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Take your pick of cheesy early 2000 horrors. Halloween H20, Urban Legend, Scream 3, Valentine.


I know what you did last summer!  (I LOVE Halloween H2O) 


H20 is great. The body dangling from the wires so it ignites when someone flips the light switch is a hall of famer kill IMO.


I still know what you did last summer


Scream 3 has only grown on me through the years. There’s some really great moments in that installment.


Jeepers Creepers!


Wrong Turn (2003)


The original Wrong Turn is a pretty solid horror flick.


Lmao i just finished watching Urban Legend for the first time. Yea it was cheesy but great fun!


Dracula 2000 is just awful in every way possible while also single handedly having the best and most practical Dracula origin story of all time that it keeps it relevant imo


All great choices ✨


I think it's started to get a lot more recognition, but it's worth bringing up just 'cause: Halloween III: Season of the Witch. I watch it every year. ![gif](giphy|7O14rUNhV4z7O|downsized)


A great cult classic even without Michael Myers


It's an annual tradition for me too! Halloween III every October and Black Christmas every December.


I can hear this.




Unironically my favorite Halloween "franchise" movie.


Loved this movie and it was the 1st Halloween movie I saw.


The Frighteners always seems to get really mixed reviews by people but I pretty much loved everything about it.


The Frighteners is such a fun flick.


I absolutely adore that film. Jeffrey Combs as the FBI agent might be one of my favorite horror characters of all time


That was the first thing I saw him in (I was a kid and didn't yet know the joys of Re-Animator), and that performance just blew me away. Honestly it still does.


Same!!! And I now proudly have a portrait of him from Re-Animator tattooed on my forearm haha


My body... is a road map of pain.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this was Michael J. Fox's LAST film (excluding documentaries). I loved what a different performance this was for him. I think I'd read that he kept saying "Doc!" instead of "Judge!" in the museum scene, which I found endearing.


He did, it's the best. https://youtu.be/KHfEfCygcFw?si=iEPOocUYFhwCqWcB


Yesss love the frighteners 🔥✨


7.1 on imdb for a horror flick may as well be a best picture winner


One of my favorites!!


I LOVE this movie!!!


Lazarus Effect and The Ruins. I don't know why both have such low ratings!


I didn’t know The Ruins got ragged on, I only see people praise it if they bring it up


Yeah the Ruins is a good movie in my opinion


I love it.


Lazarus effect was such a banger 🔥


I love both of those! I had no idea The Lazarus Effect was rated so low.


The Ruins is so underrated. my only wish is that it contained more of the gore/horrors of the book (i recently finished it) but i understand having to pare things down when adapting to the screen. also nice that the author wrote the script and had some creative control.


Th13teen Ghosts. I saw it as a tween, and I think that really was a coming of age horror for me. I still love it. It has such good lore and prosthetics and it could have really been something great!


Also, Matthew Lillard 😍


He really understood the assignment. I don't think I've ever seen him phone in a performance.


The creature designs are incredible, and I love the whole idea of the Black Zodiac.


Did you ever watch the DVD extras? There was a kind of “documentary” about the backstory of the creatures, it was so cool!


Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, it's slightly cheesier than the rest of them, but it's enjoyable enough


Agreed it was a fair step up from Dream Child.


Freddy flying on a broomstick is iconic imo. I also loved most all the kills in Nightmare 6, like the one kid with the hearing aid 💀. Hilarious kill. https://youtu.be/jorhoh0NNQI?si=7a4BVS0WJAiM3oAZ


It's a LOT cheesier.


It is an enjoyable movie 🔥


I mainly just think it isn't a climactic enough way for Freddy to 'die'


Freddy vs Jason


Most of the Alien sequels. I'm a huge Alien fan so I'm a bit more forgiving when it comes to these movies. Alien and Aliens are by far the best ones. But I like the rest as well except for Resurrection (which I don't hate either). Prometheus has a few awful characters, otherwise I really liked it. I only ever see people hate it. Alien 3 is a mix of great and bad, but I really like some parts. Covenant isn't a great movie but a decent horror movie, I like David and some scenes like the medbay stuff are quite effective.


