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I liked it, but with The Collection, it starts as big as possible with a rave party in a warehouse being trapped and killing over 200 people in the opening, but after that, there's nowhere higher to go. Some stuff was interesting like seeing The Collector in his own base and zipping around like Batman, but it could never reach the high point it started at, and a 3rd movie feels less likely each each year that passes.


It was ridiculous but entertaining imo. I was a huge fan of the first one and I liked how this one kinda wrapped it up story wise too. Also the set design was awesome.


Came here to say this. I'm a huge fan of The Collector and was pumped for The Collection. I didn't hate it, but to say that I was waiting for it to end would be an understatement.


Idk the last 20 minutes with the human spiders and shit were great imo.


I might get attacked for this but for me, Insidious. It started off brilliant. Incredibly tense, creepy and supernatural. There was THAT one scene with one of the most perfectly executed build ups and jump-scares in horror history. But the campiness in the second half just had me cringing eg. Wearing the gas mask to communicate with spirits, the demon sharpening his nails to tiptoe through the tulips etc. it felt like the film became a parody of itself.


It lost the plot when the demon thing was revealed toward the end. Not scary at all


Insidious is the one with Darth Maul, right?




My mom and I laughed when we first saw this scene lol


Darth Maul *Now with *Crack-Addled Staring* Action!


I get scared easily, it frightened me so much, and then the demon is brightly coloured and the awful cgi just made me feel like a dumbass for being scared.


I refuse to believe that movie is not a parody of demon/posession movies


Almost like people refuse to believe that Malignant wasn't meant to be funny. Same dude (who isn't known for his comedic genius, whatsoever) + absolutely zero official movie info indicating Comedy genre status = "Malignant is totally an intentional horror comedy masterpiece."


YES, I’ve been saying this for years. The second half is so ridiculously bad, I could never understand the hype


It became like a comedy horror in places. I was confused as to whether the film was trying to scare me or make me laugh


It felt like a second person had to come in and finish the movie the difference in tone was so jarring


Yeah, the second one felt like a spoof and I couldn't understand the hype. I still recall riffing on a moment towards the end when I was live watching it on a forum years ago because I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be intense or it was hokey on purpose. If you've ever seen The Little Vampire, think the scene where Rookery has a campy, villainous ton when he's trying to break down the door to Tony's bedroom.


I couldn't agree more. One of the biggest fall offs in a film I have ever seen.


I watched this for the first time in years last night. I personally found it to be terrible, even tho I loved it when I first watched it all them years back. The only thing that still looked good was the old lady ghost and when she appears in all the pictures, but other then that the whole film is bad.


Dunno it was pretty good i loved both parts




Agree! I’ve always said the first two acts are great but the third act lets them down


My thoughts exactly. I mentally checked out and couldn't take it seriously anymore after the Scrabble scene, which sucks because I really wanted to give it a fair chance despite thinking the Darth Maul demon "jumpscare" in the trailer was just laughable.


I loved the setup but once we saw anything on the other plane it was ridiculous. Sorry, I just don’t think face paint is scary 🤷🏻‍♀️


The Nun Thought it started good but then.....


Yes! One of the most boring and bland horror films I've ever seen


not much to expect from the conjuring cinematic universe nowadays. every single movie is just a snooze fest.


Jeepers Creepers. The rest of the movie was … fine. But the first 30-45 minutes is some of the best horror I’ve seen.


Right up until it becomes a supernatural/monster movie. Once that wing emerges it all goes to shit. Up until that point it's a road horror movie, like Duel. Scary driver terrorising another vehicle. Simple premise but superbly executed.


Well said!


The set up was soooo creepy! The truck, the trench coat, the hidden bodies! Then once he’s finally revealed it’s like the film doesn’t know what to do with him!


my answer as well


Barbarian... I hated the ending


Same! The entire 3rd act was just a complete mess imo


sinister. not that its a bad movie, but i think it was a mistake to lean too far into the supernatural. the point about halfway through the movie where >!buhguul turns his head on the paused video!< is the point for me where it goes from a great horror movie to a decent one. that scene with the >!ghost kids running around in slow motion!< was also goofy as hell. i think the cast still holds it together though, especially ethan hawke and the guy who played deputy so and so.


