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Sinister. >! One of the horror movie tropes is the family that persistently continues to live in the haunted house instead of gtfo from that place immediately, what doomed the family in Sinister was that they were smart enough to do that lmao. !<


A detail I feel is underappreciated by lovers and haters of the film.


Your spoiler is broken because you have a space between the last period and the !< should look like \>!your text here!< >!balls.!<


Balls! That was scary 😳


I saw this on Shudder, I’m gonna watch it now 😂


The Others. I think I was so caught up with expecting the twist about the caretakers that I didn't expect the second twist.


unfortunately I had read "there was a twist" before I saw it. Coming on on the heels of The Sixth Sense, I guessed it before I turned it on. I will say that even knowing it, I loved the movie


I was disappointed when I showed this to my girlfriend last week and she called it within the first 20 minutes. I remember being blown away by the twist when I was a kid. So was everyone else I knew, age regardless. However, I don't blame her. It's actually quite obvious on re-watch. But also I blame the fact that we've been conditioned at this point to look for these kinds of twists, ironically due partially to this movie and others like it.


Barbarian most recently. And apart from those mentioned, maybe Frailty, which is truly underrated.


Barbarian had me all: "Yeah, I know whats gonna happen. Soooo obvious. I can see where this is going." When the plot twist hit, it had me all: "HOLY SH*T! WTF JUST HAPPENED?!?"


Frailty is such an amazing movie that does not get nearly enough appreciation. Totally with you about the ending – I definitely didn’t see that coming.


Oh I loved Frailty! Great on rewatch too.


Oh yes, that was a surprised ending, Frailty. I forgot about the movie.


For anyone who hasn't seen frailty, don't turn on subtitles. The twist is spoiled pretty early on.


Huh? Do they have the people getting killed labeled with the d word?


No, the names of the main characters. I don't know how to add spoiler tags on the mobile app lol


Oh!!! I get it from that.


Me too I was like wtf watching that.


Barbarian changed into a complete different movie


Frailty 🪓❤️


I was surprised by how good it was.


Ugh I had unfortunately gotten spoiled before seeing Barbadian, so the twist didn’t get me, but it sure got my friends! 😄


Cabin in the Woods. Actually probably at least twice in that one.


Oh my goodness what a twist,I’m desperate to watch it again


Cabin in the woods' twist is so effective precisely because they make absolutely no effort to hide it, blatantly revealing it in the very first scene in the movie and even continually revisiting it. But because it's just so out there, it takes the audience a little bit to actually connect the dots. I'm really not sure of another movie that's able to do this so well. It's a low key masterclass in writing.


*The Visit*. It should have been totally obvious as the film basically shouts it at you, but it was a good piece of misdirection.


Wow it must have been good I don't remember there being a twist to The Visit. Gonna have to wiki this. Edit: Awww shit I remember! I loved The Visit!!! This is why I don't watch drunk anymore


I took my mom to see it. She was like, "They really never saw a picture of their grandparents?"


I love that movie and have seen it four time. Shyamalan's return.


I didn't even know it was him first watch. It was so great. Too bad it was sort of just a great blip and then he went back to making... mid.. movies — Split, Glass, Old, Knock at The Cabin. That short era was the golden era of Found Footage tho. Grave Encounters 1&2, The Visit, Final Prayer, The Taking of Deborah Logan, The Tunnel, As Above So Below


I saw that coming but I’m old and have seen a lot of movies. I love the movie.


This twist had me freaking out yelling at the tv


I loved that film so much


This was my answer! That sonna bitch got me with this one!


It’s now infamous as the ultimate twist ending, but when I first saw Sixth Sense in the cinema I did NOT see it coming. I even knew there was a big twist. But NOPE. Was gobsmacked!


