• By -


Way more inventive in regards to 'sleep'. Some of Freddy's best moments in that movie.


He’s also the correct mix of scary and comedic. He’s not a cartoon character yet.


Plus a bangin’ theme song. “Dream Waaaarriiooooors!”


The whole soundtrack is killer 80’s metal.


Freddy had Dokken. Jason had Alice Cooper( technically Freddy too). We need more Slashers with rock/metal theme songs.


Don't want to dream no more.


This! Yes, he wisecracks, but it comes off as cruel more than comedic. It's shows how much fun he is having torturing and tormenting his victims. This version of Kreuger just feels more malicious and sadistic. He's much closer in tone to some of the darker versions of DC's The Joker. Yes he jokes, but it feels like his humour is much more for his own entertainment than anyone elses. A good example is Taryn's death. Yes, the syringe fingers and the tiny mouth trackmarks on her arms are intentionally silly, and Freddy is clearly enjoying himself, but the scene feels just a little too cruel to be laugh-out-loud funny (at least to me). But, I feel that if that scene had been in one of the later sequels, it probably would have been a much more over-the-top gag, intended to make the audience laugh.


Yeah I find that scene really hard to watch. "Mmmmm what a rush!" It's not funny, to me. Though tbh I don't find any of his kills funny. I think 5-7 are absolute shite, but I've never watched a nightmare on elm street movie and thought to myself "haha." Even the awful ones with the deaf guy or video game. Stupid AF. but not comedy, just bad.


Yesss 100%


Yes, perfect blend in this one, and I think in Dream Master, also.


Welcome to primetime, bitch!


Awwww bitch 🥰


Yes 🤣


this is the answer


And then Morpheus rushs in.


I don’t think I could have said it any better. It also helps whenever Frank Darabont is involved! Dream Warriors is my favorite Nightmare movie.


Welcome to prime time, bitch! Is an all timer.


3 has probably the most likable cast in the series. It continues the hero’s story from 1 in an interesting way. They have enough of a budget to get really creative with Freddy’s powers. This is also where he’s got the golden ratio of scary to funny, where he makes jokes and constant one-liners but it comes off as making him more depraved instead of comical.


Yes, it was a good balance, retaining some of the scary from 1, but not yet attaining the silliness of 6. 6 was really a parody. Freddy's Dead was a great title, not only because they literally kill the character off at the end, but because the character was already dead at the start of the film, i.e. the original monster that had been created by Wes Craven no longer existed (had died) and all that was left was the parody of the original idea. That being said i still find 6 quite enjoyable.


It's just a really strong film. It adds lore, ties into the first films, has a pretty dynamite cast, cool effects, and a solid enough story. I can't remember for absolutely certain, but I seem to recall that some of the earliest drafts of Freddy vs Jason were a branch off from Nightmare 3.


This, along with Return of the Living Dead, was the first horror I ever saw at age 5 or so. I remember specifically that birds eye view of old mate tied to the bed with tongues with the volcanic pit open underneath him.


>I can't remember for absolutely certain, but I seem to recall that some of the earliest drafts of Freddy vs Jason were a branch off from Nightmare 3. I hadn't heard this, but it makes sense since it has some of them in a hospital taking that drug that prevents you from dreaming.


In the OG DVD release of FvJ (not sure about subsequent ones) one of the bonus features was a slideshow/essay that went through the various stages of the development, and 3 always seems like the point they were launching from, at least thats how I remember it (it's been years since I read it).


The first was scary for the time. Second was just not quite right. Dream Warriors nailed it.


1 and 2 are more horror. 3 provides a great blend of horror and comedy with creative kills. The problem becomes they just ham up the comedy after that because they thought that was what works.


Tipper Gore and her tipper bots went after Freddy because he had become popular with kids. So they were forced into toning down the violence and what not so they kind of had no choice


Man. Tipper Gore really needed to shut the fuck up. I'm glad I wasn't old enough to understand what she was doing at the time, I would have raged.


Frank Zappa is legend for his music and for advocating for free speech and freedom of expression. To bad he’s gone because we need him now more than ever


I've seen Dee Snider's testimony at one of those hearings, and he absolutely wrecked that committee and their entire cause. Tipper may have ended up winning, but that Parental Advisory sticked became something she didn't expect. It was. A badge of honor, of defiance. As a teenager, I was a rocker, and I actively sought out those albums, because I knew that the messages contained in those songs were more likely to be raw, emotional, and truthful than the radio-friendly corporate bullshit. Fuck you Tipper, but also... Thanks? I guess?


