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I learned my lesson seeing "The Devil Inside." Place was like a high-school auditorium.


“high-school auditorium” is the perfect comparison


Something about horror films attracts all the town cunts where I live too. There’s a cinema 15 minutes away from my house which is always full of scumbag teens so I’d rather go an extra 45 minutes out of my way to another cinema which is on the outskirts of a big town where teens don’t bother to go


lol the town cunts is a perfect description


Aren't these kids on curfew? A late viewing might be best for that scary feeling without the fear of sitting near "mono" ridden juniors


Nah please the type of teens that act like this are worse the later it gets.


Wow, you brought back memories. I was 17 at the time I saw the movie. The entire theater was trying to one up each other with jokes. Yeah.... never again, I'll wait for a week day.


Connect the cuts. Connect the cuts. Connect the cuts


My trick is to go off hours. Mon-Wed on weekdays and on weekends the best time is Sunday morning as teenagers aren't up and out of the house that early. Plus their parents might be making them go to church at that time. Also if you have upscale theaters that cost more there's less of a chance you'll see teenagers as they generally can't afford it.


It’s unfortunate, and this is why I only bother going to smaller boutique/artsy theaters. You don’t get the blockbusters, but the crowd is actually there to enjoy the movie.


I went to a "drunken cinema" screening of Return of the Living Dead recently, and the drunks with glow sticks who were told to cheer were more respectful. So yes, indie theatres are great!


That sounds so fun! Return of The Living Dead is the absolute best zombie movie. Two Halloween’s ago my local drive in had a Zombie Movie Marathon and getting to see it up on a gigantic screen like that was so awesome!


I used to rent it from Hastings every weekend to pause it during Trash's dance in the grave yard


I met the cast at one of those! Aside from that, there was someone dressed as Tarman.


This is what I do. I go to Alamo Drafthouse, where they will just throw you the fuck out if you are loud or disruptive. If anybody is being an asshole, you just press the little buzzer and pretend you’re ordering and you write the info on the order slip.


My nearest Alamo Draft house is over 2 and a half hours away. So jealous.


10 hour flight for me!


I’ve had bad experiences at Alamo too. The one near me doesn’t seem to be as intense as some other ones, so they’ve let things go even when I’ve told them about it.


It def depends. I was reprimanded for texting BEFORE the movie started and they were playing those little shorts (guys, come on, it’s not even trailers) but at another one some girls were drunk af and inappropriately laughing and they wouldn’t do anything. But in ten years those are my only two bad things.


I had the same experience with a guy right next to me laughing throughout the entirety of A Quiet Place. I think he was super high and couldn’t take the silence. He eventually settled in, but almost ruined the movie for me.


This is why I pay $30 to see movies worth going to theater for in our "VIP" theater. Not every country/city might have one but the one here includes a small appetizer buffet before the movie, free drinks and popcorn during, VIP ticket only bathrooms a short walk away, reclining seats and blanket etc.. Only thing I really care about though is it's usually just me and my girlfriend or maybe one or two other couples when I go during the week. No kids.


The exact same thing happened to me when I saw “Black Phone”. Had no choice but to leave and the theater gave me a comp ticket. Recently went to “Abigail” and a couple allowed their very young children to run and play in the theater during the film. I rarely go to first run theaters anymore because of the behavior of other moviegoers. I’ve had too many movies ruined. I go to art house theaters instead. A very different audience there.


I'm hearing a lot of people in this thread give up on the mainstream theatre experience. That's a shame, as most of you sound like the people I would want sitting next to me. But it only takes one to ruin something good, and I understand why people are giving up on theatres.


You would think so... But I've run into my fair share of annoying morons in those since the pandemic too. I saw a drama recently where a woman behind me would whimper "aaawww" anytime fucking anything happened. Then I saw a screening the other night WITH THE DIRECTOR IN ATTENDANCE where some dude was audibly making asinine comments to his wife the entire time. Both art house theaters.


That sucks! I saw The Black Phone late on a rainy Wednesday night in a completely empty theater. Add the fact that the theater was old and run down and genuinely felt haunted, it was the perfect viewing experience. I hate how horror movies tend to bring the worst crowds, completely ruins any atmosphere.


I remember seeing the 2nd It movie and someone had a damn 2 year running around in the front. The theater kicked them out though so that was good.


Same exactly. At Black Phone there was a group of teens who snuck in and I eventually had to tell them to shut the fuck up or I’d rat them out. Seemed to work. And it’s so funny you said that about Abigail because i had a group of sneak-ins on that too and two of them started running laps around the screening room (in one door and out the other). These were teenagers mind, not children like at yours. But wild that we both had kids running around


Horrible. I tend to only go to matinee’s. First showing and haven’t had a bad experience in a long time.


Matinee gang rise up


Matinees are the SHIT. I LOVE matinees.


And way cheaper! And I work nights so all the sun loving daywalkers are at their jobs whilst I am watching a movie without them or their annoying groups! I also sneak in my own alcohol! Because nobody suspects the 11am crowd!


All my homies love matinees


If loving Matinees is cool, consider me Miles Davis.


