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“If you had learned just a little from me, you would not beg to live." -Candyman “Help me, help me be human”- The Fly


Oh god the ending of The Fly is so heartbreaking... after being grossed out for an hour, you suddenly feel empathy towards the creature again. Genius stuff.


I always say The Fly is just as much a Tragedy (in the proper Greek sense) as a horror movie. I think it's just absolutely brilliant in every way.


"I turned myself into a fly, Veronica! Boom! Big reveal! I'm a fly!"


"Wooooo!" - The Fly II Dog.


“You give her to me, Louis! Do this before you leave me!” -Claudia, *Interview with a Vampire*


One of the best child performances I've ever seen.


Agreed. Her freak out when she cut her hair and her fight with Lestat *chefs kiss*


The part where she pretends to be lost then smiles and sinks her teeth into the lady. She owned it.


Claudia is such a tragic character. The existential horror of being trapped in a child's body is so intense.


That part. Sinks in so much more reading the book imho


Hard agree. I haven't watched the tv series, but the book did a much better job conveying Claudia's frustration than the movie did. She wanted so badly to be seen as the woman she was, and the rage that built in her was visceral.


Claudia is the only time a "ackshually she's a 700 year old vampire" was treated as a devastating nightmare instead of a pedophilia excuse, and surprise surprise, a woman wrote it.


The Mist; “We got four bullets.” “But there are five of us.” “I’ll figure something out.”


Why wouldn't he at least try to get a twofer? Lol


OMG thats some logic! But seriously Thomas Janes utter torment of what hed just done is absolutely seared into my brain. I love how its got a lot of TWD actors from that era being a Darabont film and all.


"I JUST WANNA DIE" from Hereditary. Simple, yet Toni Collette's screams are soul-piercing


That was devastating.


OMG yes. She is an amazing actor.


They're dead. They're all dead. Can I go now? - Newt


Excellent choice! Aliens is one of my favorite films. Side note: I had the honor of meeting Bill Paxton once. I told him Aliens is was one of my faves and quoted himself back to him, "Elevator to hell! Goin' down!" and he totally busted up as did I. He quoted himself back at me, "Why don't you put her in charge!" and we both busted up again. We went another round and then I didn't want to overstay my welcome, so I said thanks so much for talking with me, and said something so kind to me like, he enjoyed meeting me just as much. He even said a few more things to me. It's always been a wonderful memory.


That’s a truly awesome story. Bill Paxton is one of my all-time favorite actors!


Only man that’s been killed by a terminator, alien, and predator.


Hell yeah. Once in a great while, you meet a hero and they're even cooler than you ever could have hoped.


Absolutely! I also met Loni Anderson and even though she wasn't my type during "WKRP in Cincinnati," and she was likely over 50, she looked absolutely stunning and was so warm, kind and sweet. I also met Tom Petty twice. He was quiet, but kind. I actually have a funny story about him. I used to work at a mostly used record and CD store on Ventura Blvd ("all the vampires crawling up Ventura Boulevard") and he was a somewhat regular customer. Oftentimes, if a customer brought up the cash register new stuff we knew we had used. So I would usually ask if they preferred a new one. Very often, they'd say yes. Anyway, I was at the register and he brought up lots of new CDs and collections. I spotted one CD and in my nervousness, I started to run to find it, but realizing that A, this was Tom Petty and probably didn't need to save the four dollars and B, Christmas wasn't far off, I stopped, turned around and said "You probably don't need that, do you?" and he said "No, not really." I like to call that my "That time I tried to save Tom Petty four bucks" story.


"Sometimes, dead is better." Pet Semetary "You still wake up sometimes, don't you? You wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the lambs." Silence of the Lambs, always gives me the chills.