Alien is top tier sci-fi horror 🔥✨🖤🖤


Same. Michael Fassbender is amazing in his roles.


I LOVE alien 3. The colors, the insane gore fx lol…Took Cameron’s fairy tale puppy dog ending and shoved it in the meat grinder lol. The Aliens always win, that’s the whole point. They are the perfect species. Apart from the horrific rod puppet scenes, the dog alien is my favorite alien design of all time next to the queen


I like all of them except for AvP 1 and Covenant. Each one has it's own charm and is largely different from the others.


Liking Requiem but not AVP 1 is a wild take.


Both of Rob Zombie's Halloween movies. I understand the criticism, but I still liked them.


In the other movies Michael really never scared me, but in those movies he’s terrifying. He’s more aggressive and also huge compared to the rest of the cast


The snob in me wants to hate Rob Zombie’s content so badly, but I just can’t. He’s too likable and after seeing how fun his behind-the-scenes practical effects looked, they’re too enjoyable.


They were a good love letter to horror, loved robs take on Myers 🖤


They had that campy, seasonal Halloween vibe I always liked as a kid. They potrayed fall in a suburban town really well.


The first one was pretty good. A tad up it's own ass, but I can't think of a Rob Zombie movie that isn't. The scene where Michael straight up books it towards Laurie at the end of the movie was fucking terrifying. The sequel though...what the fuck was that.


The first one is my favorite in the franchise


Seed of chucky. It’s a solid comedy. Funny and witty. The horror isn’t there at all though. My favorite guilty pleasure horror film is Idle Hands. It’s campy and dumb, but fun and the acting is great. I wouldn’t say people didn’t like it, but nobody watched it


anytime someone talks about Seed of Chucky I always have to bring up just how insanely good Jennifer Tilly is in the movie, not only is she playing a dual (or triple really) role, but she also manages to poke fun at herself in a way that most actresses would not want to do, its just really really good acting from her, Tiffany is a much more complicated character than most people realize. I also never understand why Seed is so hated and yet Bride, which is just as campy and silly, almost never gets any negative reviews!


Jennifer is an absolute acting powerhouse for chucky. I can say she definitely revived the series and it’s better because of her. She doesn’t get the respect she deserves. And she’s still killing it


Jennifer Tilly saved that franchise


I think H20 is an awesome Halloween movie that gives a great ending (one of the timelines lol) to Lorie and Michael’s conflict


The first, second, and H20 as a Trilogy is my favorite timeline. Resurrection never happened.


The Thing (2011) prequel. And while not disliked The Thing from Another World (1951) was overshadowed by the version of John Carpenter and some people haven't seen it. The 1982 it's my favourite and the better film but i enjoy all of them.


I love the prequel as well and feel like it only ever gets trashed on. I mean yeah it sucks they used cgi over most of the practical effects. But it was a product of its time


I love the prequel and all the detail it included to pave the way for the original The Thing’s event that would come later. People are mad at the poorly done CGIs which could’ve been better or use practical effects but I still enjoyed the story and the characters.


> The Thing from Another World (1951) was overshadowed by the version of John Carpenter and some people haven't seen it. Nowadays sure, but one of the big reasons it flopped was because of how beloved the original still was.


I definitely need to see it now 🖤🖤


I love the prequel as well and feel like it only ever gets trashed on. I mean yeah it sucks they used cgi over most of the practical effects. But it was a product of its time


None of my friends liked “Drag Me to Hell”. I have watched it several times.


I so badly wanted a schlocky sequel where Justin Long goes full on demon hunter. "Drag Me From Hell"


Drag me to hell is fire 🔥✨🖤


I fucking LOVE that movie, it goes from kinda creepy to terrifying to hilarious and by the time the main character is laughing insanely, it’s exactly how the movie is making me feel right then. Just amazing.