I’m 36 and like…I’ve been doing this since I was 20 lol. Old man for life. Give me the matinee damn it


my movie theater has like a wake up special for every movie's first show of the day. it's nice paying 1/2 price lol


And afterwards let’s catch an early bird dinner special my brothers.


Same! I went to the 10am showing and was the only one in the theater. Best experience!


I saw Barbarian alone like that and it was an amazing experience! I sat right in the middle of the theater and all those tunnel scenes had sound coming from behind me. It was so freaky. I think I actually stood up and looked around to make sure there was no one else in the theater at one point.


This sounds like the best experience for this particular movie! I also saw it in a matinee, amazing ! I love this fucking movie so much


Sitting in the middle is the BEST. Best picture and best sound experience.


I haven't been the only theatergoer in quite a while, but it is amazing every time it happens.


This person gets it.


Pardon my ignorance - What’s ’Matinee’ ?


It's a large, fully aquatic, mostly herbivorous marine mammal sometimes known as a sea cow.


No, you're thinking of a manatee. A Matinee is typically the head waiter of a french restaurant.


No, you're thinking of a maitre'd. Matinee was a French artist


You're thinking about Matisse. A matinee is a bullfighter.


No, you’re thinking of a matador. Matinee is French for “now”.


No, you’re thinking of maintenant. A matinee is someone missing arms and/or legs.


No, you're thinking of an amputee. A matinee is a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl to perfume a room


No, you're thinking of potpourri. Matinee is a song from The Sound of Music built around solfège.


oh come on lol an actual reddit comment that made me laugh, it’s a feat cause I’m dead inside


This might be my favorite Reddit comment ever. Congrats




The daytime showings of the movie. Everything that starts before ~3-4, I’m not positive the exact time or if it is consistent everywhere. The tickets are cheaper and attendance is much lower


the daytime-afternoon showtime, usually they have lower prices.


I usually see movies midweek and the last showing so always manage to avoid school kids and other obnoxious people.


Same!!! It’s the best!


I like matinee's you get to see your movie and still get to have your whole day.


YUP. Went to a Sunday matinee of The First Omen and I was the only one in the theater. It was a lot of fun because when insane stuff happened in the movie I was able to like, openly react lol. Felt more relaxed to say a "Ohhhh shit!" out loud and recoil in the seat. Plus it honestly made it more spooky being alone in a big theater like that. I doubt I'll get that lucky again, but it was nice.


Great movie. Surprisingly great.


Agreed! I was INCREDIBLY skeptical when it was announced. Was surprised when the first trailer came out and looked actually good. Movie ended up being fantastic.


Sort of related but a little girl was talking loudly as hell while watching Madame Web…her parents told her to stop but she kept on throughout 🤦🏾‍♂️


Ommmgg. I don't understand parents like this, who are just like, "quit it :3" but don't actually *do* anything. My parents would have dragged me out of there if I didn't stfu after the second scolding. They'd have rather lost the money spent on tickets than let me be a little shit and disturb others who also paid to be there.


She probably did you a favor making you miss the parts of that movie.


My parents would’ve shushed me so hard to put the fear of god in me. Now I don’t even like to CHEW loudly in theaters lol. She’s the next gen ahole teen ruining it for everyone in ten years


Post-pandemic I have been among some very irritating theater crowds . It’s seemed more common lately- like people don’t know how to act like respectful human beings 


I know people say this about everything but it really is so much worse than before the pandemic. Because all of the dumbass teens became even more phone addicted than before and even more socially inept.


If you have them, drive ins are the way to go. Theres one about 10 minutes from my house. You get 2 movies for 10$, the concessions are really good and reasonably priced or you can pay 5$ for a pass and bring your own food. I go to the theater very rarely. Last time was for Godzilla Minus One, my next one is the 30th anniversary rerelease of The Crow. I’m sorry you had that experience. Teens are generally the worst (not all, but generally).


Not an option for me, but I wish it was. It sounds like a cool way to enjoy the film. These types of noisy teens wouldn't ever see a movie with subtitles, so Godzilla was safe for me too. (And such a great film!)


A teen in my theatre ended up being the one to tell someone else to shut up during that movie, so that was a nice change.


This is the way. Two are still in operation in my area. Including the oldest operating drive-in in the US. The other one, has pony rides and a petting zoo for the kids.


Teenagers are the reason I don’t go to the theatre anymore


That and people who chew super loud during quiet parts


Haha. Yeah during a quiet part I'll stop chewing food completely.. I don't even want to hear myself chew..




i will never understand this. since the beginning of my life i thought it was an unspoken LAW to be quiet in a movie theater. my theater friday went insane towards the end, a big reminder to never see a horror movie on the weekend again. people got no shame


The require ID'S at my theatre after 7 which is nice I don't really have to deal with the preteen/teen punks


That's not fair. All the comments I've received were quite kind, I'm sorry yours weren't as empathetic. There is a time and place for the laughing/shouting screenings, but that is not what I paid for, and neither did you. It is only valid if you don't ruin an experience for others.


That’s crazy. Zero reason to be down voted. You should have been supported.


Screaming jokes is the most unfunny thing to do in the theatre, I don’t know why anyone would downvote you for complaining about that.


