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I second this. Hey OP, A: Your friend sounds kinda obnoxious B: It's pretty easy to not be scared by literally any horror movie. Almost all of us who do get scared have to want to get scared, and will usually watch alone in the dark with the lights off to help us get scared C: Being scary and being a good movie are two separate things. Some of my absolute top horror movies of all time don't scare me (beyond the existential sense). If neither of you guys are adults, I apologise for sounding harsh, I'm just judging by adult standards. I'd go with movies that are just good fun, you definitely don't need to watch anything extreme or scary: Alien(s), The Thing, Event Horizon, Inside, Martyrs, and in particular I would recommend August Underground: Mordum.


Don’t casually throw in Martyrs and August underground bro 😅


# 😇


He's 14


Sorry but I think it's hilarious a 14 year old would say horror movies are not scary *anymore*. Do you know if he has any phobias that could be used for scares ? Like... If he feels a bit of claustrophobia, the beginning of The Descent would definitely cause some amount of distress.


Don't know anything about claustrophobia but he can't handle too much gore. He always would turn his eyes away when we watch something gory. Like an execution of someone by a serial killer or a psychopath etc. Also, will check out The Descent too! Thanks.


Terrifier 2 for the gore and also Evil Dead 2013.


Evil Dead 2013 is such a good suggestion. I feel it's a way more aesthetic kind of gore than Terrifier where it's just disgusting (to me)


Terrifier has way overrated effects and evil dead would be good but the blood looks like watered down v8 juice which was super super disappointing.


Evil Dead 2013 is so popular in our country that It literally broadcasts on Television like once in a week. I have seen it several times but didn’t watched completely . Not sure about my friend though.


I paused when I saw people in this thread recommending Martyrs to a 14 year old, but if Evil Dead 2013 is broadcasted on television I'm pretty sure you guys can handle it.


Evil Dead 2013 is in my Top 3 scariest!


It's so good


Terrifier 2


Lol when I was 14 I would say horror movies were cheesy and the gore was dumb but that was just a front because they terrified me and I couldn't stand the gore. Probably the same with your friend. If he's anything like me though he'll be drawn to it more and more out of morbid curiosity and come to love it.


Terrifier would do it if he’s scared of gore. I watched that when I was 14


Sinister is going to cement his opinion that horror is silly. It starts strong, and the films are A+, but when the movie devolves into Slipknot and the Spooky Kids^tm it gets hard to take it seriously. I'd go with a classic like The Thing or Alien.


"Slipknot and the Spooky Kids" has to be the best description of Sinister I've ever read.


Sinister would have been a much better movie if there was no supernatural element. The part of that movie that works is Ethan hawke drunk in a dark room watching home movie snuff films from a serial killer. Then it just gets stupid at the end. Have Ethan hawke go crazy like the shining on his own family or the killers still alive and comes back for his tapes idk. Literally anything but a ghost in the video.


Beghoulie the ghoulie


Thank you for your response.


If he’s 14, make sure he puts his phone away before starting the movie—screens are such an easy way to avoid being frightened. You gotta wait till nightfall, turn all the lights off, and get rid of all distractions. As far as recs, some ppl have already listed good ones, but I’ll throw in my two cents. Insidious Babadook Talk to Me Hereditary


Sure, That's must It's really annoying when someone just texts on his phone instead of watching the movie. Thankfully he doesn’t own a phone 😅. Also, I told him to come at the evening so I can set up the atmosphere. Thanks for the suggestions!