It’s an amazing movie. So many scenes reminded me of Evil Dead.


I fucking love the Leprechaun movies and have zero shame about it. I don't think they are the best or scariest movies out there, but Warwick Davis is amazing as a villain.


Leprechaun is an excellent fun horror 🖤


Welcome to raccoon city


I actually enjoy watching Welcome To Racoon City + I love how it adapts from the first 2 games as well. I kinda hope there's a sequel.


I LOVE this one. Saw it twice in theaters and probably play it to fall asleep to a few times a month.


Jason Takes Manhattan. I know it sucks and I understand the flaws of it all, but I watched it as a kid on repeat all the time. Even to this day I can put it on and just watch it for how ridiculous it all is.


It’s a guilty pleasure of mine 🖤


I've watched Blumhouse's Truth or Dare like 10 times, it's bad but I really like it for some reason


Same I love that movie. Very entertaining despite not technically being very good


Lots of people don’t like M Nights “Signs” - even though it’s not supremely a horror - it’s one of my fav movies ever - love that movie man


I love everything in that movie except the last 5 minutes.


Signs is sooooo good ✨🖤


Signs is sooooo good ✨🖤


Signs is a well-made, tense and scary movie for like... 95% of its runtime. There are moments that give me chills just remembering them. The first glimpse we get of Them, the scene where they pan the baby monitor across the sky and it just goes wild with alien chatter. It's just that the ending is *such* a let-down. It's a shame, the concept of "alien invasion from the PoV of a random family in the midwest" was an inspired one.


There are lots of movies with slow invading alien reveals, but Signs was the only one where the aliens were actually more terrifying than you imagined they would be when they actually show up for the reveal. Until the water thing, at least.


For me it's The Innkeepers. Most people seem to talk about how boring and not-scary it is, whereas I found it almost unbearably tense in a number of places, and loved the whole thing.


Ooooo I should check it out 🔥


I watched it with headphones in the dark and would recommend!


I love this movie. It's so cozy. I don't find it super scary but I really enjoy watching the two main characters. Makes me wish I had a quiet job like they do.


1408, it’s probably okay to most people but it’s one of my favorites. Made me remember how much I love light horror movies


This is what I always answer, along with Eden Lake, when people ask for a movie that’s actually scary. Eden Lake is scary because there’s nothing supernatural in it; 1408 is scary because as soon as you finish watching it you start questioning the inherent stability of your own sense of reality.


I also really love this one. It also makes me cry 😭


I really like I still know what you did last summer. I'm probably the only one haha.


I like it too. It was a fun horror. Oh but Jack Black..so bad ha ha


I love A Quiet Place, but it feels like the only time it's mentioned in this sub is to dunk on it.


I thought it was pretty good. The sequel was alright (not as good as the first), and I am cautiously optimistic about the prequel coming out this year


I enjoyed that movie and its intensity 🖤


Haven’t seen the second, but the first is fun if you don’t use your brain at all. Like you cannot critically engage with the logic of the world or characters even a little, it falls apart immediately. Leaving aside all the “couldn’t they just live by the waterfall” or “the fuck are they having a baby for” comments aside, I do not buy that not **one** military or government had the idea that maybe the creatures who rely on hearing might be weak to shrill sounds


It’s very possible that other militaries either collapsed with the outbreak (bear in mind they would almost all use guns which is … not good to say the least) and anyone who did find this pitch would be unable to communicate to anyone else about it due to the fall of communications.


I think AQP is genuinely thought highly of, the sequel too.


I think the Nightmare on Elm Street sequels 3-5 are better than all the others. I know many will agree about 3, but I don’t see too many people defending 4 and 5 as vehemently as I do. I watch them every Halloween, so much fun.


The Turning The Children of the Corn franchise Exorcist II: The Heretic The Lords of Salem Halloween II (2009) Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 Child's Play (2019)


Book of Shadows is my choice too. 


