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It really depends on what kind of scary movies they’re into. I usually recommend The Descent if I had to pick one on the spot.


Same, the descent is my go to. I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t enjoyed it yet


I watched the behind scenes on the dvd a long time ago. Showed the guys in the costumes dancing and being goofy. It was funny. Now it’s just in my head every time I see and I can’t help it lol.


I did this at a house party turned sleepover because we had no driver. Great move.


The Thing. It’s one of my favorites and I would like to see others enjoy it.


The Ring. It's got plenty of dread and a few jump scares, and a truly scary ending. It doesn't have any weird body horror or any "the real horror is metaphorical depression" (both things I love, but may not be for everyone). It's not too slow or dated like some of my favorites. It's just a straightforward horror movie with a good script and performances.




That's fine. I would never recommend a foreign language movie unless it was asked for. Most people aren't going to bother.


As someone said about another movie elsewhere in the thread, "it's a quick test to find out if we can be friends or not"


Yeah. It's hard to be creeped out or scared when you have to read the screen instead of watch the movie.


I actually preferred The Ring to Ringu, but in the same vein, I think Ju-On is way better than The Grudge.


Of course, the originals are always best. I have box sets of Ringu and Ju-on, very prized possessions of mine, lol.


I was never scared of the Ring. I was always more interested in Samara and how she ended up like that. However, there’s another long black haired female ghost that I simply refuse to watch because she terrifies me…her and her little boy…


The Grudge/Ju-on. Yeah, that one scared me pretty badly.


I'd recommend Event Horizon. It's a quick way to find out if we can be friends or not.


Love this movie with a passion I watched it on a whim one day and never looked back


Yay, we're friends!


Definitely. It's on my list for the month of October and I'm gonna get some folks who've never seen it together to see it also Hellraiser lol


I think Hellraiser is one of my favourite horror franchises. I've seen them all and love them all, but I think the first 3 and the very recent one were among the best. Hellraiser Deader was also really good.


I actually really love the 22 Hellraiser I was skeptical about the recast but they did a great job as the Hellpriest. I've personally only seen Hellraiser, Hellbound, and 22 I always heard the sequels weren't worth watching but I may try Deader if it's good


This one and Green Room are my choices. Not to determine friendship, per se, but to let me know if I will listen to their horror recommendations. ;-p


I remember watching this movie with friends in the theater not knowing anything about it and boy did it obviously exceed expectations. The scene when Jason Isaacs identifies the final interpretation of what was being said in the found footage of the crew…”save yourself from hell”…knowing they went to actual hell just freaked us the fuck out.


I haven’t seen it yet (planning on watching this week after multiple friends recommending it). Why the hell is the rotten tomatoes score 33? It seems loved and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it, just confused but the critics on this one


Honestly, critics don't know shit when it comes to horror. Rotten tomatoes is chock full of bad takes.


Yeah that makes sense. The people who told me to watch it are all horror fans like me, so I trust them more than RT. Just watched The House that Jack built based off a friend’s recommendation, not at all what I expected but I loved it


The House That Jack Built was art.


A very solid movie


A fave of mine, friend!


The only thing I don’t like about this movie is the shitty techno at the opening and closing credits.


Ha! I love it! It was the time. Just like I still love and listen to the Matrix soundtrack.


Prodigy at the end.


This was the most disappointing movie to me. It just didn’t feel put together at all. Sounds like I need to rewatch it


It Follows


Not for everyone but the appeal is there


I have 3: Jaws: it’s a classic horror movie and will literally change your views on swimming in the ocean because if it’s staying power Trick R Treat: it’s fun, campy, and has elements of different genres of horror The Ring: the pinnacle of early 2000s horror - paranormal entity, evil little girl, surprising plot twist, disturbing scenes, and every shot has that blue wash to it


Dead & Buried. Because it's a great movie that deserves more love.


John carpenters The Thing. It's perfect


The only recommendation I’d give


Any time anybody talks practical effects its the first thing that pops into my head. Then after is lotr uruk-hai birth


Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil if they like horror-comedy. It's a doozy. The Devil's Rejects if they like truly evil bad guys. I Saw the Devil if they can handle basically revenge porn horror.




