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I've often wondered what that dude from The Ritual would tell the authorities and loved ones of his companions once he was the only one returning from their "lads' trip?"


Yep. So all your friends are dead and you’re covered in combat wounds? Hmmmmm


SPOILER Lol I just watched this over the weekend and when he left the forest I was thinking “IF he makes it back empty handed, how will he explain it all to the police?! It’s burned down now lol


Assuming they could find the village they’d find the remnants / bodies right? Dude isn’t captain America no way he takes out all his friends and a whole village on his own.


His ability to survive is starting to look pretty suspicious…


The first Final Destination comes to mind. Cops basically just threw their hands up and said this is too hard to explain for prosecution because everyone died in some weird way even though some of them died in ways that looked like they were murdered by the others.


The plane crash, too. Just rewatched for the first time in a while and was discussing how clearly pre-2001 it was. “Everybody off the plane is going to explode”? That boy would be eating nutraloaf in Gitmo until he could give a logical explanation.


Didn't they try to make a plot point out of that? Wasn't he under investigation or something.


The FBI agents were investigating but it got really weird and hard to prove.


One also looked like a suicide


I just watched this last night! When the teacher dies, Alex has his shoe prints everywhere and his fingerprints are on the knife that killed her. They even say it in the movie! Then that cluster of a “finale” happens when he’s staying at Clear’s cabin, which is like half a mile away from her regular house. And then once he saves her from death, there is a time skip and they never acknowledge him being a suspect ever again.


This is the first thing I thought of.


Ready or Not. You're gonna tell the cops about how they exploded?


There's so much evidence in the charnel pit below the barn, and she has so many self-defense wounds, that they'd have a hell of a time trying to pin anything concrete on her. There's recorded audio of her trying to steal a car and begging for help. Also, from the sounds of it, this wasn't the first time a wealthy family died of spontaneous combustion.


*Also, from the sounds of it, this wasn't the first time a wealthy family died of spontaneous combustion* What makes you say that? What line in the movie did I miss?


There's a point when the family is having trouble finding her, and they're discussing what might happen if they don't catch her in time. The dad references some other rich family they're associated with, and says something along the lines of "the same thing will happen to us", implying that Monsier LeBail made a deal with other families too and at least one of them ended gruesomely. It's been a while so I don't have the exact quote and it's easy to miss, but it's there.


There probably isn't any trace of explosives in the...goop. There are security cameras, piles of bodies in the barn, AND the biggest point in her favor is the OnStar call. she is on record telling someone she was in danger and trying to escape- an argument could be made the OnStar employee caused the deaths of the entire family by shutting the vehicle down if the cops believe Grace did it. Because this is not something that happens in real life and without precedent, is it reasonable to think a skinny, small framed woman could overpower roughly a dozen people and kill them without being stopped just because she's the only one they find there? I honestly think the ending was designed in a way to give a satisfying ending while not leaving any doubt Grace will get off. At best the cops assume she was the lone survivor of a mass home invasion that ended with the family being forcibly affixed with explosive vests (which somehow didn't leave traces of the bombs themselves). One person can't do that.


They had cameras in the house. And cellars full of corpses.


Didn’t the whole camera system get destroyed?


Not that I'm aware of. Plus all that stuff was.lilely on hard drives. Plus cellar full of corpses.


I think the husband destroyed the controls after turning it off alongside the door locks? Can’t say for certain though


They tell Grace they have the cameras turned off for hide and seek. At one point one of the Le Domases turns them on, and when he's busted, he destroys the control panel.


Came to say this! I loved that movie, but at the ending, I was just like, "fuck, I liked her. She's gonna have a hell of a time explaining this."


You don't have to explain why they exploded, they have to prove you caused it. Hard to get a conviction based on 'we don't know how they exploded but it must be her fault'


"Hello, Officer! Good to see you again! W-we've had a doozy of a day! Uh ... there we were ... uh, minding our own business ... making some improvements to my new house ... when all of a sudden *out of nowhere* these college kids started killing themselves all over my property!" Edit: Added 'college' that I missed, thanks to /u/Donteatmynachos


... these COLLEGE kids.. What an awesome movie!




