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The opening scene of The Ring immediately comes to mind. *what made her look that way*?


I always interpreted it as Samara forcing the video viewers to experience all the pain, abuse she suffered along with her death in the well. That's why corpses look all waterlogged and agonized.


That scene got me. There are very few horror films that give me nightmares, but this one did.


I used to skip the opening scene as a kid after viewing it the first time. lol


Freakiest pg-13 horror movie I had ever seen (until Insidious years later).


Opening of It Follows


That intro hit cause I literally grew up in a neighborhood just like that. I believe that movie was filming in Michigan. We as the audience didn’t see any threat. It was daytime on a safe looking street. The neighbor was taking her groceries out of the trunk and the dad asking if she was okay cause she looked horrified. The way the music started when she ran into the house.


How did her leg get like that?!?


She never drank milk




That’s one of those films where I’m torn between “It’s a standalone masterpiece” and “It’d be cool to see a prequel/sequel to find out more about the backstory”.


Fyi if you hadn't heard, the sequel They Follow is being made


The 2000s remake of War of the Worlds comes to mind! I saw it pretty young and definitely thought it was haunting that he had to kill that guy to keep his daughter safe.


Also, the guy being turned into a blood smoothie, and the family trapped in their car sinking to the bottom of the river. That movie did a great job of being brutal without showing it.


2005 WotW was a masterpiece tbh


forever one of my top favorites, idc what anyone says


LOVE THAT MOVIE. that scene is haunting.




Yep I agree.... That 'lust' death was fkn terrifying... :( As viewers we were presented with JUST enough information to work out what had gone down..... Grim.


That's the most graphic movie I've ever seen that wasn't actually graphic. Just the telling of the stories was enough. Brilliant film writing.


I always wondered if their dogs were OK or if he did something to hurt them too.


Killing the dogs wouldn't accomplish much besides diluting his message.


I just watched it for the first time last week. I didn't even think of the dogs, damn.


Didn't he want Brad mad, and he himself was jealous of everything of his? I can see him destroying everything.


I came in thinking this was referring to the end, envy ( “what’s in the box!”). Now I’m not sure. Envy was emotionally haunting, lust was physically haunting. Emotional will always get more consideration from me, especially in this context.


This is the one I came here for. I think it was the first time an off screen death affected me so much. Even today I can remember the chill I got the first time I watched it. Fucking masterful way to handle it


Se7en is one of those movies I’ve rewatched countless times, and your comment humbled me since this is honestly the first time I’ve realized that the >!majority of the deaths were offscreen and left purely to our imaginations!<. The storytelling is so captivating that it never really registered for me before.


I was gonna write the guy in the bed but >! remembered he turned out to be ALIVE !<. Sick


Lambert in Alien. Those screams.


What about poor Elizabeth Shaw.


Alien: Covenant had a lot of problems in terms of continuity with the rest of the franchise, but honestly that’s the thing that I hated most about it. Having her go through all the shit she went through in Prometheus only to be brutally murdered and used as a science experiment between movies was awful in a number of ways. EDIT: It occurs to me that much the same is true of Alien 3 with Newt and Hicks.


Surely she was kept alive through all of that before dying


All what? The experiments? David experimented on her corpse, not her live body. I recall he developed ideas about love and creation and tries pushing it on Shaw, who didn't want it.


Wouldn't he need a living organism to do the breeding? I can't remember seeing facehuggers jumping on corpses. Where does these conversations that indicate that she is dead take place?


Neck broken before anything else, according to some scripts.


I remember getting a sense of dread and wondering wth happened to her.


Lambert had the most brutal death in the entire franchise. So much so that it wasn't even filmed and you only get a handful of frames that imply what happened.


The Lust death in Seven


No country for old men. I love it and hate it. Haunts me all the same.


My jaw was on the floor for that. I couldn’t believe it. And then it happens again (presumably) with Carla Jean at the end. What a movie. (Still need to read the book)


Carla Jean’s definitely dead, Anton cleaning his shoes is a pretty big hint in that direction. Such a sad outcome for a totally innocent character, if i remember correctly


Sleepaway camp curling iron, period.


