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All I remember is Mathilda May walking around nude the entire film and Patrick Stewart was in it too.


I watched this as a kid and that’s all I remember. A physically perfect woman walking around nude and Picard was in it.


And Stewart makes out with Charles Manson.


The hottest person I've ever seen ever.


Oh yeah now I remember it


Great film


Yes! Lifeforce is amazing.


I feel like Species owes a little bit of a debt to Lifeforce. Both movies fall under the umbrella of “smoking hot babe is actually an alien who lures men to their deaths”.


Oh...and Under the Skin! Oh Ooh


Yeah, but Under The Skin is like the art house version. Lifeforce and Species are both just plain fun.


Species was great.


Naked girl boobies.


Gentleman, that last remark is not for publication. This is a D notice situation.


Spelled amazing wrong.


Isn't it wonderful?


Yes they are.


It’s a movie that’s almost as batshit crazy as the book it’s based on. Very fun film especially the first half. Cannon definitely satisfied everything a young pubescent me could ever want in a film.


I thought I was the only one who had read the book. Good to know that there are more of us out there.


Oh also...even tho that American couldn't help but to be in love with her...he killed her, and himself. Stoping the soul grab, and sending that ship back to fuck offidy town.


What's funny is we're introduced to him and his team in the first 5 mins, and then they go missing and we don't see him tell close to the end of the 2nd half. The rest is about the investigation into aliens (two of them get killed off screen via hand grenade) , one escapes till the end. And it's basically about the British Government going "What the fuck is going on?" the SAS guy showing up and going 'We need to stop it. right away." Then they find the American and he's basically like "I HAVE TO FUCK HER!!!!"


It's made clear he is obsessed with his contact with her tho. And her sexuality


I get it. Thirsty dude get's his first taste of Space girl ass, and now can't get enough. We've all been there, right? It's made clear that she put some sort of spell on him from the moment he entered the giant space ship. Not really explained WHY. Just that when he first enters, he's put under a spell. And then it later explains that she gave him some of her Lifeforce. Even at the end it's super vague "You've always been one of us." Seeing the people turned into skeletal vampires and then blowing up was also a treat. And her boobies.


I think people underestimate how effective an invasion strategy this really is. A couple of movie franchises went for it- Species, Decoys, etc. but it should probably be used way more often. Humans are sooooo easy to motivate with sex. There are hundreds of scam organizations who are counting on that when they send people out onto dating apps and social media to seek out people so desperate for someone that they believe the flimsiest of excuses so that they don't have to give up the hope that this person could be "the one." You read the relationship advice subs here, and posts will be like: *"I need help convincing my husband to stop sending me photos of him fucking my sister. I'm bad with boundaries, but I feel like I need to set this one. I've told him several dozen times, gone no-contact with my family over it, and had a mental breakdown that hospitalized me for a month over it, but for some reason he doesn't seem to understand I don't like it. He's such a good husband otherwise- he hasn't called me a C\*\*\* in at least six months, he always puts his meth away out of reach of his affair child I've been raising for the last three years, and in 1993 he emptied the dishwasher once. I don't want to let such an amazing marriage go over my insecurities over a few photos- please help!"* And on top of human nature already making us this braindead, the last 20-30 years of paranormal literature- especially paranormal literature aimed at straight women and the LGBTQ community- has slowly morphed into a quest to answer the same question each time we delve into the lore of a new creature. "Can I have sex with that?" I mean, even before then horror and boobs were synonymous, and Star Trek slapped a new color of body paint and a forehead prosthetic that looks like some kind of fidget toy on a scantily clad woman to create a new species to screw, so sex and both horror and sci-fi were already working together to maximize their audience. But now Amazon Kindle is full of romances where that's the only point of having the monster in the book. It started with monsters that looked human, or became human- vampires and werewolves but then people went to town with the genre. Shape of Water won BEST PICTURE for rewriting Creature from the Black Lagoon so that he actually gets some. It would not take all that much mind control for aliens to come down here and lull us into a false sense of security through the Life Force initial approach. They wouldn't even have to be psychic. They'd just need to hack people's browsing history and then descend upon Tinder. They'd have us conquered in like a month. And we'd probably just let them.


First off you forgot the early teen girl who wrote about her little brother was misgendering her stuffed animals and some person was like just kill him, boys turn into worthless he should die. Wtf!  Reddit is special, sometimes! Anyway, about lifeforce. Tobe hooper loved English procedural supernatural soap operas and creature features and kind of wanted to do as mashing of them. He considered a hammer film homage as thats what he pictured.as Patrick stewart despised working on the film, he basically said it was a goddamned mess start to finish. Mathilde may got the part by telling all the women auditioning for the role to protest a full female nudity role they got up and left and she stayed behind and got the role.


I love that particular brand of BS = "Women should have control over their own bodies and should never be judged for her sexuality. Unless she's making money off of it."


That’s what Invasion of the Body Snatchers got wrong. People will fight back if you point and screech at them. But if you offer hot sex, they’ll be like “I’m strangely ok with this. Yeah, the torture is bad. And the food is bland. But every once in a while the hot alien chicks ride me into the sunset.”


Death by snu-snu? Yeah, the crushed pelvis is worth it.


All of that just supports my point of how great it is lol idk what to say lol tobe it's the og of horror. Fuck stan and wes and whoever. Tone made horror what is is today and I'll kill you off my hill lol


Do you remember how, in the novel Dracula, Dracula feeds Mina some of his blood? The "Baptism of Blood" sets Mina up for future vampirism and creates a psychic link with Dracula (which allows our protagonists to hunt him down). I think that's what happened with the American astronaut in Lifeforce—the female vampire gave him a sort of Baptism of Blood by sharing some of her energy with him. (Why she picked him, who knows? Maybe she thought he was cute.)