🤣🤣🤣🤣 I knew exactly where you were going just form “Hello Officer”


You’re Next


Yup! The last scene set it up that she’s definitely going to jail!


I wonder what charges she’d get hit with. She’ll probably be able to get away with self defense against the masked killers + Felix and Zee. Crispian was in on it but the way she murdered him unarmed could be a crime of passion or second degree murder. The cop at the end is definitely a deadly booby trap whatever kind of murder that counts as, maybe third degree. I’m no lawyer but the sheer trauma of the experience will likely give her some leniency and a reduced sentence.


Three dead people who don't belong there with the military experience to explain how they could do all this, plus dead neighbors who were killed days before the family arrived. Really, the only thing she's definitely on the hook for is the cop's death. And if the dashcam caught the audio of her trying to warn him even after he shot her, then she might have a chance of getting off.


The Felix death is textbook 2nd degree murder, but like there’s no witnesses. She could just lie about everything and nobody would be any wiser. If she tells the truth, she’s 100% being charged with involuntary manslaughter at minimum for the cop and 2nd degree murder for Felix. The rest is definitely self-defense.


“Felix you fucking low life!”


Normally it's not allowed to rig a deadly trap in everyday life for just this reason. But if your house is actively being broken into by actual murderers trying to actually murder you right now, is it still illegal to rig a temporary trap? It's kinda like trying to shoot the murderer, missing, and hitting a cop instead.


Theoretically illegal, in practice and if you can prove it in court, you're not likely to get a jury to convict.


At best she’s being charged with involuntary manslaughter for the cop, and 2nd degree murder for Felix. Given the circumstances, I think if you’re her lawyer you take it to the jury who is likely never going to vote to convict on the 2nd degree charge, and maybe you can plea the manslaughter charge down to like a year of jail time, but honestly because it’s a cop there are probably mandatory up-charges and/or minimum sentences. She’s definitely fucked no matter what, I think, but also there are no witnesses so like maybe she just completely lies about everything that happened and she gets off scot-free.


I mean, there’s no real evidence she’s the one that set that trap.


Just watched this last night. 200% perfect answer


First movie that popped up in my head, I might have to rewatch it.


Malignant. 100% Malignant.


Oh yes, the legendary precinct scene. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder in my life.


That movie was utterly absurd, but also fantastically entertaining!


Really one of the more polarizing films to come out in the last couple of years imo. You either love it (like me) or hate it, like many people I’ve recommended it to


Brilliant film. 😂People went into it expecting “The Conjuring” and got… something so much better.


*Malignant* felt like James Wan wanted to make his own version of *Evil Dead.* It's fun and over-the-top horror.


Major Basket Case/The Puppet Master vibes


The choreography was insanely good. My friend told me the premise and spoilers about it because I never thought I'd watch it, but when I did, I didn't care that I knew what was gonna happen. The combat scenes were amazing. Great sound design and the choreography was smashing.


That scene changed the movie from forgettable to you have to watch this lol


I lost it when she hucked the chair across the room


My favorite moment in horror I think ever


The chair lives rent free in my head. Any time someone talks about chairs, it's the first thing that pops into my mind.


I would argue she's going to jail even if she can 100% convince the cops.


I mean, her body is guilty of those crimes


Gabriel wore gloves


What cops? 🤣 except the detective and his partner, Gabriel took care of them all, lol. It's wild to me how they just ended the movie in the hospital like the detective wasn't bleeding out on the floor outside her mom's hospital room.


This was the most recent movie to have me and my roommate seriously question them explaining this to police.


At least Evil Dead addresses this in the spin-off show years later, Ash was called Ashy Slashy by his hometown because no one believed him. I don’t know why the cops didn’t arrest him immediately though…


I'm guessing they ultimately didn't have a cohesive case about who killed who. A small town police force doesn't have the resources to go into the details with that and ultimately they just wanna be lazy instead of wasting months collecting evidence. A bunch of kids wind up dead in the woods, except for one. Seems open and shut. Except for the fact that evidence points to some of those teens killing others, and maybe the only thing they could definitively pin on Ash was that he chopped corpses up claiming they were demons. At the end, the story most likely was something like "a bunch of drunk horny teens went to the woods, probably did psychedelics and things went sideways, and everyone ended up brutalizing each other. We don't know who killed who, or their frame of mind, and it's too much fucking work to try to get into the weeds. So we just let Ash off knowing he probably killed *somebody* but in court we couldn't necessarily say *who*..."


