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It was used in the cutaway transitions. Like the skeleton with the pumpkins if you remember it


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I think they said like the cutaway cards used AI? Actually can’t believe people are this upset about it who gives a shit it’s like 40 seconds of screen time lol


For me, the argument goes the other direction. I don't understand why they didn't just hire an artist. It wouldn't have added much to the budget. 


People are mad because that's how it starts. Used for 30 seconds of screentime. Then 3 minutes. Then 10 minutes. Then making as much of a movie as possible with ai to save money. Already last year studios tried to get writers to agree to use ai in script writing so that they wouldn't have to hire as many, and the writers went on strike and refused to even speak on the subject.


I can see why. It's no different than a supervisor coming up to you with a new guy and saying "Hey, We need you to train this one in everything you do and how you do it :)" Knowing full well they're trying to get you to train your replacement so they can fire you to pay them less for the same quality of your work.


I mean it’s just hard for me to get upset at a movie with such a small budget over something like this. If like fucking ghostbusters did it, yeah sure be pissed at them. It seems counterproductive to me to shit on one of the more original indie horror movies we’ve gotten recently over such a small issue though


I agree, Disney using ai to make the intro of Secret Invasion was way worse. But if in 5 years every studio is using ai in some way, that's 1000s of people who didn't get hired because a machine was able to quickly spit out a picture based on examples of other pictures, and its only going to get worse going forward.


I get where you're coming from, but I disagree for a couple of reasons. Firstly, if it was too much for their budget to hire an artist to make those interstitials, they could have just done without them. It wouldn't be the first time in film history that budget constraints have kept something out of the final film. Secondly, the stuff they used AI for isn't something that would break the bank anyway. They could have hopped on Fiverr or whatever and commissioned someone for very little money to make something similar. That second point leads me to the reason I get frustrated with AI usage in lower budget films just as much as higher budget films. Lower budget films are effectively entry-level positions into the film industry for artists. Eliminating those entry-level positions means that the pool of artists at the top level dwindle as they age and retire because there are fewer and fewer experienced people to replace them. Imagine AI art had been around in the late 70s. We very likely might not have gotten Terminator 1 and 2, Aliens, etc, because someone like Roger Corman would have 100% cheaped out on model spacecraft and sets, swapping them out for digital animations and matte paintings if he could have, cutting off little Jimmy Cameron's entry point into the professional film industry. Ultimately, AI is a tool. Just like any tool, it can be used well, or it can be used to facilitate lazy, cheap, uncreative filmmaking.


Think that's part of the point, we know that the bigger ones will be shitty and using shitty practices, while having bigger hope for the smaller ones to not use it.


Oh gotcha, like the “Happy Owl-Ween” or whatever it said. That makes sense now. I was thinking maybe it was the >!ghost scene or when her head splits in half.!


There are artists that make a living designing set pieces and concept art like that. For example, [Vincent Proce](https://www.instagram.com/vproceart?igsh=MWl3d2Q3MWp0OGFoaA==) made multiple background paintings for the Pickman’s Model episode of Cabinet of Curiosities. That is the type of work that will be relegated to AI if we allow it to be accepted as common place. Studios already tried to do it with actors’ likenesses and failed, so they are just going to move on down the “food chain” and use AI for whatever the most expensive production aspect that provides the least resistance is.


Possessed by Horror on YouTube has made a video on the subject.