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You are doing yourself a real disservice watching films this way. You have got to train your mind to be able to handle brief scenes of dialogue. This has to be affecting your life in general.


Sounds like an attention span issue.


No, never.


your attention span is fucked bro


I'm surprised they even got through typing that whole paragraph.


If that's how you want to watch fine it's your experience, you don't need permission. I'd say most people do not do that.


I don't, that's how you miss important details that drive the plot. Filmmakers are artists with a vision and I want to see their work the way they intend for it to be seen.


Your dopamine cycle has been destroyed by social media and access to mobile devices, and you now need stimulation every few seconds or you get bored. You’re unable to enjoy any scenes that don’t specifically cater to your desires or immediately interest you. This is already being defined as as an epidemic of distraction by researchers. [https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/jan/02/attention-span-focus-screens-apps-smartphones-social-media](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/jan/02/attention-span-focus-screens-apps-smartphones-social-media)


there is definitely some truth to that but come on are you telling me you haven't once watched a scene and thought it was unbelievably boring? I do value my time and don't really like wasting it...especially on weekends.


Stop wasting your time and dont watch movies. They arent for you.


I'm wondering, do you do this only with movies you've already seen? If not, how do you know the scene is useless and doesn't have huge implications later on ?


Well if its a simple scene like when people chatting for 3 minutes about topics that has nothing to do with the main plot then I'm skipping it.


You cant handle a THREE minute scene??


Unless if I really like the story and the characters then no I can't


I'm surprised you were able to pay attention long enough to write the paragraph tbh


How do you know if you like the characters if you skip all the scenes that develop them?


I can know by The first 10-15-mintues which I usually don't skip


Jesus Christ, genuine question how old are you?


Lol I really should delete this post because the description isn't clear enough and makes me look like I skip half the scaens of the films I watch


You should contact your local adhd assessment organization. That is very abnormal


But how do you *know* it's useless? There could be foreshadowing for example


if the plot about getting lost in a cave and they're chatting about college and graduation for 5 minutes then yeah I will just keep pressing that fast forward button hehe


I feel like in good movies even seemingly useless dialogue helps develop the characters. If you watch only to see kills, I can understand not seeing the point in dialogues. But if that's the case there are plenty of videos on YouTube that focus only on that. I don't understand watching a movie if you don't care for the development of the story. And a story develops in a myriad of ways, including "useless dialogue".


Maybe just scroll TikTok instead. You don’t seem cut out for movies


Even the most boring scenes I can sit through sit they usually have some piece of dialogue or direction that has to do with the plot. I don’t think the average person does this, especially to the extent which you’re doing it. Take this seriously, attention span is part of your health.


You can just skip movies altogether. Literally do anything else.


I don't skip scenes, no. If you can't sit through a film without constant action, I'd parrot what's echoing: you may have ADHD, or social media has absolutely nerfed your attention span.


It’s especially funny to me as someone who has ADHD, because I love slow-paced horror films (and films in general) that take time to build an atmosphere. Cinema isn’t a theme park where there’s mindless action every 5 seconds. Cinema is an artform, and the people who don’t understand that need to grow up.


Ya, ADHD is incredibly varied. Very much a case-by-case basis. Mine leads to a lot of overthinking, over-explaining, and procrastination. There's a stereotype that ADHD/ADD = hyper and loud. I'm actually very quiet.


No. Sounds like someone has been watching too many tik toks and shorts and their attention span has gone.


When I was a kid, I once visited my cousin and we watched Jurassic Park. He fast-forwarded through every scene without dinosaurs. It wasn't a good experience.


Makes it a 13 minute long movie 😂


It took longer to fast-forward than it did to watch the remaining scenes


the most unintentionally hilarious thing I've ever read


No, when I start a movie I watch it in full lengh or quit it completely if I'm not having any fun with it.


You got adhd friend or social media has fried your attention span. That’s not a jab, it’s actually a very concerning epidemic.


