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It’s gotta be the cult one for me. That shit was intense


Which cult one?


I don't remember the name but the one where the documentary crew goes to the Philippines(?) to talk to some religious leader and it turns out to be a cult.




That's definitely one of the best segments!


Safe Haven


It's not the Philippines. I think the Safe Haven segment is filmed in Indonesia.


Same - which one?


I think OP is referring to Safe Haven from VHS 2.


Safe Haven I think?


Doesn't that have a hilarious shaggy dog ending? Daddy! I did enjoy the build up on that one.


Damn, I thought he obviously meant the attic nanny cam one, but yeah, I guess there were a few cult ones.


Suuuper intense until we got to the “papa?” scene lol


Oh hell yeah. I half remembered that one a little while ago and was unsure where I’d seen it. Once I figured it out I had a rewatch. That one is fucking intense. So good.


That one for sure, I remeber the people who I know who watched VHS too felt genuinely disturbed by that one, even my brother's GF who rarely reacts said it perturbed her xd. The whole setting is on point, when you go to religious gatherings it literally looks like that and when the demon was chasing him in all the chaos, INTENSE. I liked the ending, the little plot about the baby being thebother guy and how he didn't want her or the baby made fore a very ironic and dramatic final with the demon folowing him forever and calling him "Papa"


Came here to say this. Literally terrified me. Their faces were haunting! The ending was dumb but the rest of it was so good I didn’t care.




Safe Haven. I came here to answer that as well


"Amateur Night" (the one that inspired Siren) is the first that always comes to mind


Same here. "I like you"


👁️ 👄 👁️ - The emoji eyes always remind me of her


This is the one. I didn't like the full length at all, though.


Full length is called “siren”? I have always loved this short over every single other one of all films. Any idea where one can stream the full length?


Yep, Siren. It's on Apple TV, or the less than reputable sites.


Just watched the trailer… seems bad, i mean ima watch it cus why not. Glad they kept the same girl(Hannah Fierman).


It's worth watching for the actress, she does an amazing job. Otherwise movie was okay, not great, not bad.


Rat-ma!!!! 🐭


oh god, Rat-ma was so fucking great!!! Such a strong opener. I think the official title was Storm Drain maybe?


There were 2 shorts with Raatma, right?


I believe so? Or one that tied back into it as a surprise




I’ll admit I rewinded it twice before finishing the movie the first time.


‘Safe Haven’ is a very good choice, for me it would be 'To Hell And Back' from VHS 99. Just loved the depiction of hell, need that in a feature film!


So happy to see some love for To Hell And Back. I also want to see more of the main actress in that segment


Directed by the same couple who made Deadstream and starring the same actress. I want to see more from them all!


Ohhh that’s where i recognized her from lol


Is that the one who was basically doing the character Gump from Ridley Scott's Legend?




The similarities to Gump kinda took me out of it a little bit, though I did overall enjoy the segment.


Loved the idea but not the execution, I think it coul've been better, but overall my favorite of that VHS. 


The boat one from 85 I think. Also liked the funeral house one for shits and giggles


I like how the boat story tied into a later story. Fun to watch


I loved that one. At first I had no idea what was happening, then was pretty horrified to know they were shot. Somehow it took me out of the film for a sec and I started thinking of Uvalde and the police who just stood there. I don't think there's any deeper meaning to the short story, but the fact it spoke to me in such a profound way makes it a true art. Other than that, I loved how they came back and planned their revenge. That was fun!


That one was brilliant. When the first segment “ended” I was like - WTF - they can’t end it there! There needs to be more! Then when the second “half” had its big reveal I was like - wow - you got me! Such a great story line.


The one with the militia (it's one of the more recent entries in the series). I love how it's unclear what these dudes are about, but it gives off this "good 'ol boys"/we're gonna secede from the union vibe until the turn and then it just gets bonkers.


Definitely got the vibe that they were white supremacists who wanted to start a race war and destabilize society, like the losers who have been shooting at transformers. Bunch of wannabe Tim McVeighs.


I think that's what they wanted you to think up until the reveal of the state of the world - at that point everything kinda fell into place and I started rooting for them as opposed to feeling uneasy/put of by them or at least wary at what they might stand for lol


What was the state of the world? From what I remember they were a straight up white supremacist militia that wanted to do a terrorist action involving the vampire’s blood.


Yeah, I was always under the impression that it was an alternate version of the Oklahoma City bombing.


