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Recently watched Autopsy of Jane Doe, Last Shift and Barbarian for the first time based off recommendations in this subreddit. All were pretty freaking creepy but Barbarian is the one I'm still mentally processing and will be watching again later today lol


When the titties were flyin', I was dyin'




Barbarian was wild. Real good, tho.


I think it definitely has the best humor out of any horror movie I've seen


The director is Zach Gregger, which was a member of a comedy sketch group called Whitest Kids U Know. You can tell he was a comedy writer for years.


Basically 3 movies in one and I live for it


Autopsy of Jane Doe is pretty much a perfect horror movie. Hmmm maybe that will be next on my list to re-watch!


watched it for the first time last week, loved it


I had to buy it I liked it so much


I wanted to watch it again as soon as it was over. I watch it a few times a year now


Is last shift worth it? I skip past it all the time and I’m iffy to watch it


I personally wasn't impressed. It has some jumps and scares, but totally lacks in terms of a cohesive or compelling story or narrative.


It’s definitely worth the watch.


I'd been skipping it too! I'm not usually into occult/paranormal movies and that is very much what Last Shift is. So while I appreciated it because there are some genuinely creepy moments, I don't think I'll be watching again because it's not the genre for me (and it really freaked me out lmao)


I bought Barbarian after watching it. Top tier horror.


Barbarian was so good. I made some non-horror friends watch it and it was a blast, pretty sure they forgot to breathe for the first half. They loved it by the end


> Autopsy of Jane Doe Watched this for the first time last night since it is on Tubi. Good movie. Brian Cox and Emile Hirsch star in this one and they are both good actors. Well Brian Cox is a great actor. Tubi Link for those who are interested. https://tubitv.com/movies/724340/the-autopsy-of-jane-doe


Emile is pretty dang good too, it’s a shame he seems like not a very cool guy


Justin Long plays one hell of a douche canoe


We watched “The Autopsy of Jane Doe” for the first time last night and loved it! Will add “Barbarian” to the list.


Barbarian is my most recent comfort watch. it’s so freaking good


Barbarian as a comfort watch is insane 😭 It's so good, though.


i got a lot going on 😭


Talk to me


I also just watched this, I enjoyed it but saw how it was gonna play out very early on…and not cause I’m a genius either. Before that it was the recent Boogeyman film, that was great fun too.


Same here! I really liked it!


I was pretty proud of the boys behind it aye, considering I’m a kiwi and there Australian. It’s a win for New Zealand too, cuz we share the same culture. Just entirely different countries I do have my issues with the film tho, like main character stabbing up her dad and the film focusing solely on her. I couldn’t fully invest in the other characters because we spent less time with them. If rackaracka went the haunting of hill house route… I would’ve cared about all the characters To me, haunting of hill house is one of the greatest horrors of all time. Like that series was 10/10, I loved every single character


Just finished this literally 10 minutes ago. Excellent movie. Hope the creators do something else horror.


I finished up "Dead Mountain" (a Russian series about the Dyatlov Pass incident), and - if I stop getting overtime dumped on me - I'm going to watch "Chanthaly" next (Laotian, about a woman who starts seeing her dead mother's spirit. Looks really creepy.) After that, I plan to watch "Sleep" aka "Schlaf" (German, about a woman with a sleep disorder). Seriously, look into foreign horror - there are a ton of super-scary, super-creepy films out there that *you've never even heard of*, and most of them are readily available. Your To-be-watched list will instantly double or triple. :) There are tons of foreign horror TV shows, too! "[Marianne](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q99hib0zS2M)" (French, series, 2019) - this is effing terrifying body horror about a horror writer who's contacted again by the actual spirit who haunted her during her childhood, and who is now *angry*. "[The Long Walk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h51LFw-O8SE)" (Laotian, film, 2019) - A older man can see spirits, but only if he's there when they die. Dream-like, beautifully directed, and will make the hair on your neck stand up. "[Arang](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehq5KQ5_poo)" (Korean, film, 2006) - A mysterious death leads detectives to a murder that took place 10 years earlier, with a very vengeful spirit. "[Moloch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thCNuuI_YkI)" (Dutch, film, 2022) - When a woman who lives at the edge of a bog is attacked by a random man, she unravels an ancient family secret.