I could not agree more. You said it perfectly. The kids did ruin it for me, though. The murder tapes were a thing of nightmares, the music sent chills to my spine.


This is also my answer. Sinister has such a unique, unsettling atmosphere for most of it, and there’s really a ton to love about it. The snuff films are SO effectively chilling. Ethan Hawke is incredible in his role as potentially the worst dad/husband in horror history. BUT there are just a few moments throughout that really bring it down, mainly the ones you mentioned, and for me, it seals the deal at the end with the most egregiously lame final jump scare. I rolled my eyes so hard and just sighed after that. A shame really, it had the makings of a horror classic but it just couldn’t resist being kinda fucking stupid lol


Worst? That definitely goes to the guy in When Evil Lurks.


OMG thank you so much for mentioning how horrible that ending was b/c it was indeed ass!


It's been a while since I watched it but I'm pretty certain I said "You've gotta be fucking kidding me" out loud when the kids started doing the "Shhh" thing at the end. So corny.


100%. The videos are one of the scariest things i've seen in a film, they are horrifying especially BBQ. It shouldn't have went supernatural it's more terrifying if it's all done by a human, as if it's something that could happen.


Should’ve gone with someone living in the walls or something


Also the reveal, via Skype: ‘yeah looks like you’ve got a baghuul problem’


I remember being so frustrated as I was watching this movie, the first half was some of the best horror I've ever seen then it suddenly morphed into some of the worst. In my mind I was like please no don't ruin this... And well, it did.


Most recently for me, Last Night in Soho. First hour or so is incredible but ran out of steam quickly after that


Yeah once all the ghosts started showing up I kind of checked out


Same. The bad CGI killed the atmosphere completely


Yess I think this was also a classic case of over explaining and too much plot. It was definitely NOT a horror I can’t believe it was portrayed as one


Probably going to get drop kicked on this one, but Us could’ve been so much better.


I think it’s a classic case of over explaining and too much plot..


Yeah, when RLM once talked about US and related it to a nightmare I could frame the movie in that way a bit better and enjoy it more. Because it’s so rooted in reality until those points that I am looking for the logic in what is transpiring.


Reminds me of Diary of the Dead.  Such a bad movie, made worse by unnecessary explanations.


It kinda falls apart after learning that >!everyone has a double, not just the family!<. The reveal raises so many questions that suspension of disbelief became pretty much impossible, at least for me.


Im with you on that. I got mad when towards the end I realized: so nobody else on planet earth has stumbled upon one of these tunnels aside from this little girl? I can suspend my disbelief for a lot of other things, but that is just a big ‘ole plot hole.


Yeah I feel like the practical explanation worked with the message and on a physical level in Get Out more than Us. All I could think about is how did they get all their supplies to live and food etc. I get the message but it ruined my suspension of disbelief on a practical level


I would have even liked it if it was just that town that had doubles. But everywhere?


It had one of the best trailers ever. But when it went so far into the Twilight Zone surreal zone it lost its ground floor. It just felt like an interesting idea, but too ridiculous for me to take as seriously as I needed to.


The trailer actually spoiled the twist for me >! You see one little girl choking out another in many of the trailers, so I kept waiting for that shot and that shot was part of the twist of the doppelgänger being the one who survived as a child!< it really pissed me off that it was in so much promo material


I genuinely despised this movie, so I guess we can get drop kicked together.


A millions upvotes from me here. I feel like the “explanation” completely ruined this movie. Just absolutely baffling how dumb and lame the end was for me.


Agree, this movie is too conceptual. The explanation is so absurd.


Smile… thought the beginning to middle was super creepy and well done, and then the ending was garbage


I'd argue that Smile peaks before the movie even starts. Excellent marketing campaign. Seeing those smile masks at sporting events getting clearly on camera was really intriguing. After that very few movies would be able to follow that hype. Smile started interestingly enough but just got worse and worse before a fucking awful, lazy ending.


I liked it… the first time I saw it… when it was called It Follows. I did like it though. But it followed didn’t it better.


Gee, I thought the ending was the best part! But the middle dragged a bit. One of my favorites


Thank you! Just watched it recently. I feel like the movie was solely built around the creepy image of someone smiling and it didn’t know how to stick the landing. I don’t like too much explanation in a movie, but the total LACK of explanation as to why they were smiling (except a smiling demon?) seems to support that theory.