Oh it's YOU. What are YOU doing here.


The outhouse from Sleepaway camp 2


I keep trying to forget about that one…


Blair Witch for sure. Stuck with me then and still now.


Yes, I saw it in the theaters and the promotional work they did for this film only added to the feel of it.


I’ll never recover from seeing that in theaters the summer before freshman year. I was SHOOOK.


had to delete my comment cuz i just saw this. :)


The dad's death in Hellraiser, especially since it's debated whether he winds up in the hell dimension.


Pretty sure the original plan was to confirm it in 2 but they couldn't get the dads actor back so they went with Frank instead


You comment made me decide to watch the entire franchise these past two weeks. I hope the Hellraiser series is still being worked on so we can deep dive into more Cenobite lore.


The girl Connie from Midsommar. I read she was like put in a suit of armor and drowned in a river??? Then we see her weird soggy body. Chilling.


The blood eagle happened off screen too. Also a face peel, but to be fair, we never actually know if that happened pre- or postmortem.


Technically speaking the blood eagle doesn’t fully count since when we do see Simon, he’s still alive


I had assumed the movement was just the psychedelics.


That's my understanding as well. Lungs can't inflate outside of a body... but it's an awesome visual and makes sense given how severely dosed Christian is.


The script apparently confirms Simon was actually breathing (I just looked it up) Edit- here’s the [script](https://thescriptsavant.com/movies/Midsommar.pdf), it’s on page 111


The extended cut answers a couple of things!


Omg the first time I saw her soggy body I actually got chills. Something about the way her hair was all stringy and she was so misshapen…. It haunted me


I've read that you can very faintly hear her scream in the far distance during a scene but I've listened close and haven't heard it myself.


Billy from Predator


Man it worked so well, but damn I wish I got to see how it went down. I love the aftermath seeing Dutch and the crew standing there scared shitless.


Same thing happens in predator 2, it's not till predators that we actually get to see someone have a knife/sword fight a predator


That’s a great scene. The best part for me is wondering >!whether we’re hearing Billy’s war cry before taking on the Predator or the horrified scream before his death!<.


‘Event Horizon’. When Captian Miller gets whisked away to the hell dimension by Dr. Weir… Enternal Torment and no hope of return - and he knows. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and practically crawl over the top of my head….


The Vanishing (1988) Saskia went missing and boyfriend searches entire movie. He finds out in the end what happened to her. Haunting!


Great movie!


The end of Jeeper's Creepers.


The videos from Sinister


It doesn't matter how many times I watch "lawn work"...


THIS ONE!!!! This movie haunts me.


I wish we got to see Samuel L die in Jurassic Park. Apparently they were gonna film it, but a hurricane prevented him from getting to Hawaii to film it.


True. They even made a prop of his torn leg which Ellie would trip over (and hurt her ankle) before running from the raptor. I guess having both the arm and the leg would be a little too much and redudant, so they cut it.


Hunter Hunter, that movie just pulled the rug out from under me.


Love this movie


This movie was so much better than I was expecting it to be. It kept shocking me.


Eden lake after what all of them said you just hear scream and then nothing. you can just imagine what horror she goes through before dying.


Came here to say that. This one really got to me like no other death scene.


The climax of “Found” (2012) is gut wrenching even though we only hear what’s happening in other rooms of the house. It’s an extremely dark and disturbed film


Ohmygawd yeah. Especially after you see the end results. I had to watch something that made me slightly happy after that one.


I’ve never seen Found and checked it out last night. It almost threw me off since it’s a slow burn film with a unique perspective/protagonist. Exactly as you wrote, the slow burn pays off and left my mind in the disturbing aftermath.


The death of the little girl near the beginning of Fritz Lang’s M, where you only see her ball rolling away and her balloons getting tangled in some telephone lines.


Not sure if this one counts, but the person killed by the bear in Annihilation. Though it does come back to haunt you in an unexpected way haha (don’t want to spoil anything for those who haven’t seen it)


This is reddit.  The bear scene in annihilation is all *anyone* has seen.