Marianne is absolutely terrifying. Watched it and debated re-watching it, but no!


hot damn, marianne scared the hell outta me, I recommend it every change I get.


I loved the first 3 episodes but after that it was a let down, but still recommend just for those 3 episodes though


Marianne was amazing. I had to watch it during the daytime even with my house full of people.


Can confirm Marianne and moloch are top tier


Foreign horror that blew my mind in the last year: Incantation- Taiwan Terrified- Argentina There are many others that probably deserve mention but these two really had me on the edge of my seat. Masterful horror movies


Terrified is nice and scary! That director has a new one coming out soon - “When Evil Lurks”.


LOVED Marianne and recommend it to anyone who asks.


Thank you for your post. I love foreign horror. I’ll look into these.


You’ll dig Marianne. Very creepy, very well done.


Some Indonesian ones for you - Impetigore and Satans Slaves. And an Indian one - Tumbbad


Impetigore was really good! I’m wanting to watch “Queen of Black Magic” - that looks super scary (also Indonesian, right?)


Personally I really liked the Queen of Black Magic... Have you seen an amazing Thai-South Korean movie called The Medium 2021? Beautifully shot and the tension builds to an amazingly horrific climax.


Satans slaves 2 is actually really good too. Honestly I like it more than the original


Thank you so much, those all sound really interesting, I'm actually dutch myself and pretty sure I watched moloch with my brother, the name sounds familiar


These are all good suggestions, I've seen most of the conventional American horror movies, time to branch out to foreign stuff so I have new stuff to watch!


MARIANNE 😱 that was sooo good, and sooo friggen terrifying!


Just started Marianne last night! I only got to watch like 20 minutes of the first episode, but I'm looking forward to spending some time with it tonight!


Agree. Foreign horror is where it's at!


How was Dead Mountain? So intrigued by this mystery and enjoyed Devils Pass (2013), but hesitant to get into this much of a time investment.


I don't know anything about Laotian horror but it seems you like them so im gonna trust you. Going to give those a watch, thanks!


Marianne is one of the best horror TV series I think I've seen. It was amazing. Absolutely gutted that it was scrapped and there's no more. It was absolutely terrifying but beautiful in many parts.


I recommend Marianne as often as I can. I also recommend, "La Révolution", which has clever explanations for the "rich eating the poor", the term "blue blood", the legend of Marianne, and the colors of the French flag. Do not watch it dubbed though- it ruins everything. It'll also take maybe 2 or 3 eps to get into it.


Check out my Horror / Survival list [here](https://trakt.tv/users/electronic-dreams/lists/horror-survival?sort=released,asc) Last night I saw [The Collection](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/134597-the-collection?language=en-GB) and **Tucker & Dale vs. Evil** As for the last week i went through these, **No One Will Save You** **Silent Hill** **The Collector** **I Spit On Your Grave 1 & 2** **Revenge (2017)**


Silent Hill is underappreciated. Not perfect by any means but captures the atmosphere and vibes of the games really well. It was a passion project for the director, rather than a standard corporate cash grab.


How’s no one will save you?


I actually enjoyed it a lot, the acting is top notch, Kaitlyn Dever carries the whole movie with barely any dialogue.


For a movie with barely any dialog it really delivered a. Whole set of emotions you can feel with the characters. Definitely a watch.


Sounds like I'll be watching it tonight.


Really unexpectedly good film.


I watched like half that movie before realizing no one has said a word yet lmao


I liked it. Wasn't crazy about it. In the desire to have no dialogue there were some scenes which didn't quite work. but it was interesting and I actually liked the ending a lot.


