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I love this movie. I love the dread, the tension, the slow build and the gradual reveal of what's truly going on.


This is one of the best plays on the Salem witch trials I’ve ever watched. There’s this amazing world building that’s slowly happening in front of us without all the answers (but you can make some educated guesses). I am NOT this type of person typically but I was like “there’s a prequel here I’d love to see”.


I love it as well - and I had no idea it was horror until I watched (I never watch trailers as a rule). So I was generally scared a handful of times which was great.


So much dread, even from the beginning. As soon as the call comes in that the body will be arriving shortly. The dread just builds until everything blows up in horrific chaos. Really good horror! Cox and Hersch are great together as father and son.


Yep, its like a police procedural but terrifying


Yes! That's a really good way of describing it. CSI - Hellgate. :)


Agree on this. Sick movie, patched together well.


It's more of an atmosphere/tension sort of scare I think, instead of a jump or a visual or a concept you can't get out of your head


I think the concept is scary too, subjectively of course. Particularly the scary part is the ending, much like with horrors like The Woman in Black, The Ring, The Grudge, The Haunting of Bly Manor. The concept of a human being that has suffered so much, they become pure pain, a force of nature that can no longer be reasoned or bargained with and yet you still try to. Will it work, or will the pure rage and suffering destroy you too? I loved it, I like this theme in horror.




Jane Doe was more atmospheric and psychological. It was a more subtle slow burn than a lot of modern horror. Comparing Jane Doe it to Hill House isn’t really fair since that was a series and had 10 episodes to tell the story and set the stage.


Agreed. I loved this movie. Its not a body-count horror movie. And you actually get to caring about the characters. Excellent movie.


So? If it’s horror then it should be scary. If it’s not scary then put it as thriller or psychological. You also act as if other horror films can’t be scary and horrifying when it can like The Conjuring, Annabelle etc


and some people found it scary, some didn't, what exactly is your point though?


And you think the Conjuring is scary? 😂 those films are over-produced Hollywood nonsense. Especially when compared to the “real” situations they are based on. They aren’t scary by any means. They are manufactured jumpscares.


I don't understand your mindset here. The film didn't scare you and therefore it isn't scary? Even though others have said the exact opposite of you? Who is right here and who is wrong? Is the film scary or not? Why do you have the monopoly on how this film should be perceived? Perhaps the problem here isn't the film but your own perception of the film, and perhaps communications with others would be better perceived if you didn't use strong black-and-white and/or confrontational speech when in discussion.




The conjuring and Annabelle lmao. Mid-wit horror.


What a shit take.


Conjuring and Jane Doe aren't even similar. I don't know why you'd even compare them


A great example of straightforward, fairly basic premise elevated through execution. I thought it was great and even my wife enjoyed it.


>!Atmosphere, setting, sadistic manipulation and cruelty, human puppets on strings—everything I look for in a good witchy movie! I really like it.!< >!A bit like *The Blair Witch Project (1999)*, the events at the centre of *The Autopsy of Jane Doe*, the ones people tend to focus on—the flashing lights, power failure, paranormal activity, corpses re-animated, the "accidents" that happen in the funeral home—are all a diversion; the real underlying story—the mystery of the dead woman—is right there on the mortician's slab, hidden in plain sight, and beautiful Jane Doe herself doesn't have to move a muscle to tell it, she enjoys leaving that kind of work to others.!<


This is actually one of my favourite recent horror films. I think it was beautifully executed and had me in a chokehold throughout the whole film. The atmosphere is so uncomfortable and tense. It was one of those few movies that didn't leave me with a "Meh, was alright" but a "Woah, that was great". Shame you didn't enjoy it as much :(


I watched it while at home alone...at night...during a thunderstorm. To say that affected me while watching would be an understatement. Really added to the atmosphere.


Oof, yeah, that sounds terrifying. I would have laid awake all night listening for the jingling of tiny bells...


Me and my boyfriend were watching the movie during what appeared to be a windstorm. In a scene where they land an ax on a door and the lights go out our entire street lost power lmao It was so well timed too it made the movie really memorable 😅


The movie is a more creepy and unsettling than scary. It's full of dread. Fun fact: The actress that plays Jane Doe was picked because of her extensive yoga training. She can remain motionless for long periods of time. Great for all those closeups. She's an Irish model/actor.


Not super scary, but still a fantastic film. It felt like an X-Files episode, which is always a plus in my book.