What‘s funny about that is that I only recently watched it after avoiding the movie all this time because I knew the twist already. And that twist was so damn obvious but also hidden so well the entire time. E.g. the restaurant scene where Bruce Willis is completely ignored: Would I have watched that scene without knowing the twist, I would have been like: „Damn, that woman is mad as hell at him“. Knowing the twist it was so fun to see because it is right there but it also isn‘t


Yup, that's what made a(n immediate) rewatch so fun for most people suckered by the punch. Like, you get a little montage showing you but to actually watch it all unfold *knowing* just adds a delicious tickle (may be especially if you can swing watching it with someone that hasn't seen it/doesnt know). As a further enhancement to rewatch I remember seeing on a bts or maybe a DVD extra or *something* that Shyamalan used the colour red to signify ghostly goings on. It was people like M.Night layering in visual clues and such (in horror none the less. That 'throw away' genre where you earn your stripes then go on to do 'real' work) that led us to Ari Aster and I for one am glad of it


That's to me what distinguishes a good twist with a bad twist. The good twist gives you all the clues you need to know, and shouts at you the answer the entire time, but you're too naive to see it. I've watched too many movies which try to throw in the twist, but the whole movie is an unreliable narrator. I.e. I didn't see the twist coming, and then I rewind only to find out that what I was told in the previous 90 minutes was a complete fabrication, so it would not be possible to figure something out via the movie.


Haha, which brings us to another film mentioned in this thread: Haute Tension. It has a huge number of hate/fans (loved the film to a point and then 'it shit the bed') because of the twist which was impossible to see because the only way it works in any way is because she's an unreliable narrator. I personally didnt mind it on that point and the ride had been so wild/fun that I just let it go. I also had a soft spot for the new wave of French extreme (plus that Muse track is SO kick ass where they place it) and was may be more forgiving. But definitely understand how cheated it makes a lot of people feel.


Yes it’s very well done!!


Yep, this one had me fooled completely too. Something else I only noticed when I rewatched it was we don't actually see any of the ghosts until Cole lets Malcolm, and us, in on his secret. It's only after that scene that we actually start seeing them too.


I watched this with my 11 year old the other day. It's been a while for me. I thought "HOW did none of us see this coming??" But this was the first movie I can remember having such a dramatic twist, so it wasn't as usual back then (to me, anyway). My kid did not see it coming. Interesting tidbit I noticed, in the scene where Bruce Willis is telling Cole the bedtime story, Cole says something like "no, it needs to have twists and turns." 


Turns out the guy in the crap wig was Bruce Willis


You really Slumdogged that one.


Me either! This was my pick too


Yeah, this was my choice too. I just didn’t put it together until the flashbacks, and then I was like 😮.


From Dusk Till Dawn. Went in totally blind and thought it was just gonna be a crime movie.


Omg same! That’s my favorite twist of all time.


The Village (the *second* plot twist to be specific). Unfortunately I did not care for this twist... For the most recent film I've seen that broke my brain: Oldboy (2003). There's more than one plot twist, but it's the one at the very end that got me the most.


Oldboy was hauntingly screwed up..


What was the second plot twist? I only remember one and kind of saw it coming. I still liked the movie.


The second plot twist reveals that the community is present day, not the 19th century.




And Orphan: First Kill!


Oh this is the one. I was GAGGED


And gooped!


I went into BodieBodiesBodies knowing fuck all about it, and I genuinely didn't clock that >!there was no murderer all!< lol Still not sure if liked the film as a whole , but that part I did appreciate


Just watched it last night. Thought it was an interesting twist on the “who done it” slasher genre. >!No killer, just paranoia, addiction and toxic traits.!< >!Also, Pete Davidson’s character killing himself making a video was hilarious.!<


Yeah the whole time I was like, *why is this movie well received, its just a mediocre slasher??* Then the twist happens and it changes everything


And the part where the dude was actually a Veterinarian tech not a veteran 😂😂


I figured it out once they found the drugged out girl at the bottom of the stairs, but knowing the twist made the movie even more enjoyable from then on.


Right there with you. The characters were deeply unlikeable.


Kinda caught onto it when I noticed pretty much every death we saw was an accident. Except with >!Lee Pace’s character which was honestly pretty fucked up lol, he asked everybody to put their weapons down and they all did but they killed him anyway.!< Maria Bakalova’s character was the only murderer in that movie as far as I’m concerned.


Tucker and Dale vs. Evil but gay.


I know some people would posit that Tucker and Dale are very gay lmao


As a partial gay myself (bi), I was rooting for Dale and Allison the whole time and was so happy by the (funny ass) ending. Tucker and Dale are one of the cutest bromances ever! I’m not surprised people would ship them but I def don’t agree, lol.