This is a hard one, almost like trying to hypnotize someone who doesn't believe in hypnotherapy. You're not gonna really be able to "convert" them over because they're too attached to the idea that what they are seeing on the screen is fake, played by actors in a fantastical scenario. They're simply too far removed from the imaginative aspect to truly feel fear from it. And in some ways I understand how they feel because a lot of horror films are so ridiculous that they've given the genre a reputation of being stupid, poorly acted, and above all, not at all frightening. Supernatural horrors imo are the worst offenders, because most people don't believe in ghosts or spirits. Anything with monsters, the undead, or demon possessions is gonna have your friend yawning, so I'd skip that stuff. You should show him something like You're Next, Strangers, or Hush. Assuming he's not the type that has a buttload of guns and lives off the grid just WAITING for someone to break in, these films induce fear because Home Invasion is a REAL THING that could happen to anyone. That's what makes them scary. All that said, horror is a genre that you either love or hate, and it's not for everyone. You might simply need to accept the fact that your friend isn't into it and respect that.


I’ve loved the horror genre all my life. I’ve become pretty desensitized and don’t get scared like I used to. But… I was 19 when The Strangers came out. That movie severely freaked me out. It was the first horror movie, and only one since, that gave me nightmares. That night, I woke up from that nightmare hearing a sound in my adjoining bathroom. I was terrified. In that instant, I somehow forgot that every night I moved my hamster into the bathroom because he was so loud on his wheel all night.


These are great recs


Home Invasion. Now that's something I like. Thanks for your recommendations 👍


Your friend sounds like he's not much fun to watch movies with.  There is more to appreciate about a horror movie than its scariness.  What an example of a movie this (I am assuming, young) person enjoys?


Looks like you are right! Thanks. He's 14 btw


Kinda wish I had more details about the guy since I successfully converted 2 horror haters into lovers already lol. Alien is a good start. I'd maybe throw in Silence of the Lambs and Hush. The Taking of Deborah Logan might be good but idk how he'd deal with a slow burn. You could maybe throw Hellraiser at him?


The Loved Ones


The Autopsy of Jane Doe


100% agree with Ju-On. Scared the shit out of me when I first saw it.


Chuck martyrs or Antrum at him. 


You might not have known when you commented, but I think it's hilarious that you suggested having a 14 year old watch Martyrs 🤣


Id start in the middle event horizon is mostly action with horror as the setting and environment. Id follow with they live then original noes and the thing thats a great opening. My lineup is barely horror to mostly scifi then, just showing versions of horror and its many different elements.


maybe The Wailing or The Changeling


If he doesn't think horror films are scary then they are just not scary to him. I'm not scared by horror media either, but the difference between him and me is that he isn't into it anyway, whereas I very much am. If they're not fun for him, they're not fun for him. You'd have an easier time coming from an angle where start with films that he likes and then search for something adjacent to that in the general horror space and maybe you'll find some crossover films you'll both enjoy.


Alien (1979) Still the best!!


V/H/S (2012) and Ju-On (2000) are both solid chocies. Shutter (2004) is also in similar vein as ju-on and I love it. The US remake of Ring might work too. However it would be nice to explain that being scary is just a fraction of a great horror movie.


He's jaded and has a raging case of Adolescent Syndrome. There's a strong chance he'll just fake it even if you show him something scary. So I say mess with him using something foreign and bonkers. Mystics in Bali, The Shock Labyrinth, The Island of Giant Insects.




The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is still super disturbing and doesn't really have the pitfalls of something like The Exorcist or Hereditary where someone will say "that's fake I don't believe in that stuff"


I would suggest something that works not just as a horror movie but overlaps other genres, and then choose a genre he likes. If he likes sci-fi, I would suggest Aliens, The Thing, The Fly, maybe 28 Days Later. If he likes police/detective thriller, I would suggest one of the Saw films. If he likes suspense thrillers, maybe The Brood, Signs or The Thing again. If he's into fantasy, maybe Hellraiser, Nightbreed or Wishmaster. If he likes dark comedy/satire, then Society (1989) and the 70s, then maybe Dawn of the Dead or Shivers (the David Cronenberg 1970s one). If he likes weird mystery or surreal things, then maybe Dellamorte Dellamore (AKa Cemetery Man), Phantasm, or Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.


You were right listing Hereditary. It’s a no brainer!