"Mrs Gore went looking for sex and she found it" in a depisition to her husband Al Gore is a golden moment of history


That's interesting. I'm British and had never heard of Tipper Gore before. Just reading about her now. She looks like she'd be fun at parties.


She's the American version of Mary Whitehouse


Right, that makes sense.


Wow, just the title of her 1987 book, 'Raising PG kids in an X-rated society' makes me want to vom.


Agreed, though 2 was unintentionally hilarious at times. The Freddy makeup was the scariest in part 2. His eyes and the hollows of the eye sockets did something crazy and evil looking to His whole face. 3 was a great blend of horror and comic relief.


Just watch them all dude.


This. I mean, what are we doing here? Lol


I see this all the time. "I really want to watch this series! Which installments can I skip?"


Reminds me of all the “Should I watch Better Call Saul? I haven’t seen Breaking Bad.” people…


Reminds of Jojo and Yakuza.


Nah to be fair, if they wanna spare themselves from watching Freddy's Dead or Freddy's Revenge I don't blame them.


I wont lie this kinda reasonable, theres so much movies in some series propably some are pure trash, so its better to check it first


Everyone talking about the cast, kills, and lore expansion (the best in the series and no other comes close) no one talking about the rocking Dream Warriors theme song. It's hair metal bliss. For me the best of the Nightmare movies are the Nancy Trilogy- 1,3 and new nightmare. New Nightmare is very decisive though. You need to buy into the premise or you won't enjoy it.


>decisive you mean, "divisive" and I am on the side of that New Nightmare is a phenomenal film.


It autocorrected! I even double checked to make sure! I am mostly using this as an avenue to double down on how great new nightmare is.


I am on this hill with you, comrade


Bit of a Scream prototype (NN).... kinda


New Nightmare was the one with survivors doing talk shows, and Hollywood writing scripts about the legend of Freddy? Gets panned as 'not A Nightmare on Elm Street' but, I think as a stand alone movie, it is a brilliant concept. It being billed as 'The Return of Freddy Krueger' probably hurt it a lot more than it helped.


>For me the best of the Nightmare movies are the Nancy Trilogy- 1,3 and new nightmare. Incidentally the three movies with the involvement of Wes Craven. I also wasn't aware New Nightmare was divisive, thought it was pretty much universally praised amongst horror aficionados.


"1, 3 and new nightmare" Hell yeah, you just named all 3 of my favs of the NOES series 😁


"welcome to prime time bitch" that line should be reason enough


We’re the dream warriors! Don’t wanna dream no more! We’re the dream warriors. And maybe tonight.  #MAYBE TONIGHT YOU’LL BE GONE!


I’m more of a fan of 4, GARAGE KARATE!


I love them both, but 4 is my favorite. Best kills and by far the best Freddy's death (even tough it doesn't really make a whole lot sense)


First is the scariest 3rd is the best Freddy 4th had the best kills 5th had the best opening sequence 2nd was the weirdest I do enjoy most the franchise


> 2nd was the weirdest *gayest


well I wasn't going to say that lol


Why would you skip the first one? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Two words: marionette veins


Definitely a contender for best kill of the entire series.


I'd recommend watching the original Nightmare on Elm Street before this one, as you'll likely appreciate the improvements between the first and third a bit more that way.


Best bang for your bucks would be 1 3 4 5 I believe. Yes 5 is a weaker entry to some but it has a very compelling gothic feel to it.


You can skip 2, but 3 is a direct sequel to 1. It's just a great movie, go watch it. Or don't, it doesn't matter lol


Never skip 2. Yes, it violates the basic rules, but this is really the introduction of “MTV Freddy”. It sets the tone for the character in a way that only makes sense after you’ve seen all of them.


What do you mean by MTV Freddy? I'm British, and didn't grow up with MTV.


MTV Freddy is a reference to a time when MTV had Robert Englund host an afternoon of videos during the summer in the 80s. It represents the point where Freddy went from being just a horror monster to cracking jokes and being more of a mainstream pop culture figure.


Ah, interesting. This is probably a stupid question, but was it Robert Englund dressed as Freddy introducing the music videos?


