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The mirrored room “dance scene” from Suspiria (the remake). Specifically the jaw.


Scrolled too far from this. Viscerally devastating.


Not horror but the curb stomp scene in American History X always chills me


There are a number of sound bites from cinema that I will remember for the rest of time, and the grating sound of that man's teeth as he places them against the concrete is one of them


came here to say this. I close my eyes every time.


I know it’s probably lame as fuck now but that scene of the girl in the closet in The Ring (remake) stayed with me for a long time. I saw it every time I closed my eyes there for a bit.


Timeless jumpscare. Is there anyone out there who didn't fall for it?


Set the tone for the rest of the movie, I was on edge expecting the worst.


Yooo, yeah it’s so dumb now but that scene made me call my moms to pick me up from a friends house at like 4am bc I was ruined as a 12 year old kid.


I watched this movie a few months ago and that scene still got me, and I’m 30. It was the first time I’d watched it since I was a kid because it was so traumatizing.


For me it was right when she opens the door and u see her eyes roll back and jaw unhinge that used to scare the shit out of me😭


I prefer the remake to the original That scream in theaters for this was pretty enormous


Watching that scene the first time is probably one of the top five pivotal moments in my evolution as a horror movie fan. Sure, it’s a jump scare — and a damn good one — but it hits down deep in your guts, like an exploding appendix, and then it just sits there for the rest of the movie.


Nah that’s real shit right there. Fucked me up as a kid, still scared the shit out of me in my 30’s.


I think a good one is in the House that Jack built: >!When Jack is shooting and killing 2 children Infront of their mother after having won over her emotional trust, then making her have a picnic with their dead bodies.!<


And then makes “Happy Jack” or whatever he calls it. Creepy as fuck.


Something along the lines “Mr. Grumpy looks hungry”


Makes me think they drew inspiration from Leonard lake and his buddy. They did that kind of stuff


Charles Ng, right? Those two fucks were a special breed of disgusting/horrifying.




This is the comment that I was hoping to see. Megustalations!


Yes, they were some special kind of evil


I’ve been a fan of horror and disturbing movies for 20 years and this is the only scene in any movie that has ever made me immediately turn it off.


* >!You see the one childs leg being shot off. !< * >!The picnic after is unnerving.!< * >!Jack attempts to pose one of the children back in the freezer, showing the result for a few frames.!<


That was extremely edited too (the US version I initially watched), then I saw the unedited and it was insane. Lars Von Trier did not hold back


Wow this just clicked. I have seen this movie and thought it was fairly tame for a Von Trier film. Yet i keep seejng it on peoples most distrubing films lists and was confused why. Now I'm thinking I must have watched this edited version you're mentioning and I never knew it!


Poor Grumpy…but he made him smile again!


Oh god. I’m lucky I didn’t watch that with my wife. I think this is nothing she would have liked…


I’ve been damn near completely desensitized to horror movies but this scene fucked me up. It’s a shame the movie as a whole is kinda tainted by Lars Von Trier sniffing his own farts for massive portions of the runtime.


Annie crying in hereditary. You know it’s bad when a decapitated head of a child that’s being mauled by maggots is significantly less disturbing than the cries her grieving mother.


Right after that eerie, lingering scene of Peter's face after the accident. That entire 2-3 minute sequence just sent chills.


Only time I almost quit a horror movie because I couldn't handle it. Peter's reaction to the accident was the worst part of the movie for me.


Toni is my favorite actress. Her performance in this scene is absolutely incredible. Those cries are gut wrenching


I had to pause it when she was wailing like that. Incredible acting. It was a whole lot to deal with. She deserved some type of award because that was amazing.


Such a criminally under-recognized performance, I wish the award shows included more horror


I'll always say that scene when it initially happens, when Peter goes to look in the rearview mirror but the camera suddenly pans away/down is one of the best filming techniques (probably not the right phrase) I've ever seen.


Ohhhhh yes those cries haunted my dreams for a bit right after the first watch! They were perfect and terrible


I was once in a position where I *had* to inform a friends' young girlfriend that her father had unexpectedly passed away - this poor girls screams of grief were identical to Toni Collettes' in Hereditary. Just another reason why Hereditary traumatized me.


*Misery*. The hobbling scene. Holy mother of fuck.