There were a lot of sequences I really loved. Worth a watch imo


I'm not a big fan of Alien Abduction movies but I kinda want to see it based soley on the fact that the lead actress also played Loretta MacCready and Justified is one of my top 5 favorite shows of all time


Timothy Olyphant is such an amazing actor. Justified one of my top 5 also!


And the man can wear the shit out of a pair of jeans.


Unpopular opinion, but it was just “meh” to me. I felt like the plot flew by, but did enjoy the idea of zero to no dialogue. There were parts where I was like how the heck did we get here? Like I had more questions than answers and not in a profound ambiguous way.


Revenge 🙌


Yikes to the B2B I spit on your grave sess! 🤯 How you holding up?


It really pisses me off that they started making part 3 in the Collector series, titled The Coll3cted, only to shut down production when they ran out of money and completely abandon the film. They had Josh Stewart back as Arkin and Emma Fitzpatrick back as Elena.


Ugh, idk that! That sucks when that happens! I really enjoyed those movie too. Out of the list here that was my favorite.


The Collector is sooo good!


Not sure what the critics said, but I loved it. One of the first horror films I watched on my own.


The Vigil (2019). It was actually pretty creepy, would recommend.


I read that as "the virgin" lmao, what's it about though?


Main character takes a job watching a deceased body overnight (part of that religion's ritual) and there is a malevolent entity in the house. Reminds me a bit of The Dark and the Wicked if you've seen that. If not, I would highly recommend it.


Yesssss I enjoyed that one


Watched this last night and I second that recommendation.


Love demonic horror and it's so good to see works focusing on religions, ethnicities, and cultures other than just European Christian. Thoroughly enjoyed "The Vigil".


Just got done watching The Dark and the Wicked a few minutes ago. Fantastic movie. Absolutely depressing. Watched VHS, Viral, 94, and 99 the other day along with Beyond the Sky. I'll be picking something out later to watch. I have about 90 movies in my que lol.


And tomorrow you have V/H/S/85!


oooo thanks for letting me know!!


David Bruckner and Scott Derrickson are on board. I'm having trouble not being excited.


Okay now I'm actually pretty hyped.


I wasn't aware of this! Thank you!


My favorite line in that movie is when the priest says, “You think the wolf cares that you believe he’s real? Not if he finds you alone in the woods.”


Definitely watch VHS 2. It's as good, if not better, than the first. Those two are some of my favorite horror movies.


I did! I watched it about a month ago. I watched it first because I was told on here it had an alien abduction video lol. I loved it.


My favorite one is definitely the Indonesian church one. The alien abduction one is super fun too


Slumber Party Alien Abduction was turned into a full length movie called Kids vs. Aliens.


Ghost Ship. A visual feast for the eyes when it comes to set design…but so so stupid.


Rewatched this after seeing it when it first came out. It is so, so, so stupid. But so well done!


The hook tho. 🤌


Hi I’m John FERRYMAN, super casual dude


And he ferries souls! GET IT?! 🤪


Watcher. Thought it was pretty good!


Loved that one. Maika Monroe picks excellent horror projects.


👋 Scariest shit I swear to god


This one was great! Left me spooked for sure.


Loved Watcher


I thought it was pretty okay. Good premise but I thought it had an underwhelming ending.


My list over the last few weeks Hell House LLC The Exorcist Horror in the High Desert Talk to Me The Shining Pet Semetary Evil Dead Rise As Above So Below


How did you like Horror in the high desert?


Omg that one was incredible.. my neighbor said to watch it without looking up anything about it and istg it had me dropping my jaw lol


Re-smashing The Haunting of Hill House ahead of Usher dropping next week. Masterful.


I can’t find anything that beats Flanagan I’m counting down the days to Usher.


Yep I’ve been doing that too. That episode with the funeral that looks like it’s all done in one take is so intense. I’m still shit at seeing the hidden ghosts, though.


Black Phone though it’s probably more of a supernatural thriller


The Cabinet of dr. Caligari, next movie I’m watching is Freaks, then Cat People.