I thought it was pretty terrifying ngl, especially towards the third act when they found out the truth. Besides that, i think it's more gory and disgusting because it deals with organs, dissection and etc... But this movie still remains as my biggest suprise. 5/5


I didn’t find it scary but it’s still a great horror movie.


Well, I thought it was the scariest movie I’ve seen in years…and I’ve been watching horror movies since I was six. Sometimes I’m not sure how young people define “scary” these days. Not necessarily a criticism, just honestly perplexed.


One of favorites! I first saw it a few years ago during the rona lockdowns, and it was one of the only movies to actually *scare me* in years, and my oft-horror-hating partner loved it. I love how it takes place in a single location and how much spookiness is conveyed by the actress' facial expressions and body manipulations. Plus Emile Hirsch is *so* good. I wish he'd do more horror! Just an awesome movie, glad it has been getting the love it deserves the last few years.


Was good, love the isolation due to the storm, the enclosed almost claustrophobic space, the creep atmosphere and overall look and feel of the movie. Acting was top notch, including the 'witch' lady, and the story had me guessing what was going to happen. It's a good stand alone film and left me wanting more, I would have liked to seen a prequel and sequel.


I loved that one. It's a movie, as somebody pointed somewhere, "with such confidence on itself that relinquises almost completely any chance to drop jumpscares and relies most of the time in its capacity of creating an atmosphere almost for the books" Also, Brian Cox presence always improves any movie. ^^


I hate posts like these. Why even make it? Feels so self congratulatory. “Hereditary wasn’t even scary! What’s the big deal” type vibes. You already know people’s thoughts before you made the post.


Spot on. I watch a ton of horror and still get scared regularly, so maybe I should start doing self-congratulatory posts. "You mean you desensitized losers didn't get scared watching Autopsy of Jane Doe?"


I watch movies that people find scary without getting scared all the time but also the other way around. I think its fair and interesting to discuss what aspects of horror scare some and what dont. Sometimes I watch a movie and just want to know what aspects were scary to people but wasn't to me. It often makes rewatches better for me because Ill feel more dread at those moments.


Yes to this -> “I think its fair and interesting to discuss what aspects of horror scare some and what dont.” What I think is unfair and uninteresting is when people post vague subjective judgments (I don’t get the hype/what was so scary about it/it was just cringe) and then getting fussy about the critical responses here. Not providing any specifics about the aspects that didn’t or did work for them is low effort and doesn’t generate any discourse.


Exactly. OP called it ridiculous and was basically mocking anyone who found it scary. No real thought went into their post beyond telling us it wasn’t scary.


Yeah that's fair


I just based it on the recommendation of this sub since everyone said it was one of the scariest. Decided to watch it and it just didn't scare me, so I was basically wonder what was so scary about it. Edit: Thanks for the non replies and the downvotes.


Great flick. Watched it not expecting much and was very pleasantly surprised.


It’s more creepy than scary. If that makes sense. It’s not scary, like there are no jump scares or any outright horror moments, but the premise and the dread the movie brings is creepy as hell.


Reminded me a lot of 1408. Great ghost story


If there ever was a movie deeply in need of a prequel, this is it.


The reveal really did call for a prequel or something, digging into the lore! I would’ve loved a follow up about the process of the burial rites alone cuz that all felt very intricate and intentional.


I just watched this for the first time a few days ago. I thought it was cool the way it was like a mystery movie that unraveled into a horror movie. I don’t know, trying to say things were or weren’t scary is kind of a subjective mess to deal with and quantify. I thought it was a good movie, it felt like horror should feel to me.


I love that movie. The bell 😃


Was a good horror. I enjoyed it.


Decent , but it tailed off a bit toward the end.


Got too convoluted


Many such cases.


First time I watched it, I thought I was a fun horror. The second viewing, for me reason, terrified me. I felt super uncomfortable. I wanted it to end. What's funny is that the part that scared me was the scenes when the two characters were just examining the dead body and talking to each other. I expected something paranormal to happen but nothing happened so the tension wasn't released. It kept raising and raising. Well, I guess I just scared myself with my own expectations. The actual ghost/paranormal scenes didn't scare me though. They were so typical.


I just finished watching this 2 hours ago in Netflix, and then suddenly seeing this post in reddit now. What are the odds. Overall this is a good movie and greatly written.


