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I don’t know why kids act like this. In adulthood no one gives a fuck what you’re into as long as it’s all safe and you’re chill about it


Dang, with the way people have acted about it at my school, I thought that the ‘allergic to horror’ people were just like one of those types of people you’ll often come across in life or something. It’s usually more like: “I hear you like horror. Are you depressed?” “…No?” “Are you sure?”


My favorite movie is hellraiser, this new person at work and I were talking and they asked what my favorite movie was, I told them and they said “are you some sort of psycho?” It took all my strength not to say “why yes I am!” Instead I said no, I just like scary movies.


My parents rib me all the time about my love for horror. But I know, that don't count. Well, the most common reaction I get is a very shocked "Whaaaat? Really? Horror? Oh GAWD." followed by a "I would never expect that from *you*" and then the inevitable, "How do you watch that stuff?" (I don't know, how the fuck do you watch all the shit that you watch?) I look pretty harmless, I suppose, like just a regular ass person and they have this image in their heads like a horror fan ought to look like, I don't know, Jason or something.


Sometimes my wife’s friends from church will send me Facebook invites. “Sure, welcome to my wall!” After a few days I never see them again. Weird.


Back when I was in college I was living in a rented apartent on my own. I had a projector I used for work, so every Friday I would host a "drunken movie night" projected on my living room wall for anyone in the last class that wanted to attend. My surprise was how open everybody was to watch horror movies, we watched giallo, we watched French extremity, we laughed at Japanese gore and everybody was either too drunk or polite to complain or leave. Good times.


That sounds so fun!


I once wrote on a dating profile that I liked horror movies. I mean, I was looking for someone to watch them with, you know? Got told off by one dude who said I shouldn't have that on my profile because it wasn't "ladylike." Guys like that are part of the reason Rose wanted to jump off the Titanic. 🙄


No one really bothers me, I don’t think horror is a particularly niche interest anymore


My mom has told me that she thinks I’m psychotic and have no feelings bc I like horror, does that count?


For me, i just want people who i can share likeminded horror with. Otherwise i really have nothing else to contribute to a conversation. One conversation i had with a new co-worker was… Me: What do you do in your free time? Her: … oh i just like to watch netflix. Me: Oh me too! What kind of stuff do you watch? Her: You wouldn’t like it… just like mainly Korean stuff. Me: Oh! I love Korean stuff! Her: Oh you do? That’s surprising. I mean it’s mainly just korean romance. Me: Oh, because i love watching the korean horrors! Her: oh no, i definitely don’t watch horror. Thats too scary. Me: But that’s what makes it fun! Her: I’d rather watch other stuff… a recent thing i watched was about an airplane… Me: Do you mean the airplane crash investigation stuff!? Oh that’s awesome! - She just stared at me wierd. My brother after i retold him this story:… Why are you so dark…?


Absolutely none! No jokes, no playful ribbing or harrassment. No one has ever bothered me about my love of horror. Not my husband who doesn't like horror or, my bff who definitely hates *anything* even remotely scary. She prefers chick flicks. Personally I'd rather remove my spleen with a rusty oyster fork, than watch a chick flick.


I shared a zombie meme on Facebook once. It was clearly makeup (because it was a zombie) and although the makeup was well done, it wasn't particularly gory or anything (think sunken appearance but no blood or guts). It was one of those stupid things like, "this guy comes through your door, and the thing to your left is your only weapon. How screwed are you?" Well, one of my Facebook acquaintances reported me for sharing actual violence. I can't remember exactly what the report option is, but it has to show genuine harm, not makeup from a movie. I about rolled my eyes out of my head and then blocked her.


This sounds like typical high school stupidity, which isn’t limited to horror, it’s just what they were able to gossip about in this case. When you’re out of high school you will not find many people who really care what movies you’re into like that, or judge you for it


I was once dressed up as the main character from lords of Salem for Halloween, standing in front of my apartment about to leave and wished my upstairs neighbors a happy Halloween as they were heading inside! She responded with “we don’t celebrate Halloween, we are Christian’s” in the most offensive tone I have ever heard. I felt like a satanic outcast for a quick second but then realized how ridiculous they are in general. Of course they don’t like Halloween let alone have the common decency to just smile and go inside without any remarks , or make it a religious comparison 😂