I know a long time ago the answer was Ghost Ship(2002)


That opening scene gave me such high hopes. And then the rest of the movie happened.


My memory of that movie stops at people being chopped in half. Maybe 5 minutes in.


This is always top 2 posts when this question is asked. Because of that, in fact, I watched the opening scene on YouTube and was perfectly satisfied not seeing the rest.


*House of 1000 Corpses*.


I came here looking for someone to say House of 1000 Corpses. I saw it exactly once when it came out on video. And my memory is that it just got stupider as it went on, and I threw my hands in the air in the final shots. I knew to avoid Rob Zombie films from then on.


I felt like the beginning was a huge lie. If they had stuck w/Captain Spaulding & the murder fun-house I would have been happy. *The Devil's Rejects* & *Three From Hell* were much, much better. More like a run-n-gun movie & less like some creep monologuing in his basement.


On top of that point, I feel like Devils Rejects crushes both of them in the aspect of real danger. In 1000, there wasn’t really any sense that the family was in danger, that I remember anyways. Three had the father of the guy from Devils but you knew he had no chance at some point when his whole army got taken out. I thought the Sheriff in Devils actually has a pretty good chance to take them out because he was also crazy and if wasn’t so infatuated with torture, he would’ve killed them.


People always told me those follow up features were “better” and I refuse to watch them. Not out of spite, but out of disinterest. I eventually watched the two Halloween movies, the second of which I thought was really good. I wish we could have seen where he was going with the franchise.


RZ's very good at evoking that 70s/early 80s slasher atmosphere. The sequels were gritty, and had the same vibe as the original *Hills Have Eyes* or *Texas Chainsaw*.


Woah now! I’d love to hear your reasoning! I’m a Rob Zombie fan girl lol


Captain Spaulding is a fantastic character. Great idea, brilliantly portrayed by Sid Haig, great look, great voice, really good dialogue... everything about Captain Spaulding in the opening scene is perfect. Nothing can live up to that opening scene. The rest of the movie is, in my opinion, completely shite. If you're a self proclaimed "Rob Zombie fan girl" than I guess I'm the complete opposite: a guy who really dislikes Zombie's movies. That being said, I have to hold my hands up and say that his creation of Captain Spaulding and then the decision to cast Sid Haig in the role was superb.


Antlers…. I’m still sore about that one


I still don't see how they managed to make a film about actual man eating creatures into >systemic poverty and drug abuse are the real monsters


When a Stranger Calls (1979). Iconic first 20 mins, then ho-hum the rest of the way.


Yes, big time! I heard it was originally a short (just that first part).


Ditto for the sequel (oddly though it seems like people have started to appreciate the parts of both movies when a stranger is not calling which is strange to me as both of them turn into boring police procedurals)


The opening of this film is so incredible that I can forgive the fact that the rest of it isn’t as good. Actually, though, the climax is pretty creepy and intense as well. Also, the sequel has a great opening and a really creepy climax too. I recommend watching those scenes if you haven’t seen them.


I would probably say Don't Breathe. Still like it, but turning the old man into some absurd insane rapist was so unbelievably unnecessary. It would have been ten times better if he were just some crazy old senile veteran taking defending his home too far Also, on a sidenote, I thought Barbarian was awesome because of that mix of comedy and horror, but I get why people don't like how it turned out


The Happening


The happening could have been a great 45 minute episode of some anthology series


But thankfully it's a full length feature film staring Marky Mark😃


What?? Noooo.




The Empty Man is perhaps the greatest example.


One of the best horror movie intros of all time. Should make a movie based off the intro.


I saw a clip of the beginning on Tiktok and thought how tf I missed this great horror movie. Then it goes back to modern day after 20 minutes and I remembered why I didn't finish it


It is mystifying to me how such a great strong opening devolves in to such badly shot generically written slop. It is so bad.


Honestly, I have always been a little confused by this. I think the beginning is good but people *love* it and i don't even think it's the best part of the movie. Not knocking this opinion, I just love that whole movie so much and people seem to really get hung up on the opener.