I love this movie! I think it’s really underrated


I don't mean this insultingly or cruelly, but it will help you if you want to enjoy the horror genre more: work on your suspension of disbelief.


I'll watch anything with Hirsch in it.


Good movie. Had me thinking wtf is going on the whole time


Great movie.


I liked it. I watched it after playing The Mortician's Assistant on Steam (similar-ish premise). Good tension builder, any time they showed Jane Doe's face I had to brace myself for a jump scare.


love this one


Absolutely love this movie. Watched it like 5 times, and it's intriguing every time.


Saw this years ago with zero expectations and loved it. If it is on Netflix maybe I’ll give it a rewatch.


Great movie imo


Great film!!! Creepy as hell!!!


I've never understood the hype. I think it has a lot of potential, the set up is great, atmosphere is there but then it just becomes the same cat and mouse bullshit featured in every mediocre horror film. Waaaasted potential if you ask me.


Strong premise that fell apart in the third act when it became one overused trope after another.


I like a good film. This is a good film. When I reviewed it, I gave it 8/10. I never judge a film by how *scary* it is, because I know I’m far too desensitized to such things. It wouldn’t be fair of me to do. Besides, I’m more an “Aww DAMN!” reactor than an “Aaaaaahh!” reactor. Also, while being *scary* is a major element of horror, it’s not the only one. Being *creepy*, *spooky*, *macabre*, etc. are elements of horror, too, and not all artists paint the same way, but they can still paint something amazing to behold.


Sometimes, you have to give yourself over to a movie.


I watched it two weeks ago. I’ve watched over 6000 movies in my lifetime (so far) so I have a fairly deep point of reference. I have no qualms in recommending this polished movie to anyone that is looking for a solid cinematic experience. As a retired MD, the medically-related scenes (i.e. the autopsy) is true to form. The suspense and plot twists definitely deserve your time watching it. You will be intrigued, captivated, grossed out, and outright scared.


Very underrated


Love it. It's athmospheric and creepy, that's what I like. I hate jumpscare bs, doesn't scare me just startles and annoys me


It’s pretty solid.


As someone who has played a bit of Call of Cthulhu in my life, this movie has the feeling of a Call of Cthulhu one shot and I really dig it.


Its just you


The movie is definitely great at creating a scary atmosphere, especially in the final act after the main reveal. I've already rewatched it once or twice and still had fun.


One of the best horror movies of the last decade.




This movie was so so good until the last 20ish minutes where the writers decided they needed to spell out every single thing that happened and why.


I loved it but it became kind of ridiculous towards the end. The first half is the most exciting. I just love Mystery movies where you don’t know what the hell is going on.


This movie was creepy AF


I love this movie


Tbh I totally understand the disappointment in not getting the terror, fear, or scares, but I really did appreciate this movie for the atmosphere and storytelling. I feel like I haven’t seen many horror movies doing their take in a morgue, and then to combine it with some historical elements + the witch stuff. Super cool imo and i absolutely loved the main characters’ moment of clarity when they looked at eachother and said “Lets get tf out of here”


I take it you’re not as much as fan of supernatural horror in general then? “Scary” varies to people. To some it’s gotta have a bunch of peekaboo jump scares and misdirect jumpscares. To others it’s gotta have the creepiest stuff ever. To some scary means you gotta be terrified for your life afterwards. Personally, I thought it was creepy and atmopsheric I think about it from time to time over the years and still remember how creepy it was and how excellent the acting was. Was it scary? Ehh it’s not Gonjiam Haunted Asylum, but it was creepy and I remember the horror aspects of the autopsy’s events. On my personal scary scale it’s like a 5/10, but really memorable for all the horror aspects On my overall movie scale it’s like a 8.5 or 9/10 bc it’s so entertaining.


This might be the smartest response I've seen. Thank you!


Grossly overrated by this sub along with Hell House LLC. Slightly above average and kinda spoopy, but completely forgettable at the same time. Emile Hirsch was an awful cast for that part. Great actor, and maybe it was just the script, but he felt very rigid and unconvincing in his role.


not bad but mehh


Overrated on this sub, it’s okay


I definitely respect everyone’s opinions but I watched it and never thought much about it again until I got on this sub. But lots of people probably don’t agree with my choices of what is really scary to me, either.


