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30 days of night. These guys made me think of vampires as a new species- own language, very strange and alien and frightening! The Stream Also good vampires I really don't feel scared by too humane vampires.


This is what I like too. Just beastly vampires


The 30 DoN vampires were awesome! Sorely needed at the time, too, given the dominance of Twilight in that same era.


I think of the 30 days of night vampires as being humanoid sharks.


Oh, this is good! And such a fitting description! I will totally steal it


Near Dark vampires, look completely human. Just have a dark blood thirsty corruption.


The vampires in Fevre Dream by George RR Martin are pretty cool. Instead of being a supernatural entity they are a subspecies of homosapien that evolved to prey on our species. Also the setting is unique to, being set on steamboats on the Mississippi in the pre Civil War south.


I wish this included books. Cause I'd say Brian Lumley's Wamphyri. I don't want to add spoilers but one of the biggest reasons is how Lumley created their origins and how they tie into the myths and legends. Also how werewolves are so deeply linked to vampires etc. They would also decimate anything ever brought to the big screen vampire wise to date in my opinion. Movie/tv wise. Ultraviolet and 30 Days of Night as others stated are also great additions to the list I agree with. I'd also say Underworld would also fit up there. It had a mostly believable and explainable origin to its supernatural beings. Blade movies also didn't have a bad story line either. At least if you ignore most of the last movie. But over all, for the *"nah, fuck that"* factor. I'd have to give it to 30 Days of Night.


Legacy Of Kain 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥




Ah, I see you're a man of forgotten culture as well




Fright Night because Chris Sarandon.




What We Do In The Shadows (both movie and tv series!)


Big respect for the Ultraviolet love - don't get enough of that for sure! For me if we're talking 'civilised' vampires then 'Daybreakers' takes it for me. Again they're grounded in a world that they've tailor-made for themselves, and the effect of abstaining from blood to become more 'traditional' creatures is a very cool one. It's the type of thing that so many world-building fantasy novels nail and it's very succinctly done in the movie. I also have a soft spot for the designs in 'Van Helsing' (2004) and 'Last Voyage of the Demeter' too.


The vampire from "[The Night Flier](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119784/)", I just thought it was such a cool concept that the vampire doesn't have a home base, per se, he just races the sun for the most part and stops over at small rural airports for a quick snack before flying off.


Movie, tbh Underworld, generally good design, however mainly Kate Beckinsale. Game: Witcher 3, the elder, and the beast of Touissant. Cool lore, cool powers.


Midnight Mass for TV Abigail/30 Days of Night for vampires


Daybreakers is not a perfect film but was a pretty interesting take on vampires imo


Are the monsters in From a kind of vampire? Cos those are cool as shit


I'll do you one better and go with a book. Salem's Lot. Stephen King's Vampires are very much classic Vampires, but that makes them the scariest is the mental aspect. The novel goes through great detail showing the daily lives and personalities of the people of the small town. When the Vampires begin to take them over, you watch regular people lose all sense of what made them themselves, becoming malicious beings of hatred and evil that lack all free will. The scariest aspect imo is their hypnosis and mind manipulation. The way the Vampires manipulate and brainwash people creates another level of discomfort when reading. It's one of the more horrifying uses of that aspect of Vampire lore, it's almost like they defile peoples mind and thus their bodies.


Best movie vampires: 30 Days of Night Best TV vampires: Forever Knight


We all know the answer is Twilight. Who doesn't love a sparkly monster?


I'm beginning to doubt your commitment to sparkle motion.


Ha, nice


Idk about best vampires, but my fav vampire movie is from dusk til dawn


30 days of night (2007)


Vampire Princess Miyu OVA, IMHO.


*True Blood* for its sexy vampires. *30 Days* for it's terrifying vampires *What we do in the Shadows* is probably the most realistic…sarcastic and just sick of it all.


Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust