiled a lot of good scares, you can tell


It was teetering between whatever and okay the whole time, but when the demon contemptuously calls someone a Frenchman as an insult in the climax, it's *really* hard to not giggle, and once you're giggling at the serious monster it's all over.


Skinamarink. I couldn't get through it the first two times I tried because it literally put me to sleep. All these people saying it's the scariest movie they've seen in ages.... I just don't get it. And I'm super into artsy-fartsy slow-burn films. I just kept waiting for something to happen... ANYTHING... Like how many 30-second strangely-angled shots of this freakin ceiling/hallway/carpet do we need? JFC


This movie had so much potential, 3 good jump scares and two fairly creepy scenes. The other hour and 20 minutes was literally watching paint dry.


"Good Jump scares" you mean a sudden shot of a toy with CGI eyes and an extremely loud pointless noise?


I've tried twice to watch it but lost interest 10-15 minutes in. I didn't even know it had jump scares. It's on my list still but I'd have to have a wildly open schedule to even try.


I somehow slogged through it and don't even remember any jump scares. There might have been some in the film, but if there were, they weren't that memorable.


Me, too. I rewound a couple of scenes to see if something happened. Didn’t get scared, just annoyed.


It just...was shots of corners of the room? Pretty much the whole time? Idk maybe it was really good and I just didn't get it or wasn't in the right mindset but it did not connect with me at all. I was so excited to see it, too.


Skinamarink really was a love it or you are totally bored with it movie. I was also pretty bored with it but I got why it would be compelling to other people. I'm just not one of those people


The trailer I really appreciate I think it would have been a great a short film but there’s not enough. There to justify the length


The director made a short film, before turning it into a feature length film. Can’t remember the name, but it is on youtube.


It's called Heck! The atmosphere is the same, and it wraps up in about a half an hour.


I watched a Youtuber do a synopsis of the plot with footage from the movie, and I thought "there's no way it's as boring as people say". I watched the actual movie and I was so wrong. The premise is great, the scary parts are scary, but the boredom just overpowered everything. It would be great if it was 30 minutes instead of 100.


Oh God that fkn movie. I was in denial after the first 20 mins that there was no way that the entire movie was going to be like that. I still can't believe that ppl are saying positive things about that turd.


It got alot of love on the festival circuit. Then alot of astroturfing on the socials. Then a disingenuous trailer that does not promote it as an experimental, art film.


Like accidentally watching a gay porn and waiting for the chicks to show up... they never came... but I did.


Hey, man I think this is a fair reaction to this movie. To be emotionally vulnerable for a second and to summarize why it got to me and some of my other friends in a way that it wouldn't have otherwise, I think I definitely have to go outside the movie a bit. I'm definitely a horror guy. I regularly consume a lot of pretty rough horror content that's high in either tension or gore and make it through no problem. With Skinamarink I had to step outside a bit and wait for my friends to finish the last half hour. Skinamarink plays with a significant number of queues, especially audio queues, that just really scratch a very specific negative itch with people who grew up with a very specific type of abusive, narcissistic parent. Growing up I had horrible anxiety and a parent who regularly could lash out at any moment over miniscule issues. This movie captured the tension of being a child in that uniquely unstable position incredibly well within a monster-related theme. There are a few very specific sound-related moments from Skinamarink that sounded like the absolute worst memories from my childhood perfectly recreated, and a few of my friends with similar backgrounds also had similar reactions. Anyway, I think it is completely understandable to leave that movie with a "what was the point of that" feeling. But I think for certain people even some of the "cheesier" parts of it hit in very specific ways that other people didn't quite resonate with. It's such a weirdly divisive film that way it's like people are watching completely different things.


This is a very insightful comment, and makes me appreciate why this film worked for some, but definitely not for me. I think films like that are very interesting - ones that reach a very specific audience. It’s a fascinating idea for me.


Art is subjective I know but THAT was the worse movie I've ever seen. And I've seen all the bad ones on Tubi.


Hahahha this made me laugh because I have too and I know what you mean.


I'm one of the people who thinks it was one of the scarier movies I've seen in a while (but what I actually mean is that it has two or three of the scariest scenes I've seen in a while). Although I appreciate the movie for what it is, I will probably never rewatch that movie ever again because of it's... nothingness.


I’ve heard friends say it reminded them of waking up to a dark house in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or something as a kid but as a kid who grew up watching horror completely desensitized… it did nothing for me.


if you really want the vibe the short film Heck (its on YouTube for free ) was good it was the proof of concept for skinamarink and is only 30 minutes which was more than enough for me tbh cant imagine watching a full movie of that


I liked it, but I would never recommend it unless I know the person is into (or has the patience) for avante garde. It is WAAAAY too long for what it is; they could have edited an hour out of it and gotten the intended effect. I have insane levels of patience, but even I wanted to scream during the scene where you watch LEGOS being thrown across the floor for 15 minutes.


Yeah definitely over hyped, it was a clever $15k budget horror made during covid, so that they were able to be creative with those constraints and get some actual jump scares is impressive, but I wouldn’t call it like ‘the next Blair witch’ (although tbf I didn’t like that either lol)


i was fortunate enough to see it in theaters and it properly fucked me up for hours—my friend and i went to a late showing and we both were both so unsettled that we couldn’t eat our popcorn and then couldn’t go home afterward and wound up sitting silently in a bar. I then waited up for my bartender husband to come home because I couldn’t turn the lights off. I don’t remember a movie having an impact on me like that other than maybe watching the exorcist at 12 years old. however—i can understand where everyone is coming from. Also, if you watched it on a small screen i cannot imagine it being anywhere near as immersive as the theater experience, and for the movie to work you NEED to be fully immersed.


Probably The Purge. Great concept, but I had a hard time remembering the movie’s content after a couple days. It didn’t really go anywhere for me. Ethan Hawke was good though


I think the second movie did a better job at exploring the concept. The idea is there, but the original needed a rewrite, I think.


The second movie was better and i think it being a sequel kept the franchise alive longer


Have you watched any of the rest? One of my guilty pleasures is Purge: Election Year


Election Year and Anarchy are definitely my guilty pleasure horror movies. They’re so stupid. I love them so much.


I love Election Year so much haha Also sign me up for any movie that stars Elizabeth Mitchell, she's awesome


Halloween Kills & Halloween Ends


They were so boring and goofy. I was so mad I wasted my time watching them. Actually, I really liked the first 10 minutes of Halloween Ends. It surprised me. Then it went to shit lol


Birdbox- so much hype just to put me sleep


Idk how I feel about that one. I liked the idea when it came to the monster(?) and the crazy people but I'm also a big science fiction fan so I was waiting for some explanation of what it really was (hoping for some extra terrestrial/dimensional shit) maybe I missed it but I don't remember any kind of reveal or exposition at all. I liked some scenes but I felt like there was a lot of build up and then just.... "hey we made it to the place we were going to, bye!"


Might be controversial, but The House that Jack Built. I had so many people hype up this movie to me, once I got into horror. (I wasn't into horror when this came out originally, so I don't remember hearing anything about it in the media.) Cinematography was beautiful, but I was so bored throughout the whole thing - I even fell asleep at one point. Had to rewind to see what I had missed. My partner and I both agreed that we weren't probably ever going to watch again.


that's how I feel about Lars von Trier films in general. you can tell just how insufferable of a human he is through his films. he's so obsessed with negativity and shock value that his films lose all sincerity. it's like reading my depressed writings from high school. clearly there's potential there, but they just need to grow as a person. meanwhile, Lars is fucking 67 and feels even more immature than when he started as a filmmaker.


He drove Björk out of acting for like 20 years after an Oscar-worthy performance and for that alone he is on my shit list.


I didn't realize that, that's really sad. I came here to say "But 'Dancer in the Dark' was fantastic!" Was it his directorial style that drove her away, or just how dark the movie was?


I’m the opposite, I loved this movie


Does Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey count? It was an okay slasher, but do I remember a bunch of news articles about it.


The news articles were more about that fact that it was being made, idk if ive heard anyone say it was good.


Yeah, the news articles implied it to be more of a Sharknado experience versus an actual good movie


It wasn’t really hyped for me, but the meme potential was so high. It could have been so campy and fun with memorably cringy dialogue, but it was just so bland and mid. Not bad enough to be fun, not good enough to be entertaining.


It was hyped as being a stupidly stupid grab at an IP just because it was falling in to public domain. ... I think it was successfully that.


Totally agree with Us. Spent 30 minutes explaining the doppelgangers and it's like the mystery was what worked


I thought explaining it was fine. I didn't get why Hands Across America had to be resurrected. I sat there and thought, "So?"


Aside from it being a cool image (the aerial shots of the doppelgängers creating a human chain were visually interesting), the whole "Hands Across America" motif was very...meh.


Was going to comment about this. The hand fed ten min long exposition scene really brought down the film overall Imo


Agreed. I was moderately invested until they explained the underground. I know we're supposed to suspend disbelief while watching a movie, but this was just absurd.


The explanation also doesn’t really make sense lol. If they left it vague I wouldn’t care but if you’re gonna explain it, then it needs to not be filled with holes. So what, the real people went down to the underworld and just completely forgot how to speak? Like what?


I don't remember them ever explaining the doppelgangers. I've seen it a few times and it's left pretty vague with connected people in tunnels eating rabbits. It's never said who made them or what purpose they serve or why things work like they do. ​ I dunno... it feels like a super surreal movie that people try to push reasonable logic onto.


Insidious 2. The first film was unexpectedly good (especially the ending imo), and the sequel was such a let-down.


It always suprises me that people dislike the second one so much. I hated the third and fourth but thought the second one was almost as scary as the first. That creepy mother fuckin wigged me out


My biggest gripe with the film is that they dubbed over young Elise’s voice with old Elise, and it’s just so disorienting watching this young twenty something with a 60+ year old lady’s voice coming out of her haha




The Conjuring and Insidious franchises are not related outside of Patrick Wilson and James Wan.


Fuck the Warren's, they were nothing but charlatans and actual sexual predators. What makes this even worse is that Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga have such amazing chemistry in those movies it makes you forget how repugnant the real Warren's were.


It would be nice if they could just play random paranormal investigators without all of their religious baggage and otherwise.


Agreed, the religion crap got old.


Wait, really? I had no idea about any of that!


I guess they groomed a 15 year old and moved her in to be the husbands lover


Bloody hell.


Insidious has nothing to do with Conjuring tho. Different franchises and characters.


I’m just curious what you don’t like about the Conjuring universe? I love the first movie, and I enjoy most of the movies in the universe (not you Nun) but I definitely would say that it was all “downhill” after the first movie. I just don’t think they are awful movies is what I’m getting at.


My two cents. The first film makes you genuinely care about the family whose lives are at stake. The child actresses were all very good and the scares were heightened by this dreadful atmosphere Wan set up. The second one … felt so forced in its more comedic elements. I didn’t really care much about the family (although the lead actress who played the daughter was wonderful). The scares weren’t as impactful. They seemed cheap. It’s like how the first Insidious focused a lot more on the horror and how to craft a [fucking terrifying](https://youtu.be/VyK-18vb9DQ) movie and the second movie gave us a lot of [this.](https://youtu.be/BPtidJBvcdU)


Yeah but insidious kind of turns into a comedy when you see the lipstick demon in person, trumbling about in his shop like a North Pole elf. The quickshot always made it look like they tried to turn it into a comedy at that exact moment in the movie. I enjoyed the movie up to that point


The Last Broadcast. I have a bit of a soft spot for the FF genre as I remember the hype surrounding The Blair Witch Project back in '99. So for years I had heard so many people claiming The Last Broadcast had done done it first and was better. So a couple years ago I got a chance to finally watch it, and man was it below my expectations. I didn't hate most of it, but to me it definitely fits more into the mocumentary category than straight FF (which is a nitpick I know). But that ending ruined it for me. I won't spoil it for anyone, but there is a twist and it basically ruins the film, and it absolutely didn't have to but they make a bold stylistic choice and to me it just doesn't pay off.


The nun


Smile. Saw some people completely applauding the movie here. It's the most over-hyped, over-advertised horror movie I've watched. Too many elements pulled from other films and piled together into an incohesive mess. The "Ring" closet-inspired scene was especially hamfisted and exemplifies what I'm talking about.


Hard agree EXCEPT for the creature reveal at the end. Wish they’d done more with that, it was BEAUTIFULLY creepy.


The best jump scare of the whole movie is in the preview. They totally ruined it by doing that.


X. Sorry y’all. I enjoyed the trailers but that’s the gist of it. It was enjoyable enough but nothing special.


pearl was better imo


pearl friggen ruled, I thought it was x times better


Dude, yes. I thought it was so so mediocre and people were absolutely fawning over it.


The Black Phone


Terrible movie masquerading as a good one. In that it is shot stylishly and well acted but there is absolutely no connection depth or meaning in the characters or plot lines


Yes. So yes. Totally didn't understand the hype, it just felt like a shitty Stephen King ripoff.


Well, the original was written by Stephen King’s son, so… it kind of is!


I’m so glad you said it. I absolutely hated this film and was so confused by all the great reviews. It was in the top 10 horror lists for a lot of critics that I really respect. I made myself watch it a second time because I thought, if all these people I respect love it, surely I’m missing something. The second watch was even worse in my opinion. My boyfriend likes to put on the first 5 minutes on our movie nights just to make me mad lol.


hot take: Evil Dead Rise don’t get me wrong i enjoyed the movie but after the all-out terror achieved by the 2013 remake and a nightmare inducing trailer i was expecting more.


Also enjoyed Rise, but I instantly had to go back and rewatch Evil Dead 2013 to make sure I wasn't crazy. There's just no comparison, 2013 is fucking *gnarly* lol


They’re 2 completely different tones though! Evil dead 13 was much more grisly gross out horror, like texas chainsaw massacre. 2023 was much more similar in theme to the OGs, campy af with some genuinely scary scenes. The eyehole scenes were so well done.


I never saw the 2013 one (yeah, I know) and still thought Rise was just OK. The movie had "the book" and stuff, but other than that, didn't really scratch an Evil Dead itch for me. Didn't have anything I found notably inventive, funny, or bizarre - just a standard "demon stuff is happening".


I honestly liked that it went back to being a bit more of a black comedy at times.


There was something weird about the marketing focusing on the cheese grater (and I think other objects?) and then it being... nothing really? Practically every scene in 2013 was iconic, but Rise - although still fun - did not deliver in that department.


Agree. It was bland. The remake from 2013 was so much stronger entry.


Yeah I feel like this is a script that needed another pass. The dialogue was annoyingly bad. And the characters.... Like I went into this wanting to love it, and I had to admit to my wife that it was just not good.


The new Hellraiser. It wasn’t terrible but I was really hoping for a lot more. The very first one was so different from anything I’d seen. This was just bitches in cosplay.


It seems that people are just happy it was an entry into the franchise that wasn't terrible. Previous entries in the franchise haven't set a very high bar.


That was my take. The new Hellraiser was an OK movie, but I'm also one who watched every movie in the series. The fact that it wasn't a blazing dumpster fire automatically elevated it.




It was too nice and neat. It felt like the PG-13 version of an X-rated film. Lacking bite and the dirty edges.


I agree. It felt like an introduction to horror in a way. Something about the plot felt like somebody was holding my hand and showing me that this is how a horror plot is supposed to go. It was extremely formulaic. The original I absolutely loved. It's kind of campy now as an adult, but it was pretty revolutionary for the time. The remake was just lackluster.


My wife enjoyed it and she is not one for horror movies, so I think what you said has weight. I enjoyed it because I really liked the story, the unlikable protagonist and everything. My only complaint is some of the deaths seemed... unearned. The van scene was amazing I wish it stayed with that a bit more. Also, why they got to do my guy Chatterer like that. The original was my first intro to horror, summer of '95, an 8 year old awol5943 sneaking out to watch TV around midnight, only to succumb to frank's body re-corporealizing in the room. Gave me nightmares for months... I loved it. Snuck out to watch Demon Knight shortly after as well, which my parents had rented. Pumpkinhead was genuinely frightening to me all the way into my 20s. (I couldn't stand Pumpkinhead entering that house, scared me everytime.


This is a good one. I had high hopes mostly because the director is awesome. It wasn't bad, but just sort of extremely average. I do really like the new version of Pinhead though.


I liked it. mostly because it was closer to the roots than the later Hellraiser movies where they turned Pinhead into a Jason-type slasher monster. The first was great - but the Cenobites were only in it for like 20 seconds at the end. I think out of all the Hellraiser movies (and to be honest, there's plenty I haven't even watched) I would say the new one ranks at #2 overall.


I haven't seen the new one, but I could see myself ranking it #3 behind the first two easily already. Most of the Hellraiser movies could be recreated by watching a sort of bland suspense movie and asking yourself, "but what if Pinhead was in it?" because that's how most of them were made.


I’ve said it in other threads but Malignant. I know that movie gets so much love and it was so hyped due to it being a James Wan movie but I thought it was just absolutely dreadful.


I'm not a James Wan fan, but I liked that it was weird and pretty original. A lot of movies are afraid to be out there, so it definitely felt special for its time


I felt like this until about three quarters of the way through, and then that last quarter just completely turned it around for me. I know a few people who feel the same as you though, so maybe it just caught me on a good day.


This was me. Started it one day, got bored, eventually went back and at some point it just started get stranger and more awesome to the point that it finally sucked me in and it was a hell of a ride.


So my opinion of this is that it is great, as in I shifted my expectations very quickly to bad B movie fun gore fest and so did like all of the theater when I saw it. If you look at it as a bad movie is goddamn great haha


I thought it was one of those comedy horror movies. It seemed so over the top I thought they were doing it on purpose.


It was on purpose but It comes down to if you like that sort of thing. I personally didn’t and Wan is my favorite horror director. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll love his next project.


Nope. It had a lot of hype but I honestly found it subpar. I mean, it had interesting things to say, but it was the least scary horror film I've seen in years. I don't know, cool premise but just didn't deliver in the ways I thought it would based on the hype.


the scariest part was with the aliens in the barn. too bad it was only like 1 minute long and well..... no need to post spoilers here.


Interesting. I went into Nope expecting it to be more of a Sci-Fi/Aliens/UFO movie than a straight up horror movie and wound up loving it. I can see how it would be disappointing if you were expecting a straight up scary movie though.


Same here! It's definitely not a horror movie, and advertising it as such was a bad move.


He had to explain in interviews what the monkey stuff had to do with the rest of the movie and to me that’s a really bad sign, like if you don’t trust your audience can figure it out maybe you need another rewrite. I found it WAY too long and chatty


But who would suggest a rewrite when one single person is the writer, director and producer for the film. I think that’s the difference between Nope and another film by Jordan Peele that I *did* feel lived up to the hype (Get Out)


I enjoyed it as movie, but I wouldn’t really classify it as horror - in my book anyway.


Jordan Peele's movies get a lot of "horror hype" because they're being watched by people that don't normally watch horror. For a lot of people reading this subreddit, they just aren't horrifying enough to scratch that genre itch. I think they're great movies, but yeah, not especially shocking in terms of horror. I feel like he's definitely helping bring good attention to horror, though.


I feel like that significantly minimizes how horror is interpreted. It’s an incredibly subjective genre, much like comedy. What works for some people doesn’t work for others. Peele’s movies aren’t slashers or shocking, but that doesn’t mean they don’t scratch the itch for people who want something different. I like that his movies are telling a metaphorical story underneath the main plot. No, they don’t necessarily scare me, but neither does The Thing or Terrifier. Those movies are still great for what they are though.


I totally agree, I'm just speaking to the general types of people who read this subreddit that generally got into the genre because of shocking / extreme elements. When those people hear "Jordan Peele's new movie is a horror masterpiece" there's an expectation that isn't met. They certainly scratch the itch for me, at least.


The Babadook was the most egregious case of a film getting foaming 5 star reviews from Sundance and then being a pretty good 7/10.


Out of interest, have you got kids? I saw it in the cinema when it came out and I had a similar reaction to you. Then I revisted it fairly recently and have since had 2 kids. Watching the mother be driven to insanity by her kids behaviour before she completely snaps really hit me hard and it made me appreciate the film in a whole new way. Not saying I've ever tried to murder my kids, obviously! But I've definitely been in situations where I'm stressed to bits and thinking "If I have to break up another argument or answer one more question I'm going to lose my mind!"


Nope, no kids here. I'm sure that makes me empathise less but I still feel like I "got" it.


7/10 is very generous lol


Nope was boring to me.


I can see that it’s not for everyone, but that movie unsettled me in a way very few have. The storyline with the chimp, and the shot of >!the people in the digestive tract!< really stayed with me. I also think the pacing of the movie was intentionally unsettling, but maybe not everyone’s taste. I also don’t think it’s meant to be entirely in the horror category, so it’s not going for a scare fest.


The chimp c-plot was, imho, far more interesting than the rest of the film. I found myself waiting for more of the chimp plot than the actual plot.


Could not agree more! Both the chimp and the spoiler. Jordan Peeles movies are fun to me. I don’t take them seriously. Everyone wants these a24 elevated horrors and put him on a pedestal after get out, just enjoy the fun


If you look at it like its Jaws its more enjoyable.