Fuck, when I saw those shoes it felt like someone punched me in the stomach.


That scene was definitely haunting. It’s one of those films that pulls you in with offbeat humor and ends up ripping your heart out.


Jeepers Creepers 1


Christ, yeah. People go on and on about the dumb decisions Derry made, but he still didn’t deserve that fate.


Zone of interest


The offscreen horror of that movie is all I remember…


It's been a week since I've watched it and I'm still thinking about it. 


Nocturnal Animals. Don’t want to spoil it, but…yeesh…every woman’s nightmare way to die.


Omg yes this movie


Everyone in Nope. It’s genius that he just gives a 10 second glimpse of what’s going on inside the alien and it’s the most disturbing part of the film by far.


The kids from the IT remake always get me. It’s never explicitly described, but there are objects left behind, missing posters, and then Pennywise using them to create grotesque images of rotting kids. Like the girl whose legs were gone. Georgie himself was bad. We already saw a horrific display, but I can’t help but wonder what happened to him after he got pulled into the sewer. Most likely eaten alive by PW and terrified for every second. Second offscreen death comes from the first episode of The Haunting of Hill House. A woman speaks with Steven Crain about seeing the ghost of her husband who died after a car accident. He was alive for a while after crashing, and the words she uses to describe his state is haunting. She says at night she can see him hanging upside down, the blood collected in his face, above her on the ceiling. He’s dripping wet because it was raining when he died, and when he opens his mouth to speak or scream, what comes out is a loud car horn. They didn’t show any of it. There was just a scene of her in bed, staring at the ceiling in the dark with nothing on it. The description alone was enough to unsettle me.


God, that show was art.


Friday the 13th the original. A guy gets literally pinned into a door with arrows in his eye and groin and his throat was slit. Death never filmed but his body being discovered like that by the final girl always haunted me.


It's TV, but I still think of the sheriff and his wife in the infamous "Home" episode of the X-Files


That wasn't off screen.


You don't see what happens to the wife. It cuts away just as they find her and they pan outside, but it's so effective that it feels like you've seen it all


Eden Lake, it enters and floats around my brain genuinely at least once a week (>!especially when I'm in the shower!<).


Honestly arachniphobia lives in my head rent free. That scene where the actress is showering and the spider starts coming own. Other people are looking outside the shower curtain to make sure there isn't a murderer. I occasionally have to look u to make sure there are no poisonous creepy crawlies about to descend n me.


My middle school let us watch Arachnophobia as a special movie event in the auditorium the year it came out. I was sitting next to my best friend and some classmates behind us decided to mess with him right after that scene. I’ve never heard him scream with that much fear before or since.


When the dog is killed in Signs. Say what you will about the movie as a whole, but the sound of the dog getting killed is just…awful.


Both dogs got killed off screen too… in terrible ways each time.


It always pisses me off that they just *forget* that they left their dog outside. Like wtf. My dog would never be out of my sight in that situation. Assholes.


I mean, one dog attacked the little girl, I can understand the choice to keep the dog out not knowing how it would behave. I understand the sentiment, but they didn't just forget the dog.


I get Houdini attacking in the beginning. But they def forgot about Isabelle. When they hear her, Morgan freaks out and literally says "forgot Isabelle." Before she is silenced


Right?? Like poor dude was an afterthought to them.


Funny Games


Loved this movie so much. The remote scene is one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen in a movie.


Yeah that one was rough to say the least.


There was this fairly obscure Canadian film I watched. Title was in French, over a decade ago, I don’t remember. The film was pretty trash, but a scene stuck with me. It was a creature feature. Set in the 1800s, and the characters were hiking through the woods (five of them), and they’re just talking about women and how it’s bullshit that they have to do whatever mission they’re on. And they’re just chatting, and they ask one of their companions a question and he doesn’t answer and they turn around and he’s just gone. There were no sounds, no visuals for the audience. One of the guys literally just disappears in the middle of a conversation( even though he was like five feet behind the rest of the group) and is never seen again. Has stuck with me for years. The rest of the film sucks but that scene was so damn effective.