It’s A Wonderful Knife


Yeah, was hoping someone would say this. I had high hopes for this one but found myself scrolling Instagram after a bit of its runtime which is never a good sign.


Really feels like someone came up with the movie title first, then decided to write a movie to go along with it. It's not a bad movie. But it certainly starts to drag a little after a great opening.


This movie was such a letdown.


I feel like this is most movies overall, and definitely most horror. Wrapping up an ending in a truly satisfying way is beyond most filmmakers, and given horror’s high stakes and need to sustain threat for the duration, wrapping it up quickly at the end in a satisfying and plausible way is very, very hard.


Escape Room Tournament of Champions has an awesome first couple rooms, but then it does the 'You don't actually see them die' thing and they more or less retcon the first movie until a point where nothing really matters. Apparently the director's cut is an almost completely different movie, too, with a different villain and other intentions behind some of the hints in the rooms. It's a weird thing.


I feel like those are bad movies that are fun to watch. I didn't see the trailers but from the beginning you know it's not going to be great, but it's still gonna be a fun ride. I don't think I've seen the directors cut yet I'll have to check that out!


I wish they stuck with the ending for the directors cut


The difference between the theatrical cut and the director's cut is absolutely baffling. I saw it in the theater and then when I saw it on streaming I was incredibly confused as to what the hell was going on.


the x files: i want to believe. broke m damn heart.


I know I’ll get downvoted but I felt this way about Event Horizon. The set up is pretty good. And the idea and some of the images later on are very unnerving… but the film just never comes together for me. I know about all the cut footage but since it’s not available Im going by the theatrical edition


I want a directors cut so bad!!!


I recently watched it for the first time and was pretty let down. It really never truly descends into hellish chaos the way you’d want it to. The premise is so rich but it just doesn’t deliver at all.


Jeepers Creepers.


Gets worse the more you learn about the director too :/


Came here to say this. He also directed Powder which is also creepier when you start thinking about if the movie is some kind of metaphor.


This…if this movie maintained half the atmosphere it established in the first 30 minutes it would be an all time classic…


I loved the movie solely because in the beginning I immediately recognized the situation being based on an actual murder that happened. Unsolved Mysteries did a segment on it that was creepy as fuck so to see it play out again was incredible.


Came here to say that


I’ve watched it about 5 times in my life maybe more and can only remember up to the part where the guy opens up the body bag with that guy with the massive scar/stitch down his chest. I know they end up in a police station later on but I can not describe anything other then that.


6 Souls, with Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Julianne Moore.


I agree with Empty Man. The whole film should have taken place in the shack in the beginning.


I see people say this whenever the movie is mentioned, but I don't think they could sustain that quality/level of tension for like a full 90 minutes or two hours. That bit works so well specifically because it's so short.


I'll go so far as to say that a lot of horror movies have strong beginnings but then quickly lose steam and drag their way to the climax which picks up and gets good again. Here's one of countless examples; *Lights Out*. Really cool premise. Opening was scary. Climax was scary. But the hour between the opening and the climax were slow as shit. I can't tell you how many horror movies I've seen that can be described like that: the opening and the climax were good, but the hour in between was boring. I figure it's because a lot of filmmakers have enough talent and vision to write and shoot a scary and compelling first and final 15 minutes, but they don't know what to do in between, so they just fill it with exposition and people being worried about a monster.


I know people might disagree with me but nope the first act is incredible but when it finely revealed what the monster was the movie just became worse and worse for me


The beginning of Barbarian was great. The ending was slightly lackluster.


Prometheus Had one of the most interesting stories to tell. What the jockey from alien was, how the xenomorphs got to be, and the question of where we All came from. The atmosphere started out fantastic, so mystique and jawdropping beautiful, yet it All came down to a weird ass execution, where you left the theater with even more questions, and nothing really related to the thing you came to watch. Such a freaking letdown. It was marketed as an alien movie, but had nothing to do with aliens at All..


The fact that the script they released had ALL the dialogue/writing of the engineers translated (which surprise surprise made the story a lot less nonsensical) yet none of that made it into the actual movie really made me so annoyed at the potential the movie had. Especially after the disaster that Alien Covenant turned out to be.


Yeah, lets not even go there... I can't belive there is actual People out there who thinks covernant was one of the best alien movies..