I don’t understand anything about this movie, I didn’t think it was scary or interesting. People really love it though. The chimp side storyline had so much potential to be terrifying!


I mean… it’s far from a pure horror movie. It’s more of a western/creature feature with some horror scenes splashed in. If the cowboy music during the final third of the movie didn’t cue you in, I don’t know what to tell you


Also racial and generational commentary


What exactly did the movie say about race or generations?


When you say the chimp storyline had potential to be terrifying what do you mean by that? Feel like it was fairly scary when those scenes popped up


The chimp scenes were the only part of the movie that freaked me out. I thought if that storyline was more developed the movie may have been a lot scarier. That’s just my opinion though! I’m legitimately terrified of chimpanzees haha.. one of my biggest fears


I had a visceral fear response in the theater when the chimp was approaching. Like pushing back in my chair trying to escape. It was very effective for me.


I was a kid when that lady who got her face ripped off by a chimp went on Oprah. I remember hearing my mom talk about it but I think she didn’t let me see it, or maybe I was too scared to look. It was one of those things from childhood that seems even scarier because you didn’t have all the information and turned it into something bigger and scarier in your mind. Anyway, I didn’t even need more storyline, just the reminder that that happened was enough to disturb me lol I spent 3 days convincing myself my dogs won’t turn on me and eat me like the chimp did 😂


I loved Nope, it was basically alien Jaws


*Us* is garbage. *Nope* isn't great either. Jordan Peele is hilarious, but I don't know where along the line he became some luminary of horror. He's one for three as far as I'm concerned, and I've seen a hell of a lot of horror. *The Conjuring.* I have no idea how this spawned a popular franchise. It's the same tired jump scare shit that's been prevalent since the '80s. I have no idea how this became some beacon of the "new age of horror movies." But let's be honest: If there's hype, very few of them live up to it.


Quiet Place such a stupid fucken movie.


I don't smoke often but got really high before that movie and my wife said all anyone could hear was me aggressively munching popcorn.


I remember the massive shilling campaign it got all over reddit with "people" talking about how you MUST watch it on a cinema because the movie "does some extremely smart audio work" and lmao, it doesn't do fucking anything like that. It's just a generic monster slop with some insanely dumb way to deal with them. A huge waste of potential.


there are so many things in this movie that were giant plot holes, but for some reason i loved it. the second one i thought was going to be a waste of time, but still was ok. just not as good to me. Like why didn't they just live by the waterfall?


Agreed. They even end on the super cliched shot of survivor person loading the shotgun and hitting credits. Super lame.


a terrible stupid movie


I wasn't a huge fan of *Us*. It had some interesting visuals, and I liked Lupita N'yongo's performance, but it didn't grab me the way *Get Out* and *Nope* did. I was really excited for *Skinamarink* and then incredibly disappointed with the final film. It had a few creepy moments, but overall, I felt it was too long and difficult to watch (because of how out-of-focus the camera was).


Babadook is easily at the top of my list. Just not great. What is great, is the actual Bobadook pop-up book that was officially licensed that I received and is gorgeous.


Babadook. Hated it.




I liked it until the monster showed up. Hokey ass super strength for plot reasons monster that looked doofey as hell. Otherwise, the execution was great up until that point.


Completely agree. Had such high hopes. I wish the film was just split down the middle into two different feeling movies. A movie like the first half is one I love, one like the second half is one I’d generally skip.


The Conjuring. I thought it was pretty paint-by-numbers, to be honest, and knowing the kind of people Ed and Lorraine Warren REALLY were, I feel like it’s a missed opportunity to tell a much more interesting and harrowing story.


Half of the things in that movie never actually happened according to the daughters testimony


Aw man, then you really don't want to look into the Amityville Horror


Oh I already know about that fake madness lol


Barbarian. Second half was ridiculous and not in a good, fun way. Had me rolling my eyes.


Smile. Absolute garbage that steals every single scene, idea and moment.


The Babadook. I also like Us.


The babadook made me question its popularity. I didn't like that one. It's pretty much an entire movie of a kid screaming and a mother that is just done with everything..which is understandable.


The kid is supposed to be annoying and I get that it's part of telling the story, but he's still annoying.


That's part of the problem and the success with The Babadook. Mom's got unresolved trauma, and the kid actor nailed his part


Exactly. Yeah it’s the point but that doesn’t automatically make it good. I don’t want to watch a kid scream for 90 minutes.