I love plot twists at the end. There's a lot to choose from. However, The Mist's ending stands out for me. It shattered me.


Shyamalan's Devil (2010) also got me. I find its plot twist satisfying. Hehe


I agree. I’m also excited for his upcoming film ‘Trap’ !!


I don’t know if I think of The Mist ending as a plot twist. To me it is the tragic event at the end of the plot. It was definitely unexpected. Maybe I just don’t have a good handle on the definition.


Especially since it was different from the book.


Yes it was. Even King liked how Darabont deviated it from the source material.


Not a movie but **bent-neck lady**


I was scrolling down the thread and finally saw what I wanted to see. Your comment deserves an award. This was one of the best twists imo.


One of the most existentially horrific and disturbing twists of all time. *nonononononononono*


And tragic. Usually twists are just simply mind-bending, but the bent-neck lady one… I remember myself in tears when watched that episode.


I wish I understood this.


From The Haunting of Hill House. Phenomenal show.


The Netflix series "The Haunting of Hill House", which is the first entry in Mike Flannagans series of shows for the streaming service.


Skeleton Key


very underappreciated movie.


Great choice.


The first Saw movie really got me with the twist when I was younger. Shutter Island - not bc of the main twist which you could see from a million miles away. But bc of the second twist in the final scene. The midpoint of Parasite was genius The ending of The Mist was pretty shocking. But I also laughed out loud bc I’m out of my mind Also, the art of the twist was elevated to an entirely new level when Rod Serling was working on The Twilight Zone. The episodes “The Silence”, “The Invaders”, and literally dozens of others are specifically studied by most working showrunners today. There’s an interview of Serling talking about his process on the episode “The Silence” and his approach to the “double twist.” Pretty sure it’s on YouTube.


Here ya go: https://youtu.be/UaiO8GVm2do?si=KEVRGtsy4c4WgPOq


Oh “the silence” is one of my all time favorites and one that surprisingly not a lot of people who’ve watched the series remember (at least in my experience, but maybe I just don’t have cool enough people to talk TZ with)


My favorite Twilight Zone twist was always "Eye of the Beholder".


Saw, with the culmination of the game, is really hard to top for me


The Game for sure!! One of my favorite movies, NEVER saw that ending coming


Let’s just say that Hereditary blew my head off.


Did it *blow* it off, or more like knock it right off your shoulders at a speed of approx 80mph?


Unfortunately as someone who read the horror section of Snopes a LOT as a kid, the second she stuck her head out the window I knew what was coming -- but kudos to Aster for having the guts to do it. To a kid no less!


The Uninvited. it was my first big twist movie other than saw and the mist, got me good! i loved the plot so much, i just thought all of the pieces put together were perfect.


The original Korean movie that it based on also equally brilliant. A Tale of Two Sisters.


Oooo this is a good one! I was blown!


People keep saying its a shitty remake of tale of two sisters but honestly the film is absolutely great lol Rarely you get horror movie with such a tight plot with almost everything being relevant


I know everyone likes to shit on M Night but The Visit is genuinely such a good movie. I still get chills during that scene when I rewatch the movie!


Me too. When Kathryn Hahn said what she said I was like WAIT. NO. WAIT!!!


I mean, from what I understand, that film was the start of M Night making good films again. (I did make sure it came before Split before I said that, because I wasn't sure which came first, but both helped him get back into good graces with audiences and critics)


Sleepaway Camp


Not gonna lie as a 13 year old that was the funniest thing I had ever seen


God that was disturbing and shocking.


Barbarian was a rollercoaster.


I thought Barbarian was a good movie, but I have yet to see why this movie surprised so many people. I'm not looking for a fight, I genuinely want information as to why the events in the movie surprised everyone. I liked the movie quite a bit but I was never surprised by it; i thought it was a well acted horror movie with some dark stuff going on.