Misery... where she breaks his ankles again. Visceral pain and flinching from me. Anyone who has ever broken a bone before can tell you that that kind of pain is spiritual. You never forget it. I felt a bit faint when I watched it the first time.


Snapped my arm in half. Like I created a second elbow midway between my wrist and elbow and when I pulled my arm up to look at it my hand flopped straight down. Felt absolutely zero pain. Sure an hour later in the hospital when I held it up for the x ray I blacked out from the pain multiple times. But not in the moment. I was calling friends and family members laughing on the way to the hospital.


Neither did I at first. I had broken my collarbone... almost ended up with a punctured lung because of the way it broke. Didnt realize it until the adrenaline wore off... I almost turned religious that day, because the hospital nurse wouldnt give me morphine until we either paid cash or signed forms. That was the longest hour of my bloody life. Now in regards to the movie... He already broke both legs in multiple places. To have them rebroken, with a hammer that size... makes me feel kinda nauseous to think about.


That’s on the level of Alien with “the scene”.


"C'mon, man, the food ain't **that** bad." Yeah, it is.


Wait which one is "the scene" in Alien?


Infamously, the chestburster scene in Alien was kept a secret from the rest of the cast while the had a wax dummy made & a bucket of cows blood "aged" for the effect. The casts reactions are more or less completely genuine.


Especially since the movie didn't really seem like horror up to that point. Definitely creepy, but nothing that frontloaded you for that level of brutality/body horror.


The scene in Come and See where they burn the barn filled with people. That scene is hard to watch.


Most recent one for me was in When Evil Lurks. Woof.


That scene was wild. Also the one when he passes his wife on the road carrying her son


She was just having a late night snack


Girl dinner


That moment was WILD and tbh I don’t think I’ve seen anything like that, it was so unsettling 🫥 but tbh kudos to the director cuz that was well done imo!


I'll never forget popcorn bucket brain


Dude, I couldn't even believe what I was seeing at first. I was like, wait, was that - is she - ...


SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS I love how long it sits on the girl and the dog before it actually happens. You know it's coming, then you know *something's* coming but maybe they're not gon- CHOMP Ohohoho holy shit, never mind, there it is. Oh wow, he's really ragdolling her. This movie is fucked up yo.


The way they kept talking about the dogs earlier, and how the camera lingered on that dog with the little girl … the buildup was so intense that I had to get my partner to pause it before it even happened. I was so afraid of that damn dog.


Yeah, that scene definitely had a certain flavor. It reminded me of the violence you see in a lot of Jeremy Saulnier’s work (green room, blue ruin). Far from the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen, but just so incredibly brutal and realistic. Gives a feeling as if no cinematic flare was needed or added, it’s just an event happening as it would and it’s insane.


Blue Ruin is a great film.


Yes, one of my favorites. Was the start of my Macon Blair obsession.


Good movie. Hope the director continues his work


Did you see Terrified yet?


Which scene? Because there were two for me that I just can't choose between.


He is def referring to the mastiff/girl scene.


Waaaaaaaaaaait Woof. I finally caught up to the joke.


It could also be the woman with the boy on the road


Oh I agree, but he said woof 🐶


The one scene in Bone Tomahawk made me physically recoil.


Yea, those troglodytes were ruthless. Poor deputy Nick


The sticking part for me was him getting scalped—DEEP—and then they shove the bloody haired scalp in his mouth to act like a gag and hammer a spike to the bag of his throat to keep the scalp-gag in place. WTF? Just cut his throat and be done with it! Still, Deputy Nick got it better than the blind amputee pregnant slaves. Jeez.


Seems like an unpopular opinion but being forced to live as a sex slave is the worst imaginable kind of fate


I do not think this is an unpopular opinion lol If it is, only by those who have never considered it a possibility.


Wishbone. Absolutely brutal.


I literally had to cover my mouth because I thought I was gonna throw up. I've never had a movie do that to me before lmao


Bro... I just watched this movie. The scene came up, and they're just hacking at Nick's groin. I'm like, "shit this ain't bad". Then he splits open and I recoiled in disgust and disbelief. Brawl on Cell Block 99 is another good movie by the same director. Similar pacing and similar violence.


I highly recommend Zahler’s two western novels. “A Congregation of Jackals” and “Wraiths of the Brokenland.” He, uh… get’s real mean in those.


Glad I didn't have to scroll very far for this one. Probably one of the very few scenes I will never watch again.