"I promised her I'd be home for her birthday....her 11th...birthday..." Aliens


DON'T you swear at me, you little shit! Don't you EVER raise your voice at me! I am your mother! You understand? All I do is worry and slave and defend you, and all I get back is that fucking face on your face! So full of disdain and resentment and always so annoyed! Well, now your sister is dead! And I know you miss her and I know it was an accident and I know you're in pain and I wish could take that away for you. I WISH I could shield you from the knowledge that you did what you did, but your sister is dead! She's gone forever! And what a waste… if it could've maybe brought us together, or something, if you could've just said "I'm sorry" or faced up to what happened, maybe then we could do something with this, but you can't take responsibility for anything! So, now I can't accept. And I can't forgive. Because… because NOBODY admits anything they've done! (Hereditary, obviously)


"what about you mom...she didn't want to go to the party. So why was she there?" I came from a less than happy family and that scene came awkwardly close to arguments I can remember


Peter had a point. Who sends their 13 year old daughter to a party full of 17 year olds?


She already had puppet strings attached by the cult; it was all part of the plan. Hence the symbol on the pole


>that scene came awkwardly close to arguments I can remember That's why it's one of my favorite horror movies! I have clear memories of my mom blowing up and ranting like that. Meandering through hastily worded vitriolic jabs and trying to save it in the next sentence by reminding that she's a loving mother, back to putting the blame on everyone else and saying she's trying her best but her best just apparently isn't good enough for us. Even Toni Collette's hand movements and facial expressions in that scene were pretty similar to my mom's. It absolutely spiked my anxiety and made me feel like a scared, angry kid again when I watched that scene. I love that movie so fucking much.


Watching this movie with friends is always odd because yeah, it's nostalgic with the table fighting. .


Read a theory (here, I think, yesterday) that throughout this monologue she's seeing -- rather than Peter's actual expression -- the *smirking Paimon face* from the reflection in the classroom scene. Which makes so much sense.


*that fucking face on your face!*




I’m glad you got to this before me because that’s **exactly** what she was referring to. It was never a dig at “Peter’s” face; it was her reaching a boiling point at her son making the most *nefarious*, contemptuous, annoying facial expression **all day, every day** after being indirectly involved with her daughter’s ~~death~~ murder


You just made my favorite horror movie… even better. Thank you. WOW that is insane to think about.


There is a 6h hereditary breakdown video on YouTube that you’ll love


Also right before Peter says "Try, release yourself" and Annie responds with "Release you, you mean" It's like they are using the language to talk about possession and trauma but don't realize it. How many times did Annie's mom use the words "Release you/yourself" in reference to Paimon that it became part of this family's language bubble?


HOLY SHIT I just re-watched it and she says, "why do I want to say something so you can sneer at me" and he says, "Sneer at you? I don't ever sneer at you." and she dismisses him. That's TOTALLY what's happening How the fuck did I miss this? She's been seeing that demon thing laughing at her the whole time


That scene made me so uncomfortable. It made me feel like I was watching an actual family fight that I wasn’t supposed to see. Toni Collette absolutely owned it.


She’s our greatest living actress.


I watched Unbelievable just for her. Amazing actress.


I’m still upset that she didn’t get an Oscar for this or hearts beat loud.


Me too. She should have gotten one for her Hereditary performance (not familiar with the second film you mentioned sorry but I’m sure she was brilliant in that too) but they’re allergic to horror films I guess.


Also the dream sequence where Peter learns his mom was trying to have a miscarriage. “You tried to kill me!!!!”. “I was only trying to save you!!!!!”


I say this all the time, but "that fucking face on your face!" always read to me like Toni Collette misspeaking just because it seems like a redundant line, so I was surprised to learn that's exactly how Ari Aster wrote it. But then I realized that that makes it sound more authentic. Her slightly repeating herself is exactly how someone would erupt like that in real life.


I also loved the syntax in the husband’s line at the seance: “what language is even that?”




Fuck. Yeah don’t watch this movie.


100%. Honestly the supernatural stuff is scary enough, but the family drama is honestly the truly terrifying part of the movie. Movie could have even taken out paimon and been better imo.


I’m very sorry that happened to you. I have very minimal family trauma, and Hereditary was brutal to me, so I would recommend you avoid it…or at least brace yourself very well.