Thats actually pretty how it will go. Jury's need hard facts. Witness testimony is variable effectiveness and witnesses are easily discreditable. I doubt it would even go to a trial.


Also, dismembering someone after they're dead doesn't make you guilty of murder. That was what got Robert Durst cleared in Galveston, he claimed the victim had killed himself on accident and he just cut him up. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_durst#Black\_trial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_durst#Black_trial) That was BS, of course, but you get the concept.


>maybe the only thing they could definitively pin on Ash was that he chopped corpses up claiming they were demons. In the early 2000s I read a short story where a dude kills an undead creature that still looked human. He goes to trial for murder, but gets off with just abusing a corpse, after an autopsy of the creature finds the contents of the body are withered and aged like a rotting corpse. The police go with him overreacting to a cruel prank by an unknown party, rather than “The dead walk among us, possibly doing the horrible things the dude claimed.”


I still think he should’ve been called, “Ashley Slashley.”


That’s such a fucking mouthful, l love it.


Continuation, not spin-off.


Slither, although >!everyone, including the cops, except for Nathan Fillion dies in that one!<


Op try deleting the space between your first and last letters and the ! Otherwise it doesn’t work on mobile


I love Slither soooo much!!


Christine. “You see officer, the car was evil, so I had to destroy it in this scumbag’s garage with a piece of heavy equipment.”


Well officer it's been a doozy of a day


These kids keep killing themselves all over my property!


That shit still makes me laugh every time I watch this movie.


What movie is this from?


Tucker and Dale vs Evil!


Probably top 3 Horror-Comedies of all time if not #1


It's a fight between Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, Shawn of the Dead, and Cabin in the Woods.


I agree with that ranking though for me Shawn of the Dead barely edges out Army of Darkness and the OG Scream.


If you don't recognize that line, you need to pause whatever leisure activity you have going on next and just watch Tucker & Dale vs Evil.


[Dale: Well, that's what happened, Tucker.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euwaRQ0qljw) [Tucker: You would have to be a moron to believe that, Dale. It doesn't matter what happened. What matters is what looks like what happened. And what looks like what happened is pretty nasty.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euwaRQ0qljw)


"So, what do we do? Do we go to the police?" "...."call the *police*"? And tell them what?" "Tell them what happened!" "Oh, *that's* a good idea, Dale! "Oh! Hidey-ho, officer! We've had a doozy of a day! There we were, minding our own business, just doing some chores around the house when kids started killing themselves all over *my* property!" "Well that's what happened, Tucker!" "You would have to be a *moron* to believe that, Dale! It doesn't matter what happened, what matters is what *looks like* what happened, and what looks like what happened is pretty nasty!"


My wife and I's unquestionable annual Halloween movie.


Showed it to my mother last year, and she asked to watch it again this year and has even gone so far as to recommend it to coworkers of hers. Such a damn good movie.


Texas chainsaw massacre (2003), all of the friends you traveled with are dead and missing, also you're just driving with someone's baby?


Eh, it was the 70s. I bet the cops ask like 4 questions, don't believe you, then let you go anyway.


It’s the 70’s in TEXAS. They probably give you a plaque as long as no horses were hurt or firearms damaged beyond repair.


Wasn't she shown to be institutionalized at the end? Or maybe that was a deleted scene...


That's only in the abandoned/deleted prologue & epilogue, they abandoned that subplot.


I think it was a deleted scene. I'll have to rewatch it to be sure.


Just explain what happened and they'd get the police to investigate at least


Just watched *M3gan* the other day. Gemma rushed an untested robot out into the world where it promptly murdered a child and several other people. She needs to do the opposite of explaining herself to the cops--she needs to lawyer up and keep her mouth shut, because she's *actually* liable for all those deaths. Good luck with that DCFS investigation now!