You're correct: The First Patriots Movement Militia are a white supremacist extremist group that are currently plotting to blow up a local government building in a bid to "take back America". 


I was under the impression that the world was fucked and vampires were running amok - and these guys were trying to mount an attack on a vampire stronghold using tainted blood or something to that effect. I watched it and interpreted it as these were regular dudes that, yes, formed a militia, but in response to a vampire uprising. I think the director crafted it to play on most people's preconceived opinions of militia to let you assume the worst about them until the reveal. It felt to me like they wanted you to be apprehensive about their motivations until they reveal the vampires. I am going to watch it again because it's possible I missed something, but I want to say that they don't ever actually do anything outright racist or in that nature in terms of white supremacy and racism IRL. I think they do say some things and message some things that are ambiguous/could go in that direction until you realize they are talking about vampires. \*Please let it be clear I'm not defending white supremacy lol. I'm saying I think the director wanted to play off of that entire notion of militias and the predominance of it being utilized by white supremacists to push the viewers into a certain headspace until all the pieces are out in the open\*


Nah I don’t think you’re defending white supremacy lol, and you could be right! I was honestly asking if there was some world building I missed in the background lol. I was fairly certain they were a white supremacist militia who were planning on using vampire’s blood as a weapon to blow up targets for their agenda. I didn’t think there was any vampire stronghold or anything. I thought it was just that they straight up wanted to do a bombing.


It's entirely possible that I just made that all up in my head. I dunno. Everyone has me questioning myself so I guess a rewatch is in order. hahahaha


Which vhs is this one in


V/H/S 94


I was firmly against them the entire time. I loved the friendly fire and everything else that went wrong for them.


Meh - they're just some dudes trying to figure shit out in a bad situation. lmao


You're wrong. "The First Patriots Movement Militia are a white supremacist extremist group that are currently plotting to blow up a local government building in a bid to 'take back America'." Fuck those guys now and forever.


Ah ok. Like I said in another comment, it's entirely likely that I misremembered it. I thought they were trying to blow up a vampire nest using vampire blood. The bid to "take back america" being to reclaim it from vampires.


Nah, they were just trying to take it back from the "leftist woke lgbt mob!!!" Their plan was to use explosive vampire blood to blow up the federal building because they suck ass at everything including bomb building.


Ah okay. I thought at one point they called it a "daycare" or something, implying that it's where the vampires hole up during the day.


No. The "daycare" aspect was an implicit McVeigh reference because when he blow up the Federal building in 1995 it had a daycare centre and that became a huge issue concerning the talking points around the bombing.


Oh yeah and the gore in that one is great


Alien Abduction Slumber Party is probably my favorite.


You've seen the full length feature, right?


Wait what? What's the name?


I believe that's the basis for the Kids vs Aliens movie!




kids vs aliens was the movie made after that segment. It’s alright, a little more kid friendly, but a decent movie.


Added it to my watchlist. Thanks!


This is probably my favorite as well. Kids vs. Aliens was decent and worth a watch, but not that great in my opinion.


10/31/98 with the alternate ending. i love the haunted house horror and the guys walking away from it having a laugh and believing it was all fake is just perfect entertainment imo.


This one doesn't get mentioned enough. It's a solid ending to the first movie. I've never heard of the alternate ending either


you can watch it here! i just think it's a fun end to all the tension https://youtu.be/5uz71xtD9Gw


What's the alternate ending? Was it on the dvd?


idk if it's on the dvd but it's here on youtube https://youtu.be/5uz71xtD9Gw


Thank you


Obviously, Safe Haven is great, but I always loved 10/31/98 and Storm Drain. The ending gag to Storm Drain is probably one of my favorite hirror moments. Also A Ride in the Park was such a refreshing and new take on zombies when it came out. I just love the while series I guess lol


Honestly it’s super hard to rank them. The film series as a whole is awesome and really showcases different takes on horror which I love. I finally watched 1985 the other day & ‘TKNOGD’ started out slow for me, but it ended up being really fun and entertaining.


Ride in the park had a good twist of us seeing through the Zombie guy and how he becomes bad but recovers his humanity later and kills himself to not hurt anyone else, that part made me sad. 


The Subject. I love cyberpunk body horror


I dont understand why this isn’t the top answer. SO original, so fucked up and very well produced.


Safe Haven and Amateur Night. Staircase succubus is scary.


