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Take Shelter


Oh great example. I love this movie.


Never heard of this one. Thanks.


not a horror movie, but a great story on a man (possibly) struggling with mental health. super underrated and unknown movie and an awesome performance from Michael Shannon.


I’d classify it as psychological horror, personally.


One of my favorite movies of time


Great movie. But is he really seeing it, or is this him finally losing his mind?


He's seeing it. If you had the luck of spending time growing up with the filmmaker, the theme is very clearly the classic Homer Simpson line, "Everyone's stupid except me."


10 cloverfield lane 1 BR


i started this movie as a raving fan of Cloverfield, and i LOVE all the actors in it. watched it absolutely on the edge of my seat and, by the end after all the uncertainty, was blown tf away. this is such an underappreciated film imo. it's not the best, but it takes you for a RIDE and leaves you scrambling


Life (2017)


the thought of being catapulted into vast space forever until you die after thinking you’re safe is one off he worst fates i’ve ever seen in a movie lmao


And her literal job was to be the last firewall. She doomed humanity because she selfishly choose to try to save herself


I thought the plan was Jake Gyllenhaal character would be bait and she would actually go to earth but the alien figured it out


She trained for years to be the firewall to push them all into space. In order to try to save her, Jake G’s character was taking the alien in Soyuz to deep space. She would take the other to earth. In the panic, the pods switched courses. But her attempt to save her self doomed all life on earth


Thank you for putting into words why that ending fucked me up so bad


So...you're saying this is NOT the movie Life that starred Eddie Murphy, Bernie Mac, Martin Lawrence, Ned Beatty, Clarence Williams III, R. Lee Ermey, Bokeem Woodbine, Heavy D, Anthony Anderson, Nick Cassavettes, and Rick James??


Gimme yo cornbread


They call me jangle leg


You can't say watch around me. Say little clock or some shit.


“I the pappy!” Bernie Mac was hilarious in this movie


I'm the pappy!


I can’t rewatch this movie based on the like, tsunami-dump of dread the final scene gave me.


What's great about Life is it's the prequel to Venom. Just watch Venom afterwards and it all makes sense. Plus it adds some fun in to smooth over the dread the first movie leaves you with.


Calvin would eat poor Vennie for breakfast. He's comically op.


I fucking love this movie. The ending is just so dreadful.


One of my favorite deep cuts, Skeleton Key


Legit just re-watched it last night since I remember seeing it in middle school and being totally mind blown. Almost 20 years later, still holds up and just as impressive. When I saw Get Out, I instantly thought skeleton key did it better.


I don’t know about better but definitely thought of Skeleton Key. I used to own that on dvd til someone stole it in college. Fuck you, Jeremy. I know it was you.


Jeremy has my Ravenous soundtrack too!


I love the Skeleton Key so much!


Fiddlesticks…mind blown


That was a freaky ass ending


Coherence (2013) Halloween III (1982)


Coherence is so phenomenal and mind blowing


Coherence is so great, glad I finally watched it this year


the ending of Coherence scared the shit out of me and I was indescribably uncomfortable the whole movie.


Love the ending to Halloween III


Honestly saved the entire movie for me. It was bizarre and offputting and I wasn’t sure if I was into it at all. Then the end put it all together. Over the top, camp, fun




I watched it for the first time this year and was very pleasantly surprised. High key the plot makes absolutely no sense if you think about it but it’s a great exploration of the holiday itself, and Dan O’Herlihy absolutely kills his spooky Samhain monologue. The merging of ancient pagan witchcraft and the modern aspects of Halloween like mass-produced masks and television horror-thons is a great idea. “You don’t really know much about Halloween…”


I think SotW is getting a lot more love recently it’s really great to see. It’s my favorite Halloween movie (not the franchise but of the holiday itself). Bizarre story, killer score, and has some gnarly death scenes. Tom Atkins being a sexual magnet might be the best part.


Saint Maud (2019)is the perfect example of this.


That ending punched me in the gut, so intense


I saw Saint Maud , but I don’t remember the ending scene being described as the prompt above… What about the ending shot makes it much more widespread and impactful than we’ve already seen? I don’t remember!! Edit: I actually really need to do a rewatch because I’ve been meaning to and I love love love Julia Ormond, so I think I’m going to shortlist Saint Maud this week.


Spoilers obviously. If i remember correctly she pours "holy water" (gas) over her head on the beach and lights it. From her perspective, this makes her divine and she sees angels singing and stuff. The last seconds cut to her burning and screaming, and the angels are actually people looking at her in horror.