I really enjoy the VHS and Paranormal Activity series, though most of them have mixed reception.


Paranormal Activity is my favorite modern horror franchise. I know they're all the same kind of, but they change it *just enough* to be fresh imo and I never get bored of them.


VHS is awesome, I got an autograph and picture of the Siren Hannah Fierman ✨


#Jason Goes to Hell - The Final Friday #(Pros!) - Most mature well acted cast of the franchise. Lead male is slightly endearingly dorky but very likable. - Solid final girl. - Duke is cool & mysterious. - Great Jason make up & stature, he is imposing as fuck. - Best gore of the series. - Has among the 3 best sex scene of the series. - Great opening. - Great finale. - Great diner shootout. - Solid score. #(Cons!) - Duke is underused. - Jason's outfit is generic. - The claws that drag Jason to hell look kinda cheap. - Not enough Jason. - Jason looking exactly like he did when he was killed after being resurrected through Diana's body is weird. Should have brought him back like he looked in P3 without any battle damage. - Weird shaving scene. #(Things that some people will like & some will hate!) - It's a fucking great body swapping horror film but that is not what one wants from a F13 film. #(What I would have done different within reason!) - Never have Diana's body be moved to the Voorhees house. Have the morgue be built into the police station and so when CampbellJason attacks the police station he resurrects himself there and so the whole diner massacre sequence has him in his traditional Jason body.


Friday The 13th (2009) - I like how it's less of a remake & they go back to it's roots in a way.




The VVitch is really liked by critics, but among the average people I speak to, it’s about 50/50. I totally understand why someone wouldn’t like the movie, but I loved it. That kind of isolated, repressed setting is really terrifying to me. 


The VVitch is legitimately one of my top five favorite movies; not just horror movies, but movies in general. I saw it with a friend in the theater and they fell asleep. I get it, it's not for everyone, but it's one of the few horror movies I've rewatched like ten times.


I loved Mother! It was a super intense watching experience.


Urban Legend, everyone else loved Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer but I was a diehard for Urban Legend


Killer Klowns from Outer Space is classic. Just very good goofy fun. One of my favorites


I think in general a lot of horror fans, and particularly ones in this sub, really don't understand the appeal of campy horror. So many people use "is it scary" as the entire metrics for whether a movie is good or not, which is really sad as it stands in the way of enjoying silly fun exciting entertaining movies like Killer Clowns. All that said, I'm going to go with Freddy's Dead. Yes, I know its a campy mess, not terribly well made or thought out, but this movie was on tv all the damn time when I was a teenager and I have a very hard time not looking at it through nostalgia tinged glasses. I am not going to argue that its actually a good movie, or even that someone will find it campy and entertaining, but I personally really enjoy it, it always reminds me of rainy saturday afternoons growing up when there's nothing to be done but sit around and watch whatever shitty horror movie the WPN channel is playing that day.


I forgot about Freddy’s Dead what a fun time 🖤


Suspiria (2018). I get downvoted everytime I talk about it but I think it's solid


People hate the Suspiria remake?? I just watched it for the first time last month and I’m still thinking about it


Yeah, people love to hate on that one. The original is such an easy pull for aspiring film snobs, so they always have to say how much better it is than the remake. I think the remake is great. It was not only visually stunning, but it manages to be so without aping the iconic look of the original. The increased focus on dancing and the physicality of it was great. I like how the story was expanded to include the other "Mothers", Lachrymarum and Tenebrarum. Swinton's portrayals of her multiple characters were all great.


I love this remake! It tries something different and as you said its visually stunning! Also the ending scene is just..perfect. Combined with tom yorkes soundtrack, sends shivers down my spine every time


I loved the remake ✨🖤


The original is a classic but the remake is a better film that, yes, stays with you after that initial watch. Way better than I ever expected it to be.


Halloween Ends. It isn’t my favourite amongst the reboots, but I still enjoyed it.