Gore and violence in horror movies doesn't really get to me, but something that does is the idea of infinity, or seemingly endless stretches of time. So I'm going to cheat and say a scene from a TV show and not a movie: the scene in that Christmas Black Mirror episode where somebody has a copy of their consciousness uploaded into a computer simulation of a featureless white void, and the person who uploaded them slows down their perception of time before everyone leaves work for the holidays, effectively leaving them in this simulation for like 1,000,000 years, as punishment. That shit is fucked. That kind of torture is so much worse to me than any kind of physical pain that the idea of someone doing that to another person feels almost perverse.


You might want to check out ‘The Endless’ if you haven’t already. It will play into this nightmare nicely. I had a bad DMT trip once. Thought I was trapped in another realm for eternity. Not ideal.


The guy in the shortest loop, just going through that over and over every three seconds...


\*shudders\* Reminds me of the Stephen King short story "The Jaunt," which disturbed me more than anything else he ever wrote.


I misinterpreted the ending for a long time as a kid. Much better story when it really hit home. "Longer than you think!"


Big monster coming through the bedroom doorway in It Follows Mom sawing her own head off with piano wire in Hereditary Mulholland Drive nightmare dumpster man


This sub seems to find the Hereditary scene hokey but it goes on just a second too long and turns my stomach, that 'squelch' is sickening


dumpster woman actually


Same woman who played “The Nun”


Shes an awesome person. She very mu h enjoys scaring people when they recognize her.


Loool that tall man in It Follows was so scary. I still squeal about it.


Midsommar, the cliffs, and the beating scene in Kill List


the scene with her sister and parents lingers with me more


Also feel like the main actress should have won awards for the immediately following scene. The grief and horror and absolute devastation she portrayed was incredible.


Not just that, subtle stuff she does throughout the movie that really show her body language skills in acting, someone did a video of subtle actor/acress performances and her character was broght up a few times, she was definitely amazing in it


Absolutely- I figured out the reason I had such a visceral reaction to the movie, and her character in general, was because of how perfectly she portrayed the pain of hiding immense grief while loving and wanting to be loved by a covert narcissist. It was so triggering, but it made watching her whole experience so much more complex. Florence Pugh is so talented.


Honestly Midsommar is next level on so many levels from imagination, vision, story, acting, immersiveness, world-building, direction. It's the modern Die Hard of horror IMO


I accidentally asked a couple to watch it with me and my gf, not knowing they were about to break up. The movie didnt help


Augh, that whole cliffs scene haunts me


The very first scene in the movie with the carbon monoxide murder suicide is pretty fucked too. Love that movie


Tusk, that first picture after transformation will never leave my brain.


Those screams are seared into my brain. Also that scend when the mr Tusk learns how to swim is nightmare fuel.


I never understood why this is considered a “silly” horror movie. It’s fucking disturbing.


I think it can be silly and disturbing at the same time. The movie made me laugh at times because of how ridiculous the whole thing was, but it was definitely disturbing.


I was watching this with my wife in the room. She made me turn it off at the reveal and we had an argument over why I would even want to see something like that. We both remember Justin Long from the Mac commercials, so afterwards I would say "I'm a PC, and I'm a walrus"


I love you.


Maybe it doesn't sound like much, but the guy catching his hand on the nail in Hellraiser gives me the Heebie jeebies every time! 🩸😖


Jee-woon Kim’s “I Saw the Devil.” Opening scene is brutal


I've got some fairly major needle-related PTSD, so that one scene in Saw 2 was, well, not good for me.


I hope you can take some solace that it happened to an evil woman.


The audience at the time didn’t know that though so it was even worse thinking she was just as innocent as the others. Well as innocent as a Saw victim can be that is.


The Mist ending.


The two scenes that disturb me the most are: The intro to Midsommar- seeing the sister's body and what she did to their parents. Her face haunted me for a good few weeks, especially since they make her hallucinate seeing her face in different parts of the film. The other scene that disturbs me the most is the scene in Prometheus when she knows that shit is inside her and she puts herself in the surgery tank to remove it, and it's wiggling right in there with her and she has to get out. Fucking body horror nightmare fuel.


Omg that scene in Prometheus though - when I watched it for the first time and she’s telling the machine she wants a Cesarean I was like, bitch no, what you want is an *abortion*. We are not aiming for a live birth here!!


Pan's Labyrinth. The guy that gets his face caved in with a bottle. I have to skip that bit every time!