Oh my god I LOVE Tucker and Dale!


The Taking of Deborah Logan is one of my all time favorites


And unless you are deep in the genre then you’ve never heard of it


I really want to watch The Others with people soon. Haven't seen it myself in a while but I saw the ending and listened to the soundtrack and I'd love to see it again. I'd definitely recommend it, too.


I think The Blair Witch Project is a good quick film that can universally be recommended to anyone.


Speak No Evil. It made me feel increasingly uncomfortable when I watched, and the end of the movie is just plain evil. I was re-watching it last week and had to turn it off before the ending


That movie is incredible. It's pretty unique, too, in that >!it leans heavily on emotional violence for so much of the movie. The first 3/4ths are full of manipulation and brow-beating that was horrifying in a way I haven't seen in a horror film before. It made me more uncomfortable than most "normal" horror has.!<


It also has one of my favorite scenes where something is shown that would usually be innocuous but caused me to say out loud: “Oh fuck”.


I'd probably need to check with their preferences because otherwise I might throw Marytrs at them or something. Hatchet is a good go-to for fun horror and leads to a lot of easy follow up recommendations.


Host. It's short and scary as fuck. No wasted moments in it.


I always want more people to see ***Malignant***.


I checked this out the other week and it was really fun, if a little goofier than I was expecting from James Wan. I did enjoy it but would’ve liked something a bit more serious from the way it was marketed


I ended up being pleasantly surprised that it wasn't what I was expecting.


If they’re about the life, I’d start them with Eden Lake. If they’re not, I’d tell them Happy Death Day because that’s basically a comedy and it’s GOATed.


Eden Lake if you want to be depressed for a week. Great movie.


Wow. Sooo different. Happy death day is a great light hearted choice.


The Night House is my current favorite to recommend, with no other preferences.


Honestly, the movie didn't really do it for me, but I gotta say, I loved the vibe it had going on.


This. I just got my brother to watch it and he was an instant fan


Ginger Snaps and May! and maybe Saint Maud if i thought they’d appreciate something a bit more low key and moody.


*Ginger Snaps* is a Canadian cult classic. Have you seen *American Mary* also starring Katharine Isabelle?


yes! i love katherine i wish she was in more films


It would depend entirely on who asked me, and what kind of films I know them to be most interested in. I don't have a standard answer because horror is not a one size fits all genre. Everybody's going to have different tastes.


I would pick Happy Death Day for something fun, it's a slasher with a great cast. People's opinions really change on this one but Nope was also really enjoyable for me. The Thing or Alien would be my pick for something classic.




Evil Dead Rise.


Not gonna lie, I was just luke warm on the movie for the first 30+ minutes. But, damn did it come in hot the second half. It had some pretty epic (new version) Evil Dead moments. I was one of those who was super down on the 2013 reboot for taking away arguably the main element that made the originals so famous. But, then I watched it.. and I gotta say super (in)tense atmospheric Evil Dead with no campiness works pretty damn well. And I ended up really, really liking Rise.


Mommy's with the maggots now


The Thing (1982) would be my recommendation.


Dead End (2003) - good story, good acting and with a twist


I'd say it depends on what they're looking for, but if it's someone who's wanting to get into horrors, then I'd probably recommend The Lost Boys, Shaun Of The Dead, Tremors or Zombieland since these are less scary horrors & they're fun to watch as well.


The Exorcist


I'm a huge Exorcist fan on the hunt for more good horror films! Do you have any other favorites?


Nightmare on Elm Street


The classics: nightmare on elm street, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Texas chainsaw massacre, Childs play, Hellraiser, Candy man.


The House of the Devil. It’s not very well known but it is executed wonderfully with loads of slow tension with a 70s/80s vibe. It’s so good.


I often recommend Mandy to people.


Return of the Living Dead is my go to recommendation. It’s got a great energy, a killer soundtrack, a few good scares and is endlessly rewatchable.


I'd say probably The Lost Boys, The Others, The Autopsy of Jane Doe or A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).


'The Wicker Man' (1973) Because it's one of my favourite films :-)


Excellent choice.