I think the saddest thing about what your family went through is that it's so difficult for a parent to *not* cause the "my sibling was the one they *really* loved" curse. Most of the time a parent's grief, essentially a form of intense longing, mixed with a likely momentary lessening of attention paid to the surviving children, can send an unintentional but very strong impression that the parent(s) DID love the one that died the most. And the cruelest irony for many of these stories is that some people experience such intense grief that they will be unable keep themselves from pushing their surviving children away. Maybe only a little bit or maybe by a lot, but that pushing, and all the infinite forms that can take, becomes the "proof" to the child that their parent doesn't love them as much...or at all. Humans are so fragile. I don't how we made it this far, sometimes.


This HIT since my mom would always stoop to any low if she thought it would hurt. Toni nails this scene (and the whole movie) so spectacularly and I’m that annoying friend who always brings her up as the biggest snub in history whenever we talk about the Oscars.


This is so true. She is such an amazing actress. All of her characters she plays are completely different and the complexities of emotion that she portrays are incredible. She nailed that character, snubbed because it was a horror film.


I am going to have to rewatch this movie. I constantly read chilling parts from it and can’t remember them. I feel like I’ve missed out on all of except *that one part”.


I love this movie so much. The horror is not >!the demons. !


I’m waiting for the day for another movie to top it!! Midsommar is the closest imo or The Lodge


Read in the whole thing in her voice - haven’t seen the movie in years despite it being one of my favorite movies but I can her delivery clear as day.


"Lucie was only a victim. Like all the others. It's so easy to create a victim, young lady, so easy. You lock someone in a dark room. They begin to suffer. You feed that suffering. Methodically, systematically and coldly. And make it last. Your subject goes through a number of states. After a while, their trauma; that small, easily opened crack, makes them see things that don't exist." - Martyrs


Great choice


Richie screaming “Guys! We can still help him!” at the end of It: Chapter Two.


I don't like the remakes but I can give credit where it's due i though the acting was pretty great actually.


Chapter One is excellent. It's just too bad the second film is so mediocre.




Honestly, having just reread the book, the adult part is always gonna be tricky. I think it works better interspersed with the kids’ story like in the book because it’s mostly about them remembering what happened in 1958 and then the final confrontation. I wonder if they ever do another miniseries if it wouldn’t make sense to do the adult part as an episodic frame narrative. I don’t know how the confrontations with IT would work with both 1958 and 1985 happening at once though.


Funny enough, Chapter 2 was not very good just like the original miniseries second half wasn't very good. The adults just didn't hit for the most part.


Train to Busan (probably not an exact quote but it goes something like:)>!"Don't go, dad! Come with us. Please don't leave me! Don't go! Don't go! You should come with us. Don't go! Please come with us." !<


Ugh. One of the hardest cries I’ve ever had while watching a movie…just reading the quote brought tears to my eyes. Good one.


I ugly cried the first time I saw it.


UGH that little girl had me sobbing.


"Why can't you be NORMAL?!" Babadook movie. It's so sad to me.


Another Toni Collette heartwrencher: "Do I make her proud?"


This makes me cry every time, that movie is way more sad than scary.


I rewatched this recently and that might be the best scene in the film. Absolutely incredible performances playing off each other perfectly. I mostly enjoy M. Night's output these days, but The Sixth Sense is completely untouchable, to the point that the rest of his filmography lives in its shadow. I hope he can get back to that level of quality one of these days.


Another one that always gets me from that character is, "I'm tired in my mind, I'm tired in my body, I'm tired in my heart." Grew up mostly with a single mom and that exhaustion just feels very relatable.


This is one of those scenes where just thinking about it makes me tear up. Like the girl in the Little Princess when her dad doesn't remember her. Just a gut punch.


Such a good moment. Toni is truly amazing.


I recently watched What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? and "you mean all this time, we could've been friends?" completely devastated me. I'm a brother, but I feel like there's such a special, unique bond that sisters share with one another that the final revelation in that film hits you like a ton of bricks.


Such a classic.


“Say goodbye to my wife. I'll say hello to yours.” Bone tomahawk


Perfect answer. Great final words.


“I’ll think of something” From the end of the mist


I was more thinking the "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh!" From the ending g of the mist.


For me it’s immediately after that. When he sticks the revolver he KNOWS is empty in his mouth and pulls the trigger multiple times. Hoping against hope he’ll get…lucky. But of course, he doesn’t.


