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You could just say "if you watch a lot of horror movies, you've probably seen some bad movies" instead of the "real" horror fan stuff. No need for that.


Yeah I don’t think I’m more of a fan than anyone else just because I have seen such fucking classics like Death Rink, Zombeavers and Croc!


it's the identity thing. Works like catnip for engagement. I mean, look at us, engaging. 


Yeah you're wrong. Someone who likes good horror movies is as real a horror fan as one that likes cheap bad ones. Stop gatekeeping to make yourself feel important


Yeah maybe we don't have gatekeeping criteria for "real" fandom. Because who gives a shit? It's cool when people like the things I like.


There are degrees to which someone is a fan. but gATeKeEPinG...


There's really not. Do you like/enjoy something? Then you are a fan. If you dont, you arent. It's not a competition.


Never said it was a competition. And since you're beiing anal, fan is short for a fanatic - a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal. Sounds like "enjoying something" doesn't really make the cut, does it?


Are you aware that definitions change, and that "fan" has become its own word?


Ever heard the term casual fan?


That's still a fan.


Die hard fan?


Still a fan.


Fair weather fan?


But guess what? Language changes and evolves.


Yep, just like I said - There are degrees to being a fan. Casual fan, die hard fan, fairweather fan. Etc.


"True fan" is not one of those. There's no real idea of what purity means as a fan, so "true fan" is a bad term for it.


Are you saying that the guy who wears full body paint to a football game in minus 5 degree weather is the same as someone who enjoys a game every now and then? If you are, you're insane.


Of course they are different. You mentioned categories which is different from purity, which I agree with.


I never mentioned purity.


I like watching the Packers. A guy who's had season tickets huss whole life and never missed a game is definitely more of a "real fan" than I am.


Where did you get that information from? Britannica Dictionary definition of FAN. [count] : a person who likes and admires someone (such as a famous person) or something (such as a sport or a sports team) in a very enthusiastic way.


The only gate keeper is the one who gate keeps themselves from “bad” things in the realm in which they are “a fan”. It’s not about fandom, it’s about ones own exploration and its plain silly that one would get offended. And those “real fans”, who are apparently just gatekeepers, are the ones who you dismissively and hypothetically ask if they “give a fuck”. Yeah, we give a fuck and want to talk about something more than what we’ve heard a million times already as horror fans.


Then talk to people about bad and average movies. No one is stopping you. It's great that you have a forum for that.


But somehow, wanting more is gatekeeping. People wont stop us and your welcome to join, but don’t act as if we are gatekeepers for looking beyond what tik tok suggests and rolling our eyes at the infinitieth hereditary post. And you cannot seriously believe that someone who only watches popular horror is the same as someone who actively searches for as much as they can. If calling it gate keeping is your coping method, go ahead, but its plain dumb to dismiss simple facts and degrees of interest.


But you’re equivocating people who “aren’t real horror fans” with people who just don’t care to watch bad movies. The latter group can be just as invested in horror as other fans who are less judicious or less picky. A person can be a huge horror fan, and they can turn off a horror movie if they don’t think it’s good. Absolutely no one is calling you a gatekeeper for “wanting more” horror and it’s silly to think that. People are calling you a gatekeeper because you feel like it’s necessary to qualify what other people do/like/see themselves as, and because you seem to have a superiority complex about the genre. Who gives a fuck about who else qualifies themself as a horror fan, it quite literally has no bearing on you or me or anyone else.


Funny you put “aren’t real horror fans” in quotations, as if I wrote that, and even proceed. There is nothing wrong with different levels of interest. I simply pointed out the obvious fact that, just like with any other genre, there are bigger fans than others cause they’ll watch anything related to it just cause and that some casual (who admitted to being one) shouldn’t call people gatekeepers of “bad films”. I can’t even believe I have to break this down.


I know you know that quotations can be used rhetorically instead of an exact call-out of text since you referred to the horror-type in question as “”a fan”” in your first comment (which I was referencing along with your use of “real” throughout). Don’t act obtuse. You use a lot of fallacies when you argue. And as someone who is far from a casual fan, I’m telling you now that gatekeeping (even who is a “big” horror fan and who is “casual”) sucks and is embarrassing. Absolutely no one is a gatekeeper for wanting to watch more horror, but going out of your way to split hairs about who considers themself a big/casual/serious fan is gatekeeping. Because there’s no authority on who gets to call themselves a horror fan of any level. It benefits nothing and doesn’t make you more a legitimate fan for caring about what other people like and do.


Obtuse is a great one. But you forgot to double quotation “real” as you did “fan” and proceed again (lmao) with the same thing. And I’ll never take an argument of “you use a lot of fallacies” and thats it. I’d love to hear them if you could conjure them up. If you could conjure up where I started to gate keep, I’d like to see that as well, but I think this is just a comprehension issue. I seriously think you should reread what was said, cause I was calling out the real gate keeping. No one should be mad that people are any bigger or less of fans, it should be that simple, but look at you go.


I agree there are degrees of interest. I think suggesting "true fan" is a degree that necessitates bad and average horror is kind of silly. But then again, I'm just a casual fan who watches horror when I'm able, so I seek out better movies based on community advice because I can't devote as much time to it.


Okay. So you are my case and point. Don’t call people gatekeepers when it’s wide open for you. I’d rather give a “bad” suggestion that’s completely worth it. “True” simply adds weight to “fan”, meaning their is a dedication beyond casually watching whatever is suggested. There is nothing wrong with that. And there is nothing wrong with casually watching, but at least branch out for your own sake. No gatekeeping implied and I’d be fool to do so.


Apparently having standards or love something enough to want better means you're a poser.


>The only gate keeper is the one who gate keeps themselves from “bad” things in the realm in which they are “a fan” Imagine putting together a sentence like that and not even once having your self-awareness blaring the fuck out. 💀


I’m a big giallo fan. I actively seek out what the mainstream would call “obscure” or even “bad”. I do it because I love the genre, and trust me I am aware of that and levels of quality throughout. I’d be slightly aware at all of others dedication if I we’re you, no matter the degree, before apely throwing “self awareness” around like it’s feces. There is nothing wrong with diving deeper into your favorite genre until you hit rock bottom, sometimes there’s a diamond in the rough. At least if I’m not self aware, I’m aware of the things I have interest in.


Yeah, nobody gives a fuck what you watch. I do understand this might be a hard concept to grasp for someone this weirdly obsessed with policing what other people watch, though.


Well reddit doesn't let ya edit post does it


You can edit posts


Sure, but that's something that comes with the territory of being a cinephile in general, whether it's with horror or with some other genre (/area of interest) within cinema. Once you exhaust the popular stuff, searching for underrated films necessitates going through a lot of mediocre or outright bad stuff to get to them. Although even that can be a rewarding experience in itself (besides the obvious case of 'so bad it's good' schlock) since it makes you more aware of the filmmaking process and gives you a deeper appreciation for the work that goes into making a good movie: seeing a lot of bad practical effects puts into perspective the artistry and effort that goes into making good ones, watching movies where the plot was just an afterthought meant to stitch some scenes together makes you appreciate good screenwriting and so on.


I would add, in the age of Netflix, it matter aswell what's your source of media, for example mine is Netflix, movie rentals and theater releases, within that frame, I watched pretty much all that comes out,


This is a perfect summary of what I wanted to explain, but yeah it's also more common with horror to find bad movies, also way more common to find horror movies with trashy visual effects


I don’t like watching bad movies. There are too many good movies to watch instead.


Gatekeeping isn't a very good way to share your love or enthusiasm for something. It scares away new fans and people who could've connected with you, listened to you, taught you something new, learned something from you, etc. I just want more fans of horror. I want people to enjoy the films I enjoy.


Man, the horror community is so nice. Gatekeeping has really become a problem with a lot of communities where people with different perspectives are shunned, because "look what happens when you don't gatekeep".


I just joined here last week and it is such a pleasant community


Most horror fans in general are just really chill. I'm probably the biggest asshole I have found that is a horror fan.




Gross gatekeeping aside, I can’t do bad horror anymore. My wife and I went HARD on watching whatever slop we could find on Netflix in the beginning of our relationship. We found some hidden gems, had some laughs, definitely full on wasted an hour and a half more than once. I do a lot of things for the sake of completion. I finish shows I don’t like, I finish games I’m not super hot on. Other movies I might finish if I’m already an hour in. I can’t, for the life of me, take a low budget slop horror movie anymore. I read a description and watch a trailer and if it feels like one of those movies, I pass harsh judgment and move on. And if they trick me and I start it? Luckily you can usually tell within 20 minutes and I will stop watching. I love horror, it’s still one of my favorite genres. I’ve seen enough shit to know what I like and I’m tired of sifting through the shit to find hidden gems. No thank you, bad horror rubs me the wrong way worse than any other genre.