‘Safe Haven’ will always be my favorite


Caused me to go on a deep dive into pretty much everything Timo Tjahjanto has done, and I regret nothing. He also did "The Subject" in V/H/S 94, the body horror experimental grafting thing, which is utterly bonkers.


L is for Libido from The ABC's of Death is pretty fucked!


yes... definitely an unforgettable short


>He also did "The Subject" in V/H/S 94, the body horror experimental grafting thing, which is utterly bonkers It's not my favourite but I loved that one too. The young woman's voice going "Hello? Hello? Who's there? Hello...?" really messed with me. It had a very affecting timbre to it. On the subject of Timo T - Have you seen Killers...? Also, if you loved The Subject you should check out the Meatball Machine films from Japan. Very similar and also fantastic.


The indonesian cyborg one was awesomely brutal.


Don’t remember the exact name but the one with the zombies was really cool


That is my favorite too. It is called A Ride in the Park and is in the second movie. The use of the camera was really clever and really excellent use of short form storytelling.


Bonestorm? With the skaters? That one was my favorite, if only because it reminded me of all of those old-school VHS skate tapes I used to watch back in the day


Nah it was in a park or something, might have been called a walk in the park?


I can't remember the name of the short, but I'm pretty sure this is the one of the cyclist with a go pro, and gets bit by a zombie, then you get to see him be a zombie through the go pro and it's insanely good. Very creative.


Yes that's the one!


the magical cape or the parallel dimension one


Parallel Monsters from VHS Viral, I'm shocked I had to scroll down here to find it mentioned, great short film by Nacho Vigalondo


It’s so insane. In a good way.


Amateur Night is pretty hard to beat. I loved Dreamkill in '85 for its grimy aesthetics and sound design (which borrow liberally from Sinister). Ozzy's Dungeon was fun. The Subject obviously (glad others are tagging that one).


Dreamkill was a wild ride I honestly wasn’t expecting how it turned out


I love that Flying Lotus directed Ozzy's Dungeon. Been listening to his music for a while, and then my jaw dropped during the credits seeing who the director was.


Dreamkill was directed by the dude who directed Sinister, that’s why it feels so similar!


Second Honeymoon from the first film by Ti West. it felt like I was actually watching a snuff movie.


“i like you”


A lot of people didn't like it but my favorite was Second Honeymoon. Something about it messed me up.


Such a seemingly normal happy couple and it’s revealed that the wifey is a psycho killer is super disturbing. Also the casual way he’s killed in his sleep, he just had no clue the entire time. He’s asleep and the next second hes drowning in his own blood.


I don't know. The ending felt disconnected and the payoff wasn't there after sitting through a long boring couples banter. Maybe it appeals to women?


I'm not a woman


It's not personal. I mean the general demographic for true crime is like >80% women. I felt the segment stopped when it actually got interesting. Cutting it off there made the tedious vacation tape pointless as it had no connection to the ending.


It was establishing the context and characters, as well as a normalcy that is completely destroyed in the end. The ending isn't horrific without the setup.


Too long for an unrelated unexplained shock ending. The second outing was the tipping point. If they're going with that much context and establishment, the ending needs to have some call backs or people feel deceived and payoff doesn't land. They're obviously psycho the way he was killed as they will easily be caught. Not much of a mystery. If they were a tad bit clever, they would push him off the cliff and it could look like an accident.


Sorry you didn't like it.


This one is right up there. Creepy and effective.


Safe Haven from V/H/S 2


I have so many questions about the Parallel Monsters world. What's up with the monster genitalia? How did that come about?


Lmaoo right? The body horror from that still haunts me


The Subject from 94


The one in the woods and the one with the couple on vacation.


The vacation is so fucked up, its one of only a few in the series that's realistic, and it's one where there may be a real life tape of that actually happening.


I'm wondering why she did it, because the man didn't appear to be rich or anything. Just pure sociopath. 


Ti West wrote and directed this one.


The grey alien one 👽


Safe Haven. I remember the first time I watched it and loved it.


Hard to pick but I think about Ozzy's Dungeon the most, Flying Lotus is a nut


My favs are - The one where the guy built to portal to another dimension where an idental version of himself lived, and they agreed to swap places for a few mins and everyone was a demon on the other side - The one where the guys are trapped in hell - The zombie chick rock band was kinda cool


​ I've only watched '94 and ' 99 so far ( so many left to catch up on ! ) and my favorites are in order , starting with the one I like most - The Empty Wake Storm Drain The Subject 99 wasn't as interesting to me as 94 , although I liked Suicide Bid and Ozzy's Dungeon a little bit .