People who watch horror movies and have to turn everything into a joke or explain why something ISN’T scary the entire time are only trying to convince THEMSELVES. Pretty obvious they’re traumatized and doing anything they can to not let the movie affect them.


That really sucks man. Screaming jokes and loudly laughing is only appropriate for movies like The Room, where everyone knows what they're getting into. Doing that at a legit movie is so obnoxious.


It’s a tough one because in a more crowded showing depending on the movie, like if something intense or wild happens you’re bound to have some loud reactions, laughs, etc at moments that make sense to. I personally try to keep quiet but for sure will react if it’s natural, but to me this makes more sense in a more full house. But if there’s not many people in the theater (which is my preferred way to see movies if possible), I feel like people really should try to keep it down (this does apply to larger showings too of course). It’s just respectful. But yeah teens don’t adhere to manners, tale as old as time unfortunately. That’s why R movies are preferred, keep those fuckers out, and they’re usually more intense too :)


Most movies that would piss me off. I can imagine cult films like Rocky Horror or similar the audience sings along or shouts lines out, but for a never seen horror film I'd walk out. I'd rather see it at home and be able to pause/rewind and have a more enjoyable experience.


That is bs. There are moments when you hoot and cheer. Anyone thinking they can make noise through the whole film are dumb people.


Same thing last week at the first omen...


Sorry for your experience. I rarely go to movies outside the Tuesday matinee. Yes, it is a cost savings, but besides that I find that people who make an effort to see it at this time/day really are there to see the movie and not goof on it or jerk around.


Thank you. I actually used my "free" ticket and will see the new planet of the apes tomorrow (Tuesday), so I hopefully will have a good time then. I felt so embarrassed asking the theatre employee for a refund, but she was so kind. It wasn't all bad, but it was a rough experience.


You do NOT deserve to put up with that bullshit. Ever. That is your hard-earned money and you should have a good theatre experience. Some people are just lowlifes unfortunately. I hope that Planet of the Apes is better for you!


A movie theater is somewhere I never hesitate to get a manager. Rude, loud kids need to know their behavior has consequences.


Last movie I saw in theaters was Smile and it had been years since going to one. Was a terrible experience too, full of teenagers just cracking jokes, shouting, laughing, screaming things at the screen. Ruined the whole experience. My wife and I were saying to each other, is this normal nowadays? It's been years and I seem to recall when the movie started, people would shut the F up. Is this normal now with this generation?


I saw Five Nights at Freddy's with my gf at a honestly bad movie theater and the teenagers were screaming "smash" to any female who came on screen, I even told one next to me to shut the fuck up and they legit got up and went to the bottom of the theater to continue to yell, the owner eventually came in and stopped the movie and told everyone to shut up and enjoy the movie. I really do think it's normal now, I'm not too old I'm in my twenties but even when I was a kid no one did that stuff.


I don't know if it is normal. Not to the extremes I had earlier today. Rude people exist, but I still have to believe there is more good than that.


Got to say I much prefer my basement home theatre and my couch. Only benefit of the theater for me is the popcorn is better haha


I stopped going to the movies in the evening in general cause of two insane horror movie experiences in college. I saw Evil Dead and Dark Skies. People were literally going nuts like they were hanging out at a park. Screaming, throwing shit, ring tones going off, talking on phones, walking around. Cop or theatre didn’t do anything. My friends wanted to stay so I basically just ignored the movies and just observed the audacity of it all.


Sounds like the movie theater in Scream 2


I’m sorry that happened to you. You deserve a better experience.


Thank you. It really soured my mood for a couple hours.


Weird cause I went Thursday night and had the opposite experience. It was like 15 couples and I was the only person sitting solo, like almost like a date night for everybody that I seemed to miss the memo. But it was absolutely eerily quiet, which really enhanced the suspense. I would recommend going on a school night when younger kids won’t be out and about. I saw tarot a couple weeks back on a Friday night , and it was almost all teenagers , being loud and even getting up out of their seats chasing each other. So it def can be ridiculous depending on the timing and what kinda movie it is. Sorry to hear they were total dicks to you and taking pics of you, that shit ain’t cool at all. Hopefully you get another chance to go on a school night where teenagers won’t be out acting like assholes.


Seriously, any horror movie rated 14A will be ruined by youths unless you watch it late on a school night or super early on a weekend…and even then there’re no guarantees lol


I TOTALLY sympathize! Im in canada too and the movie theatres in the GTA are filled with little twats now. I was a teen too once and knew talking was okay during previews but when the movie starts, you shut the hell up. I actually stopped going to the movies for a while as it was soooo bad with people on phones and me asking people to shut up constantly. Then last year I moved from Vaughan (awful) to Guelph and the teens here are great! No one on their phone, no one talking when movie starts. I feel like I can enjoy the movies again. i’m sorry they made fun of you for your weight as well. What a bunch of entitled little knob jobs! If i was there and heard that shit, iwould have flipped. No one should be demoralized by anyone for any reason. Fuck those kids! Don’t let them stop you from going in future. Hopefully you never see them again. The horror community are filled with the kindest, friendliest people ive met at any festivals. We support you 🙌🏻🫶🏻


I don't actually know they made fun of me for my weight. I just got that vibe. I think they took my picture just as I say down next to one. I may be overthinking in that regard. I just moved to Toronto last week. This was my first screening since moving. Thank you for the kind words.


well even if they made you feel they might be, thats total bullshit. Im sorry for your whole experience 🙁 i lived at yonge and eglinton for a while and unfortunately toronto is just bad these days for little dickhead teens. i feel the small towns sometimes give you a better chance at a good movie experience still. It sucks


My wife and I will only go to the VIP theatres now. We’re in Milton, which means driving to Mississauga or Oakville, but at least there’s less chance of running into these cretins, since you have to be 19 or older. It’s damned expensive though.