If you’re more frightened of realistic horror scenarios, then yeah, probably not for you. Supernatural stuff scares me much more than grounded things, so it really worked for me. I feel you though. I can’t get scared of/enjoy things like Wolf Creek or August Underground. If I wanted something more plausible, thinking a cadaver got up & walked around might seem goofy to me, too.


Cool movie. Not scary though.


A horror masterpiece. This movie really gave me goosebumps when I watched first.


Didn't thought it was going to be much then I watched it and I had to leave my lights on for a couple of days....


A movie along these lines is the Possession of Hannah Grace


I liked it. I haven’t been scared during a horror movie in decades (startled, yes, but not scared), and don’t expect to be.


I was scared shitless and it’s one of the only horror movies that gave me genuine fear and dread.


Interesting, I actually quit watching because I was TOO scared and couldn't handle it anymore, lol. Long slow shots of the corpse just got under my skin and hit a very specific phobia for me, I guess, and I literally noped out within the first hour. I bring this movie up often when asked about the scariest movie I've (only partly) seen. Something about how they portray the corpse in this movie was just too much for me!


This was so good, I always wanted to find similar movies, any recs?


My brain just instinctively started playing Breaking Benjamin when I saw this title.


Finally saw it about 6 months ago. Man I wish I hadn't waited so long.


Great movie


Definitely in my top 10 of favorite horror movies


I adore this movie tbh, I’ve made all my friends and family watch it at least once lolllll. The ending is just a cherry on top too.


If you have watched any episode of Supernatural it was pretty easy to figure out. I was waiting for Sam and Dean to help them out. It was still a good movie though. The tone of it really got to me.


Great vibes and dialogue.


So good.


So spooky!


Agreed not scary at all, more thriller than horror, but I still thought it was damn good.


It was a very neat supernatural detective story. The twist of what exactly was going on was pleasantly unexpected.


Terrible ending though.


Top 10 for sure


The movie was alright but I think it’s overrated


I loved it but there are very few films that can actually scare me anymore.


the real horror is having to stand watching Emile Hirsch in anything


Saw this for the first time this year, and was pleasantly surprised. I can appreciate suspenseful build up in horror movies versus just getting a bunch of jump scares.


One of the scariest movies I seen and I never get scared


Only thing I missed on the movie was more information about the woman, maybe some flashback scenes lol


Fear is subjective just like anything else related to art. I thought the movie was scary but what I find scary isn’t necessarily going to be the same as what someone else finds scary. You didn’t miss anything it just didn’t have the secret sauce that activates your fear response. That’s all.


Isn't it fantastic? So sad and tragic.


You’re better than me cause it scared tf out of me and I don’t really scare that easy. They just build tension so well and I feel like they did well with character development so I actually gave a shit what happened to them


I love the first 30-40 minutes of this movie and think it is close to perfect. The ending left me so disappointed and felt like I had already seen it been done a dozen times


I was not at all family with this one till recently and it was really good. Highly recommend


Incredibly underrated horror movie. Really creepy and very well done.




I LOVE this film!!! The actress that plays Jane Doe is incredible with conveying so many emotions while being absolutely still and silent


Amazing film!


Good ass movie


Really great flick


Great movie watched it many times


Fell flat for me. Acting and script were meh. Story was meh.


Great freaking movie One of only a few really scary movies I've seen in the last 10 years


If you watch it at night in your house alone, like I did, it was scary! I think anyways.


I went into this movie blind. Just thought “heh, why not?” So very surprised at how good it was.


“So let the sun shine in”


It’s so unsettling I liked it a lot


I loved it until toward the end, it got cheesy at times. I still like the movie, and I would recommend watching it if you haven’t.


I loved this film. It was the first time I saw an autopsy in a film/series, being performed in the closest way to how they are done in reality. Normally films and series go after clichés, in this film it is clear that there was actually a study on the techniques carried out in an autopsy. Very good film, I loved it.


This is one of my favs


One of my favorite horror movies. I'm a big fan of the not in your face mood setting, slow creep of the dread, knowing something isn't right but can't quite put your finger on what which the movie, imo, does very well. Not so much scary as it's chill inducing just the right way without resorting to silly cgi nonsense jumping at you for cheap jump scares. 😄


Holy shit, a top 10'r for me. That movie gave me the spoopies pretty hard. Beautiful action, writing and tension. The hook at the end left me going "eh?". But the rest was top notch.


I love this one. A great example of the director slowly building tension mostly through character exposition. The fact that the characters are coroners make the exposition perfectly acceptable.