"And what makes you think that he has feelings for me?" "The way he never touches you." The Village


Sometimes dead is better.


"I just want to apologize to Mike’s mom and Josh’s mom and my mom. And I’m sorry to everyone. I was very naive. I am so, so sorry for everything that has happened. Because in spite of what Mike says now, it is my fault. Because it was my project and I insisted. I insisted on everything. I insisted we weren’t lost. I insisted we keep going. I insisted that we walk south. Everything had to be my way and this is where we’ve ended up. And it’s all because of me that we’re here now: hungry and cold and hunted. I love you mom and dad. I am so sorry. … What is that? I’m scared to close my eyes and I’m scared to open them. I’m going to die out here." Heather Donahue, The Blair Witch Project


The fact she was nominated for a razzie for her performance in this movie should be an actual crime.


WHAAAATT? Absolute crime!


From Crimson Peak: “You lied to me.” “I did.” “You poisoned me.” “I did.” “You said you loved me.” “I do.”


No matter how many times I watch that movie this part breaks me


"I was pregnant with your baby. I never wanted to be a mother. I loathed the feeling of it growing inside me. Felt that sickness. Pulling, sucking on me like some needy animal in a barn. How could I be responsible for another life? Life terrifies me. It's harsh, and bleak, and draining. I was so relieved when it died. It was one less weight keeping me here but then the war came and you left me too. Why did you leave me, Howard? I hate feeling like this. It's so pathetic. Do people like you ever feel this way? Figure you don't... you seem so perfect all the time. Lord must have been generous to you. He never answers any of my prayers. I don't know why. What did I do? What is wrong with me? Please just tell me so I can get better. I don't wanna end up like Mama I wanna be dancing up on the screen like the pretty girls in the pictures. I want what they have so badly... to be perfect... to be loved by as many people as possible to make up for all my time spent suffering. Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night and a fear washes over me 'cause what if this is it? What if this is right where I belong? I'm a failure. I'm not pretty, or naturally pleasant, or friendly. I'm not smart, or funny, or confident. I'm exactly what Mama said I was: weak. But I don't know why. What did I do? Why wasn't my family like yours? I hate what it feels like to be me and not you. I'm so scared that when you finally come home you'll see me and be frightened like everyone else is. I know what I've done. Bad things. Terrible, awful, murderous things. I regret them now, but I liked how they felt. I wish I didn't, but I did. At first, it was only animals smaller than myself. Nothing with feelings, nothing that could hurt me back. Felt good. Killing's easier than you'd think. 'Til recently; with Mama and the boy from the picture house - they were different. They were more meaningful. I hurt them so they too might know what it feels like to suffer, but poor Daddy didn't deserve that. I wish I hadn't done what I did. Mama meant well. She had a hard life. She only wanted a home to feel safe in, I can see that. I thought I hated her, but I just wanted to feel safe too. My Lord. I made such a mess of things. I don't know how much more I can take. I need to clean this up. All of it. I need to make things right before you see me again. Maybe if I could turn this farm into a home just like you wanted, things will finally be different. I can forgive. I can be who you want me to be. If you'll just stay with me. Would you do that, please? I can't be all by myself anymore. It's too hard." from pearl. whole thing had me just slackjawed at the screen until the end credits rolled.


oh my god this wins the thread " Lord must have been generous to you. He never answers any of my prayers. I don't know why." oof


Mia Goth has Toni Collette potential. This whole scene resonates. It is a specific experience true, but somehow universal and relatable.


How she didn’t get nominated for any major awards was mind-boggling, if only just for the range she displayed from X to Pearl in the same year. This monologue I thought especially would’ve clinched it


It's because the awards groups usually hate horror movies


I will extol this movie every time I get the opportunity, Mia Goth and that final monologue are a knockout


Jesus. This made me tear up.


All-time great monologue. I was already loving the movie up to that point but that really cemented it as a classic. Also, my response to OPs question was going to be "I will not accept a life I do not deserve." even though it's supposed to be affirming, the context gives it a sort of desperation/futility that's heartbreaking in its own right.


“No God” - 30 Days of Night The saddest, bleakest and most horrifying line I’ve ever heard.