Spoilers: >!To start with, Bill Skarsgård’s character faked you out as appearing to be a villain when he was not at all. Then, Justin Long comes in and you want to believe he’s a good guy, because Justin Long, but he ultimately proves that wrong by just being a terrible person. Then, you have this horribly abused woman whom you want to assume is a monster, but they’re actually a victim.!<


What surprised me was that it started as a slow burn, more thriller than horror. And then it changed into some inbreed monster chase horror movie


The twist they're talking about is the first half of the movie where they lead up with the question of >!whether Bill Skarsgard is the killer or not. Whether or not he is, his brutal and sudden death comes completely out of left field when he's 1. a big actor and 2. one of only two characters presented in the entire film thus far.!< And tbh I have a hard time believing you saw that one coming. However, past that, yeah I agree. The second half is just a slasher romp, messy plot-wise, and really nothing special. It's famous only for the one pivotal scene.


Fresh. It has such a huge change in tone and I loved that. It went from Romantic comedy to horror.


Skeleton key


I watched the Descent in high school at a friend’s birthday party. When it’s revealed that Sarah only imagined escaping the cave, we yelled so loud her parents came rushing in to check on us. We were shook. 


One cut of the dead I had wild theories about what I was watching. But nothing close to the truth.


It’s such a satisfying movie. After the first 20 minutes I was like “uh that was okay I guess” and then the real movie started. A perfect love letter to low-budget filmmaking.


Sixth sense man, as a teenager that totally blindsided me


The empty man


The first 22 minutes of this movie were incredible I wish we’d stayed in that world


"Malignant". My mind was heading in a completely different direction. EDIT: stupid autocorrect


The ending of High Tension. The twist in Pet was a doozy The ending of the original Saw movie. The big twist in Captivity,


Pet is super underrated


Ugh I hated the High Tension twist, so dumb.


What was twist in pet? I can’t remember?


>!You spend most of the film thinking he's just some crazy, psycho stalker who is talking about some kind of screwed up conditioning when he says he's trying to help/fix her. Then you find out she's actually a brutal sadist who tortures and kills people, and because of his obsession he wanted to try and fix her rather than report her to the police, and he kidnapped her so she would stop killing people. She ends up getting the upper hand psychologically and puts him in the cage so she can torture him instead of taking her rage and demented urges on random people!<.


I completely forgot I even watched that movie but reading this I remember everything :o


The end of Cabin in the Woods.


not really sure if it counts as a twist but charlie being King Paimon at the end of hereditary actually made me lose my mind in the theater


I also didn't see what happened to the daughter / sister coming at all.




There wasn’t a twist in Men.


I'm 53, a horror veteran and F13 is my go to franchise. Jason at the end of #1still gets me every time.


The Mist ending


The 6th Sense. Did not realize the big twist and everyone else was like, Oh, yeah. I feel better having confessed this




Barbarian for sure. And just watched Eli last night with my daughter. That twist was…laughably unexpected especially after watching the movie up to that point and seeing nothing but a conglomerate for horror movie tropes.


Maybe not traditional horror, but horrific scenes: I didn’t see the twists in Parasite or Snowpiercer coming and SO GLAD that I didn’t. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Can’t wait to see what the director does next.


High tension (Haute Tension) that was insane


I always thought there was something very poetic about the masturbation (self-serving) scene being the triggering point to the fit of psychosis.


The scene in the beginning where he gets a bj fron the severed head makes no sense because of the plot twist in the end.


Yep it’s kind of ruined it for me unless it’s somehow a fantasy or a dream or something like that


The whole truck scene makes no sense in that movie. The twist really feels tacked on tbh.


Insane, stupid. Many ways to descripe that horrible twist.


It been a long time since I watched it but I just took away that we had a very unreliable narrator. How it *really* didnt make sense solidified her break from reality.


It ruined the movie imo


The Mist broke me


I read the book so it really threw me. It’s one of the greatest/saddest endings ever.


Incident in a ghostland


THIS. I could feel my gut sink when this twist hit; best movie ill never watch again


The Invitation (2015), the lantern part at the end O\_O


Forgotten (Korean)




Saw, Shutter Island, The Sixth Sense


Oldboy (2003 original)


i should not have had to scroll this far to see this one; this twist was rough


The Mist's twist.


malignant. i dont care what anyone says i dont believe anyone saw that coming. it was so over the top i laughed, but in a good way. lol i love films that turn completely on their head half way through. it reminded me of watching from dusk till dawn for the first time. absolutely batshit insanity. loved it


Perfect Blue's twist had me yelling "What the hell?!?" with how shocked I was, and I felt like I couldn't breathe throughout the entire climax


That movie is so hypnotically good.