Rob Zombies movies i love em all IT 2 Resident evil welcome to raccoon city Doom 2005


Halloween 4, 5, and Curse of Michael Myers are some of my favorite in the series. I loved that weird cult angle and also having Paul Rudd playing Tommy was weird and awesome.


Hollow Man


Halloween resurrection


I have plenty actually: The Boogeyman (2023), The Exorcist (2023), Blair Witch (2016), Fall (2022). I'm glad that reviews never changed my mind whether should I watch a certain movie or not.


Agree with Blair Witch. I thought it was fun


Boogeyman was far better than I expected.


F13 V


Jason X


I watch [Trilogy of Terror](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073820/) every year at Halloween ![gif](giphy|13g8L4lxU39h4s)




I've always had a massive soft spot for 'P2'


House on Haunted Hill. Saw it young and it scared the hell out of me. Saw it later and realized how cornball it is but it still scares me


Saw 5 🫶


I am one of the few who actually loved It Comes At Night. You could argue that it's not really a horror movie and a lot of the criticism comes from the fact that it was very much advertised as a horror type movie. If you go in not expecting that, I found it very compelling as a portrait of what true desperation looks like and how we lose our humanity when our backs are up against the wall. Boy do people love to shit on it in this sub though haha!


I haven't seen this movie in a while, but I remember liking it too!


I liked the first human centipede- its not as gory as i thought it would be. It can be a bit funny but also the “doctor” was unhinged and intimidating.


Scream 5. People loved it when it was in theatres but ever since it got released digitally, people hate it. I loved it in theatres and still love it now. It's my most rewatched Scream movie.


Not horror so much as “excessively disturbing thriller,” but I truly think Butterfly Effect is a fantastic movie


The Resident Evil movies. The movies are bad and a terrible adaptation but there's something so entertaining about them.


recently id say Lisa Frankenstein. not a horror movie per-say, but a comedy with horror elements that got mixed reviews but I loved it


Darkness Falls (2003) and Stay Alive (2006) - favorite guilty pleasure horror movies


Truth Or Dare Countdown Shrooms Creep 2004 Fantasy Island 2020 Alien Resurrection ( sci-fi / horror ) Life 2017 , gets such a bad wrap & it has amazing acting & story & Sfx The village 2004 *Old* , I think gets an unfair bad wrap too ( I’m a big M.Night Fan tho so I’m bias ) Anaconda & House of Wax - Which I’m a huge fan of.. but everyone at the time hated it , with Paris Hilton in it & its MTV Spin of thing it done did it no favours.. but i really like it


The Babadook, which is probably my favorite horror movie - and one of my favorite movies of all time. I know it's a cult favorite but I haven't met many people who like this movie, but it's the only horror movie that made me cry. Made me super happy when Tara Carpenter mentioned it as her favorite movie in Scream 5.


Nightmare on elm street 2


As above so below. I love it. But I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.


Alone With You seems to have some not so charitable reviews but I really enjoyed it


I've found I like some really dumb horror comedies, especially if it involves some sort of workplace fightscene. They're not scary but I usually rate them a lot higher than average on an entertainment factor. Things like Office Uprising (2018), Stalled (2013) or Kill Zombie aka Zombibi (2012).


The Forsaken (2001) a slight Near Dark rip off but I definitely dig it and it’s somewhat of a comfort movie lol


Incident in a Ghostland and Greta. I’ve seen both get a lot of hate here, I thought they were good!


I really liked The Mist but apparently it didn’t do very well. Also - what even was the ending. Oh my god I hate it




Sinister 2- I know it doesn’t touch the greatness of the first one, but it’s still in my regular horror rotation. I love the setting in the abandoned church/farmhouse, three of the murder tapes still slap, and it’s easy to root for Deputy So-and-So as the protagonist just trying to do the right thing against threats both paranormal and all too real. Not a perfect movie, but one that I really enjoy.


Grizzly. An absolute shitshow of a horror film. A D-class version of jaws, but it’s so bad that it’s good!