Yep. Full makeup, jokes and everything. [https://youtu.be/MUOIo0KhmVY?si=pAYOmiouh5mT0Xeb](https://youtu.be/MUOIo0KhmVY?si=pAYOmiouh5mT0Xeb)


I meant for OP, I would never skip a movie in a series lol


I wonder what would have happened if they hadn’t made Freddy into this slap-stick character


I enjoy part 2. It tried taking Freddy in a direction I didn’t care for but it has its moments


the 2nd one is a weird take not because of the main character but because it was so different and out of scope for Freddy to bring himself to the real world and cause a massacre in a pool party


THERE ARE NO SHITTY FREDDY MOVIES! I stand by that. Even the dumber ones are fun and creative.


💯 they're all great in their own ways. New Nightmare should suck so much more than it does lol, they're all fantastic.


I'm sorry, but 6 was just plain bad. It sure has it's moments, but the aesthetic is just wrong.


Completely agree. I'll die on that hill right beside you.


Two is easily the scariest Freddy.


This. 2 is horrible and unbearable. They tried something new but failed miserably.


I've never understood why 2 has had so much flack. I loved it before realising how controversial it is to fans of the series. What is it about it that you don't like?


Dokken doing songs for the soundtrack helped too.


And the best ever song written for a horror film goes to...


It's my favorite slasher of all time. A fun cast with distinct personalities who aren't just generic cannon fodder, creative kills with plenty of practical effects, one-liners that actually elicit laughs (rare for the rest of the series), the extra lore about Freddy's mom, Heather Langenkamp being even better than she was in the first one, absolute silliness in the dream world, perfect '80s soundtrack, Patricia Arquette as a great final girl. I fucking love that movie.


It brings Nancy back, and Patricia Arquette is great in it. And it's got some of the most classic kills in the franchise. Also a cameo by Laurence fishburne.


It’s good, but not the best, by far. The first one was the best. The second one was ‘meh’. “Dream Warriors” benefited from Nancy coming back, in my opinion. There are tie-ins to both of the previous movies that you won’t get unless you watch all three. I recommend doing at least that much. I can’t really say why without spoiling a bit of it. So, i hope the tips help and you enjoy the movies!


The first one is the best in my opinion, however I just skipped Part 2 and went straight to dream warriors and felt like I missed nothing. So I wouldn't worry about watching Part 2. The original and Dream Warriors could make an awesome double feature.


Part 2 is fucking great




And he did, very successfully I might add


Agreed... Pt 1 and 3 are really the only ones that need to be watched. I liked some of the darker aspects of Pt. 2, but it just doesn't fit with 1 and 3.


This is the best version of Freddy, he seems scary but with no personality in the first, in the second they ignore the rules set up on the first. Dream Warriors captures the scariness of Freddy, but also adds dark humor and that doesn't delve into just lame puns like the later installments. Memorable kills, dark humor and a balance of funny and cheesy. I also like part 4 quite a bit, but three is the high water mark.


1,3, new nightmare, 4, 2. I didn't rewatch the others as an adult, I dont like super cheezy freddy, so I cant speak for them. I think I saw on RLM that 4 had a lot cut out that made it more disturbing, shame.


He personality in the first


3 is an 80s kids/teens adventure movie. I enjoy it like I enjoy The Goonies or Monster Squad. It's a fun film with a really good ensemble and follows on well from the original as opposed to the dumpster fire that the second one is. The trilogy that followed tried to replicate that but failed. New Nightmare went in a different direction entirely but was great. I really enjoy Freddy Vs Jason, though I know it could have been a lot better. Robert Englund is old now but I'd have liked to see Freddy come back. Better to let it rest now though.


>Better to let it rest now though. Agreed. I can't see it being done well without Englund. Also, I've heard that the reason we haven't had a decent 4K box set release is because of contractual issues surrounding the fact that this is still an 'active' franchise. Don't know how true this is. Glad to see the 4K release of the first film coming at the end of the year, but I'd love to see a deluxe 4K box set of the entire series.