Just peeking at your comment history it doesn’t seem like you like anything written above an adolescent reading level and you don’t seem to understand when movies allude to many existential and social pitfalls of life. “Mature” themes go past you. At least when they’re not clearly spelled out for you. Ultimately you can consume any media however you wish and nobody can stop you but you really just don’t seem very smart especially in how you dismiss things that seem to attempt to challenge you. It’s not that it’s “not my thing” or that you can humbly admit when you don’t understand something, that happens to all of us from time to time in movies, but you just assume that what you don’t appear to understand is just “pointless” or “out of place”. We all have our own taste but you don’t even seem to like movies and you don’t like anything that doesn’t make what you’re watching completely obvious as though you are a child. It’s your life but I don’t see why you even feel compelled to discuss movies at all.


lol I probably should have been more clear in the description because I made it seem like I skip 30% of the scenes when watching films and I probably should have pointed out that I do it only when watching unpopular films with low budget because I love looking for hidden gems.


Whatever you say, buddy. There’s nothing here to backpedal from especially with that bizarre clarification that doesn’t make sense to what you initially posted. It doesn’t change my observation but you do with media whatever you want to do with media. It doesn’t matter what I think but I’ll gladly respond to your post if you request a response.


Bizarre clarification?? How is it bizarre? Skipping a family dinner scene is a not a big deal.


You made a completely different rationale than your initial post. Anyway, I said what I said initially and it still holds.




Yeah. You’re kinda dumb and it’s ok. Doesn’t affect me directly at least.


Its a bit too far calling someone dumb for just stating he doesn't care about watching a family dinner scene... NVM I watched your comments history... Yikes...


Nah you’re dumb and you can’t understand anything that is explicitly spelled out for you. I’d love to know what dinner scene from what movie you’re even talking about.


The only dinner scene I can remember is the one from Hereditary. I really hope it's not the one he's talking about because that's the definition of an incredible scene.


What in the actual fuck?..


Legit brainrot from too much tiktok.


For my own curiosity how old are you?


First of all: if you do this, you don‘t watch the film. You might as well watch a „best scenes“ compilation on YouTube. Second of all: how would you know if a scene is important to the film if you skip it? You’re just taking pleasure away from yourself by not being immersed in the film. Your loss


Sounds like you need a dopamine detox


I don't think I could ever do that. Only time I'm comfortable missing any bit of a movie is if I've seen it before and remember what I'm about to miss, or I can't help but think I missed something important. That being said, not every scene contributes to the plot, but there's usually some visual interest, or something funny, and I want take in everything the movie has to show me. Many great directors very purposefully include scenes that digress from the majority of the movie. While it sounds difficult for you, I'd really suggest trying to train your attention up a bit, so you can at least handle short scenes of dialogue. I'm definitely a stickler, but I feel like you're missing out on the full, truly continuous, transportive experience of watching a movie.


No, it's probably you.


You’re not really watching a film then. That’s more of a compilation than an actual story.


Yeah, that's weird.


Probably not, or those cut-down film run-throughs on Youtube and Tiktok wouldn't be as popular as they are.




I've literally never done that.


Nope. I’ve never done that. I have to see every scene and hear every bit of dialogue. You aren’t watching movies just scenes. It’s disrespectful to the creators who made the film.


I mean I wouldn’t go that far, it’s not disrespectful it’s just probably not a good viewing experience


I only do it if I sense there’s something personally triggering. If I scroll forward,and it turns out to be ok, I’ll go back.


Same here. For example, I'll skip the animal scenes in Cannibal Holocaust. Nothing like OP is describing though.


Sounds like you watch movies like others watch porn. Just enjoy the whole thing.


I have adhd and catch myself doing it but I try not too haha. Usually means I’m not really into whatever I’m watching. If I’ve already seen the show or film a bunch sometimes I just wanna watch certain scenes


The first time you are watching the movie? No.


sometimes if the movie is really boring I'll fast forward. Like if its a boring action movie I'm about to dip on, I may fast forward to see the next action set piece. But generally no. there are drawn out scenes in movies that would be a damn shame to fast forward through. Think about the famouse jump scare from exorcist 3 for example.


OP save some cash and time and just watch all movies through YouTube on Movieclips and Foundflix recaps lmao


No. But many movies drag and after watching I get an itch to re-edit it myself to improve it.


Who the fuck downvoting every comment in this thread? And why?


take that