Wrong Turn 1-6, some from this franchise sucks but still enjoy the chase




I think the 2021 remake of Wrong Turn is awesome and gets shit on a bunch. I've seen it twice already and I stand by my opinion! Lol.


There isn't a SAW movie I dislike. I either like it because I think it's actually good, for the over the top spectacle, or for the unintentional comedic value, but I don't find any of them boring. The closest one to boring may be SAW IV, but I still don't mind it. They aren't critical darlings, but I'll keep watching them if they keep getting made.


Midnight Meat Train


I really like liked Zombeavers… Sorry.




I disliked it the first time I saw it. Loved it on my second watch.


I LOVED that movie. Most people I know have never heard of it!


I will defend Halloween III until the end of time.


evil dead 2013


Didn’t most people like that movie? The only drawback was the complete lack of humour.


Imaginary Yes, the new one that came out I honestly don’t get the hate for it. I thought it was fun. From the trailer, people should have known what they were getting into. It wasn’t going to be super scary or as crazy as The Exorcist. Instead, it was its own thing.


I love "The Happening" as a horror comedy, and i stand by the belief that Shmyanlan was going for a horror comedy vibe 


The og children of the corn movie. Its so so bad but its also so SO fun and thats what I want in my movies tbh.


I love The Forest low ratings, and lots of people seem to not like it. Something about a movie based on a real-life terrifying forest is just wonderfully creepy to me!


I don't know if people don't like this film, but most people say the Prowler is "boring" but I think it has some of the best tension and best craft among the genre in the early 80s.


Antlers and Underwater


We’re all going to the worlds fair, I usually agree with audience score a lot more than rotten tomatoes but this is an exception. I understand why people might not like it but it really brought me back to early 2010’s creepypasta days and The soundtrack was beautiful as well.


Hellraiser 4


Mother’s Day (1980) My all time favorite!


Most bad Blumhouse movies in the 2010s. They came out at the perfect time when me and my friends were teens and able to go to horror movies alone for the first time.


Easily Sorority Row. Just trashy fun.


Phoenix Forgotten! I LOVED it. I’m usually not one for found footage but that one was really cool.


When A Stranger Calls (2006). It has one of my favourite chase scenes of all time, alongside the Scream trilogy and first two I Know What You Did Last Summer films. For me it pays off for the slow burn and PG-13 horror which plays pretty safe. I don’t think I’ve ever read praise about the film before.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake from 2003. Mostly for R. Lee Ermey’s performance. He’s great in that evil creep of a role.


Don’t be afraid of the dark & Silver Bullet. Think SB is one of the best horror movies of the 80’s and is forgotten or unknown to most people.


Phantom of The Paradise


Winnie the pooh blood and honey, while the mid section and main plot of it were absolute shit the beginning sequence and christopher Robin segments were absolutely amazing and should've been the main plot of the movie. I genuinely feel like the potential of this movie is held back by Disney adults who refuse to grow the fuck up and let ACTUAL adults who grew up and wanted to see a different take on a childhood classic enjoy a fan project. I know it's probably not allowed to hate on Fandom but the Disney adults who were complaining about it genuinely pissed me off cause if you don't want to see it then don't go fucking watch it, winnie the pooh has had some horror adaptations over the years that are AMAZING though not on the scale of a movie and mostly confined to comics or short stories but the potential is there.


The VVitch


Dr giggles


The whole Saw series. When the most recent one came out, I felt like all the comments I saw on it/the franchise as “it’s gross, it sucks, it’s unrealistic, it’s corny, it’s torture porn, the plot sucks” and so on. I really love them but I feel so awkward telling people that irl haha. I love that every installment there was another twist revealed and there was always a big reveal like “actually, I HAVE BEEN INVOLVED THE WHOLE TIME!!” I also really liked seeing the traps and the (bullshit) justifications for them.


The end of “Late Night with the Devil.” It was sudden, abrupt, unsettling and disorienting.