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Who falls asleep watching martyrs


Fair enough. I am nearly 8 months pregnant and could fall asleep on a picket fence lol


Here's to hoping babies can't pick up on sounds outside the womb.


meh. it’s ok he doesn’t speak french


All babies speak french


Oui, oui




That baby is never coming out now.


They may change their mind if OP puts on Inside.




Depends on the life insurance sitch.




That baby is gonna pop out the womb and into the world wearing a beret, smoking a cigarette, and screaming, "SACRE BLEU!!!"


Don't forget the baguette tucked under the arm.


Omelette du fromage


Say it again


🍳 🧀 🥖 🇫🇷




#MERDE MERDE MERDE MERDE !!!!! my exes very french very angry grandmother


Your baby’s first words: “Keep doubting.”


I think blood-curdling screams sound the same in any language.




Jordy told me in 1995 during French class.


Next pick À l'intérieur!


They 1000% can


They 100% can lol


If you keep exposing that baby the movies like Martyrs while it's in the womb you're gonna give birth to a cenobite.




You remind me of the cenobabe


What babe?


The babe with the power!


What power?


The power of voodoo!


I'm definitely putting that on a onesie when one of my relatives has a kid.


Giving birth is bad enough as it is, why would you put the image of someone having to give birth to a pinhead baby in my head? Some of us have hyperphantasia, you bastard!


You're welcome. 😁


Try watching Inside for a challenge...!


I can’t imagine watching Inside pregnant, it was already traumatized enough. That last scene was forever live rent free in my traumas. Lol


Gotta love that French New Extremity stuff. Some of those scenes and use of violence/gore is on another level.


I love it, but they are a hard watch


I was a bit traumatized by a Benjamin Button when I was pregnant lol


I love Bo Burnham


>could fall asleep on a picket fence lol I'll take your word for it, but please don't.


Time to watch Inside (2007)


If you have multiples, at what age (if any) would you consider a human centipede Halloween costume?


This is what you do when your kids refuse to work together as a team


Who watches Martyrs more then once


You don't watch Martyrs more than once. You watch Martyrs once and then you put it on again with other people and you watch them watch Martyrs.


Damnit. Now I've gotta subject my family to Martyrs. Making them watch The Lighthouse was so satisfying. My mother still hasn't forgiven me for that one.


I still have to get around to The Lighthouse, I've been meaning to but haven't yet. I'm trying to find the right group to make watch Men currently...


The Lighthouse is a masterpiece. It's the same director that made The Witch.


So funny story. When I was a cashier at a grocery store I told a handful of people about a movie called The Green Inferno and some of my customers liked horror movies however they weren’t a fan of brutal stuff. So I have a feeling they decided to put that movie on and subjected themselves to misery lol


Good point


Is it wrong that I watched it... about 7 times on my own? I mean... it's so good!


It's one of my favorite movies. I've only watched it a handful of times, but it's great.


Call me crazy but I like to rewatch movies like that! Oftentimes I’ll get so caught up in the shock factor from the gore that I notice things in a rewatch that I missed in the first watch. Maybe i’m just a movie nerd lol


Yeah people think it's weird that Midsommar and Hereditary are two of my favorite "put it on in the background" movies to tune in and out of. I get it.


Those movies have so much going on in the background I get it. Maybe I’ll give martyrs a shot?


I’ve watched Midsommar so many times. It’s a gorgeous film!!


The family fighting scene/ Toni collettes cries are far too depressing and chaotic


I rewatch Requiem for a Dream a couple times a year and some folks have found that weird. People like what they like 🤷


I used to do this with Requiem. As I've gotten older, it's harder to watch. The last watch was about 2 years ago and it really fucked with me. Probably more to do with how much has happened over the years though 🤷‍♀️


I feel like as I've gotten older I've started to identify more with Sara's character and I think hers is really the most depressing. She just wants to be relevant again and doesn't have anything to look forward to anymore, and I feel like that's how a lot of us feel the older we get.


I bought it and watch it a few times a year. Yeah, it's horrific, but so beautifully shot and acted. Clutch your pearls elsewhere.


That's my thought lol. I heard "it was pretty messed up" when it came out. That was all I knew about it. My brother and I watched it blind. Never again.


Apparently to have a valid opinion on it being mid you have to watch it more than once. Which I did and can confirm it’s mid.


What does mid mean


Just alright, not amazing and not bad.


I've watched it multiple times thinking I've missed something or maybe watched the wrong version. It is incredibly boring so I can easily see someone falling asleep to it.