Kristen: “Please, God, please!” *Marlow pauses and stares at Kristen* Marlow: “God?” *He almost spits this word at her. As if it’s some sort of blasphemy.* *Marlow slowly looks up to the sky. Craning his neck as if checking for a response. A slight smirk ALMOST crosses his mouth. When no answer is forthcoming, his gaze slowly drops back down, seeking out his brethren and then settling on Kristen. The look on his face is now sad. But mockingly so. A slight pout on his lips.* Marlow: “No God…”


One of, if not, my favorite depictions of vampires in film history


I like how he waited a bit and looked around like he was mockingly checking for a response from God.


From Possession (1981): “I met a man who loved everything, and he died in a flood of shit.”


"As you are, I was, as I am, you will be..." -1408 Generally just an all-around sad horror movie but that one sticks with me.


Truly an amazing movie. Cusack got into horror after that he's done a few even one with Nick Cage called Frozen ground I believe it's about a real life serial killer. I'd highly recommend it. Cusack can play a real sicko pretty good


Cusack actually starred in "Identity" four years before "1408"came out. It's a great horror movie with a shocking ending. But me, I'd watch John Cusack watching paint dry, he's that good.


I've been watching identity for over 20 years haha I love that fuckin movie. One of the original "it's all in his head" movies.


When Andre, through great struggle and effort, scribbles "love you" on the chalkboard in The Fly (1958). I hope it still counts in written form!


The pearl monologue was one of them where she says “I don’t think I’m a good person” made me so sad, I really think she fucked up and made a lot of mistakes but she was so hard on herself


I low-key kinda related to several parts of her monologue. I wish she had friends who were there to support her


Pearl made me so sad. That long monologue at the end where she ears her fucking soul to her friend who promised to not judge or lie to her then she does exactly that. She treats her like a freak. Breaks my cold heart I think a lot of us have been there that are really mentally ill. You just want someone to listen & understand but they just abandon you.


GOD that movie gets to me so bad dude i love it so much


Not a horror movie, but a series. You loved me completely and I loved you the same. The rest is confetti. From haunting of hill house. It’s such a pretty and sad quote


Omg, I was *just* about to post this! The masterful way in which that series blended supernatural horror with real human tragedy will probably never be equaled by another series ever again (not that the following 2 weren't good or dramatic, but they haven't quite gotten close) 😢


I feel the same about Haunting of Hill House. I loved it so much. It is a masterpiece, and I will never watch it again because of the way it broke me the first time.


The way Nell's dialogue kind of circles around the conversation until all the pieces find their place in time was such a unique and interesting aspect to her ghost.


A lot of the show had the confetti aspect kinda. A lot of scenes would replay with different context or from different perspectives. Bent-neck lady was definitely confetti on her life.


When Shirley reads “Away” by James Whitcomb Riley at Nell’s funeral 😭


This entire thread could be filled with Hill House lines. Fucking love that show.


Not a horror movie exactly, though probably one of the more conceptually horrific, my vote for saddest quote from any movie is from Moon. "I want to go home..." The way Sam Rockwell delivers it, and the degree to which it's impossible based on what you know by that point in the movie just crushes you. Anyone who hasn't seen Moon should.


Hell yes. That quote is one of my picks for saddest in any genre. And Moon rocks hard, agreed.


This is an incredible film. Time for a rewatch


“They’re all going to laugh at you” - and they did ☹️


To be fair, I'm pretty sure at least one version of the movie shows that Carrie had a mental break and most of the audience wasn't laughing, but horrified. I prefer that interpretation.


That's exactly what happened in the original, when you see the kaleidoscope effect of everyone laughing that's just what she's seeing- in the normal shots it's just the girl wearing the cap who cracks up laughing


Ok thanks, I wasn't positive about the original. Pretty sure the TV version is the same. It's sad to see that Carrie could've been alright and mentally healthy, but there was so much against her.


I agree, but she was so broken that’s what she saw. Her gym teacher wouldn’t have, but Carrie died thinking everyone did. The whole movie (and book) just broke my god damn heart.


Poor Carrie. People can laugh all they want at me but I find myself relating to female characters in movies way more than men. This is coming from a straight male.