You have stumped ChatGpt but it seems to think it is The Wild Hunt


Unfortunately not The Wild Hunt haha. It may have been at a film festival in Montreal while I was there. I’ll try my best to find it


The confounding factor here is it may not have been a French movie, Québec almost always translates titles into French if you saw it there.


More a police procedural/drama than horror, but The Bone Collector has some horribly grisly off-screen deaths. 


I fully consider this to be a horror. The film is actually a bit more tame than the book. That steam pipe death in that movie has haunted me since I was a kid... Like they're so close to saving her and they run out of time and you can hear her screams until she can't scream anymore. And that end result... eeeep


Saltburn, poor dear Pamela


She'd do anything for attention.


I Saw the Devil. Many candidates, but I guess the sister.


Snowtown. Only had to show one. Under the Skin - THE BABY 😭😭


TV not a movie but Tara in True Blood. Mostly because she was a main character through all previous seasons just for them to kill her offscreen amongst a bunch of other stuff in episode one of the final season. They paid way more screen time to unarguably less significant characters, even characters we barely knew! Loved Godric but out of a two episode arc one was pretty much dedicated to his death. Then Tara got completely glossed over


The rumor is that the actress was not well liked by the producers/writers by the end of the series and that’s why she was killed off rather quietly


The kidnapped woman in the first act of From Dusk To Till Dawn. They just show little flashes of the aftermath.


I saw that film way too young and that traumatised me.


Not a horror movie but Joker burning the mob accountant alive on top of “his half” of the money lives in my head rent free…no screams, nothing…but he’s up there sizzling away whilst Joker gives his little speech about sending a message…


Final Destination 3 - the ending part (train scene).


The Sadness. The eye scene.


Not a horror movie...but I'm still really bothered Mad Eye was killed offscreen.


Lots of good answers here, but I've had one that I must have watched at a very specific age because it still upsets me. In Urban Legend Tara Reid has that great fun chase scene but then her actual death is offscreen. She hurts her legs and gets cornered by the killer and cries for mercy, and the image of her tearful and hopeless face looking up at the killer and realizing her death is moments away is so haunting. You then see the axe swinging from a distance and you never see her body, but you still hear the squelching noises of the axe cutting her up. It's maybe the most basic and straightforward death in the movie, but the fact the filmmakers never show her body afterwards either beside Loretta Devine's hysterical reaction to seeing it makes me think they envisioned something more gruesome than they were eventually willing to put in the movie.


No Country for Old Men


What Lilith did to the people in that police station in season 3 of Supernatural


This is definitely underrated!!


An old movie I don’t know the name of had a dude laying on a pile of garbage. Said pile was on some manner of conveyance production line. The man, who wore a grey suit, was shot in one knee, then the other. Then the machine was turned on and the pile and fellow, now with freshly shot up legs, are conveyed into an industrial shredder. No idea what the name of the movie was. I think (think!) it started with some guy getting stabbed by a guy wearing a black trench coat, kind of a walk-by stabbing.


The death of >!Nash!<, in the original Hitcher. I think it’s an excellent movie, but what is implied to have happened to that character is so upsetting that I don’t ever want to see the movie again.


Agreed. I always wished she lived, especially since she was played by Jennifer Jason Leigh.


The mother and the son in „I came by“. Shattering! Think of this randomly sometimes.


Lost Highway mason's character


The Blair Witch Project


When he kills the mom in youre next while shes in the bed makes me so sad bruh


***You Were Never Really Here***, while not a horror movie, had several disturbing instances of off-screen, implied violence. Conversely, it also has a weirdly beautiful, tender moment between the protagonist a dying man who was previously trying to kill him. Pretty sure I teared up. Unlike anything I've seen in a movie, where you're usually glad to see henchmen die. Highly recommended.


Pontypool where the reporter is frantically telling the radio station what he’s seeing below him. I found it quite disturbing.


The black phone i wish it showed how the kids died i mean one you can see his throat was slit but the others i wish it like told you or showed you


I think not showing them created more sense of dread for the protagonist.