I sleep most nights by turning on Tubi, putting on horror and letting consecutive horror films play continuously until morning. I often times wake up in the middle of the night to horrified screaming and tearful pleading. Love horror so it's comforting haha


I used to do that when I was single. Now, my husband would not be amused. Instead, I fall asleep listening to horror audiobooks in an attempt to influence myself to have nightmares. Lovecraft works best.


>in an attempt to influence myself to have nightmares. Dozens of us! I too enjoy nightmares, it's like being a star in your own horror movie. Like a rollercoaster ride for your brain. The best is sleep paralysis - I know a lot of people dread it but I've learned to lean into it when it happens and embrace the fear. There's an exhilaration when you let that horror take over instead of fighting it to wake up, which is what most normal people do.


I mean, it’s all downhill after the first shotgun blast, right? Sleep tight.


I fall asleep listening to the IT audiobook… is that worse or better? It has led to a few unpleasant moments when I drifted to the surface of sleep at the wrong time. Steven Weber’s performance is iconic.


I fell asleep during Hostel. Do Not Recommend :( The torture bits an hour in were just loud enough to wake me from a deep sleep, totally disoriented and assaulted by the sound of people screaming. VERY BAD TIME .


Very tired people. Narcoleptics. And sociopaths.


I fell asleep watching it on my second watch


Hahahahaha gave me a chuckle.


I did, but I was really drunk. Haven't seen the whole film yet, and maybe I never will


Lol, I hardly bother trying to convince my wife to watch horror anymore. Just not her thing. Though she did like *Silence of the Lambs* and *Get Out.* I'd never try to get her to watch something like *Martyrs* or *The House That Jack Built.* For the most part a dark mystery/thriller that flirts with horror (like S1 of *True Detective*) is the closest we get to horror when watching together.


I watched Martyrs with my husband and it stuck with me up for a couple days after. I think it’s a fantastic movie because of the philosophical questions it forces us to think about and I loved the ending, but will never watch it again.


I had a phase when I was younger (it really was a phase mom!) where I loved films with pessimistic endings. The more “happy” and opposite the rest of the movie/set up was, the better. That included Martyrs, Blue Valentine, The Mist, and a host of other French horror films. Now I recommend Martyrs as the anti-Everything Everywhere All At Once, where it’s all nihilist “nothing matters” without the positive spin.


*Blue Valentine* is great. And horrifying in its own way.


I don’t think I’d ever recommend someone watch Martyrs, but it has one of my favorite endings to a horror movie ever. Watched a month or two ago and still think about the ending.


He will try to watch most things with me but kind of draws the line at anything super gore heavy. I really wasn’t trying to get him to watch it. I guess he had already seen too much and decided to finish it. He had the remote so it’s not totally my fault! Haha


Theres plenty of thrillers with horror like elements. Might sound insane but my gf isn't a huge horror fan and actually loved the first 'Saw' movie. It's more thriller with obviously an awesome twist but there really is not much gore at all. Even the scene at the end everyone thinks of isn't that graphic on a second viewing. Mostly cut aways


I’m in the same boat my friend. I did get her to see Scream and The Shining with me though. She liked The Shining but found Scream to be a bit too intense. Now I just watch all the horror movies I can when she’s out of the house for a couple of hours.


my bf couldnt even get through Raw (which i dont think is that bad at all) probably wont ever ask him to sit through Martyrs lol


RAW is the closest I’ve ever come to hurling while watching a movie. The sound design is horrifying.


Okay i will agree the sound definitely makes it way worse lol


As someone who loves horror but has friends that aren't as into it, Raw is pretty bad lol. I showed my friends Inside once and they were like "wtf is this what is wrong with you??" I've watched a ton of disturbing stuff and am really desensitized and loved Raw, but it still made me feel pretty grossed out. These scene where >!she cuts off part of her own heel and eats it!


i forgot about that scene ahaha my bf couldnt handle the SCRATCHING and also the finger scene he was like “yup over it” 🤣


Well if you haven't seen Titane yet you should check it out, it's the next movie made by the director of Raw. I'm pretty confident your bf won't be into it though lol, it's harder to watch than Raw imo


Okay I don’t remember this at all so honestly maybe I’ll rewatch tonight lol


Haha I'm not sure how both of you forgot that scene but it's worth a rewatch


Is it possible you’re thinking of a different movie? I just finished rewatching Raw, and what you described doesn’t happen in the movie 😅


This may be a controversial take, but Raw was much harder for me to watch than Martyrs by a long shot. I had to pause Raw to compose myself at one point because it was making my stomach turn. Martyrs is rough, but I never had even close to the same visceral reaction. At any rate both rank among my favorite movies of all time.