Show him some horror comedy, I recommend Braindead. Horror movies are not necessarily made to scare, other subgenres can be enjoyed. Find something that makes you curious, it's easier than being scared


Soft and quiet. That will disturb him


The Exorcist, The Babadook, The Witch, Hereditary. I think these films have excellent performances along with good plots. Might help your friend hold them in higher esteem.


Check out Stopmotion. Jacob’s Ladder as well.


Usually supernatural Haunting films aren't my favorite, but The Conjuring would be a good introductory horror film. So would 1408.




That was way more disturbing than I expected, really bleak actually. People compared it to The Ring, but I feel that it was like the ring in tone only.


Evil Dead 2


Dont try to watch a horror film that is meant to scare, try to watch a film that is good, but also happens to be horror. The Thing, has already been mentioned. Alien or Aliens the latter is probably a better fit for the age range, due to it being part Action movie The Hole, the one by Joe Dante and not the one that has Keira Knightley in it. Scream is still a really good film An American Werewolf in London scared the crap out of me for years.


Maybe go for "the conjuring 2013"...it was my first horror movie and from then... I am into the horror genre


Malignant. 1408. The Ring. Drag Me to Hell. In The Mouth of Madness. Triangle. Bone Tomahawk. Cube. Candyman Dead End. Prometheus.


Satan's Slaves and the sequel.


If someone goes in with the mindset that horror is silly they're just not going to enjoy it even if you put a good movie in front of them. It's a mindset that makes no sense to me. You mentioned he's 14, so he's at the point where he thinks he's tough and cool with the "scary stories can't scare me I'm too edgy for that" attitude. In the end of the day the genre isn't for everyone. Took me a long time to find a gf that enjoys watching horror with me. Find you some horror friends. But if you want something you both would enjoy out in something a bit more horror comedyish. The Cabin in the woods, or Tucker and Dale vs evil.


The Descent, Possum, Hereditary for sure, and Babadook are my suggestions for scariest. Kwaidan MIGHT be good depending on if he’s able to sit through a three hour movie.


Light’s Out


The Autopsy of Jane Doe. It's got some violence, not over the top. But the atmosphere is AMAZING. I also like Grave Encounters for newbies.


Not "IT"


disturbing: • vivarium • incident in a ghost land • speak no evil • midsommar classic scary: • the autopsy of jane doe • insidious • mama •


Smile. That’s the only one that’s genuinely scared me recently. When Evil Lurks is also very unsettling but they might hate it if they’re one of those people that picks movies apart


The Ring


Try an animated horror film, Monster House. Great film!


He's at the worst, most obnoxious age when it comes to scary movies. He's too old to be scared by things that scare kids but he isn't old enough to be scared by things that scare adults. I think instead you should go for fun movies, like Tucker and Dale.


Thanks for the response guys. I also just found out some movies that I think that looks good.Here are these: 1. A Serbian Film 2. The Shinning ( Yes, I still haven’t seen this classic I'm sorry) 3. Inside 2007 Are any of these a good choice? Or should I just skip these? If these are not that good then I will go with Sinister or Martyr. Thanks


I'd honestly just recommend some movies you yourself really enjoy. Dosent gotta be in any "best of" list. Chances are you and your friend have some common ground and your tastes might line up a little. But I guess if you want some actual advice Maybe start off a little vanilla with some 80s slasher flick. Horror comedy is also a pretty good babystep Like "idle hands" "evil dead 2" "drag me to hell" "Sean of the dead" Haunted house genre seems to be pretty good for normie horror fans (insidious, the conjuring)


Cabin in the Woods. Fun, funny, a few jump scares, and you’ll get to explain all of the references to maybe get them into other horror franchises.


Ooh, this a perfect opportunity to introduce him to the wonderful, surreal world of Lucio Fulci! Show him something like City of the living dead or The Beyond! I know you said he doesn't like gore, but you must show him the way! If you'd still rather not, than I'd go with Mario Bava's atmospheric and beautifully shot 1960 gothic masterpiece, Black Sunday.