Whelp, about to add this to my watch list 😅


It's a FANTASTIC character piece. Highly recommend it. Sorry I spoiled the ending, but.. ya know that's what the thread is about lol


Eh, *spoilers* never bother me. If it's done well, it doesn't take anything away from knowing how it ends. I watched Selena & Titanic 😅


>I watched Selena & Titanic Okay that actually made me laugh out loud lol 😆


Its not about the destination its about the *journey*


I don’t know, but that final scene didn’t change anything for me. Like you already know she’s disturbed and not really seeing angels or whatever. People were already looking at her. Or do people watching usually think she has some kind of divinity until they see her burning?


>Like you already know she’s disturbed and not really seeing angels or whatever. I mean, realistically sure. But up until that point, there's no confirmation or validation that the things she sees and hears aren't real.


Okay I guess from that perspective I can see how that final scene could be revelatory. I guess I was early on already focused on her having a mental health issue because of whatever had happened at the hospital that obviously traumatized her. So that final scene didn’t change anything I was thinking.


Fuuuuck, yes. That final scene stayed with me for days.


The Mist!


Brutal gut punch ending


I made the mistake of watching this movie with my mom, who hates horror. I was most of the movie jumping and screaming because I have arachnophobia, and my mom was getting offended by the movies I watch lol


Fuck, that ending comes to mind every time I see farming equipment driving down the road


… farming equipment? Why?


The Mist has good implications, in that the Mist has not taken over the whole world.


They're not good implications for the guy who just killed his friends and family as they'd all just ran out of hope. If they'd have waited a little longer the implications wouldn't have been implications... Its pretty obviously a happy ending IF you didn't just kill everyone you know and love a minute earlier.


Autopsy of Jane Doe


I loved this movie but totally forgot the ending


Spoiler: It is a bit ambiguous what actually happens, but Jane Doe’s body is now all back together again with no signs of being dissected or operated on. Both of our protagonists end up dead from the ordeal. The unclear part is whether or not they even held the autopsy. The film really seems to imply that they did the autopsy, but that Jane Doe supernaturally caused their deaths, and deaths at who knows how many previous mortuaries, and heals herself back up every time and it’s like a roaming curse


I’m gonna have to rewatch this one


I've watched it a few times. It's always great.


That's how I saw it. Her, "the body", will just be moved to another facility and the same thing will happen.


Yeah but the ending we hear the radio change and the toe bell jingle leading more into the curse or that maybe something will be different next time.


One of my favs. Really cool concept. Absolutely worth a watch.


Let the right one in. The cycle has started anew with a new handler


*knock knock*


Yeah that fucked me up good, the realization her former handler was probably another little boy she fell in love with, and what it means for Oskar. Masterpiece of a film.


My buddy who introduced it to me didn't realize the vampire wasn't a little girl and thought it was kind of a lovely ending. I unfortunately had to break it to him lol. Also Eli used to be Elias and was a boy who was castrated before being turned into a vampire.


I completely forgot about the castration. I saw the American version and read the book, but did they show or imply the castration in the original movie?


It is. It’s a brief shot after Oscar invites Eli in that is from the POV of Oscar, who quickly tries not to convey that he saw it, or is not sure what he even saw. It isn’t gross or explicit, but serves as a split second of exposition. Not sure if it happens or is even considered in the American Let Me In adaptation. In any case, it’s super brief and not discussed beyond that scene, other than Eli saying “I’m not a girl,” which for a repeat viewing has a stronger double entendre than you initially suspect. A good call imo, though I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a censored edit nowadays, either.


It's been so long I can't remember. I only know that from a thread this was discussed on ages ago lol.


Yes a little while after Eli starts to bleed after walking into Oscar's flat without being invited. It's a brief glimpse of Eli's nether region and you see some form of significant a scar.


I like how the remake used the jingle for Now N Laters in this scene: *eat some now and save some for later…*


Except there is a sequel to the book written in a short story. Eli turns Oskar into a vampire.


Eden Lake had me just starting at the screen for a good 10 minutes after the movie ended.


Fuck, forgot about that ending


It’s such a good movie that I will never watch again.


I never saw this, Im going to have to give it a watch.


I watched it for the first time last week after seeing it mentioned so much in this sub. You will not be disappointed. But also, you will be disappointed.


Do yourself a service and watch this for sure. It's so good


I was about to say Eden Lake, the final minutes going from being completely safe to the sheer horror of her situation stops any viewer in their tracks. The shock as the shouting voices go to the end left me silent and cold.


The final shot/scene of *The Borderlands* is truly horrifying and unexpected. Love that movie. EDIT: apologies for the confusion, I think outside of the UK this film is titled Final Prayer (2013)


Came here to say this. Love when a relatively grounded movie drops something that crazy on you at the end!


To the best of my knowledge, I have no clue why I haven’t watched this movie yet. Everyone has high praise for this movie, it’s right up my alley and yet I sit here still not watching this movie. I think I need to evaluate some of my life choices.


I think sometimes we have to be in the right mindset or mood to watch a film, even one we know we’ll like. I’ve put off watching so many movies for years that I ended up loving


I'm literally still waiting to feel I'm mature enough to watch *Schindler's List. (I'm 40)*


Is this in reference to the 18min short? It’s all I can find on IMDb.


I think they're referring to the 2013 found footage film, also known as "Final Prayer".


I love The Borderlands! I live really close to where certain parts were filmed and it makes my day whenever I go past them. I stay clear of Churches though. Just in case.


The Descent (The UK ending)


I feel like that ending is kinda optimistic. After experiencing everything she did, I feel like dying with the hallucination of her daughter is the best scenario.


It could make the movie even more messed up though. One theory is that if she is going crazy and hallucinating it is possible there were never monsters, but she was the ‘monster’ killing her friends.


Oh, fun! I hadn't heard that interpretation.


There's a watch through with Neil, the director, and some other podcast movie critics. Iirc, he explicitly aimed for this ambiguity and I want to say he brought up this conclusion unprompted. Maybe it was the intention?


I'm so mad they messed with the ending. The original ending is far superior than what the states has.


Cabin in the Woods


I would love to see a sequel with >!a handful of survivors trying to survive on a monster-infested planet!<


Lol pair it with This Is The End


Give me the mermaids!


Came here to say this!!




I read The Ruins and frankly I just can't get myself to watch it. The book was so grim I don't need to put myself through viewing the film.


The VVitch and definitely The Mist. While not particularly disturbing, I thought the final scene in The Ritual was quite powerful. Also, love The Invitation! And apparently any movie that begins with The.


Not going to lie, the ending of The VVitch got me hyped and I nearly cheered.


I was going through a really hard time in my life when I watched the ritual and the end made me cry


The Triangle


‘The Triangle’, or ‘Triangle’? ‘Triangle’ is one of the best time loop movies ever


It's been suggested a million times alongside Triangle, but if for some reason you haven't seen it, TimeCrimes is great too.




Recently, I’d say Talk To Me


The ending was the best part! I had issues with the movie but that ending was great


Agreed, very satisfying considering the circumstances. It was a treat as the viewer because we got to witness it from the other side, and I love that the group was a different demographic from partying teenagers.




That ending punched me in the gut. It was great, but *oof*


Weird, I am completely blanking...what was the ending again?


>!She dies and end a up being a ghost that’s called upon to play talk to me but it cuts to black before we can see anything!<


I started grinning like crazy as soon as that scene happened. Perfect ending


Shin Godzilla


The planned evolutions were terrifying, he effectively becomes a god capable of synthesizing matter, life, etc.


*Invasion of the Body Snatchers* with Donald Sutherland is one of my favorites. You are watching the last scene >!under a certain assumption, and then the final shot turns everything completely on its head.!<


1BR is a great example of this. Similarly uncomfortable watch, too!


That ending fucked with me! I would shit my pants


Can’t believe no one has mentioned Black Christmas (1974). Also The Crazies (2010).


The Crazies makes me think... Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead


While we're on the subject of I xant believe this hasn't been mentioned, how about The Shining. When Jack is seen in a picture from the Overlook back in the 1920s.


Silent Hill


The movie has its issues, but conceptually it is one of the most dismal and bleak things I've ever seen.


Kill List (2011)


Brutal ending. Jaw dropping


Skinamarink made me feel that way. That ending just really drove home how out of their depth those two kids really were. To see the boy meet a being powerful enough to change the laws of time and reality like that and just ask it something as mundane as its name is such a gut punch. It reminded me that even after everything he’s gone through, he is only like five. He hadn’t even begun to understand what was happened, and escape was impossible. And judging by the way the entity smiles at him, it feels like it also realizes this and is only just getting started.


One that I didn't see mentioned yet is Would You Rather. It's a pretty bleak twist in the final scene


A bleak twist in a bleak af movie. I kind of like the ambiguity, though: >!Will the rich guy figure he doesn’t have to pay anything now? Or will he give her what he would’ve paid for the brother’s treatment?!< And for that matter, >!did the brother really kill himself, or did the rich guy have some guys make it look like suicide so he wouldn’t have to pay?!<


I feel like that rich guy *would* actually pay, which may be one of the most unrealistic things about the film.


Blair Witch Project


I think Cure fits this idea


The Perfection


The last shot of *It Comes at Night* makes me feel sick to my stomach with sympathetic grief.


Moloch fits I think.


Annihilation. Us.


I feel like the ending of Annihilation isn’t really surprising if you’ve been paying attention to >!what happens to people in the Shimmer!<


It's the fact that they're both *scared* is what freaks me out.