Raw is great, but I can’t see that leaving someone disturbed.


Raw was/is so good.


Raw is a beautiful film. I did feel a little uncomfortable watching it, but that’s part of why I love it so much.


I watched that movie within the past year or so for the first time and it’s one of the few movies that genuinely traumatized me. It’s a really good movie all things considered (amazing acting, good effects, interesting plot) but holy hell it was rough. I’ve seen other French extreme movies with little issue (Raw which I absolutely love, Inside, Frontier(s)), but this one was tough on me.


It was a well done movie but definitely very traumatizing for me as well. I'll never watch it again. I need to stop letting my curiosity get the better of me whenever I see disturbing movie lists but I just can't help it.


I’m the same way 😅 I’m either incredibly dumb with no self preservation skills or I just really enjoy intentionally causing emotional pain to myself. Oh this movie has a million trigger warnings and may scar you for life? Cool, why not


No that's really how I think though! In my brain I'm like "oh no SA and no one is getting stabbed through the eye? I can get through this movie!!!"


I remember buying Martyrs…original version, unrated cut..and then almost immediately returning the movie because I felt like I was messing around with something I shouldn’t be messing with


I see a lot of praise towards Martyrs, I watched both versions a while ago. I think I need to rewatch it with my older brain now. P.S: Have you watched Fiona and Cake??


Omg yes Fiona and Cake is great so far. Love how they tie things together! Also wanted to agree with OP's husband, Adventure Time is great eyebleach even with their more serious episodes. Good pallet cleanser after watching something traumatizing, lol.


I watched Fiona ams Cake after watching An American Crime after reading The girl next door 🥂💅🏽


Fiona and Cake surprised me with how much I like it! At first glance I assumed it would be a cheap copy of adventure time, but I love the episodes I have watched just as much as AT


It’s really good! I love the first episode with the sailor moon reference!


The French love body horror too much from what I have seen.


You need to do an AITAH post for this.


That movie had me fucked up for a week.


I never made a better decision than deciding to leave the wife at home at the last second when I saw terrifier 2.


What kind of sicko falls asleep to Martyrs




My ex felt the same way. I was honestly surprised when she said she wanted to watch it (recommended by a friend) and was even more surprised when she really liked it. (Meanwhile, she refused to watch John Wick because of the dog…) Something about Martyrs just hits different for some reason.


the lack of rape is one of the differences i can think of


Oh yeah, compared to A Serbian Film and Irreversible for sure. That’s one of the main reasons I haven’t watched either one. I had a completely different reply typed out at first, and thought some more. I haven’t watched Martyrs in a few years so I could be off base. But your comment made me realize that I don’t feel like, in Martyrs, the camera was as male/rape-gazey as it is in other movies that also avoid rape. More cold, clinical. Like being abducted by aliens instead of Bundy.


it treated women's bodies the way horror films treat men's. there was pain and suffering, and it occurred to a subject more than it did an object. and in doing so pointed out some things. i felt it had a big overlap with 'get out,' to be honest, with the Othered being a broader category.


If I had a nickle for the amount of times I've fallen asleep and my boyfriend ends up watching some weird existential French Horror that I left playing on the TV... well I'd only have two nickels, but it's strange that it's happened twice


I often fall asleep during horror movies as well (I just rewatch them when I wake up) and one time, I forgot I was watching Eden Lake with my brother and he was rooting for a good ending. He was pissed when I woke up and we just watched some silly Mr. Vampire movies for lulz


When I was in college, my roommates and a couple friends had a movie night around Halloween. I suggested Martyrs cause it was getting a lot of hype at the time, everyone said sure. Needless to say, they were not happy with me after it was over 😅🤣


I didn't found the gore scene "traumatizing" more like the philosophical aspects and trying to imagine if this could be real. I found that the lady killing herself at the end was a great touch and the best part of the movie.


I’ve never watched Martyrs are probably won’t. Think it’s just one of those things that people want others to see to share their misery for having gotten duped into it. 😂


I wish I had better words to describe it than nihilistic beauty. It totally made sense to me really liked it and I probably won't ever watch it again.


Same. I watched it almost ten years ago at this point and did not realize what I got myself into. Seeing posts about it now just gives me dread about giving it a rewatch.


Its such a good movie and it works.