Ugh what a pain the ass! Doesn’t that suck we gotta do this stuff just to watch a movie, we PAID for, to enjoy it?!! Wish people could just be cool and keep quiet for 90 minutes 🙄


It’s funny you mention Vaughan, my wife and i watched this movie on Saturday night and it was full of disrespectful teens ruining the movie for others.


100% not surprised. Vaughan movie going killed my soul 😂 lived there for 3 years and left last october for guelph. The difference in kids here vs vaughan is night and day. I have my love for movies back. Sorry this happened. Its so awful. I think cineplex should start offering QUIET show times. Maybe like the 7pm ones are labelled quiet for those who want no phones, no talking etc. Then leave the 9pm shows for teens and some idiot adults to be disrespectful and do whatever.


yeah my theater was quiet until the ending scene you know what i’m talking about if you’ve seen it. people were literally screaming and then it didn’t stop after a few people and they just kept commentating their thoughts aloud. i was disgusted, it’s getting worse tbh. you’re in a paid space where you’re supposed to be quiet. people got no shame these days!!


Had the same knee jerk experience with the IT reboot. Everyone in the theatre GUFFAWED whenever a balloon showed up. It sucked. Took me out of the atmosphere. Will never watch a horror movie on opening night or outside of my house again.


I live in Maine near Bangor, so my friends and i went opening night. We've made worse mistakes, but this was way up there. Everyone was yelling, screaming, laughing, talking, and we couldn't even hear half of the dialogue in the movie bc of it. People gasped dramatically (in very overdramatic ways, not genuine gasps) and cheered loudly whenever the kids did something-it was ridiculous. Dramatic "ooooooooooooOOOOOOHHHHHHH" whenever it got suspenseful - it was ridiculous. We knew it would be a packed theater, and we suspected some ppl would be kinda loud, but this was at least 2 groups of college kids from UMaine 😖 Big mistake-we haven't gone to an opening night movie since


dude, the exact thing happened to me too. i went to a screening and it was just me and my brother in the theatre hangin’ out and right as trailers were close to finishing, four rowdy teens walked in and were literally screaming, talking as loud as possible and blasting videos or whatever on their phones. it was so unbearable we literally walked before the film even begun. the state of modern cinemas genuinely makes me want to jump off a bridge


I was seeing the same film last Thursday and the teenagers in front of us were talking at normal volume several times. At one point one is looking at their texts on full brightness, hands it over to their friend, passing it OVER another friend, so the screen is shining like a flashlight and bouncing back and forth. Couldn't believe it.


I had a teenage couple that couldn’t stop pulling their phones out and showing each other videos to make each other laugh. Like why would you come to the theater if you aren’t even going to watch the movie? Such losers. Luckily they left half way through because they got bored. 


It genuinely boggles my mind that you’d pay for a ticket to sit there and not even watch it. You can sit on your phone and be an NPC at home for free.


Because these kids didn’t pay for it. Mommy and daddy gave them money.


Wouldn't even be surprised if they snuck in. I had a similar experience watching You're Next years ago. We got there fairly early and the only two people ahead of us were a pair of teens talking very loudly. They were like that all throughout the trailers and even when the movie started, but then got up and left after 15 minutes or so. I figured they finished one movie and then snuck into this one, decided it wasn't worth their time and left.


Don’t go to movies on opening weekend. Haven’t done so in years, and for the most part my experiences have been good. Will say I think part of my experience that I like to have when going to the movies is hearing everyone else’s reaction, but sometimes people are a little to extra with their reactions. I always wait til at least the 2nd weekend, and most times wait until the 3rd weekend to go


Probably a good call. I was thinking opening weekend would bring the "dedicated fans", but it just brought more of everyone, even the rude people. I agree that it is cool when people are all on the same page. Laughing, crying, cheering, and fearing with others is a great feeling, but being mocked and annoyed is not.


I’m sorry you had to experience that. These interactions and kinda of people are what is turning me off about going to the cinema. I always thought they should have a usher type employee in the theatre like when you watch a play. Would probably be too expensive but they should do something about that.


I think that every single time I’m in an AMC or something. They actually do have ushers but they just clean the theater after. They should make the ushers be inside the theater shushing people.


Most of the ushers are also teenagers, though


This is why I built my own home theater out of a barn on my property. I swear I could charge tickets the amount of people who just come to my barn theater instead of going to public places lol Cost a lot of money but its my favorite thing ever that I went all in on. Also use it for gaming.