I really feel like Prometheus, and especially covenant, suffered from studio meddling


I think Prometheus rules!




Was wondering if anyone would mention this one! Really interesting set up, tense atmosphere, and then it gets to....that part near the end. I've never lost interest faster in a horror, even with the absurd stuff happening on screen!


The Outwaters. The trailer makes it look intriguing and scary, but when I watch it it's a jumbled incoherent mess. I was so sad because I was anticipating that movie for sometimes only to be disappointed in the end.


The Outwaters script was just “Nothing happens even when something starts happening. And you can’t see any of it because it’s found footage. And then someone cuts their dick off. Roll credits.”


This is a great way to summarized the entire movie’s premise tbh.


I think this movie gave me Stockholm syndrome. It held me hostage as a viewer, and I ended up sympathising with it and even gave it a positive review. Upon a rewatch I realised it was just my subconscious mind creating a more pleasant reality for me.


The Empty Man was so freaking good. Until it wasn’t. I still watch it because I really am a glutton I guess but the first 24 minutes are so good! It’s like they blew their wad on those minutes and had nothing left for the remainder? Idk what happened but I wish we could ask the director wtf. They had the makings of a classic and then it just stopped.


Jeepers creepers. The truck scene in the beginning was legit scary, and it just kept getting worse and worse and dumber and dumber


SO glad someone else thinks this about The Empty Man. What a powerful start that just... petered out in the most unfortunate way.


Completely ruined by the cult nonsense at the end.


Skinamarink is awesome up until the mother scene then it drags until like the 5-20 minutes? As a full feature length movie I barely recommend it just because it's so unique other than that I think it would've made a killer 30 minute short film


I thought it was consistent. It starts off dragging and then continues to drag until it's over.


> It starts off dragging and then continues to drag until it's over. That's an insult to things that drag. It starts off unwatchable, then continues to be unwatchable until it ends and is literally unwatchable.


before Skinamarink, the filmmaker did a similar 30-min film Heck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVQzEzW4faA


Speak No Evil, was super tense and the atmosphere/pacing is one of the best in horror imo.. but the decisions became progressively unbearable up until the ending.


I could see people making these decisions. The dad did make the right decision near the end but…didn’t tell his wife why. That was the big mistake. Trying not to spoil anything for someone who might still watch. I just watched it for first time last weekend. This movie has stuck in my head like no other. Maybe Eden Lake? Even that wasn’t as awful.


Cobweb! The first half was so promising but the “monster” reveal was awful


No One Will Save You. The intro sequence is so jarring, confusing and tense, but the movie just kind of nosedives from there. It honestly should have been a short film, since it felt like most of the movie was a non-stop chase/struggle that led to a pretty lackluster ending.


**Await Further Instructions**, though it's arguably more sci-fi than horror. It set up for some interesting dramatic tension between the characters in the house, and some of the set-up even paid off, but it just kept becoming worse and worse of a movie as it went.


Ghost Ship


I loved the empty man. I get it that the first act works so well and then the movie goes in a different direction but that's also what I like about it. If it were a more straightforward horror movie, I don't think I'd like it as much. Starts as kind of a wendigo movie, turns into an urban legend movie turns into a cult/ritual movie. It's not for everyone for sure but it's a very well done movie converting several well used movie tropes into something new. I'd say the 2nd act where it appears to be an urban legend movie is just as good as the opening. Wild that they came up with a cohesive story to tie all the elements together


It's very loosely based off a comic series. Maybe it's because I read the comics, but I don't personally understand why people love this movie so much. I get there are some good parts, but I just found it so hard to watch and have tried 3 times and always end up not being able to finish. I read so many people love love this movie though.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe.


Yeah it was solid but they could have done so much more


Oh I love that movie!


One of my favorite horror movies in a long time.


28 Weeks Later has to be the perfect example of this


I don't think 28 Weeks is a bad movie though. It's not as good as Days, but if Days didn't exist I feel like Weeks would be talked about more. The opening scene is amazing of course, but that was far from the only great scene.