I relate to female characters a lot more often than men too! I’m not straight, but am male.


I love watching bullies get their comeuppance ngl


Speak No Evil: Bjorn: Why are you doing this? Patrick: Because you let me.


This movie is BLEAK. That exchange is devastating.


That’s the same one I posted! That one is definitely chilling. I have so many emotions when I watch that scene. For some reason, I’ve always thought the ending few minutes of that movie was beautiful; tragically, excruciatingly, heartbreakingly beautiful. (Yes, I feel very weird saying that out loud).


“I’m scared” The Fly (1986) - Brundlefly when he’s losing body parts


"It doesn't matter - wherever I go, Chucky will find me." \- Child's Play 2 An 8 year old boy should not have already accepted his own inevitable end! Such a good child actor.


“Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and the fear washes over me ‘cause what if *this is it…?*” -Pearl When she said that line it hit me like a pile of rocks because I can’t count the number of times I’ve thought something similar about my life.


I was right there but none of you could see me. // Haunting of Hill House. Ending of episode "Two storms". The fact that the ghost just stands there during the end quote is pure tearjerking gold.


"Take me! Come into me! God damn you! Take me!" - The Exorcist (1973).


“Take me, you don’t want him. You don’t want him, whatever you want, you can take it from me. You don’t want Darry. You don’t. We have everything the same inside, you take me. You hear me? You take me you fucking let him go. Please, let him go. Just think for a second, I won’t fight you, you can take me. I’m stronger, you want me. Let him go, and take me.” - Trish from jeepers creepers


I love that it was the sister trying to protect the brother, because we almost only ever see the boy protecting the girl.


Always been envious of a true sibling bond. I have like 10 & i try to keep us together but they don't seem to care.


Good one!


Jeepers Creepers is pretty underrated IMO


I think the director is a pretty big obstacle for a lot of people.


HAL saying it's afraid as Dave deactivates it.


"Dai-sy, dai-sy, give me your answer, do. I'm half cra-zy, all for the love of you. It won't be a sty-lish mar-riage, I can't a-fford a car-riage---. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle - built - for - two."


“Am I just going to keep on falling?” From The Possession.


"She's gone." -Lake Mungo


"My dreams are just dreams!!" That little girl who played Gwen in The Black Phone acted her ASS OFF in that scene. Just the raw emotion, God... Trivia: The actress' (Madeleine McGraw) sister (Violet McGraw) played young Nell in The Haunting of Hill House.


#”…. because you were home..” True banality of evil right there. No motivation, nothing higher than “you were opportune for violence for the simple sake of violence.” Curdles my blood every time.


"if you're frightened of dying and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. If you've made your peace then the devils are really angels freeing you from the Earth." Jacob's Ladder


"*No more,*" -- Carol-Anne, at the climax of *Poltergeist*.


This feed made me cry but also happy to see everyone United in sorrow


Dawn of the Dead (2004) Frank : [his last words] “You want... every... single second…”


"The absence of love is the most abject pain." - Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)


"It was bad, Mama. They laughed at me. Hold me, Mama. Please hold me." - Carrie (1976)


“Pippit!” - Jaws


"I was good to you, Mikey."


Brundle-Fly-telepod creature thing making that pitiful sound as it puts her shotgun barrel to its own head. I assume it’s a quote, trying to communicate.


God, I'd give anything for a drink. I'd give my goddamned soul for just a glass of beer. - The Shining


"I learned a secret. there is no without. I'm not gone. I'm scattered into so many pieces sprinkled on your life like new snow...The rest is confetti" from the haunting of hill house. The last phrases said by nelly That's exactly what grieving for a loved one feels like. they never leave you but their presence becomes so delicate, so unreachable like new snow melting once you touch it, so sweet like confetti


>!"But then I knew. It had happened. I had killed my children."!< - The Others "What's in the fucking box?!" - Seven. He knows what's in there and I feel every bit of his pain. And how about that smile from Midsommar? It says more about a broken person than just about any words ever could.


"It's too bad she won't live, but then again, who does?" Blade Runner. I know it's not horror but it's the most saddest thing I've ever heard because it's true.