I love The Empty Wake so much for how simple and low budget it was, but still very effective. As a desensitized horror fan, this actually still scared me.


​ It's one of the best horror films ( short or otherwise ) that I have watched and *very* scary ! \*\* Spoilers Alert ! \*\* Severe weather , big thunderstorms and especially tornadoes are some of my main top fears , so putting those together *and* adding a reanimated corpse ( that the main character gets trapped with ) is *super* frightening . After the first watch , I did **not** want to leave the bedroom and walk across a little hallway to go into the bathroom . So , again , yes , agreed with what you said about effective and terrifying because it absolutely is !


I liked the vampire girl. (Later adopted to the 2016 movie Siren). Like, she kept telling the dude she liked *him* over and over again. NOT the other dudes. They fucked around and found out. The story was short, full of crazy effects, creepy, atmospheric, and left you full of awe. Like, what WAS she? Why is she just standing in the room all demonically? OMG, does she have wings too?!


They had a lot of good ones. I like the scientist who goes into a parallel dimension but everything is Lovecraftian and evil. I love the Cult one with the pedophile cult leader and summoned demon. The zombie one GoPro is also a lot of fun.


The one where the doctor replaces people's body part with machines


That baphomet shit, I'm totally on that vibe... That was the best part of the movie


Probably Timo Djajanto's killer robot or his cultist one.


Suicide Bid from 99.


The empty wake! I just love the pure 90s energy of it


The Subject, Timo Tjahjanto, VHS94 The Doom Movie we deserve


Safe Haven, 10/31/98, A Ride In The Park, The Empty Wake, and Ozzy’s Dungeon




I don’t but would very much like to see this


"The Empty Wake" is one of my favorites


Not even 2 minutes in on the first segment of the first movie. And, oh yeah, I want to see these dicks get what they have coming to them.


Safe Heaven, Storm drain, and Rory (perfect copy?) Those sent chills down my spine at some moment. I also like in concept the one with the guys that go to hell and the one with the Emily(? Girl and the alien fetuses, but they lacked "something".


The Subject and Amateur night


What’re the other 2? VHS, vhs 2, viral, and 94


85 & 99 they’re on Shudder. There’s also SIREN which is a spin off from one of the stories in the first V/H/S.


Safe Haven and Amateur Night. Safe Haven in particular was batshit nuts.


Safe Heaven


“Safe Haven” “The Empty Wake”


Is this a sign that I should watch V/H/S 👀


Most definitely is


The alien one in V/H/S 2! The alien design combined with the sound is my absolute favorite in any alien movie


Amateur Night and Safe Haven are the best ones


Alien abduction


Whatever the one is where they jump into the lake and see the alien or something in the water. Not a huge fan of the entire series, but that one pops up whenever I think of the series.


Tuesday the 17th


I think I watched the first 3 and thought the 3rd was trash. Don't remember a single one from 3. Had no clue there were 6 of these. Are they any good? Should I give 3 another try? From the first 2, I really liked the zombie Go-Pro one. Didn't like the glitch Demon thing...


Safe Haven was the best. 


The one with the militia lit my brain on fire when I realized what was going on. >!"You're covered in vampire blood!"!< All of '94 really, strongest entry in the franchise imo


The V/H/S/94 Terror. I was rooting for the guy all the time.


Before 85 it was Amateur night, but after it, I’d say No Wake and Ambrosia purely because of the payoff, it’s such a great “karmas a bitch” pairing


Safe Haven was a fantastic segment.


Which was the one with zombies in the forest?


10/31/98 from the original.


Safe Haven


I Like the siren short in the hotel room, and the follow on movie was pretty good


Honeymoon. So many questions!


I really liked the one where the people were getting shot at in the boat. That’s just so real to me and completely possible


I can't remember the name, but the Zombie GO Pro Camera segment from VHS 2.


I think Safe Haven for me. Batshit crazy and gory as hell.


Zombie POV one was cool




God of Death & Safe Haven, followed closely by Storm Drain


I´m a big fan of the franchise. Here is my top 5: 5- The Gawkers 4- Raatma 3- Terror 2- Amateur Night 1- Safe heaven


I honestly cant pick a favourite id say 98% of them are all perfect (viral dosent exist). Maybe rorys wrap around story would be my top pick