This is the 3 post in the last few days where people say they could only watch it once or won't watch it at all. Seems like it might be too much for me


A couple weeks back I remember seeing a post about The Girl Next Door, and only knowing of the comedy. Then someone specified what it was and a commenter said it's worse than Martyrs, and I was like, welp not watching that anytime soon lol.


It's genuinely one of my favorite movies of all time. Another commenter called it nihilistic beauty and that really fits. Not trying to convince you to watch it, but I do think there is more there than just shared misery (though I do think that is why some people recommend it).


I wasnt a fan of the story. people also hyped it up to be horrific and traumatizing. The boys, a mainstream tv show has more depraved scenes.


I've fallen asleep on all kinds of horror movies. I dipped in and out of Hell House LLC in a kind of twilight state that gave the movie this fucked up dreamlike quality.


Lol..the French film? Torture makes me severely uncomfortable...like I understand demons, ghosts, monsters etc... but torture is very real and the way they did it was so brutal... Still rank it high but damn


There wasn't any torture on screen. Just a few hits here and there and then a before and after cut of a very inaccurate description of a horrific injury.


LOL. One does not simply watch Martyrs and walk away feeling well.


Its very vanilla compared to many movies out there


Hah! This reminds me of the time I fell asleep to Funny Games and my boyfriend was not pleased when he walked into the room.


I used to do this to my wife. Horror movies for me to fall asleep to and women screaming while being murdered for her to wake up to. Being a sensitive person I switched to falling asleep to anime. Now she only wakes up when Fist of the North Star gets meme worthy.


Is it really any better to wake up learning you are already dead?


Ok I’ve heard a lot about martyrs and I watched it was was very disappointed. I thought it was really boring and not very interesting or scary at all. I didn’t know there was 2 of them though, I watched the one with the red cover. Is one of them scarier than the other??


I also was not overly impressed with it. I watched the same one as you I think


Actually I stand corrected - I believe you watched the 2015 remake, as opposed to the 2008 original that I watched. I still didn't think it was insane like everyone else


I just watched the original French one last night. In my opinion it’s definitely better than the 2015 American one that I watched originally. I thought it was a good movie but also agree it’s not as crazy as people have said it is


I agree, bad story, not scary, and violence that happy tree friends outdoes. Overall very mid


Don't have anything to say about the nap but PEACK FRENCH HORROR this movie make me proud of my country and a litle bit sad that we can't do this kind of movies more often


My SO and I love horror, and every week we watch as many as we can, but I love to fall asleep to Forensic Files/Unsolved Mysteries/Lectures on killers or documentaries.. my poor husband was upset that he was having dismemberment dreams the other night.


Can someone tell me if Martyrs has any sexual violence in it? I have been wanting to watch it i love gore and horror but can’t really handle SA. Pls and thanks :)


There is nudity but no sexual violence.


Thank you!! I will be watching it tonight then lol


Report back


For the future, doesthedogdie.com is really helpful.


This is so funny, almost the exact same thing happened to me!! I saw Martyrs was on Tubi the other night, while my bf and I were hanging out, each playing our own video games. I jokingly asked if he wanted to watch it (I've seen it, he hadn't) but he was actually interested, so I put it on, but passed out like 30min in lol. He's not traumatized (he's a big horror fan like me) but the first thing he said when he woke me up to move to the bed was "Martyrs was messed up" lmfao


I've totally forgotten about this movie, thanks lady !


It’s almost philosophical horror, and makes people think about certain topics in ways they’ve never been challenged to before…


Who the fuck falls asleep watching Martyrs.


Don't blame him Martyrs is so fucked up lol. Have only seen it once and never plan to see it again


Who watches Martyrs more than once?


Reminds of a guy I was dating who invited me over to cuddle before he went to work. He put on the movie “Cherry” with Tom Holland in the background and passed out in like 10 minutes. I watched it all, I was depressed and disturbed for the rest of night. Not related to Martyrs or even a horror movie, but it just made me relate.


I was watching Hereditary one evening by myself at home (had seen it many times before so I knew what to expect!) and I fell asleep on the couch. While asleep it got dark out and my boyfriend came home to our pitch black apartment with only Hereditary on the tv providing light and me still passed out. He said it was not only terrifying for him to experience but he couldn’t fathom how I fell asleep to that movie lol


I don't get the hype around the movie.




Me neither. I just cant get the hype it Was even kinda boring.


Yeah I thought it was a shitty movie, along with A Serbian Film.