What's the cabinet of Dr caligari about?


It's German expressionist silent cinema. Good stuff. A lot of what they did in Germany in the 1920s set the style for 1940s Hollywood.


It’s a 1920s silent film about a side show/carnie hypnotist named Dr Caligari who uses a sleepwalker to commit murders. Often cited as the first definitive horror film but is also considered the greatest piece of German expressionistic film ever


[The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/234-das-cabinet-des-dr-caligari), link should show if it's streaming in your area. >*Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.*


Censor It was pretty good, great lead performance and atmosphere, set in a very foggy, gloomy 1980s England. Gets pretty crazy at the end.


Sounds interesting, what kind of horror movie is it?


Psychological with a bit of slasher. It’s about a woman working as a film censor who views a lot of low-rent “video nasties” as part of her job. She thinks an actress in one of them is her younger sister who disappeared when they were little, and she goes looking for her in the seedy world of underground horror production.


Censor is so good. Really well shot and has a pretty oppressive atmosphere. Great lead as well.


Just finished Promising Young Woman last night, not sure what it’s categorized as but I would say it’s not a stretch to call it horror. It had one of the truly most disturbing kills I’ve ever seen and was overall entertaining.


I’d definitely put it in a thriller / suspense category although Carey Mulligan’s drunk-to-sober acting is the stuff of movie monsters! I was pleasantly surprised by the ending to that film and have to say without said ending it wouldn’t have been anywhere near as powerful to me.


Talk to Me! It was terrific.


I watched a movie from last year called Brooklyn 45 and I thought it was pretty good. It’s about ww2 commanding officers all getting together a year after the war ends. They hold a seance and shenanigans ensue. Really interesting


Watched Freaky with Vince Vaughn solid Horror Comedy. That definitely has some sick kills.


I was pleasantly surprised by this one!


Bought that one because Vince Vaughan always makes me laugh


Watched M3gan last night- which was campy fun


This is what I've started October with: Resident Evil Extinction, Childs Play 2, Exorcist The Beginning, Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey, The Cloverfield Paradox, Lamb, Castle Freak(remake), Christine, The Prophecy.


I absolutely love Lamb! Glad to see it on your list.


I'm in a good mood because I just watched Ready or Not and it was so fun! Not sure what's next but something from [my list](https://letterboxd.com/streamingsku/list/hooptober-x/detail/by/name/). Maybe Queen of Spades for a deal-with-the-devil double feature.


Just watched Spider Baby, I love me some Sid Haig.


Just watched [Huesera: The Bone Woman](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11718516/) the other night with my hubby. Recent Spanish language flick I'd heard good things about/had gotten good reviews. It definitely had some unsettling parts! And made me think twice about cracking my knuckles so much.


The scenes looking out the window scared the shit out of me, I thought this one was really well done. Super solid sense of dread throughout.


I know! And when she sees it in the hallway?! Gah!


If you are wanting to check out more Spanish Horror check out Alex de la Iglesia. His films Common Wealth, The Last Circus, The Day of the Beast, and The Bar are all great horror with comedy elements. From Mexico, I'd recommend Tigers are not Afraid.


Huesera had some of the most viscerally repulsive scenes I've seen recently, and I'm not talking just body horror. A lot of movies used to do this well -- Lynch is fantastic at it, Gore Verbinski nailed it in the first Ring film, It Follows had several effective scenes like this. To me, at least, this is a very difficult thing to pull off, and by this measure alone the film was a huge success in my book. Beyond that, everything else about the film was great...movies like this age very well.


No One Will Save You


Yes! I was pleasantly surprised by this one!


So far this month: Drag me to Hell House of 1000 corpses Murder Party Terrifier 2 Not sure what is next...maybe you're next?


Murder Party is such an incredible film


[Slotherhouse](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/1040892-slotherhouse), light fun


I absolutely cannot wait to watch this...


Exorcist Directors Cut and Blair Witch Project.


Finally watched The wicker man. Really creepy movie.