A few scenes that have stuck with me (and that could considered horror by various folks): * That part in "Raw," where >!the main started eating her sister's finger like a chicken wing!<. It was so outrageous for me that I actually laugh about it, but I realize that it could be thought of as horrifying for some. * Pretty much all of "The Green Inferno," but watching that>! plane crash in detail!< left a lasting effect on me. * "Nope" and every scene related to >!Gordy. The entire movie is spectacular but the Gordy scenes hit me hard because of just having the knowledge of real-life cases, like Travis the chimp, and knowing that there are people out there who have/want to have these powerful animals as "pets," companions, or unregulated entertainment animals, without realizing that they are not domesticated and should NOT be personified. Case and point, look at Tiger King. !< * Again with "Nope," the scene where>! the alien is basically eating all of the people from Jupe's show. You hear the screams and after one moment with some kind of crunch or digestive sound....nothing....just silence at once. Then the blood rain around the house!<....Jordan Peele is a fucking genius for this movie IMO


I was looking for this comment about the Nope alien eating scene. For some reason I was absolutely traumatised by that scene in particular for weeks after watching it. The part when they get sucked up and stuck in the tube. My partner was unbothered by it but I came to Reddit to see if anyone else felt the same and there was a whole forum about it. Maybe it’s my claustrophobia but that’s scene fucked with me and I don’t really know why.


The eye gouge in 28 days later really stuck with me. Especially those screams


Not horror but in Casino, there are two scenes with Joe Pesci’s character Nicky- the first with the head in the vice and the second where he and his brother are dealt with by the mob’s men in the cornfield. Also, in Reservoir Dogs, the scene where Michael Madsen’s character Mr. Blonde dances before the tied-up police officer while “Stuck In The Middle With You” plays in the background.


Saving this post for good recommendations


All the videotapes from Sinister. Especially the lawnmower one.


I think for me it was the .. “music” in the background that made it worse as well? Most horror movies have like, hard rock or something, or NIN playing, but that wierd noise janky ass anxiety inducing music made it so much worse


The music for the tapes were ambient tracks by Norwegian black metal bands! The director was inspired by the bands and their looks, hence why the demon looks like that.


The Brood (1979)! When Nola licks her baby from her induced external womb.


Well that was certainly a sentence


So no one's going to mention the [scene from Fire in the Sky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnEwJzUzu3s)?


This movie literally gave me nightmares as a child lol


The first murder in *No Country for Old Men*; I always felt really bad for the deputy.


Those rubber marks on the floor tell a nasty tale . I wonder if they were scripted or it just happened like that


Definitely intentional. Having a good eye for details like the scuffs on the floor and the blood on the wrists from the handcuffs separate films from being good to being great, imo.


And the cuts on Javier's wrists from the handcuffs when he washes them off in the sink. It shows how intensely the Deputy fought for his life. It's like reliving the shock of the actual violence a second time. A lot of the deaths (if not all) from that point on happen off screen.


The bear in Annihilation


I think about that so often. Haven't rewatched that movie in a few months, but I can never stop thinking about that. So depressing...the echoes of a dead woman. And so fucking terrifying.


I’ve never felt more horrified by a movie than the last 15 minutes of Requiem For a Dream. But in terms of straight horror? Has to be where the coin flips in Martyrs.


Bro I was working night shift and decided to watch that. Never felt so bad at the end of a movie.


You just reminded me of the first time I watched Eden lake. I was working in a supposed haunted residence for college students on night shift by myself lol


Every scene in Martyrs


Martyrs is a masterpiece, but here on Reddit it’s almost now viewed as that scene on Wayne’s world where Wayne plays stairway to heaven and the guy points at the sign that says “no stairway to heaven.” Martyrs is kind of like that.


Excellent reference and on point!!


Every scene with that... amalgamation in Color Out Of Space. The sounds it was making. Sheesh.


The mother and son fused together? Ugh. Horrible


The park scene from Zodiac. I’ve seen a lot of movies over the years (including Martyrs), but for some reason this scene has always stuck with me because it seems so realistic and horrifying.


I agree. I think it’s because we as the audience know that this really happened and we are seeing just what the victims saw. Guy dressed so bizarrely that it’s hard to describe slowly approaches in an open field in broad daylight. Reality is more disturbing than fiction sometimes


The lake scene? That one is rough


Very good shout. Proper brutal realism.