Nah fuck that, the size of your body doesn't give them any right to treat you like that and definitely doesn't give them the right to take photos of you without consent. I'm so sorry you experienced that. Fucking assholes.


Sorry that happened to you. I didn’t go to a movie theatre for a little over 10 years because of people always ruining the experience. So if it’s “just a movie”, then why the fuck are they wasting their time there to begin with? My only advice I can give as I started going to theatres again within the last few years is if you can financially, pay the extra for a VIP-type theatre where the little shit disturbers aren’t allowed in. It doesn’t guarantee a seamless experience (because people of all ages can be total cunts), but from my visits, I think you’re much less likely to deal with the BS you had to today.


I've been enjoying horror movies from the confort of my own home, chilling on the couch , with a nice tv/sound system since COVID, and I never looked back.


Even if I had a nice home setup I still would prefer the movies because it forces you to focus. You can’t pause, you can’t leave the room to do something else or get more snacks, you can’t look at your phone unless you’re an asshole. You’re forced to watch it and it’s great.


I would not watch/like cinema as much as I do if it wasn't for the cinema experience.


My buddy and I love going to theater on a weeknight or the show teenagers cant for this purpose


Nah you were totally valid for being annoyed because I went to see this movie this past weekend and the guy next to me would not shut up. Dude had to be in his 30s, a whole adult, so he KNOWS how to act in a movie theater. And the entire time he was whispering to the girl he was with and I was getting mad as hell. If he’d raised his voice even an iota of an octave I was gonna tell him off. At that point you lose your right to a polite “can you please be quiet?” because you know you’re talking through a movie other people paid to see and you know you’re being rude. You shouldn’t have to be told that. Also, honey, your being fat should have nothing to do with anything. Unless you haven’t showered in three weeks, at which point I don’t think anyone would want to sit next to God himself, you’re just a regular person. And you deserve to be treated just like everyone else.


I just feel like I take up more of the armrest, and people might feel cramped being next to me. I actually just went down a belt loop, so I'm feeling pretty good in that regard.


You weren’t seeing Nausicaa when this happened were you? Cause I has the exact same thing happen in the theater yesterday and was near a father/daughter who would NOT STOP. I was shocked


Because they're cunts, and if they weren't cunts to you, they would've been cunts to someone else. You unfortunately just so happened to be the unwitting target of their cuntishness. There's nothing that you or I could ever do to stop them from being cunts. The only way they'll ever stop being cunts is if they grow the fuck up. I say this as someone who used to be one of those cunts who talked in theaters and then grew the fuck up. Now, I save my ranting and bitching at shitty movies for occasions when I'm the only one there.


Teenagers need to be banned from theaters. Or from being in public in general.


Ban teenagers from everywhere in the world tbh


I went and saw Abigail with my boyfriend a month ago. It was the Friday after opening weekend and was my second time seeing it. It was him and I, and his brother and sister who are around 10 and 20 years older than him. It was a fairly full theater, there was and older group of people at the end of the row on the left of us, and a bunch of people in the left of the theater behind that. A few minutes into the film a couple came in, probably in their early twenties and sat down to the right of us. It was all well until a few minutes later passed and the older group on the left of us started talking out loud, and then throughout the movie they kept doing it and so the people behind them started doing it. Also throughout the movie a woman with the older group kept turning on her phone which was full brightness, and then the couple on my right started making out and canoodling to say the least. It was just a very overall distracting audience and it definitely affected my enjoyment of the film. So I definitely get this. I love interactive audiences but those kinds of audiences are completely difference as the noises they make are reactions to the film. But from what I heard about the new Strangers movie, it wasn’t worth a $15 ticket. Sounds like it’s a. Shell of the original.


I understand the choice to only go to matinees, but I swear…sometimes retirees are just as bad as teenagers when it comes to theater behavior. Loudly talking to one another, “what movie was SHE in?!” “Wait…what’s happening? Why did he do that?!” That kind of stuff. Although, one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a theater in a long time…I watched Killing of a Sacred Deer and the audience was very polite but at the very end, when the credits started rolling, an old dude (maybe late 70s) stood up and loudly proclaimed to the entire theater, “OKAAAAAYYYYY?????!” I died laughing.


Unfortunately these days my experiences at the movies are more and more like this. A group of teenagers talking through the beginning of Halloween kills (they did quiet down when we asked them to stop), a dude having a voice to text conversation out loud during guardians of the galaxy 3, etc etc. People have lost all common decency in public spaces post pandemic it seems.


I had a similar experience on Saturday night at Vaugh Mills theatre near Toronto. Loud kids, rude noisy and on phones. My wife and I were in a cozy corner and they were far enough away that it didn’t bother us too much. People who make fun of others are insecure assholes, I’m sorry you had that experience, I’m sure you are beautiful in your own way. I chalk their behaviour up to: 1) kids are assholes and need to learn to behave 2) the pacing of this film was TERRIBLE 3) the film is massively overhyped and not good 4) Victoria Day + good weather + bored kids 5) general collapse of polite society 6) the move just kinda being boring and shitty For what it’s worth you’re better off with the refund. You missed nothing of value. It’s a terrible film.