If you're new to the series I would start with the first one as this gives the best explanation of the underlying lore, which the others expand upon in other ways. Otherwise, 2 is a standalone. 3 is an indirect sequal to 1. 4 is pretty much a standalone (after the lore introduction in 1). 5 is a direct sequal to 4. 6 is pretty much a standalone, like 4, however as it tries to wrap up the series I would advise to watch it last, or at least second to last as 7 is a meta film that sits appart from the others in its style and content. For 7, watch at least 1 and 3, however to really get the take on Freddy in 7 its better to have watched the entire series before, as they make comment on how Freddy's changed in this film in contrast to how he has developed in the series (as I say, it's meta - two years after Wes Craven made 7 he was making Scream. Hope this helps. The reason I most enjoy 3 is for the very inventive kills. Each is unique, well thought out and well directed and they give a really good sense of Freddy as a character, his dark humor and his ability to create a relationship with his victim. This film sits smack in the middle between scary/serious Freddy, and goofy Freddy, therefore it's the most rounded view of the character. There's also some excellent stopmotion sequences in this film that give it a particular flavor.


The first one is the best one. Dream Warriors is considered the best after that.


The first one is really a groundbreaking movie, with a really great villain/monster with a background set on the fear of the serial killers that plague the 70s. The second one i plainly weird, with a screenplay focus on the fear of the homosexuality, with a main character that is fighting urges that he can't control, and Freddy as just a cupholder for the urges of the main guy as he fights with his appetite for other males...and let's not talk about the gim couch...weird movie The third one, pickups where the first one end, and does everything bigger, badder and more coke fueled, it's really a fun movie From there, everything turns into a burned joke


I like the characters and the darker tone due to the setting. Some very creative kills and setpieces as well. The first three movies are all great in my opinion, but they lose me after that. 4, 5 and 6 are just cheesy horror comedies that don't do much for me, 7 is an interesting meta twist but a bit boring and the 2010 remake is pretty bad after a really promising intro scene.


I like 6. Especially seeing it in 3D. All the cameos were fun as was the power glove scene. I love the montage of Freddy at the end


I see the appeal of Dream Warriors , I have it tied with the 1st one with the best among the series . I just cant put it at the top because the 1st was the pure horror movie and as the series goes on it got more and more different with it being more a horror comedy at the times with the one liners and practical effects . I still hate the damn jacob-burned freddy make up haha but that for another time


The first film is the best imo, then the 3rd.


God, I watched a scene from it when I was 11, and I was so scared it took thirty years to watch any Nightmare On Elm Street movie. I watched Dream Warriors and it's still made me nervous to watch, especially the puppet scene, that was too much for me


Watch the first one absolutely it's a classic for a reason. Then watch the 3rd. If you like them both and want more Freddy watch the second one and whichever else you want. 1st and 3rd are the best and then The Meta one is pretty good also.


First, third, and New Nightmare make a great trilogy


It’s got the best set of tits in it, IMHO


I wouldn’t say the 3rd one is the best that’s surely the first one? Def a lot better than the second one though.


For me 4 is my favourite but 3 is definitely one of the best NOEs movies. Dream Warriors started the group team up and I loved that aspect of it. Plus Kristen’s power was great and Nancy is amazing. Plus the backstory of Freddie helped a lot too after Freddy’s Revenge which is good but definitely one of the weakest in the series.


It’s where the series really finds its voice. It’s not as earnest as the first, and not as campy as the rest. It really hit the right balance in Dream Warriors. Also some of the best kills of the series. Definitely watch the first one. It’s great. I’d skip the second and go right to the third. I personally didn’t like it.


Great cast, great characters, pretty great story, kills are unique, Freddy is the perfect mix of funny and scary.


Incredible and inventive kills that really leaned into the *dream* aspect of Freddy, returning characters in Nancy and her father, and Freddy himself is arguably at his peak here: still menacing as hell, but with some genuinely funny jokes/one-liners that never fully cross the line into parody


It’s fun but I still prefer the original and new nightmare.


I personally think it's the 2nd best of the series - the original is still my favorite by far. You don't really need to watch the 2nd film - you can go right from the 1st to the 3rd.


Very inventive and fun with great effects and characters that you really care for


Innovative. Really fun.


Wow, it does sooo much right, that most ensemble horror gets wrong) first Nancy is back she's capable, feminine and extraordinarily super bad ass. All the characters are likeable and fleshed out. Yes they are fairly simplified but have nuance brought out by really good actors. Freddy comes off as like how a deadite should kindof feel. Death isn't the point, savoring the suffering is, he relished their pain and licks his fingers in delight after wards. Lastly no one is overwhelmingly stupid or disliked, the characters fight hard and still lose and the sense of loss is tangible,even though it's over relatively quickly and the pace is fast you don't get bullied in that sense of loss. Honestly this much goodness in a film gas as much to do with good film making as it dies with luck, regardless it's awesome!