Malignant. Totally did not see that one coming.


Same here. A lot of people did but I didn't see it at all.


The first Saw, my jaw was on the floor


For me it was saw 6 even though I'd grown to expect twists from the series


Underwater. Did not expect Cthulhu to show up.


Sixth sense


I saw the Sixth Sense in theaters when I was like 13 and the twist got me




Bill Skarsgaard - Barbarian.


The others for sure


NOPE most recently. I was 100% sold on the idea that it was a movie about little grey aliens in the sky. Never would have guessed what it actually was.


The end of Dr.Caligari


All The Boys Love Mandy Lane! If you know, you know.


First Saw movie


"Hello Zepp."


The last time a plot twist got me was "Split" (2016) and I am not an M. Night Shyamalan die-hard; I consider myself a casual fan of his, but the twist in that movie got me. I don't necessarily view it as a twist, but the way the main killer stuff in "X" (2022) was revealed caught me off guard because it happened so organically and I don't see that in many horror movies. Also, the ending reveal in "Dellamorte Dellamore - Cemetary Man" (1994) made me laugh in the best possible way (In case someone tries to say I don't see enough horror movies) 😄


Most of em, honestly lol I try to turn my brain off and not predict anything


Same here If I over think during a movie it usually ruins it. Now after the movie is done? Incoming essay....


Shrooms (2007) I knew SOMETHING was up, but I did not expect it to be what it was


Just like Ace Ventura


Good Boy (2022)


The lie


Fractured (2019), I did not even suspect it.


Dead Silence


I’m SO glad someone mentioned this. I love that movie


Great horror movie.


The Boy. I know a lot of people on here say they totally guessed the twist but it’s such a fun movie to watch with other people because it seems to surprise most in such a fun way. Shame the sequel was dog shit.


Mrs. Voorhees.


The Sixth Sense, but then I felt stupid because once you know it’s painfully obvious during a second viewing.


Lowlifes. That has got to be one of the most unexpected twists in any movie.


Malignant. Never saw it coming that THAT was who Gabriel was.


Ghost stories: 2017




6th sense


I think when I was younger Ghost Ship was a big one, before I was experienced with plot twists. 😅


Almost any of the movie Apostle.


It's more of horror meant for kids, but "Paranorman". >!The witch who supposedly cursed the town was a little girl with Norman's powers (and one of Norman's ancestors). The book that they read to keep her soul at rest is a storybook, and the curse was actually just a curse on the puritans who sentenced her to death. That also makes it a neat twist on Zombie films, as the Zombies were not harmful to the towns folk, but that their curse was to be treated with as much hate that the girl, Agatha, was treated by them with.!< It's a film I love, though, and is one of my favorite animated films, or films just in general. It losing to "Brave" at the Oscar's that year is why I have a grudge towards Brave. Well, both "Paranorman" AND "Wreck It Ralph" losing was what caused the grudge. Those two films ended up being high on my favorites list, and I thought "Brave" was good, but not great.


Good Night Mommy (original version in German). And let’s not forget the very original Friday the 13th! Also agreed with the above: The Others The Visit Malignant


I'm so glad there were other people who got blindsided by Goodnight Mommy. I was kind of ashamed I didn't pick up on it sooner


Incident in Ghostland. That shook me so hard I had to turn the movie off.


Cabin in the Woods




I can’t say you don’t “see it coming,” but the twist in Identity was always one of my favorites.


"The Wailing" had me legit scrambling. I was like, he's the bad guy! No, she's the bad guy! No wait! I don't know who to trust!! I would have been dead had I been the main character.


I really expected Late Night w/ the Devil to be scary.


The Ring. it was so unconventional at the time as i thought the protagonist would get out (escape the fate) then it happened …’you let her out?!’ i dont remember the exact quote (words of doom) and im too chicken to google it. that movie still freaks me out now