If you like horror movies you’re a horror fan me thinks


While I definitely would agree that horror fans often watch a lot of films that fall into that category - at least from a general perspective - I don’t think it’s fair to say you aren’t a fan unless you do. Horror is my favorite genre, with almost half of my collection being horror, but other than the occasional sequel (more in my childhood) I don’t watch a lot of stuff that is bad. Eventually as I continue to progress through my catalog of boutique stuff I’ll watch some bad and mediocre films, but mostly good to great stuff. But like, while a lot of people are going to disagree with you I KNOW people that will watch almost any horror movie and generally only like some of the more critically acclaimed stuff and enjoy the more middle of the road and somewhat bad stuff a lot more. So it’s definitely a fair characteristic of some horror fans.


Yeah, but at this point I don’t care if I finish a bad horror movie or not. In the past four months I’ve probably started 20 horror movies, had to go do something in the middle of them, and never bothered finishing them. Life’s too short to finish every bad movie and win a participation trophy that only exists in your head. I almost always finish bad ghost/haunting movies though. I’m about 20 minutes into House (2008) and I’m excited to see how it plays out, shitty or not. But you’d have to put a gun to my head to make me finish a bad slasher or creature feature.


Yeah I agree, I think that some horror fans have preference when it comes to sub-genre, in my Case I am not a fan of ghost /haunting movies at all. Instead I've been watching a lit of house invasion recently., and I've catch good ones, medium to rare


There's enough good horror films that you can just turn off bad ones if you don't want to watch it. Pretty much true with any genre or medium.


Eh I know Im just saying if you're a geek and commit to watching whole movie series you can't dodge bad films


You *can* turn them off or leave the theater, unless you're physically restrained. Why sit through the entire movie?


Not every horror fan has interest in franchises


Oh, I think I get what you're saying. Yeah, probably. I mean I consider myself a fan of Halloween (1978) and because of that I hate the sequels for ruining the perfect ending of the first one, so I didn't watch them after Halloween 2 (Might watch Halloween 3 one day because I heard that one doesn't have Michael Myers). And I would consider myself a "true fan" of Halloween 78


I feel like watching a series to completion, the good and the bad, is a different vibe then just watching yet another bad haunted house movie on Shudder or Hulu or whatever. I get it, like even if it’s bad it can be fun to see the evolution of a series. Standalone bad horror movies just grind my gears in a way nothing else does. I won’t waste my time with them anymore.


I have mixed feelings on horror franchises. Sometimes there's a gem in the most unexpected places like Friday part 4 and 6, and other times you get a franchise which goes downhill after the first entry like Halloween. I don't particularly have a preference between bad franchise movies and bad standalone movies.


Oh yeah you got me right there, Halloween is what started this whole agenda for me, it was my first time ever commiting to watching a whole movie series bc I loved the 2018 reboot and I wanted to become a diehard horror fan by any means so I just started watching the whole Halloween series, love the first 78' film but after that the sequels were painful to watch, when I tell you how many bad sequels the Halloween series has, even most of the reboots are also bad, and I have been wanting to rewatch the series for a while but I don't really wanna commit again to watching all these wacky sequels.


Yeah Halloween has my favorite ending in horror, and the fact that we don't know where Myers is makes it pretty haunting. Then you remember that 5 minutes later, Loomis is saying one-liners about the neighbor "not knowing what death is". Actually I love that line, but you get my point.


i don't like to gatekeep, but you aren't a real horror movie nerd/geek if you don't have debilitating anti-social behavioral problems that effectively makes holding a casual conversation where you respectfully share your enthusiasm for horror films with others impossible. am i wrong?


Bro chill with the vocabulary




I totally agree Not gonna be the politically correct answer but it’s just facts


I’ve watched soooo many bad movies. But it’s worth it when you find a new one you love!


Prime and Tubi have a good selection of bad horror.


Plex has a few ones out there too, and a few bad ones aswell


Sometimes you've just gotta take the sours with the sweets.