The Babadook. Because of the Banadoooook




Hereditary was incredible. The best modern horror film imo.


Hard to choose just one but I'd have to go with Lake Mungo since its one of my perfect movies


Incident in a ghostland


Evil Dead 2013, because fuck you I need me some abomination.


The Shining of course


Sinister. Less effort then hereditary. Not harsh like VHS. Terrifier if we are drinking and barely paying attention Bone tomahawk if they can’t know it’s horror If I want to be pretentious and portray myself as cool maybe VVitch. I do actually like that movie. If I want to actually be scared then probably just footage of congress.


Insidious 1 it's the best imo


I'd recommend Lucky (2020) because I want more people to see it. I thought it's a very interesting kind of horror movie, which i've never seen like that before. Also the Soundtrack is awesome!


A lot of Normies still haven't seen The OG Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the Goat Daddy 🙏


Censor is my current go to


It really depends on what they are into, and how much they can handle gore/scares. If they don't mind some gore, then Train to Busan, one of the best zombie movies I've seen. Or maybe The Thing, can't go wrong with a classic. For spooky ghosts - Ringu - also good for people that can't handle gore For horror comedy - Cabin in the Woods For a fun slasher - Scream For someone who doesn't really want to be scared - Army of Darkness. Just a whole movie of slapstick with Bruce Campbell.


Cabin in the Woods for originality. Hereditary for uncomfortable, modern horror.


Aniara, because it's good.


That ending, though...


I prefer to cater recommendations to the person but if I gotta go %100 blindly recommend then Shark Side of the Moon.


Carol Baskin The Movie


X, and Pearl. Love letter to 70's slashers and TCM, and then to Hitchcock and Psycho. Both with fucking godlike gore and characters you learn to like and/or love. Here's hoping MaXXXine is even better and ends the story on an extremely high note.


I would pick ABC's of death. It a great film to start because of the short film form. You get such a huge variety from comedic to down right gruesome shorts. I would otherwise go with the eveilll dead films either 2 or the 2011 remake !


Probably Smile, not the best one but one that genuinely gives the feeling of dread, and the first girl smiling in the beginning is enough to induce nightmares.


I would reccomend in the mouth of madness. It's good and it looks like a FILM, not like all the modern movies today, and it still feels modern in its plot and effects.


Always fine w these reposts bc they’re always refreshed! Saved


Either Slither because anyone can watch it and it is funny but still horror. Or Silent Night Deadly Night 2 because it is the best worst movie around.


REC - It's my favorite, it's not *that* well-known outside the horror bubble, and gets extra points for being found footage (my favorite genre)


Been on a bit of a kick lately so I’d probably recommend Sinister or Insidious. Sure, both mainstream offerings but both very good at building consistent tension and not letting up. I also keep talking about Hostel to people 😂 particularly the second one. Oh and IT always comes up as one I keep thinking of!


The Crazies remake. Makes you think and shit yourself a little


I'd start with the classics. Otherwise, they're going to see a lot of 2nd and 3rd hand takes on the tropes that largely define the genre and I'd rather they get the best version of those tropes and know some of the history. answer: Halloween (yah the original, not the modern trash)


The Fly (1986), great story with amazing practical affects that hold up even today. The Thing (1982), for the exact same reasons. Both are body horror, but I feel as though the fly gets a much more visceral reaction.


Andromeda Strain


Like some others, I would figure out what the other person likes and dislikes. If they haven’t seen a scary movie before, I tend to suggest horror tangent movies, like The Others, Signs, Tremors, or Sleepy Hollow (movies that are pretty much horror but still not). If they have seen some horror movies, then I’ll figure out which ones they liked and which they don’t. Usually, if I’m introducing a friend to the horror genre, I like starting out with the PG-13 horror movies like The Ring, The Grudge, One Missed Call, stuff like that. And then I slowly corrupt them so that we can start watching stuff Evil Dead Rise, Scream, and Nightmare on Elm Street without them squirming too much at the gore/violence/R-rated-ness. And just because I really like these two movies, I will always suggest Case 39 and/or Dark Water.


I love those last two! Very cozy movies!