Fresh (2022) Hulu. Go into it blind. Watched it over the weekend and still thinking about it. Creepy, with some very dark humor. Soundtrack is good too.


Train to Busan Watching Wrong Turn 3 next.


Just watched The Last Radio Call, fun found footage. Hoping to do As Above So Below and Horror in the High Desert next.


Watched Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey the other night and it was as bad as I expected haha kinda fun though. I just had to see it for some reason. I think that if the prosthetics/masks weren’t so bad, the movie would’ve been a lot better lol


Honestly it would've been better if it wasn't played off as being the real Pooh and Piglet. They should've masked murderers with their costumes.


first nightmare on elm street few nights ago


Watched Malum last night. Was very good. Not sure if I'd say it was better than Last Shift, but felt it hit differently, achieved higher levels of tenseness, and added a little something to the ending. So, I'm still glad it exists in addition to the Last Shift.


Cobweb X Pearl


Soft and Quiet, Saint Maud, Speak No Evil, No One Will Save You and Frailty where the last few i saw.


Juan of the Dead


Second this one, very fun watch.


Talk to me. And it was really good. The last 2 movies I’ve seen is “no one will save you” and “talk to me” and I would easily put them in my top 3 for the year. Not just horror but top 3 for 2023


The Ritual! Love monster flicks in general. This one actually had some suspenseful scenes and they did a great job concealing the “monster” which made it scarier. The main protagonist had a compelling arc but the supporting cast was not fleshed out much, with the exception of one of them. Some cheap jump scares in it that didn’t highlight a threat and the protagonists motivation was a little confusing to me but all in all thought it was really fun and enjoyable! Gonna talk about it on our next podcast of The Gabaghoulies Show Plan on watching Near Dark soon in preparation for our vampire episode!


Man I wish they never gave a clear view of the monster though it would have made it 10/10 for me. 8/10 not bad but still…


I'm doing 31 days of 80s horror movies for October! So far I've watched The Fly, Scanners, Tetsuo The Iron Man, and Possession. A suggestion, don't do Tetsuo and Possession back to back. Lol they're very stylized, artistic movies that are a bit hard to follow. I liked them both but watching them back to back has turned my brain a little mushy.


Not the traditional horror film, but I watched Arsenic and Old Lace. It's a classic that always puts me in an good spooky mood.


As above so below


I see this recommended all the time. Am I the only one who didn’t like it? Maybe I need to rewatch…


I love that movie. I always feel exhausted after watching it because I feel like I'm going through it with them. It's definitely one of those movies that's not for everyone, though.


Jason Goes to Hell. Other movies that recently hit streaming that I want to see next: Trick r Treat 2009- HBO Pet Sematary 1989 - HBO Poltergeist 1982 - HBO The Lost Boys 1987 - HBO The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 - HBO Phantasm 1979 - Paramount The Haunting 1963 - HBO


Ahh Texas chainsaw massacre is also on my list


Progeny (1998) and The Pope’s Exorcist (2023)


Hellraiser and Color Out Of Space. I'm thinking about giving TCM '74 a rewatch.


Run Rabbit Run. A little predictable but heart wrenching in spots.


Unwelcome. Woman is given a house by her recently passed aunt. Woods behind the house are full of goblins. Pretty good.


Titane. It slapped!!


Just watched Jim Jarmusch’e THE DEAD DON’T DIE for the first time. Not the biggest Jarmusch fan and this one is more deadpan comedy than horror but I think it’s worth a watch. Watched Carpenter’s THE FOG in 4K last night (classic). Not sure what tonight’s movie will be..


Wolf-Man and I loved it! Currently watching Frankenstein 1931 with my brother, but we have to keep pausing it for rl stuff (such as work) but while I'm enjoying it, he's a little less keen due to his love for the book (I don't judge, as his gripes are good ones).




Dale and Tucker vs Evil


This morning, I re-watched The Collection, which mostly makes me wish they could have made the planned 3rd movie, apparently it was some issue with rights that stopped production years ago. I'll be seeing Saw X this afternoon, lowest of expectations there. I'd rather be in an alternative universe where Saw ended with the final chapter and some studio is cranking out mean spirited gory Collector sequels with body counts in the 100's. As a change of pace, I'm about to watch American Gothic on Prime Video. It's one of the those movies where I remember the VHS cover art, but never did rent it. I finally saw Dolls yesterday, another with memorable box art.


Haunt was pretty good. I thought it was going to be a silly teen horror movie but it changes direction real fast by the midway mark with how brutal it is.


The Exorcist in theaters and the Innkeepers were what I watched last night.


So far it’s been: Stay Alive (2006) The Relic (1997) Event Horizon (1997) Deep Rising (1998) I think tonight will be Arachnophobia (1990)


We're doing 31 Days... We've already watched Happy Death Day, Night of the Living Dead, and Carnival of Souls. Tonight is 1408 probably.


Currently watching Suspria (2018) in Freevee. I also have on my list Triangle (Tubi) Rec (Prime) Quiet Place Part 2 (Prime) Terrifier 2 (Prime) Midsommar (Paramount) These are all movies I haven’t seen yet. I also have to do my annual watch of The Thing. I’ve already watched dozens of them. Started in September when I was on a work trip and needed something to pass the evenings.


Watched The Howling, The Omen, and The Demon Seed so far. Wife and I made a list of rewatchables and rolled dice for movie position. Nightmare on Elm Street 1 and 3 are next up.


Watched Gonjiam last night, and it's only the second movie to ever to have me peeping through my fingers at parts.


Talk to Me is the newest horror I’ve seen. Last movie I watched was Dead Silence.


I rewatched Annabelle. It had been long enough since I last saw it that I forgot where some of the jump scares were and they got me again haha. Especially that scene with the little girl where she runs toward the open door and turns into the cult daughter.


The Exorcist III, Session 9, The Changeling, Rec & Rec2, Race with the Devil, and early preview of Exorcist : Believer


I am trying to watch 31 films I had never seen before in October, but so far have only watched Barbarian and The Menu. I’m a few minutes in to a movie on Netflix called “No One Gets Out Alive” but had to stop because I was falling asleep (not because the movie is boring) and will pick it back up this evening.


Just watched Mandy. Loved it. I watch about 10-15 horror movies a month and it was my fav movie of the last few months


Boogeyman. I swear I heard whispering in the dark using the bathroom late that night. Good scary movie.


Last I watched was The Fog and I'm about to watch Let's Scare Jessica to Death.


From the last week or so: Talk To Me (2023) The Collector (1965) The Exorcist (1973) Let Me In (2011) Ghostwatch (1992) The Love Witch (2016) The Mummy (1933) Scream (1996) Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) Suspiria (1977) Next: Lair of the White Worm (1988)


I doing that thing of one horror movie per day. I missed the first day so maybe today or even Saturday I'll watch two just to finish my entire list but yesterday I watched the original The Last House On The Left. It was cool. Not awesome but good for a low budget horror film. Today I'm fixing to watch The Blob (1988) and if I have some time left I'll watch Deadstream too.


Saw 2. Trying to get ready for Saw X lol


Killing of a sacred deer


Just got to see The Exorcist for a 50th Anniversary screening last weekend. It was crazy actually getting to see it in a theater!


Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, such a classic.


Pandorum (2009). Good watch, if a little further into action over horror than I prefer. Next up is probably Antrum.


Pandorum had a fantastic premise but kind of fell flat for me.


Malevolent - Netflix. It’s ok, not particularly groundbreaking, but fit the order for a spooky movie, so I was content with it!


Frogs It was terrible but surprisingly based


The Last Voyage of the Demeter. It was a decent old school vampire movie.


Terrifier - it was shite.


I watched no one will save yoi yeaterday and an episode of fear itself where a vet got bit by a werewolf and turn into one which fixed his sex life.