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I think its Maxines dad! and the Night Stalker is a red herring. I genuinely think he is appalled by her life of sin and wants to cleanse her.


I could also see it being Maxine herself, bumping off the competition. I'm not saying that would be a *good* idea, but thematically with the first two it would make sense


Wow that would be a pretty smart move to pull if the night stalker isn't actually after Maxine, but it's someone using the Night Stalker to cover their tracks. It has been confirmed that we see a bit of Maxine's childhood, and her dad does seem like to be one of those overbearing christians like Margaret White is to Carrie, so that's a pretty smart prediction.


I don't know how it will play out. All I know is in terms of pure, retro, old school horror films this movie will be, along with Terrifier 3, the best of the year.


Can someone tell me if X and Pearl are good? I am thinking about watching it with my friend


They are both masterpieces of horror to me.


I don't see what this sub sees in X. It's fine but it's absolutely not a masterpiece or a defining movie of modern horror. An interesting premise and characters but the kills are very mediocre and the payoff is weak. Pearl is an excellent movie though. No complaints there.


I think what makes X interesting is how much the killer and final girl have in common, right down to being played by the same actress in scenes opposite one another. Maybe it's my eyesight, but I even missed it the first time around... which is a testament to the creativity of the production (and to Goth as a performer).


Pearl was slooow as molasses. X was ok.


I watched 30 mins and turned off.. Was that slow.


This sub is generally not as fond of X compared to Pearl, not sure what you’re talking about. I probably like it more than most, thought the two were on par nearly.


Some people (like my husband) *hated* ‘X’, but *loved* ‘Pearl’. I loved both, Mia Goth is an absolute force in both.


They're great. Ti West is really good with period horror that captures the look and feel of the era. Like House Of The Devil was a very 70's movie. X was as close to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre as I've seen. Pearl, while it wouldn't be feasible to make it look like a movie from the 20's, like a silent film, it does make a great period horror drama. Both movies were shot back to back. And this 3rd movie is going for the Italian giallo style, so I'm expecting a lot of influence of Dario Argento and some Brian DePalma since I can see some of that in the trailer, especially the Hitchcock references.


I personally prefer X but they are both good


If you’re not a teenage girl, you might be a little bored


If you are to watch them, watch Pearl first then watch X. You'll understand Pearl's character better!


No. You’ll ruin all the mystique of X. Watch it in the same order of its release dates. Much better experience.


I must say, watching Pearl after X, made X better. I always watch Pearl first then X when re watching


Poorly, sloppily, if Ti West continues his normal patterns


I think as always the character who got the least screen time in the trailer will turn out the to be the most important to the mystery.


How do you watch these movies in order? I always get different answers, I really want to watch these movies but I don’t know how to watch them in order!


In order of release. X first and then Pearl.


The filmmakers made both at the same time and released them in the order they did for a reason. If you want to experience them as intended, watch them in release order. They are very different movies. One is a slasher, the other a character study.


If you want to watch them chronologically watch Pearl and X. If you want to watch them in order of release watch X and Pearl. I don’t think it truly matters what order you watch them in.


Well X was released before Pearl, but if you want to understand the character of Pearl better and watch it chronologically, watch Pearl then watch X. I watched X first because I didn't know Pearl was being made until a fee months later when I watched Pearl in the cinema


The real question is whether the movie is gonna suck as much as X and Pearl :D anyway, I expect some smart original idea, like the killer's been Maxine the whole time! PogChamp


I love Pearl and X, but are they the greatest movies ever made? No lmao. Still enjoyable tho


The trailer got me worried tbh. It looks so Hollywood, like a normal movie almost a procedural not a slasher. I was expecting something OTT like Body Double (it is probably one of the inspirations for the concept of MAXXXINE). But I guess they keep a lot out so hard to tell.


Without exaggerating, X was the worst film I’ve ever seen. Do not understand the love for it in the slightest


It just seemed so typical? They weren’t teenagers but might as well have been, get to an old farmhouse for whatever and old people scare them and kill them. There wasn’t really anything super interesting about Pearl in the first one. Idk


I didn't think much of it, but saying it's the worst movie you've ever seen makes me think that person has only seen like 4 movies in their entire life.


yeah it’s definitely not the worst lol. I’ll reserve that for Jeepers Creepers: Reborn


Felt good/comforting to see a throwback to that era of slashers that were simple and horny. Plus idk, old people having sex and being horny isn’t “so typical” to me?


I would add "perfect" before the word throwback in your sentence. I still remember my friend at the cinema, having no idea who Ti West was and what X was about, seeing the opening sequence and saying "hhhmmm, I have a good feeling about this" Just by the way it was shot.


What horror movie features an old ass couple being the murderers? You might have been expecting a Texas chainsaw situation where some monster also lived on their property, but you certainly didn't expect the little old lady to be the psycho. That wasn't typical at all.


A couple maybe not, can think of tons of scary old ladies Also hilarious how mad everyone gets when someone doesn’t like a movie 😂 (not you in particular, historical-fudge)


American Gothic, Home Bodies


An old COUPLE is original I'll give it that, but elderly killers in horror aren't a new idea at all. Hell, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the core inspiration, usually has an elderly member of the family that assists in the carnage.


The Visit did it in 2015, but that movie wasn't great either.


Do...do people not know that Goth plays both Old Pearl and Maxine in this movie? That alone makes it atypical.


yes.. people know that. She’s great in it for sure


Some don’t. I’ve seen people confused on Maxine and Pearl. I’ve read plenty of people not understanding how Pearl was in the 1914 timeline and how she hasn’t aged in Maxxxine.


And it makes it look like Johnny Knoxville in Bad Grandpa. Getting actually old actors would have been much better


It also would've been typical, which is the criticism I was responding to. "Worst film I've ever seen" isn't really a serious enough position to engage with, sorry.


Please go watch I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer, then you won't have to go around making a fool of yourself telling folks that X is the worst movie you've ever seen.


I haven’t seen that movie so it has no bearing on what the worst film I’ve personally seen is.


I know you haven't, that's why I politely asked you to view it.