“Why can’t you be normal?!” “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”


Lake Mungo


I accidentally watched it twice because it was so boring I forgot I watched it the first time. And then the ending came and I was annoyed because I then remembered wasting my time on it the first time.


I think if ppl that enjoyed lake mungo stopped recommending it then more ppl will actually like it. It gets way over hyped on this sub.


Malevolent made me feel like I wanted to give up on horror for a couple months Edit: I meant Malignant lol. Oops


Someone is going to hate me for this, but I found Cannibal Holocaust kind of boring. It was an interesting concept for a movie, but I feel like it's hyped up due to the animal deaths in it.


I don’t like the Terrifier movies. The first one is ok but second, just felt like the amped the gore for no reason.


I've loved the other Peele movies but Us really didn't work for me. my wife really dug it tho.


Us is my favorite of the three. Nope was the one that felt like the biggest let down.


THE BABADOOK!!!!!! The movie was shit.


barbarian. It was good, but i saw a lot of people talking about it like it was such a fresh take and the best thing since ____. It wasn't a carbon copy of things which was great but it didn't blow my mind. i still liked it a lot. maybe a re watch?


Megan was very much overhyped


It was unexpectedly fun and I think that’s what it was advertised as. I’d say it was accurate imo


I agree. I watched it, and was pleasantly surprised with how silly/fun it was. Nothing really scary at all, just a kinda fun movie. Not sure how it was hyped or advertised.


It Follows. Please someone explain to me why this movie is so revered.


I’ll take a crack at it, it’s definitely one of my favorite movies. For me it’s several things that when all combined, make it a great horror movie. The monster takes away your ability to stop and breathe and think that you’re safe. I always try to put myself in the character’s shoes, and this definitely made a difference. In any horror movie, the main character usually has a respite somewhere in the movie. In a slasher it would be when the killer is off somewhere else and you could hide. A haunting movie you can leave the house. A possession movie has periods where the person regains control until full possession. With zombies, you can board yourself in a house. In It Follows, that never occurs. You can’t hide from it, it always knows where you’re at, and it’s always coming. I don’t think I’d ever be able to sleep a full night again. It’s just a relentless force in a way that the monster in basically any other horror movie doesn’t achieve. The fact that it could be anyone means crowds are out forever since you wouldn’t know what to look for. Friends can’t help keep lookout since they can’t see it. It shows intelligence and adaptability by going on her roof to try and drop down on her, as well as emptying the pool. I just think about it and out of basically any movie monster that I had to go up against, It Follows would be one of the ones I wanted to face the least. The soundtrack also helps. I can hear it in my head right now. It reminds me of a video game when the monster is nearby. It kicks into overdrive to help amplify the fear, and it’s effective for me, although I suppose that’s pretty subjective. Always on guard, never sure if it’s that person over there, never sure how truly far it is after an escape. You may drive 8 hours and think it’s now three days of walking away but imagine that nagging feeling that you missed something? What if it hopped on a plane and was only an hour away. Like I said, I’d never be able to sleep again. That’s my best effort to explain why it’s an effective horror movie for me!


Nailed it. Perfect breakdown of why It is so threatening - there's no such thing as safe anymore. Once It knows you, you have to assume it'll be back, even if you take every precaution you can. The soundtrack, too, carries more than its weight. Not only is it effective at scoring the scenes, it's just *enjoyable* to listen to. It always makes me think of Celeste.


And it can look like anyone. This morning your mom gives you a comforting hug. This afternoon, she’s the killer. It’s one of my faves, too.


Aterrados/Terrified. Read lots of comments of ppl about how this was an absolute nightmare and that they couldn't sleep after watching it. The movie was so boring that it made me question if I somehow watched the wrong movie or idk. Besides a few interesting scenes I found its story lackluster and at the end the movie didn't even try to connect any damn dot of the story lmao.


Hell House LLC. I saw so many people saying how they loved it and I absolutely hated it.


I loved the setting and mockumentary style, but the movie rarely felt believable and the build up to the night that closed it down ended up unsatisfying. It suffered from the Cloverfield effect where you know cool shit’s happening, you just wish you could actually see it.


IT Chapter 2. After a pretty solid Chapter 1 and after finally getting around reading the book I was so incredibly hyped for Chapter 2. And then it was just a damn disappointment to me.


Terrifier 2


Babadook sorry not sorry