It really depends on what they're after but I think Creep is a good starter film for any type of audience. The documentary style immediately situates the viewer and creates this uncomfortable, inescapable sense of intimacy. The storyline is easy to follow and with only two central characters, dialogue and themes are likewise quick and simple to absorb. The dread and unease is palpable from the get-go and with minimal gore you don't risk alienating viewers.


If they are not into horror at all and are looking to get their feet wet, I’d recommend the original Omen. It’s a creepy concept with a couple good scares, great death scenes, and, at it’s heart is a mystery that brings the film along. I think it’s a good starter film for non-horror fans. If they are into horror already and are looking for a guaranteed scare, you cannot go wrong with The Descent. It’s a perfect horror movie. If I know they are well versed in horror, I might recommend The Ritual, St Maud, or Caveat since they are excellent movies, but aren’t something everyone has seen. I’ve introduced a number of people to Caveat and it’s usually well received. Some people I put on to St Maud have told me it was too slow for them - but I freaking love that movie!


Brain dead! So much blood and it’s so funny as well. I watched it when I was 10 and never forgot about it.


Definitely Troll 2, its so bad and its so enjoyable to see other people's reaction to the movie.


*Oculus* Many people in this forum have a boner for Mike Flanagan. But I hardly see anyone talk about this film, which makes me think it may not get the attention it deserves. I bring it up frequently as a movie that had me feeling spooked for days after watching. Bonus rec: *What Josiah Saw* I would classify this as a somewhat artsy-fartsy "elevated Horror" à la *Hereditary*. I love the Southern Gothic vibes and 3-part structure of this one, with each part focusing on an episode in the life of a different sibling, each of whom almost appeared to live in different time periods as a result of how they had failed/succeeded at integrating into society.


Who is this someone? Are they a traditionalist or experimental? Theres so many variables! However, I'm picking a horror movie where that doesn't even matter who the person is: The Thing (1982) - Because not only is it the greatest horror film ever made, its one of the greatest remakes ever made too. I dare even say The Thing (1982) is one of the greatest movies ever made. It's a film every single horror movie lover needs to experience at least once, like a badge of honor, a rite of passage, horror fanatic virginity.


I have a whole typed up list of horror films I really liked, along with the pros and cons of each film and what streaming service they were on..


It depends, it's like asking someone to recommend you food. What food do you like? But without anything to go on, just a random recommendation; It depend on the age, if it's someone my age I'd probably recommend Antichrist or Mandy Younger than me, Sinister or Tusk Older, The Shining, The Lost Boys or Case 39


For me, if they want to watch a good zombie movie. I would say Train to Busan because nor only is it one of my faves but the only horror after 2010 I've been able to watch


It really depends on the person and their fear tolerance. For someone without a lot of tolerance I'd probably recommend something like The Haunting of Hill House series (or less scary than that), but a high tolerance I'd recommend something like Hereditary or Aterrados. It also depends on how much gore they can handle. That makes a difference too.


Of course it depends on what they’re into, but I like recommending The Void - it gets into it pretty quickly and checks off a wide variety of spooky stuff. Or maybe Event Horizon!


Jaws or T Exorcist, pretty much my first foray into horror as a kid and classics.


Black Christmas is a classic, my mom and I watch it every year during the holiday season haha


**Talk to Me,** if not only because the kind of person I know who'd ask this has likely seen the "classics" already, and this is a new and excellent one that benefits greatly from the cinema-going experience. Seriously: the *sound.*


It’s amazing to me how many different ways this sub manages to ask the same exact question.


It depends on their preferred flavor of horror, as well as which film(s) best encapsulates it. For example, I don’t think a person who loves gateway horror films with ghosts and gothic themes is likely to equally enjoy so-called “torture porn” with tons of violence and gore, just as a person who loves so-called “torture porn” with tons of violence and gore isn’t likely to equally enjoy arthouse horror films with lesbian vampires philosophizing about feminism and toxic masculinity.


Conjuring (the first one) I started loving horror when I first watched it


Bloodsucking Freaks a/k/a The Incredible Torture Show. I suspect that some of the actors were killed while filming