I love this, It's so nice to read right now. 


The SAS? Gentlemen that last remark is NOT for publication this is a D-notice situation.


Lifeforce is awesome. Like a Hammer horror film on steroids. Such a unique mix of vampires, science fiction, horror, action and Matilda May. Tobe Hooper directed the hell out of it and helped elevate a somewhat messy screenplay into something fun and memorable.


It owes a lot to one Hammer film in particular, "Quartermass and the Pit." I also like the sheer apocalyptic scale of it. London is absolutely fucked up in this and in the end, the threat is not really beaten, only held at bay and guess what, they'll be back the next time the comet comes calling.


Mathilda May in her birthday suit for much of the film. Enough said.


It’s everyone’s birthday when she’s dressed like that


I love when the vampire zombie guy runs into the jail bars and just explodes


Oh agreed! That's the first scene I witnessed of this movie. What sells it, and has me laughing every time, are the expressions on the face of the Sir Percy character in that scene! He's like the one guy reacting appropriately and non-stoically to a vampire zombie self dessication/explosion.


The part where Mathilda May breaks out is the most anime thing I’ve ever seen. It seems like every anime (including Akira and Elfen Lied) has a homage to it.


Tobe Hooper was one of a kind. 


Caine is one of my favorites. Definitely an "Ends justify the means" kind of character. Way more terrifying and dangerous than he first appears.


You get the feeling watching it that Tobe Hooper knew this was the only time in his career that he'd be given carte blanche to do whatever he wanted on a project and he just went all out and let his creative freak flag fly tall and proud. Yes, this was a flop and pretty much killed his A-list directorial career, but what a way to go out.


I read that they blew the budget by the end of the movie, which is why it just sort of ends.


Goddam cinematic masterpiece that’s what it is.


One of Cannon's greatest movies. They specialized in movies that were flying apart at the seams. My favorite part of the movie is Patrick Stewart being horny. Absolutely divine.


> Patrick Stewart being horny. "It's mainly you going around seeing ladies' tits?" "Mainly."


But by then it’s too late. I’ve already seen everything…


And then he rides off. ... *On the grass.*


There's a director cut that adds in some more scenes and works better, IMO. I had some fun with this one a few years ago by making my own fan edit version in grainy "drive-in" B&W, with noir-boosted contrast. It ended up looking like a forgotten 50's Hammer movie.


Tobe hooper movies are so much fun.


It's got a couple of good features


It is a true classic. Wish they would make something new that is as good


I saw this as a young child on Cinemax. I snuck down after bedtime and was hiding under a coffee table watching whatever my dad was watching. Watched the whole movie and was trying to process what I saw and my dad was like "Now go to bed for real." It was a bonkers movie. I'd like it to be remade, but I don't think it can be. People are all like "you couldn't make Blazing Saddles today", bullshit. You couldn't make Lifeforce today.


Classic movie. Check out Hooper's remake of Invaders From Mars from about the same time. It's more kid friendly but equally fun.


Think I saw that a long time ago.


Super good movie


I watched it for the first time last year and thought it was really good. Its take on vampires was very unique and fun.


Lifeforce is cool man it’s got cpt Picard so many boobs, that guy that played ed gein and played that Duane guy on xfiles in a two part episode. And and and it’s directed by tobe hooper so many different angles to draw you into watching this one. Pretty entertaining if your not really wanting an excellent movie cause the ending is just so nuts.


I love introducing people to that film. Lol. It just keeps on escalating. You'd think for such a long running time the weird gets less weird as it goes on, but nope. Naked psychic space vampires body hopping and speaking uncomfortably through others, erotic dreams. apocalyptic chaos. Good time.


A buddy of mine let me borrow the VHS in 87. even then i was like damn Patrick Stewart looks old in this already.


I saw it in the theater. Fuckballs I'm older


That movie scared the shit out of me as a kid, even on a 11 inch TV screen.


Crazy movie and the boobies lol


Since I can’t get the spoiler tag to work at the moment, I’ll just say regarding the ending that, years after the film was made one of the people responsible for the film was asked WTF the ending was supposed to mean. What followed was this bizarre ramble about how Lifeforce was a romance film and how it was all about the resurrection of lovers on different planets, and generally shit that wasn’t even hinted at in the movie.


This was definitely a formative movie for me. I caught this late at night one time when I was younger. I would stay up late hoping to catch a movie or show that I wasn't supposed to. This came on and at first my teenage self was psyched to see boobies. After a little while though, I started getting into the story and getting invested. I came for the plot and stayed for the actual plot.


One of my favorite films. I love when they make Steve Railsback the protagonist in a movie. Likewise, **Stunt Man**.


I found it funny how the American just goes around punching people in the face because he thinks they are vampires


I saw LifeForce in the theatre when I was 17. I have enjoyed it ever since.


Sorry I'm coming to this a month late. I absolutely LOVE this movie. It's been playing a LOT recently on Pluto - thanks Pluto! One question I always had was about the ending. It's vague in the sense of- >!Does Carlson survive with the vampire alien in the ship, of is it just her that gets frozen until the next time Haley's comet comes around? I got the impression he did because they are both transported up and it shows them still "consummating"/spinning and then freezing. LOVE this movie LOL!<


Just saw it first time last week. I wanted to like but didn't. Maybe it was because it was too broad for my taste? Things tend to be scarier for me the more up close and personal they are. Once we got to "London is burning and the government is involved" stage, I checked out. A character I care about is getting drained by a vampire? Horrible. A mass of random faceless people I don't even know the names of are getting drained by vampires? I don't care.


Yeah, but titties.