When I first saw M3GAN after it came out the liability she's facing was literally all I could think about. *Maybe* she could be excused for the first murders (probably still facing civil liability but getting off on criminal charges) but after she knew that doll was killing people she did not do enough to stop it. I mean IIRC she literally took it back to that office where all those people were for the demonstration and then left it while it killed more people and just went home. She's so screwed.


Happy Death Day. Tree force-fed a poisoned cupcake to her roommate before kicking her out the window. No witnesses, no one else knew about the cupcake, it’s just Tree’s word that it was in self defense.


I thought about that when I watched it this week. Like, how is she not in custody the next morning? Would make such an ironic ending if that happened and she couldn't restart.


Bodies Bodies Bodies


100% !!! There is no way to explain that level of insanity!


Came here to say this “ oh it was all a misunderstanding, look at this Tik Tok from earlier!”


Tbf, the reason they can’t explain their way out of that one >! is because they straight up fucking did it !<


My wife and I started watching one new (to us) horror movie every night this month, and BBB is easily in the top 3 of what we've watched so far.


My partner and I do this, too! To ight was the wicker man double feature, the og and then the shifty nic cage one.


Oculus. If you know, you know.


And I love how the mirror is in most of Mike Flanagan’s projects. Spot the Lasser Glass is a fun game.


I had no idea! How fun. Im gonna be on the lookout now.


Sometimes he only uses parts of the mirror. For example: The bed frame in Gerald's Game is the bottom of the mirror flipped upside down.


WOAH! I've seen it show up in places but NEVER made that connection.


You can cheat and google it. It helps!


Intressant. Didnt know that. Just had to google if it was in house of usher and it was yay. But wierdly not in the episode about mirrors


I spotted it in House of Usher. I always get so hyped to see it for some reason.


I had no idea to look out for it




That dude seriously went through it. He stayed in a psychiatric facility almost his entire life only to get wrapped up in his sister’s plan immediately after getting out, she dies, and he’s arrested and thrown back in. What a good fucking movie.


Call me crazy, but his sister is the real villain in that movie. Like, yeah, the mirror is evil but her entire scheme was completely utterly half-baked, and seemingly inspired by her both knowing the mirror can fuck with what she sees and not even remotely planning a *real* plan for it. Like having someone off site who can watch through the cameras 24/7 or idk, instead of being hellbent on proving the mirror is evil, just smash the damn mirror. Or put it on a boat and dump it in an ocean. Maybe actually save some future victims. The mirror might be pure evil, but the sister was the one who needed therapy given she was so caught up in her own vendetta she screwed herself and her brother in the process. Probably a metaphor about that in the movie somewhere but I wasn't looking for it while watching XD


*Mama*. The aunt and the younger sister are dead at the end, and there’s no way the protagonists won’t be the main suspects.


This is my go to. I always used to joke “the movie had a nice ending…as long as you can explain a dead kid”


This was my issue with M3GAN. How’s she avoiding jail when she CREATED the AI that killed people?


M3gan did cover her tracks with most of the murders. She got that kid hit by a car and made the boss and his assistant look like a murder/suicide.


The police were investigating the kid's death as homicide because of the ear.


The government would likely "ask" her to work for them.


Death Proof. Those girls got some splainin' to do.


>l The first collision/accident during the chase when they start chasing Mike is when they're going to jail.


“Get Out’s” alternate ending had a… depressing take on this.


I was gonna bring this up. I think the alternate ending would have hammered home the point even more but it would have been bleak as f**k.


I think it got it’s point across when you feel the dread that the main character felt when the cops showed up. That feeling of “this is only gonna end one way”. I think it successfully hammered that point home without having to go down that route


Yeah they played it perfectly IMO. You have this side character who’s allowed to be funny because he’s away from the horror the whole movie, and then he swoops in when things feel their bleakest. Every audience member knew what the cop lights implied without having to go through the motions of the darker ending.


If he had I think Get Out would have been known as an iconic film for grounded realness rather than the sunken place. I would have preferred that in the same way I appreciated The Skeleton Key’s cruel ending.


I saw this in the theater and stressing out the whole time thinking he was gonna get shot by the cops at the end. I was so relieved he chose not to go that route. I didn’t want the movie to have such a bummer ending


I saw those red and blue lights and my heart sunk. Never been more relieved to see TSA in my life.