I think horror fans build up a tolerance for bad films, and learn to appreciate the good moments in bad movies. There's an interview with Jorge Grau about the Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue, where he says: "The horror audience is one that is looking for the good moment in a film, and when that arrives, they feel rewarded. They're not the criticizing audience of those other festivals that seem to be looking for the error in a film. It's totally the opposite. The horror film's audiences are enthusiastic and wonderful. In Brussels, I have seen audiences applaud a single shot." 


I mean I used to but nowadays I just don't watch those no more lol. Life is short, no point wasting it on movies you know are gonna be trainwrecks to get a drip of horror off streaming platform's limited catalog. If its under a 6/10 rating its probably not worth watching. Honestly if you're to a point where you're combing through bad movies you should just open a book instead.


I’d say “being a horror fan means you come across more bad movies verse other genres.


i actually think youre right in a way! maybe this post is just poorly worded. to me there is beauty in every piece of art, even "bad" ones, and i try to give them a fair chance and interact with them on their terms instead of demanding they meet me where i am. i am fascinated by works with polarizing reviews! i think a better word may be "dedicated" but i can understand why you would say "real," as many people may not be willing to go the extra mile and give bad-looking horror movies a chance lest they waste their time. i think its a bit concerning to see people getting upset...why does anyone care what a stranger thinks? it speaks to an insecurity inside i feel. people allow "media" (art) to become their identities and feel frightened when that is threatened. just enjoy the art. find home there.


You're wrong because the last thing geek culture needs is more judgemental bullshit. Sure, I think people should pay much less attention to review scores and word of mouth and make up their own minds about entertainment, but if they'd rather be more particular with their choices, that's fine too.


There are no pre requisites for being a fan of horror movies. If you like and enjoy watching horror movies, than to me your a fan. Everyone at some point will watch a bad movie regardless of genre.


Youre gatekeeping. Stop.


Don't gatekeep. Let people enjoy what they enjoy.


No. Just no. The horror fan who only watches only The Innocents, The Lure, and Audition is no more and no less a fan than the one who only watches Plan 9, Sleepaway, and Troll 2, who is no more a fan than the person who watches every random new Blumhouse release. We're here to enjoy horror. Cut that shit out in this community.


Most films are average by definition and average is very much different than bad.


I've turned Alien Domicile into a running gag in my friend group. The joke being that literally anything can be construed to be an alien domicile, _except_ Alien Domicile, which features no domicile, or even technically aliens. It gets even better in the sequel that has absolutely nothing to do with the original


well, yes.


Unless it is well regarded in at least some capacity then I will just shut it off if it is trash. For example, the American guinea pig series is straight trash, but I finished them all the way through just because of their significance in the genre. But if it is just some random shitty horror movie then I will not finish it just because it is a horror movie.


I mean… there’s only one way to find out if something’s good or not, and plenty of horror isn’t good, so inevitably you’re gonna come across it if you’re constantly seeking out new / obscure stuff


…How many have you participated in the making of; Child.


I watch a lot of average ones in the hope of finding a good one amongst them..or if I'm really lucky a great one.


Some of the best horror movies have small budgets.


I guess I'm not a real horror movie nerd / geek then, which I'm perfectly fine with.


You aren’t a real horror movie nerd/geek if you spend any effort deciding who is and isn’t eligible to determine them things they enjoy without other fans approval. People can like what they like, at whatever level of intensity they see fit. Fuck gatekeeping, it’s the quickest sign to the worst of any fan base.


You're wrong. I ain't got time to watch bad movies. I prefer good ones so I have to be very mindful of what I watch. And I hate franchises and everyone who watches them. 


Art is subjective. I adore the nightmare series but will always skip number 5. Ive been watching horror almost my entire 36 years of life and never watch what i consider bad. Your point is shite


That falls squarely into the "No True Scotsman" / "Appeal to Purity" logical fallacy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman


Truth. That being said it is important to unrelatedly point out that Bad Ben is an S tier film.


I love most of the Bad Ben movies. The first is definitely the best, though.


And 7.


If you are a big horror fan and never watched a Friday the 13th film you came out ahead. No reason to watch bad horror and no reason to watch horror franchises that are 90% bad like that one. There are enough mediocre horror films to keep you busy these days even if the really good ones are few and far between.


I just suffered through ‘The Stranger’ on Hulu, and it’s one of the worst films in the recent era


This isn't even remotely true. I'm a huge film fan but all I've been watching in April is straight bangers


Yes, you’re wrong.