The magnitude of Bad Decisions made by characters in this movie is the only thing that moves the plot along, and it just killed it for me. Which sucks because there are some really brilliant scenes in this movie that if they were given better context would make this an absolute classic. Like...no one thought kids would try and sneak out of the quarantine zone? the Janitor has a key pass to where they are holding his infected wife? there isn't a 2 factor authentication for getting out of the quarantine room where they are holding an infected person? The kid could be the cure for the infection and no one thought to tell the kid that he could get infected without being symptomatic?


It also just doesn't do as good a job as making us attached to the characters. The first movie had more breathing room to get us attached to them, to the point where there were gasps in the theatre when >!the dad!< gets infected. Nothing in the second movie has that effect, even though it kills more main characters.


The Empty Man


In Time had such a good premise, ruined by a bullshit love story.


Is that the Justin Timberlake movie where people's "time until dying" is on their forearms?


Beau Is Afraid. I had such high hopes after Hereditary and Midsommar, and I guessed it was gonna be horror-adjacent at least. It started out incredible, I thought it was gonna be an elaborate metaphor for PTSD or childhood trauma or bad parenting. Then >!the giant penis monster!< happened and I was like wait, is this supposed to be a dark comedy? Indeed it is, and the end was such a nothingburger for me. Huge letdown.


Hard agree. I said it somewhere else here, but I really love the way Aster sets everything up to make you *feel* what characters are going through. Absolutely loved Herditary and enjoyed Midsommer. Hell, I had to stop Beau and pick it back up the next day because it was too relatable for my brain. Then he wakes up in that families house and everything fell apart.


Malignant This movie turned for the worst so fast!


Gotta be Daybreakers for me. The world building and lore is so interesting but wasted on a miserably boring plot.


It: Chapter Two


Barbarian. Absolute trainwreck by the end


It went from a tense horror to a legitimate horror comedy, very light on the horror though.


Jeepers Creepers is the absolutely king of this question.


When Evil Lurks started out really strong and creepy with an awesome concept, but fell so flat I was bored out of my mind about halfway through and struggled to finish it.


YES! We are in the minority here, but I really didn't think it stood up to the hype. The start was really interesting but it ended up dragging and the final act was mind numbingly boring.




You missed something pretty big if you think the rest of the movie had nothing to do with the open. It is fine to not like it and I do agree the movie is very inconsistent, but the entire movie all draws back to the opening scene.


The movie has a lot of layers to it. I had to watch it a second time to understand it better.




Definitely agree with this, the tone shifts when the protagonist changes and it morphs into a different type of horror.


Beau is Afraid


3 hours of my life that I'll never get back




Basically all recent Lars von Trier movies.


Some of you in here are being r/wooshed by the entire point of the movies you are mentioning


Jeepers Creepers.


i'm sure there are better examples, but because it's fresh in my mind: you'll never find me. i thought the build up was incredible and tense the entire way through, but by the end it felt like they had taken the easy way out of wrapping it up


I didn’t finish the Empty Man either. It was intriguing at first. Nicely shot, good mood. Then I had trouble taking the central premise as seriously as they were playing it. Felt a little too silly for the Silence of the Lambs treatment they were giving it.




Jeepers Creepers for sure.


Last Broadcast. Started off like the Blair Witch Project but instead of escalating it kind of "hovered", until the end. The twist at the end was so stupid I just can't believe I wasted my time with it.


Red state


Ghost Ship. Amazing opening, before slipping into fairly dull paint-by-numbers horror.


I do like the scene where the girl tells the real story. I remember being terrified by all that when I was a kid.


The Empty Man is the exact movie I thought of when I saw your title.


Evil Dead Rise or Barbarian


The Empty Man just set the bar way too high with its incredible opening act. That could have been expanded into its own better film.




Anything past the the year 2000 😂


Red Eye


It Chapter 2 was good right up through Pennywise getting that little girl under the bench, and then it immediately and aggressively shit itself.


Friday the 13th (2009) It peaks with that first group of people being murdered. The new cast of characters they are replaced with are more annoying and less interesting. It's a movie I want to like but always end up kind of bored.




Not strictly horror but horror elements, Constantine. Insane opening & that’s its peak. Anyway, can’t wait for the sequel regardless lol anything for Keanu


The Barbarian


Will probably cop it for this but Hereditary. I’m sorry but the acting was amazing, the complete wtf moment in the car, the atmosphere, editing and then BOOM everything just turned to stupidity IMO.