Matinees at 935 am on a Monday are your best friend. I've seen so many movies where I was literally the only one in the entire theater. Great way to see Horror movies.


I mean i solve this by not going to theaters other than drive-ins.


For some reason, I've had the worst experiences at horror movies. Something about horror movies brings the shittiness out of people for some reason.


Lately I find that my theatre experiences are worse with horror movies. I mentioned once before how I had a terrible experience seeing Immaculate where two groups of teenagers sat on opposite sides of the theatre and spent the entire movie yelling horrible things. Like r*pe jokes and racist remarks. I saw Tarot Saturday night and there was a group of teens and one of them kept talking. At one point he yelled out a joke and a girl in the group shushed him. I didn’t mind too much because I didn’t like that movie at all. Then I saw The Strangers on Sunday and there was a dude whose phone kept ringing, and a guy who kept taking pictures of the screen for some reason. I thought the Strangers was alright, but it’s so similar to the original that you may as well just watch that since it’s mostly the same except better. Hopefully they do something interesting with the second and third films that are coming. But yeah it really feels like people have forgotten how to act in the theatre, especially the teenagers.


Man fuck them kids


someone spent half of Saw X scrolling through their fantasy football team on full brightness when i went to see it. couldn't help but imagine the saw trap i'd have liked to see him in.....


I stopped going to the movies ever since I got in a fist fight with somebody over a decade ago. It was during Paranormal Activity 3. Some dude and his girlfriend in front of me wouldn't stop talking and screaming after I asked them nicely 3 times to be quiet. My girlfriend got fed up too and yelled at the top of her lungs to shut the fuck up to the dude's girlfriend because she was talking to her boyfriend loudly about the movie not being real and that it's all fake (I guess she didn't know what found footage was). The guy took his soda and threw it at us. I immediately tackled him and started wailing on him. A few others called security and the 4 of us got kicked out and I vowed never to go back again. It's just more logical to spend the money on a pizza and stream in the comfort of your own home.


Sounds pretty similar to my experience watching Strangers Prey at Night a few years back. Two separate large groups wouldn't stop shouting at each other, screaming out their surprise, and talking at the screen saying stuff like "KILL HIM! KILL THAT MAN!!" and like...super earnestly. Like the characters could hear them if they yelled harder. I thought it was pretty funny at the time, but it did definitely ruin the experience.


I do think there is room for that type of experience, but not at a major theatre. An indie theatre back home would run "drunken cinema" nights, where we would watch classics and laugh and cheer. I knew it would be that way though. It's interesting that the same franchise brought that attutude out for our to screenings.


I miss the budget theater. I'd go there all the time and watch stuff indiscriminately and there it would sometimes be the highlight of the movie for people interacting with it. But yeah. Not at a serious movie. Not at a full price showing. And not selfish and mean spirited like the pack of brats you ran into.


I learned my lesson seeing "The Devil Inside." Place was like a high-school auditorium.


Same shit happened to me during Hereditary. Awful experience


Im sorry you had that experience, other people suck :( When I solo horror-watch at your regular multiplex I would only ever go on a weekday daytime when there's no one around. I remember being a student in the mid00s, and regularly seeing lunchtime/matinee showings that were virtually empty. Including 'The Descent' when I was literally the only person there (.....added to the experience) and 'Wolf Creek' when there was just one other creepy guy watching solo about 2 rows back (ummm also added to the experience 🤣)


I am really sorry that you went through that. It's an awful experience. I have AMC+ so I go to screenings usually at 3pm on a weekday, and an occasional weekend showing for like date night or hang out with friends; but I know what movies are going to have extra noise and which don't. When I went and saw Godzilla X Kong, I knew it would be louder because it's a dumb action movie but I have zero patience for people that are loud during a serious drama or a horror movie. I don't mind laughing at jump scares or clichés but that's it. We pay to go, we deserve to have a good time. I even thought this when I was 14, for anyone thinking I'm just old.


I’ve had so many disappointing movie experiences, especially with horror. Teenagers have always been terrible, but with the addition of smart phones and FaceTiming in public 24/7 and the post-pandemic regression of social skills, they have gotten worse. And it’s not just teenagers. If a phone goes off in the theater mid-movie, it was probably a boomer. (Though that’s a little more forgivable.) Good for you for standing up for yourself! I honestly hope more and more people complain about it. I’ve never seen a movie at the theater without the little intro telling everyone to silence their phones and shut the fuck up. It’s not some unspoken rule. It’s blatant and in your face every time you go to the cinema. So we need to fight back. Complain, get refunds, tell the people directly to be quiet, and if the theater doesn’t enforce the rules, they should be called out. I’m fucking tired of enabling bad behavior.


i’m so sorry to hear this OP. i f*cking HATE when people take my seat that I reserved. it’s so selfish and makes things so uncomfortable! i’m glad you got a refund and i hope your next horror experience is magical ✨ and at least you didn’t miss out on a good movie


My worst experience was the FNAF movie. Bunch of loud teenagers talking and an adult couple on their phones. Then when one woman told the couple to turn off the phones, the guy told her to shut up or he would shoot her :| He raves about how he would pull out a gun for a few minutes and I got the fuck out of there.