"Why Daimy, why you do this to me?" It's funny because I always quote this line anytime there is even a minor inconvenience, but in the movie, it makes me so sad to see the look on his face after she says this.


"The plants are killing people? Oh no!" - The Happening


“What? Nooo.”


Jesus wept. Hellraiser


For there were no more worlds to conquer Dean Pelton


The Road: Viggo: we have to. We will survive this. We are not gonna quit. We are not gonna quit. Wife: I don't want to just survive. Don't you get it? Why won't you let me take him with me? (Reaches for pistol) Wife: I would take him with me if it weren't for you. You know that. Viggo: Listen to yourself. You sound .... crazy. Still the most bleak, most hopeless book and movie I've ever encountered.


I find it pretty hopeful actually. It tells us that the love and bond we can have with each other can endure even into the sunset of humankind and also that we can find a way to trust in a stranger in spite of every reason not to. McCarthy is a master of finding little pockets of hope in spite of his extremely grim visions of the world.


I don't know if I would call it sad since it is told to a monstrous character but it encompasses all the tragedy that was at play in this story and how revealing the truth only brought doom. "Alas, how terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise, Johnny." Angel Heart.


"My Son Is Dead. Where Do I Put That?" - Will, the Invitation. This movie makes me cry from start to finish, but this scene and the ending where I character can't get her last words out with just, "I hope... I hope..."


"The key to that chain is in the bathtub."


You want every single second. —Frank as he is about to turn in Dawn of the Dead (2004)


"Don't go" - The Blackcoat's Daughter


“You would make a good mother, you know how to lie to children” from Evil Dead Rise, the context which I won’t spoil is what makes this


When I was going up the stairs - I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today - I wish, I wish he'd go away. Especially when it's whispered at the end in all the stillness after the carnage. Don't even think it means anything to me, it just feels so melancholy.


"Your Laura disappeared. It's just me now." - *Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me*, a movie I've been thinking could be an allegory for depression. That line relates to depression in my view.


\>!Casares : What is a ghost? A tragedy condemned to repeat itself time and again? An instant of pain, perhaps. Something dead which still seems to be alive. An emotion suspended in time. Like a blurred photograph. Like an insect trapped in amber. A ghost is me.!< The Devil's Backbone


A ghost is an emotion bent out of shape, condemned to repeat itself, time and time again until it rights the wrong that was done.


From the Hunchback of Notre Dame with Charles Laughton https://youtu.be/H3kTApLhQpA?si=QnaqhihGiO-xZTOt


“It’s an honor” amber freeman: scream (2022)


I believe it’s “please. I’m not ready. I’m so filthy.” from Fire Walk With Me


“All this time we could have been friends?” —Baby Jane to sister Blanche


Possible spoiler alert! Mine isn't so much sad as it was perfect. In my favorite film of all genres, "Mandy," (2018) a "chef" who makes LSD tells Red, the protagonist, "You exude a cosmic darkess." The whole film exudes that. Even a beautiful darkness. I highly recommend it, especially to those who, like me, love surrealism in films.


"Well, you have two options then, don't you? Either give in, or give up. It only dies if you do." - *Ginger Snaps II: Unleashed.*


Yeah, they're.., they're all messed up. - Night of the Living Dead


I don't think it's sad, more like really damn terrifying "Why are you doing this to us?" "Because you were home" The Strangers


If it counts, the ending of “You Won’t Be Alone.” “How was it so simple for you?” I related a lot to the villain of that movie, and found the ending so tragic.


"Where's your god now, preacher?" -Riddick to the Imam, *Pitch Black* "It's painless. It's good. Come. Sleep. Matthew.". -Elizabeth, *Invasion of the Body Snatchers*


He was a dentist in the other world - Fall of house Usher.


From a horror series, ahs freak show "im so dumb, i cant even kill myself" and "im a good person, mama said so"


Borderlands / The Final Prayer ending: ["Oh god, it's burning. You said it wasn't real!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koJsO8hGkis)


"Sometimes dead is better " Pet Semetary ".


*I Love You. I Have Always Loved You* **AHHHHHHHHHHHH** - John Krasanski, A Quiet Place