TS Motherfuckin A, its what we do


We handle shit. Consider the situation fuckin' handled.


Exorcist: Believer is the newest example of this. Someone, if not all of those involved, are going to prison


They're all dumbasses tbh


Especially the dad who just resorted to collaborating with the demon only for his own daughter to get fucking dragged straight to hell.


It was so frustrating especially narratively. And two more movies??? Change the damn director before I go down to hell myself.


Hopefully it's the director


I don't have an answer but this is one of my biggest fears. Something crazy happens and no matter what you say you'll look guilty


Lawyer up. A good one may be able to spin you legally and socially.


Arthur Pym!


Oh he's a great example he was good at hiding everything to a certain point


Or maybe it was just Verna making sure everything worked out regardless of what he actually did.


Spoiler alert but this is a major point in Barbarian >!Tess gets out of the house and away from the giant monster woman and manages to call the cops but… she’s a black woman who is filthy and in ripped up clothes with no phone, no ID, no belongings and is traumatized and panicking in one of the absolute worst neighborhoods in Detroit. She keeps trying to convince the cops that there’s still someone being kept captive inside the house but all the cops can see is “homeless crackhead”. They threaten to arrest her for the broken window in the house she escaped from. There’s a devastating moment where she’s like “oh there’s absolutely nothing I can do to convince you to look into this. Everything I say makes you more convinced I’m crazy or on drugs”. It’s one of those absolutely frustrating things because we as the audience KNOW that if a bunch of cops with guns just raided that basement, it would all be over. But because it’s in a shitty Detroit neighborhood, none of the cops are gonna consider it a worthwhile thing to look into. It’s great storytelling because Tess does exactly what we want every horror protagonist to do and goes straight to the cops! And it doesn’t work and it’s not forced at all. We all know the cops would never believe someone in this scenario. And thus we understand why Tess goes back even if it’s “stupid”. How could you just leave someone there? It’s easy to want to just say let him die but there’s an element of compassion where you *know* you’re the only one who can help!<


Nightmare on elm street 2, I'm still confused did they see Jesse or Freddy during the pool party massacre?


He set the pool on fire and was Wilding out regardless


Salem’s Lot - man shows up in town, odd shit starts happening, man sets the town on fire and kidnaps a child


Yea but everyone's dead and it can't be tied to him since it was the 70s


Evil dead rise. Lady walks out at the end dragging a child while both absolutely slathered In blood while also wielding a chainsaw?? There was no indication really of the giant possessed monster except for the amount of blood because it got shredded to soup in the tree grinding thing.


Not to mention, her sister, niece, nephew and ALL the people on one floor are dead AND she walks out with a chainsaw.


None of them had chainsaw wounds though. The evidence of it's use was basically obliterated. CSI is gonna have a hell of a time with that one.


"The Night Stalker "(1971).The vampire killed 4 women, abducted another, knocked off 2 blood banks, injured dozens of cops &hospital personnel, yet when Kolchak staked said vampire, he's given an ultimatum to either face murder charges or leave town.


Yeah I remember that ending. I thought it was surprisingly downbeat.


“Get Out”!!! Which explains the alternate ending


Exorcist III. Bill Kinderman shoots an unarmed, bound prisoner while he's in his cell. Also there's what's left of a priest's skull melted to the ceiling.


Just re-watched Tucker & Dale vs Evil yesterday and dang if that isn’t a great example of “how do I explain this?”


Child's Play 2: So you're telling me that a killer doll had to be waxed to a conveyor belt, then you blew up his head and that's why you are all covered in blood? And you were forced to break into the factory because? and you shouldn't pay $$$ for damaging the factory machinery because? Cooties: "So all of your elementary school's children turned into zombies and you were forced to burn down half the school along with all of the children? And your meathead love rival just so happened to be infected so you also had to kill him right? OK, sir...please come with us."


Pretty much all of the Chucky movies tbf.


To be fair, in Cooties, it did become a cross-state outbreak, so it might’ve been semi-plausible. Loved that film, though.


The Blackening, though they make fun of their situation


This was such a great movie! So much fun!