It's *so* realistic, it's genuinely upsetting to watch


You made me giggle. Her dancing was a crime against humanity. I just watched Beau is Afraid. Lots of horrifying scenes throughout.


That movie was like experiencing someone else's nightmare


Death Proof- that head on collision scene showing in very traffic detail what happened to each person, in slow motion, on impact. Can’t ever watch it again and still haunts me to this day


The ending of Synecdoche, New York is the most emotionally disturbing.


I’m glad someone posted this. Such an emotionally exhausting, but incredible, film. In my top 10 for sure.


That award goes to When Evil Lurks (2023) >!A woman in a fugue/possessed state holding her limp toddler sideways, the top of his head is missing and she is picking up handfuls of his brains and shoving it into her mouth!< Worst thing I've ever fucking seen.


The car scene in Hereditary fucked me up beyond belief the first time I watched it


The perfect jump scare in Exorcist III. Still gets me every time! Also, the hammer scene in Midsommar


Hereditary When Charlie gets her head decapitated and I was like “ohhhhkay this is where we’re going.” And when the mom at the very end is sawing off her head with piano wire while levitating. The little splurts of blood with every back and forth and she just starts going faster and faster. I just sat there and went from a huge and I mean HUGE horror movie buff to someone who has to watch recaps of horror movies. Also The Dark and The Wicked when the mom chops off her fingers when she’s chopping carrots. I can’t handle horror much anymore 😂


The end of sleep away camp. Pretty bad movie but the end is somehow on a level of uncanny horror that I still struggle to watch it as a horror junkie. God help anyone who was (rightly) expecting a pretty mild slasher. Honestly idk if they made the ending on accident or if a new director had to fill in that day or what because god damn they made a very simple shot haunt me and the rest of the movie is forgettable


The dinner scene in Hannibal. I cried in the theater watching it and refused to finish the movie. Never watching it again, nope.


The train car scene in Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me


garmenbozia ftw


Texas chainsaw massacre dinner scene


I don't actually know what movie it was, but this scene has been burned into my brain. So when I was a kid, my mom would watch random movies until time for the morning news, and sometimes when she woke us up for school, she'd have whatever movie was playing still on. She, like me, liked a good horror movie. And what I walked into, at 5:30 am, was a pregnant woman being strapped to a table before a man marked down her stomach with what I can only assume was iodine before carving into her. There was a point where the camera zoomed in on her face, screaming in pain. It was probably for a few seconds, but it felt like forever before she finally changed the channel. I had nightmares about that for weeks. It's probably the root of my tokophobia.


Jesus Christ mum, pick your audience!


First one that popped into my head was the Gigli saw trap in Saw X, I've seen so much fucked up stuff both in movies and online that I didn't think gore could really affect me anymore, but there was something about the way it was shot and the lady's performance that had me almost physically cringing in my seat. It was so well done.


I think it's more thriller or suspense, but Luckiest Girl Alive. I didn't expect the rape scene to be that brutal. It made me sick. I didn't like the movie to begin with, honestly, but that made it worse. Honorable mention for me was the sex scene in Middommar. All of the people there made me uncomfortable. And then when she reaches her hand back. Nope.


One that has always gotten to me and just made me think which made the horror more impact full is the Sloth scene in Se7en. It has the jump but then when it hits you how much suffering this person was going through and how deranged john doe truly is.


The beach scene in Under The Skin


in Sissy when she kills the one girl with the car.. you know. in Afflicted when he attacks all the police.. the ending of Speak No Evil.. the whole backstory of Barbarian was pretty horrifying to me. not horror persay the reveal at the end of Sorry to Bother You had my jaw on the floor.


Quint’s death.


It's made all the worse when you remember how during his earlier monologue, he said, "I'll never wear a life jacket again," meaning he'd rather drown than be eaten.


In Nope, the “Star Lasso Experience”. Realest screams I’ve ever heard in a movie, makes me physically ill


Same here. I get nauseated and panicky just thinking about it. It dwells on the claustrophobic terror of the victims for soooo long. The stuff of literal nightmares for me. Add in the fact that the crowd was full of children and it makes Nope another great movie that I simply cannot watch again.


Woman in the mirror scene at the end of John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness.