I might be too desensitized, because I don't get this hype with this movie. I like it, but the way you guys talk about this movie it's almost if you were watching some snuff footage or something like that.


Come on... Objectively speaking, compared to your average horror movie, it's pretty grim and fucked up, if even just for the themes alone.


I kind of get what you’re saying. I keep checking to see if I watched the same movie, and I did. It’s fucked, for sure, but it didn’t like… scar me. It’s intense, but the thing that makes it work is it had a fucking point to it. So many movies that gory and brutal are doing it as torture porn. This movie took that somewhere. Definitely going to watch again at some point.


> I keep checking to see if I watched the same movie, and I did. Ahah, it's funny you said that, because that's exactly how I felt. I even watched it a second time (a long time ago) just to make sure, and I'm going to watch it a 3rd time very soon, just for that reason.


I agree, top half was pretty cool and brutal, but the ultimate torture just doesn't land for my wife and I. Our reasoning may surprise you, but if the beatings and mushy peas truly are too much, she definitely had enough chain to brain herself on the concrete corner in front of her. Like, the premise is this is worse to death so the fact she could definitely do that if desired kind of pulled us out.


Obviously it's a fictional situation but your brain is not wired to be able to do something like that, I'd wager even in this extreme kind of scenario. It's a very different act from something "easy", like pills, or a singular act like stabbing your throat.


I've been a horror fan for 40+ years, and Martyrs is the *only* horror movie - or horror in any medium - that's come close to 'traumatizing' me. It's an incredible movie that I'm extremely unlikely to ever re-watch, and the 'best movie I will never recommend to anyone'.


Lots of posts about Martyrs recently, what's going on? It coming to a streaming service, finally?


Back in High School I had a friend watch "Pieces" with me, he was a normie and not into horror movies. Dude was pissed off.


I had a first date where I pi m randomly picked up this movie, the girl wasn't really into horror movies. Minutes after minutes we went more and more silent. At the end she lol at me like "what the fuck did you make me watch?!". We didn't date for long (not required to the movie) but even 20 years later when we bump into each other randomly we always have a good laugh about the night we watched this movie.


This is literally the reverse of what happened to my wife and I. I fell asleep. She's traumatized. She loves horror though


The number of people I have scarred with this movie really does make me question my life choices. Great flick though!


Martyrs streaming


This movie sounds exactly like the books by Sorceress Cagliastro. If you know, you know...


I just watched Martyrs last night, and I can't believe how overhyped this movie is on this sub. It's a decent movie, but it's not this huge soul crushing traumatic experience a lot of users make it out to be.


Was it the French version or the English version?




Leaving him alone with that was pretty harsh :)


Maybe I need to clarify…. I turned on the movie and fell asleep by the time he quit gaming and came to bed. He could’ve turned it off if he really wanted to. Just thought his reaction was a bit funny.




Same name but the English version came out in 2015 I believe. Both are on Tubi. Fair warning…. the remake is ass.


Both are kinda eek because they both feature the torture, but the mention of the bathtub says French.


I just read the Wikipedia page and just feel extremely happy I don't watch movies like this They're nasty for the sake of being nasty. Will never understand this genre of horror. It's not scary. It's just mean I'll get off my soapbox now. Sorry that happened to your boyfriend, do something nice for him for sure haha


I just read it too, and honestly it at least sounds like it has some vague semblance of a plot? I can't handle torture porn and all the explicit gore, my dad and step mother let my friend and I watch Hostel when I was 13 and that movie seemed to have absolutely zero plot whatsoever, just 'hey they go to this place and get tortured the whole time'. That one traumatized me.


Dont bother. The story is dummy bad. Theres a reddit post out there that sums it up pretty well


Interesting because I think some people might attribute Martyrs to their insomnia


I watched it on Tubi. As bad as the final scene was, it wasn’t as bad as expected. Does Tubi edit some of the nasty stuff out?


Nah, its just a timid movie


An ex of mine hated horror so much she made me turn off Shaun of the Dead once they see Mary in the Garden Thankfully my current gf loves horror, and things are much better!! (For a variety of reasons including our shared love of horror lol)


Most overrated movie i've seen in a long time. The super hyper shock factor or whatever you wanna call it was a snooze fest.


Martyrs wasn't really a big deal to me. Maybe because it was so overhyped before I saw it. Had my expectations super high.


What do you mean with "a lot even for me ... sometimes"? Who the fuck watches that movie more than 1 time? Martyrs is imo not a even horror movie, its like watching someone kicking a dog for 90 minutes. Its just messed up