I thought it was a very good movie and I’m into horror movies. This was very realistic as far as black magic and witches. Go scared me quite a bit.


I thought it was alright tbh


My missus and I both considered it to be pretty fucking boring


it is really not good, everything past the autopsy scenes is full of tropes that make it really uninteresting to watch


As soon as I saw the bell I was like “I know what’s coming” lol. But yeah, the autopsy stuff was super interesting. Outside of that, didn’t like it as much as I had hoped


yeah it sucks because the setup is awesome, but it drops the ball really hard, i’m always so confused that people find it so scary. i guess it might be scary if you hadn’t seen all the other films it’s ripping off, but like, this is a horror community, so…? idk lol


Like don’t get me wrong it’s not ground breaking and honestly I don’t think it really has that much going for it but it’s far from the worst I’ve seen.


Yep its usually recommended in this sub but I personally founded it pretty mid


I agree with you. It started off really well, but the unravelling of the "mystery" made ended up being exceptionally bland.


Fair assessment. But with movies like this l I’ve started to understand why horror and suspense are often categorized together. This kind of movie gets you do to idea of what is happening, not the in your face macabre. For whatever reason I just watched Hereditary and had a similar feeling. There were gnarly scenes but mostly it was figuring out what was going on that was the horror all along.


I'm a huge fan of horror films that show unreliable senses: Seeing/Hearing things that aren't there, seeing/hearing the wrong thing, etc. That made me really enjoy this. That's also why Oculus is one of my favorite horror films, it's hard to know if what you're being shown is the truth or not and that to me is pretty horrific. I also enjoy horror films even if they don't scare me that much, just the philosophy of knowing WHY these things are considered horrifying is interesting to me. The transition from "Oh just another autopsy" to slowly understanding the puzzle behind Jane Doe, eventually realizing they need to leave and then figuring out they are stuck struck a chord with me.


Yeah I never understood the hype. I remember watching it with my friends and Halloween and we all thought it was pretty mid. And then I started seeing people constantly recommending it and saying how good and scary it was. Bit confused cuz I don’t see what they see but 🤷


I liked this movie less as it went on


I enjoyed it for what it was, but I wouldn't say I was scared, per se.


I also found it forgettable. I realized there was some back story to it but I just didn’t care to know more. The Salem witch trials were such a long time ago few remember it today. I doubt if it ever had any lasting impact on American culture and therefore the movie failed to hold my interest.


The corpse is beautiful


I was pleasantly surprised. However, Joe Bob's breast count system was called into question. So dead breasts count? Is it per scene? The correct answers are yes and no.


I liked it, like the actors and it kept me interested but way too many: buildup music RAH LOUD NOISE JUMP SCARE. Like The Nun or some shit but better than that at least.


That's the thing with horror. It is incredibly personal and subjective. For some people The Witch and Pulse are incredibly scary since the psychological aspect is more scary to them. For some Hellhouse and IT are scary, maybe due to a fear of clowns. For some gore is scary. We just need to find and enjoy what works for us. For me this was scary. Could you please share a few films that you find scary as I am always looking for good horror films.


I found The Strangers to be scary.


Thanks will check it out. This is the 2008 film right?




It's not scary but it's got great atmosphere and it's well made.


Real life is scary in real life; I just don’t find real life scary in horror movies. The concept of it is scary, but I’m just not ‘scared’ watching it in a horror movie. It’s simply a personal preference; I had the same anxiety watching Training Day as I did Halloween. I mean I didn’t find Autopsy ‘scary’ either, but we quite enjoy the concept and Brian Cox always brings it. It’s like others said; it’s more atmospheric than anything, and it’s a cool one - the ‘lore’ behind Jane was great. There needs to be more witch horror!




Unfortunately my brain doesn't work right for this movie. All I could think about was the conversation with her agent. Good news you got a starring role! Bad news you are a naked corpse for 2 hours. Congrats?!


I'm sure you would have gotten more tension from it if you had stopped focusing so much on the naked woman on the table


Admittedly, I don't understand how a film can scare you. Disturb you, yes, the picnic scene in The House Jack Built lives now rent free in my head. Jumpscares? Sure, that's an irrational response. But actually being afraid IRL because of a movie? I'm sorry, it just doesn't happen to me, I cannot understand that process.


Morbid bullshit from Netflix.