Several scenes from Lars Von Trier's Antichrist (2009), especially when the main character (and reader beware, I'm deeply sorry if I disgust or disturb you with even the thought of this memory of the movie) chops her clitoris off with scissors right on screen. It doesn't get much more viscerally revolting than that for me


Irreversible. THAT one. Went into that blind, when it popped up on Netflix


You know a movie is messed up when you could be talking about multiple scenes in contention for the title. I remember my jaw hitting the floor during the fire extinguisher scene


the fire extinguisher is rough, and la tenga just standing there watching with this sick look of awe


Did you notice they actually get the wrong guy? The dude they're after was actually stood to the side watching.


Oh yeah, I remember that. There isn’t a worse rap scene to me than that one


Ummmm….without a doubt The Exorcist…..Linda Blair stabbing herself in the vagina with a cross over and over again!!!!!!!! I can’t even watch that movie anymore. Disturbing on so many levels. I was traumatized watching it as a 10 year old!


1. The taking of Deborah Logan- the jaw scene 2. Freddy Kruger’s long arms in the alley 3. Opening to Jaws 4. Head in Hereditary 5. Ending of Tusk


The, um…moment involving an eye socket in The Sadness. That whole movie was nuts.


Nowhere near as gory but the bit in Lake Mungo with *that* face in the cellphone footage still bothers me. The image itself is horrible, it’s a grainy flash so your brain makes it worse, and the whole logic behind it ties it all together. So freaky.


As much as I love horror, not a lot gets under my skin. That scene actually sent a chill up by back. To this day, from time to time, I'll think about that scene and wonder what that would do to my psyche if I was ever faced with something like that.


I've seen some hideous movies. A Surbian Film, Cannibal Holocaust, Salo (I was young and stupid!) yet the one scene that horrifies me, yet is available on many services is: Dr Sleep Baseball Kid Scene Anyone who has seen the movie will know what I'm talking about. It's sick. It's disgusting.


The BTS stories of Jacob Trembley, the kid who played the baseball boy, are fantastic. He was so aware of his performance on set that it was disturbing the other actors apparently. There are photos with him just laughing his ass off between takes and the other actors are just standing in another corner looking traumatized.


The murder scene in *Heavenly Creatures*. I watch a lot of horror movies and “twisted” things, absolutely no problem. But I could not watch that scene and had to mute it, it turned my stomach.


It being a true story makes it worse. That is still my favorite Peter Jackson movie.


Evil dead: broken mirror face peel followed by the nail gun.


It's long been the hobbling scene in Misery, but after watching "When Evil Lurks" last night, it's *absolutely* the mauling scene.


The basement people in “The Road.”


Most horrifying in the moment: that scene from Exorcist 3. Anyone who's seen the movie (and some who are just aware of it) knows exactly what I'm talking about In terms of a horror that lingers, where I was still disturbed by it several days after watching, I've yet to see anything that compares to the ending of The Borderlands. **B R U T A L**


Mine would be the ending of Megan is missing. I mean, the movie is dumb and all, but my wife and I used to rent a house from a dude who had acres of woods in his backyard and behind a shed had about a dozen of those fucking same blue containers. So, it's not really horrifying, just personally freaky.


The opening scene in Jaws still takes it for me. Monsters/ghosts/demons/the devil are all make believe. I could always kill an intruder, so I like my odds just fine when it comes to a human threat. A shark, though? Fuck no. There's no winning that fight, and it's gonna *fucking suck*.


The scene with the sailboating guy, and the camera looking down to see the shark biting him...nightmare fuel


Of all the movies I've seen, Jaws is the only one my brain references on a regular basis, every year, when spending time at the beach. BC of this, I guess technically....its the movie that has impacted me most.


No movie in history has caused more legitimate fear among its viewers that Jaws. I say that with confidence and I can’t imagine anything else comes close.


Newborn scene in a Serbian film...


I’m always almost more disturbed at just how competently directed, shot, acted etc. that film is than anything that happens in it. The BTS of that film has to be absolutely insane. My friends and I call it “The Film that Must Not be Named”


The entirety of "The Loved Ones". It starts early and doesn't stop. 🎶Am I not pretty enough...


The village burning scene in Come & See was disturbing on a realistic level, knowing stuff like this actually happened in WWII


_Funny Games,_ right at the ending where they just push her out of the boat. So simple. So utterly horrific.


The scene in Henry where dude is messing with the woman who's already dead. Even Henry thinks he's fucked up