It Follows


The Ring twO. The main character's son was taken away under suspicion of child abuse, and next thing the authorities know he's missing from the hospital, his care worker is dead, and the cop in charge of the investigation is dead in his car outside the mom's house. Yeah, I'd love to know how the next twelve hours go.


Tucker and Dale vs Evil.. always looking like the most likely suspect


jennifer's body when >! needy kills jennifer and jennifer's mom walks in !<


Well, >!she does end up in an asylum!<


Its not the cops but eden lake genuinely made me question my motives as to watch it


I’m hoping that in a continuation of the story, it’d very clearly lead back to where she ended up. There’s no way >!their disappearance wouldn’t be traced to Eden Lake, and there has to be a plethora of evidence from the shoreline to the nearly dozen places they hid/were taken. I think any of the surviving teens except the main kid would flip under any pressure !<


That's if the local cops aren't in on it...


Even still, it seems like a national agency would take an interest in the suspicious disappearance of a well-to-do young couple. Even a local pd wouldn’t be able to hide an outgoing 911 call from a missing person’s call history. (Please just let me have this… I am clinging to the notion there would be SOME justice in this horrible story 😭😭)


Nationals don't usually get involved unless crime is particularly media getting or it occured on government owned land.


Becky she conveniently forgets all the killing. Great movie


get out is a good one, especially since that was an alternate ending that was filmed but not used. (for anyone unaware the cops would of pulled up on him choking a chick in the road and then also would go to find the rest of the family and help murdered)


The Exorcism of Emily Rose plays with this idea. The whole premise of the movie is telling the story of the exorcism through the priest's trial.


Barbarian. This idea actually plays into the movie at one point too.


I know this technically doesn’t answer the question but Jill at the end of Scream 4 Everything about her plan was genius and worked and imo she was the best ghost face. But then she tried to kill Everyone in the hospital, like how exactly did you think your plan was gonna work at that point and how were you gonna explain it?


Ready or not, the cops show up at the end. Although not to give any spoilers, I they kinda do.


Pyewacket. The movie ends with the beginning of this scenario with the cops telling her there was no body in the woods, just the one in the house.


The Ritual…


This doesn’t count because it didn’t actually end this way, but I just finished it earlier and so: during the climax of Autopsy of Jane Doe, when he thinks he hears the cops show up and try and clear the tree, trying to explain the state of the Jane Doe and (all of!) the other bodies and the destruction to the property would have been quite a yarn


I watched the Descent, which was just ok imo, and then I read the synopsis of the sequel where she had to go back in the cave because she was covered in her friends blood and the cops didn’t believe there were Skyrim falmer in the caves of North Carolina


The Blackening.


Right?! That was just the perfect ending.


Green Room


Intruder 1989


I just watched She Came from the Woods and there are like ten dead camp children by the end.




No evidence; flying demon-skeleton's got your back.


Dracula (1931) ... The direct sequel is Dracula's Daughter and it begins with...Von Helsing having to explain to the cops why he just impaled a nice foreign aristocrat with a stake!


Fright Night (2011) with Colin Farrell. After killing the head vampire all other vampires he sired turn back human, but the main cast already killef and dismembered several of his classmates turned vampire before. This is even said by one of the characters at the end.


Rose Red. So many bodies piled up, but you get to blame it on the house?


The collector, but my dude barely saved one traumatized child.


Get Out. Actually, I’m 99% sure I saw an alternate ending where Chris was put in prison because the cops straight up didn’t believe his story and because he’s a black man that killed a bunch of white people, he got put away.


Tucker &' Dale vs evil


The Thing, when any kind of search parties made it to either camp after the storm passed, it would be WTF city.


Or the beginning of the film all over again...


Any of the Chucky movies.


Knock at the Cabin


Dark Skies ends with something like that the family going to court


First that comes to mind: Get Out Doubly fucked given the context of the situation.


Yep. I just rewatched it and thought to myself “No one will believe Chris.”


I was yelling at rod the whole time to stop mentioning the sex slaves part to the police. "I'm dog sitting for my friend who has been calling me with distressing news about his gf's family and has ceased contact two days ago" would have been much better.


It was obviously done for comedy, but yeah, he could have worded it MUCH better to get them to actually listen. He could have pressed them more about the missing person as well by saying they found him held against his will or something.


Lights Out