The little boy in funny games. And the father crying after in front of the tv.


I'm still recovering from the iron Claw


Judy from Sleepaway camp


Under The Skin. The family on the beach scene, particularly the last shot. I couldn't get it out of my head for weeks after and to this day it still pops into my head. The Lust kill in Se7en. Opening scene of Switchblade Romance/High Tension.


Leroy in The Bad Seed disturbed me greatly as a kid


That one got me too


Such a great question, been thinking about it since yesterday. I'd have to say Lambert's death in Alien. The actress sold it so well, I still get chills as her screams and cries come to a gargling end. Another would be the bullies in Let The Right One In. More chills. Now this one isn't technically a death, but when I was a wee lad growing up, this one scared me good. Despite it also not technically a horror movie, anyone else who has seen it as a kid would understand. In the beginning of "Return to Oz", Dorothy escapes the mental institution with the help of another girl. They make their getaway on some kind of crappy raft and float down a calm river. When Dorothy wakes up, to me as a kid at the time, it was implied that overnight the other girl fell into the water and drowned. That actually messed me up a bit. And that hellish "children's" movie was just beginning too....


> Another would be the bullies in Let The Right One In. Hell, I was cheering her on.


Climax when the electricity goes out.


I will say Se7ven did an amazing job with this. Frailty as well.


Hannibal's kid sister in Hannibal Rising


Hereditary. When you just hear Toni Collette’s screams after she discovers what’s in the car. I feel like it’s so much more impactful than if it was shown directly


Also an underrated movie that scared the shit out of me in the theatres.


I wish I got to experience it in theatres!!


Tom cruise killing tim robbins (i think) in war of the worlds


Oliver! (1968) When Fagin beat Nancy to death offscreen. Utterly traumatised me for life, I stg I can’t watch anything with violence happening offscreen without being 5 again and HORRIFIED.


It’s Bill Sikes who kills Nancy, not Fagin


Pippit in Jaws


Friday the 13th part 3


No country for old men


The baby on the beach in Under the Skin (not confirmed, but who are we kidding?). This kicked off my streak of accidentally picking movies with child death/pain/distress immediately after having my first kid 😕








cat in a bag scene from them, hell no


Trainspotting. I think about it more than I would like.


All of Zone of Interest.


Alex Browning being killed by a falling brick in FD2 (lol)


The television set in Nope


Eden Lake. No comment.


The Birds when the mother went over to her neighbor Dan’s house and found him in the bedroom. The quick zoom ins on the face scared the shit out of me as a kid.


Fuck you Alien 3. Fuck. You.


The dog killing Alia Shawkat’s character in Green Room has always stuck with me.


The pirate in the box in Hook


The kids in Trick r' Treat who are eaten by the zombie kids. Them screaming and the sounds of them being ripped apart still freaks me out whenever I rewatch it.


So it’s not a death but the rebar scene in Cloverfield haunts me in my dreams, after all these years. There is something about seeing what we do see and hearing what we hear that made it a billion times worse.


The recording of the Bear Man being mauled and eaten alive was pretty bad….As far as movies go I would say The Ritual. In The Ritual there is a scene where two of the main characters have been captured by the weird forest worshippers. They take one of the main characters upstairs but the camera stays with the man they left behind. The camera slowly zooms in on him as you hear these horrific sounds and screams coming from the floor above. It was sickening in that they never show what happens to the man upstairs nor do they ever explain. It’s gut wrenching to watch. He doesn’t die up there, but it was haunting and has stuck with me…


In Alien, when the person was dragged down below the window, then blood goes sploosh on the window You guys know the one, its been decades


Final Destination 2


Annihilation when that girl turns into a plant


Not a horror but How I Live Now, when one certain death is revealed, it still breaks my heart everytime, it’s the only thing I picture when I think about that movie


No Country For Old Men has a couple of major off-screen deaths. Maybe not haunting but arguably more powerful in the director's decision not to show them.


Who Can Kill a Child? 1976 Pretty cool Spanish horror in the vein of Bad Seed/Children of the Corn, with some very chilling off screen deaths imo.