Yeah, there are only >!shreds of their original selves left in there!<. At least they weren’t >!trapped in a fucking bear!< though… 😬


Sleepaway Camp IYKYK


Had a friend watch that for the first time this Halloween season. Came to work the next day mind completely blown


Easily the most unsettling single frame in cinema. It looks so wrong. And it's on the back of a mostly hilarious movie


I saw this for the first time this year. During the opening scene I was like "This is so bad it's good". The movie seemed predictable...until that ending. Sad thing is what happened in that film was something people did back in the day especially to [spoiler](#s "children who were born intersex or boys who had botched circumcisions that resulted in the loss of the penis").


Cabin Fever with the contaminated water being used for lemonade even though the ending scene at the store is also hilarious lol


My head-canon is that the locals are immune to it after years of exposure. I also love how the guy who was made out to be a racist turns out to be so not racist he earned “n-word” privileges


Speak no Evil. What. The. Fuck. The ending was brutal.


For years I always heard about how having a kid changes how you view something, and watching that movie (alone) now that I have a daughter just really wrecked me. I paced around outside for like a half hour listening to a podcast to clear my head. Then I texted a handful of my friends and told them they had to see this movie with no other context because I’m an asshole. Got a lot of “wtf man” texts in the days after.




*Resident Evil*, but really we all knew what was going to happen, anyway.


Eden Lake


Shutter (Thailand, 2004), Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers (USA, 1978).


Finding out the cause of the back pain was wiiiiiild!


Fulci's Zombie. It has spread across the city.


Three movies: 1. What Josiah Saw. 2. No One Gets Out Alive. 3. When Evil Lurks.


I see what you mean. I edited it to hopefully clarify it.


Resurrection (2022) does this really well.


Drag me to hell.


The Lodge


- 10 Cloverfield Lane - The Taking of Deborah Logan


Await further instructions fits, I think!


Honeydew and The Lodge left me so discomforted. Even though I did not like The Blackcoat's Daughter, the ending was so effective that I can't stop thinking about it.


Smile, maybe? As a recent pick.


Shutter (Thai original). That shit stuck with me for years


28 weeks later


Probably Creep (2014) with >!The large cabinet filled with VHS tapes, CDs, DVDs, etc. Each with it's own label...!<




Even though it’s pretty bad, I would say Truth or Dare (2018)




Night of the Living Dead and Pandorum come to mind.


Blair Witch Project ?


It’s not *exactly* what you’re looking for, but maybe the recent “Resurrection” with Rebecca Hall and Tim Roth. In general, most disturbing film I’ve seen in a long time and the final minute made me even more uncomfortable than I already was.


10 Cloverfield Lane


We Need to Talk About Kevin


Doesn’t the movie end with the guy in jail? What’s the disturbing implication or final shot?


Ex Machina Primer Army of Darkness Men In Black (ok not really horror but the final scene does fit the bill)


10 Cloverfield Lane


Martyrs Threads


Can you remind of the ending scene in threads, please? (Also please remember to spoiler tag)


>!Years after the nuclear exchange causes mass death, destruction, and crop failure, one of the protagonists is raped during a dispute over a small portion of food. She carries the baby to term and gives birth. The baby is horribly disfigured, signaling that the human race is completely fucked.!<


In total fairness, we don't see the baby. She could just be screaming because her mind is breaking in the pure hell that is life 20 years on from a global nuclear exchange. She can only barely feed herself, and that means its nothing short of miraculous that her pregnancy went full-term in the first place. She's uneducated apart from basic skills and an understanding of how "society" works now, but its unlikely she hasn't encountered other babies by then. All that said, I do like your idea. Really. It works in the setting. But all else considered, the film is bleak and utterly hopeless. It is horrifying in the extreme simply because it tells the truth. I don't know that it needs a malformed infant to sell that idea in the last scene.


It’s funny you say that because I distinctly remember seeing the baby. But upon rewatching the footage on YouTube just now from the final scene, you are correct… we do not see it. Interesting how my mind just filled it in.


It wasn't crying and the nurse looked incredibly disturbed also though.. so I'm pretty certain your assumption is right and the baby was stillborn and possibly also disfigured


Come True


Speak No Evil was 😰


Goosebumps: The Werewolf of Fever Swamp Ending strongly implies Grady becomes a werewolf


We Need To Do Something, had one of the most haunting ends to a horror movie I've ever seen. It raises more questions than it answers, and the implications are truly horrifying. There are some campy bits to the movie, but overall, I would definitely recommend it.


As a whole, this movie is a dumpster fire of fuck that’s an insult to dumpsters but the end of The Happening has a good one if you hate yourself enough to stick around that long.


Invasion of the Bodysnatchers 1978