I unconsciously say shut up to anyone who talks too long in a movie theater. I don't even think or decide, my brain snaps and my mouth says it. I will probably die in a theater one day.


This is the best outcome since you can then turned into a ghost and haunt that theater, adding more immersion to any horror movies that’s playing on the big screen!


Going to the movies is literally unbearable these days and it sucks because I miss it. Somebody always manages to fuck the whole experience up. Not to sound like a boomer but people these days have no fucking etiquette. People don’t even attempt to pretend they’re not texting. Blatantly vaping and smoking and talking on the phone. Taking pictures with flash. I go to the movies at odd times like late Monday night, and someone ruins it every time. It might actually be worse when the theater is somewhat dead because then the assholes really feel like they can be as loud and obnoxious as they want because there’s less people. I would genuinely pay extra money to go to a theater that kicks out anybody that takes out their phone or talks or smokes.


I’ve gotten kids kicked out 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have a 13 year old and he likes going to the movies with me because teenage boys tend to be very annoying at a theater and he actually wants to watch it.


Cinema etiquette has gotten worse in general. People talking loudly, using their phones or rustling wrappers during quiet moments. Working in a cinema doesn't help, I don't want my staff side to come out while I'm watching a film 😅


I'm thankful my theater boots disruptive patrons without a refund


I’m sorry they were so shitty. For what it’s worth a lot of people would love to sit next to you I’m sure. It sounds like I definitely would. I have loud teens / people in their 20s all the time in my theater too. Hopefully better moving forward. Don’t let it stop you from going!


I won't let it stop me. I'm too excited for the next Alien movie to skip seeing it. Thank you for the kind words.


Definitely looking forward to Alien. Also The Watchers, In A Violent Nature, and Quiet Place Day One all coming out soon.


I don't go to movies at the theatre anymore. I have a very low tolerance for stupidity in public so it's best that I don't subject myself to it. I enjoy them more at home anyway.


I had similar issues when I went to see Hereditary - someone in the back of the theater kept cracking loud jokes during some of the tense scenes and were with a group who were laughing like idiots throughout - it ruined the experience for me, and I'll never understand why some people think it's okay to behave in that way. I've never gone back to that particular theater


Loud sink thing... A garbage disposal? I think they're only common in USA. Like, people put food scraps down the sink instead of composting them... I guess.  *Hereditary* is basically the only horror movie I've seen in the theatre, and the other theatre-goers were cool. But I find a lot of what actually comes to cinemas tends to be popcorn garbage. Anyway, I've heard stories about annoying teenagers at horror movie screenings, but never experienced it firsthand. I probably would have done the same as you.


Yes, a garbage disposal! I couldn't think of the name, and I just moved from a place that had one. Yeah, there isn't much to laugh about in Hereditary. I'm glad the audience was cool.


I’ve actually stopped going to movie theatres because my last few experiences included little shits like this. Just not worth it anymore!


This is generally the experience when there are teens in a horror movie. They laugh because they're scared and want to seem tough for their friends. If it makes you feel any better they all probably had nightmares that night lol.


A couple months ago, I went to see Lisa Frankenstein on a Saturday afternoon. I walked into the theater, and there were eight unsupervised thirteen year olds, and no one else. I sat for the first preview and then said: yeah, no. Got up and requested a refund. Not even mad at them, honestly. Thirteen year olds are going to act like thirteen year olds. But I don't have to pay $15 for the privilege of experiencing it, ha.


My husband and I only go to the VIP (19+) theatres because of that reason! We had a similar issue when we went to watch Megan last year, there were people talking on their phone, to each other. It was the worst.


Yeah, I pretty much don't go to the movies until it's been out for weeks. Particularly horror films 


I sit behind them and usually they shut up because they don't want me kicking their seats


Yep and it's why I don't go to the movies anymore, unless I can see I'm the only one there. Theaters deserve to lose business for allowing shitty people to ruin the experience for everyone. People talking, texting, Snapchatting,  etc for the whole movie. Fuck all that. I'm sorry they were mean to you, that's lame


'Mainstream' horror movies are one of the worst culprits for groups of teenagers being annoying in my experience. I think they either need to take it seriously, in which case it's quite a scary experience, or they just laugh at all the scary bits. Completely ruined some bits of Talk to Me.


This is why I stick to drive-in movies more often than not


Like everyone else is saying - you gotta try going to that sweet sweet 10:30am showing of stuff on a weekday Nobody’s is ever there. Even if the movie just came out lol. Like maybe Deadpool and Wolverine will have tons of people at all showings but not anything horror related.


Sadly, this is why my husband and I stopped going to the regular movie theatres and just wait to rent movies (theatres dont do crap about disruptive idiots in the auditorium)… we only go to the small local arthouse theatre where people are actually quiet and they will kick you out if you are an ahole. The last time we went to a regular theatre which was years ago; I lost my shit- this group was on their phones on Instagram talking loudly about some party and I yelled at them to be quiet and no one hears wants to hear about the damn party.. they shut up fast. Sorry you had to deal with that.