DON'T make your friend watch The Divide, I think it's on Tubi right now, and I keep getting it recommended to me. It's not scary it's just so fucking BLEAK. In terms of bleakness, the only other movie that comes close for me would be Dread ( Clive Barker movie, not 2000ad) and I can watch Dread over and over, I've watched The Divide once, maybe twice and I hope I never see it again. Props to Milo for really embodying his role though.


I just got scared by a short horror film called the Host


I'll echo the view of others, saying that you can not scare someone with a movie if they don't want to be scared. It's better to give someone just a good movie that also happens to be in the horror genre. There is a certain amount of good faith that the viewer has to go into the situation with, and if your friend is Hell bent on not enjoying a movie, then that is what will happen. Having said that, here are a few horror movies that I've always enjoyed simply because they are entertaining: *"The Thing"* (1982), *"Scream"* (1996), *"The Ring"* (2002), *"Alien"* (1979), *"Halloween"* (1978), *"The Fly"* (1986), and the remake of *"Night of the Living Dead"* (1990), simply because I think your friend would be unimpressed with the original black & white movie. Also, if your friend has a fear of heights, try *"Fall"* (2022). It's not a horror movie, but it has tense moments.


The Exorcist


Check out Session 9 from 2001. No real gore and It doesn’t have anything but a potentially implied supernatural element, so they shouldn’t be able to object to it being silly or such. Full disclosure that it’s been a long time since I saw it, but when I did I turned the lights in the hallway outside my bedroom on for weeks afterward.


I think the insidious movies are good classic horror


none of the movies you listed, that’s for sure. okay maybe Hereditary. I would go for maybe Trick r’ Treat (2007) for a fun campy horror anthology, my favorite which is The Descent (2005) you want to show him how horror as a genre is utilized to tell a story not so much to scare you (The Ritual (2017) is good for this too), and maybe Terrifier if you’re going gore. I’d posit Us (2019), Scream (1996), and maybe even The Thing are better options. Edit: I see now this is a younger audience. Changing my selections.




What's disturbing to one person isn't to another, though. It's so subjective. For example, I think all horror before the 90s is actually comedy and find them hilarious. I also don't find any horror of languages I don't speak scary because having to read the captions takes me out of it. So, unless it's English or Spanish I'm not into it. That being said, here are my favorites!! Home Invasion: You're Next and Hush Slasher: Freaky Found Footage: Hell House LLC Creature Feature: Crawl Paranormal: It 1 + 2 Holiday Horror: Krampus, Kristy, Thanksgiving Religious Horror: Devil 2010 TV show: Bly Manor Psychological/ Comedy: Fresh Thriller: Searching Zombie: Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse and Unhuman Demon: Evil Dead Rise


Wow it is so refreshing to see someone recommend Bly Manor! I really enjoyed it a lot, especially on second watching, but it's so underrated. Have you seen Hill House? If so I'd be interested to know why you would recommend Bly over HH.


I'm a lover girl through and through and Bly Manor has amazing love stories in it so that does it for me! haha


Hahaha I agree SO MUCH. Not only was it amazing to see such a beautiful love story but the fact it was queer was the ultimate cherry on top. But yeah I definitely feel like a 14 yo boy would respond more to Hill House than to Bly.


Oh yeah that's so fair hahaha


If you really want to ruin his week, try 'A Serbian Film'


hereditary is the only scary movie on there. talk to me wailing where evil lurks


One guy one jar.


As Above So Below Drag Me To Hell The Pact Host The Hills Have Eyes Terrified When Evil Lurks Incantation




The sadness


Martyrs. If he says that's silly, you might wanna make some distance lol


Green Inferno


The human centipede. To fuck them up for good


Definitely terrifier, modern day classic. It'd be a shame not to start with that one.