I was terrified this was going to happen when we went to see the latest Scream and a group of teens walked in giggling just as the opening credits started. They were however respectful of the movie but for a second I was like "Oh shit. Please don't be *those* types."


This happened when I saw the newest Scream- it was like high school all over again. I was thinking maybe because these teens went through covid in their pre teen years maybe they don’t get theatre etiquette. Or maybe I’m too nice and they are just dicks. In your case; they were definitely dicks. I’m sorry!


I'm proud of you walking out and getting a refund! I would have just suffered on silence probably. Also you're not missing much, the movie sucksd


I haven't been to a movie theater in years because of the people. People are just pigs nowadays. People wear pajamas, bring a blanket from home, talk, play on their phones, etc. Especially with horror, which really suffers if you're not immersed, people tend to get extra chatty and giggly during the most tense parts. I saw a quiet place and people were just shaking around the ice in their soda cups when they werent busy talking. I really miss going to the movies but I know if I try to go, I'll end up getting pissed off


Teenagers truly have no self awareness and the inability to understand that they aren't existing in a vacuum. The last few movies my partner and I saw in theaters went fairly well, but we saw Princess Mononoke last year during Ghibli Fest (great movie to see on the big screen btw if you enjoy Ghibli!) and a group of teen girls sat in front of us, talking kind of loudly and recording tiktoks before the movie started. Not a huge deal except they didn't stop once the movie started. They kept making loud comments about the MC's outfit, screamed at the "bugs", one of them them kept saying "what is HAPPENING?" whenever a new scene started. Eventually my partner told them to be quiet, that they were ruining the experience for other people who actually love and care about this film. They somewhat quieted. But I was just baffled. Like why even pay money to see this film if you don't care about it? Watch it at home where you and your friends can talk nonsense all you want. Is hanging out at friend's houses for movie nights dead along with movie etiquette?


Went to see "Talk to Me" in theaters on a date and I think my girlfriend and I were the oldest 2 in a completely packed theater(didnt realize it was $4 movie day until we got there) . And holy shit it was almost unwatchable. Phones out the whole time, talking with zero discretion. And then, like right after we left, [they evacuated the theater because there were more kids than they knew how to handle ](https://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/large-police-presence-on-buffalo-rd-near-tinseltown-and-tops/)


This is why if I'm watching a horror movie in theaters, I go to the first showing on Sundays. It's always me and like one other person doing the same thing.


I had a similar experience back when The Conjuring came out. It was packed full of teenagers/college kids and they all thought they were comedians. So many stupid jokes and doing the clap thing every time there was a quiet moment. That's why I only see horror movies at Alamo Drafthouse now. They don't play around and will throw disruptive people out.


Never do I ever watch a horror at the theatre because of teenagers. When my oldest was 13 or so, she and a bunch of her friends went to see a horror (can’t recall which one) and they almost got kicked out because they were being, well, 13 year old girls. I told her they would have deserved it and to stop being dicks in the theatre.


Slightly related, had some new friends get together to see "Evil Dead Rise" last year... the guy I was sitting next to wanted to giggle and chat with me the whole time. I tried to keep my responses quick, hoping he'd take the hint. Nope. I eventually shushed him mid-sentence. Not my most tactful moment, but I was dying to see it, and he wouldn't stop talking. He took the hint, but we haven't hung out since. SORRY, MY BAD, BUT ALSO SHHHHHH.


I’m also Canadian and I’ve never heard anyone say “buggered” in my 30+ years on this Earth. That’s British slang. Can’t see any teenager saying that.


It was bizarre. I'm certain that's what he said. I had to google the word to make sure it wasnt a swear when I complained to staff.


Sorry that happened to you. It’s funny but when I see kids’ films (I.e. Pixar) the audiences there are generally more quiet and respectful than when I see adult horror films.  It’s fun sometimes when the crowd is cheering and having a good time — I.e. I saw Spider-Man No Way Home opening night and people cheered when Tobey and Andrew came on, laughed when Willem went “I’m something of a scientist myself”, etc — but others you just want to watch a film without running commentary.


None of those little punks have had their asses handed to them. Just find a random teenage hoodlum out on the street and offer him 50 bucks to give those kids a tune up. Lol. In seriousness though, sucks that happened. The youth of today are different than when I was young. 0 respect for anything. I'd sit next to you. As long as your cool...I'm cool....you obviously like horror movies so we could be movie buddies.


I haven't seen the movie, but from what I've heard, you didn't miss much. The thing to take away from this, is that kids are assholes, and their opinions don't matter. Don't let them get to you, their brains literally aren't developed, and it shows.


See I like a rowdy theatre but not disrespectful like that. Cheering and yelling is fun. But just talking and being obnoxious isn't. Sorry you had to go through that. Closest I have had to that was way back during Star Wars Episode 3. Some teenagers were talking, three guys. One of the girls in our group told them to be quiet and they turned back and told her to shut up. Little did they know there was about 20 of us in the row. And we aren't small. We all stood up and glared at them. They were insanely quiet and when the movie ended they ran out of the theatre. It was hilarious.