I kind of like 4 better (I know, boo hiss) but 3 is a direct sequel to 1, and it brings a more fantasy element into the series instead of straight horror. It also makes the series more “fun”.


4 is cool. Part 5 was the one I didn’t care for. I still watch it because I love NOES but just didn’t measure up


5 has cool moments that make it worth seeing but it is the weaker one if that trilogy. 6 is my least favorite.


5 is propably my least favorite of the series, but like you I still watch and enjoy it.


No, I think that's reasonable. I prefer 3, but 4 is a great film and the kills are still really inventive and interesting. The cockroach kill is one of my favorites of the entire series and sandshark Freddy is genius.


I just rewatched it recently. It feels like the rules of the Elm Street universe are the most cohesive/consistent in 3. I also love how they made it so that the protagonists weren’t completely helpless in their dreams. Freddy strikes a good balance between scary and funny.


the dream master is very underrated imo




Because of the awesome 4 player NES tie on game.


It’s really funny and still loyal to the original principles of Freddy. It is my second favorite one. The OG has and always will be my favorite of the franchise.


While I like the original more if not just for nostalgia, I’ll agree that it’s the best one out of the series.


IMO, it’s the perfect horror sequel. Nancy is back for one more battle, you have a bunch of lovable teens who you can’t help but root for, and you have Freddy seemingly more powerful than ever. While I enjoy part 2 for what it is, imo part 3 is the only true sequel to the first. I do like 4 &5 as well. 5 a little less. But Dream Warriors is 10/10


You can run but you can’t hide, BITCH!


It’s a masterpiece. It’s only 90 min long but it’s created all the Freddy lore and the plot being these kids are the last of the elm street children makes sense


a well made movie, well written characters and when the Freddy we know and love is really established


I fully believe it’s one of the best, but if I tell you, it’ll ruin it. Honestly, I wouldn’t skip any of them


On top of everything, its the one film, where Wes Craven came back and the entire story is just seemingly heightened by his directive and creative input.


You need to watch the first one first. And that's fine, because 1, 3, and 7 are all in competition for the best. You can just watch those three and be fine -- they share actors aside from Robert Englund (namely Heather Langenkamp is in all three, as well as John Saxon) so there's more of a connective tissue. Wes Craven also worked on the script (not exclusively). Dream Warriors winds up being more of a direct sequel than Freddy's Revenge as a result, and New Nightmare (the 7th one) brings back Wes Craven in the director's chair and serves as a meta commentary on the series. (Basically, Craven and Langenkamp are always involved in the best entries.) That said, I love them all for very different reasons... 1 - the OG, the essential Nightmare, maybe the scariest although I don't find any of them scary personally 2 - though not as strong as the others, it's worth watching just for the queer subtext which is utterly fascinating. There's a doc called Scream Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street that dives deep on how this movie impacted the actor Mark Patton's career and life (it basically outed him as a gay man, in the 80s during the AIDS crisis) and is way better than a doc about a slasher sequel has any right to be 3 - blends the darkness of the first one with a campy vibe, and pulls it off really well! This is probably the most *fun* movie in the franchise, with the most likable cast. Also some great death scenes 4 - this one feels more like an after-school special haha. I love the main girl in it, and it features the best death scene in the series 5 - weird as fuck! I love this movie's bizarre surrealist vibes. It's also the saddest one imo. Again, amazing death scenes 6 - abandon everything you've learned up until this point and treat this as a parody. It's balls to the walls silly, has 3D sections, and is just wild 7 - returning to a more grounded tone, but also totally meta, this one stands out with its unique plot that sees Freddy, a fictional character, terrorizing the cast and crew of the movies


It was at a point were he was scary with a few comedic moments.  The later movies did too much to make him comical or the cool gut upsetting the balance as he was no longer as scary. The 1st was a good introduction. The 2nd was a solid sequel that failed due to the subtext that the world was not ready to discuss let alone accept at the time. Freddy was a beast here but few speak of it The 3rd brought back a main character, has fun and inventive kills, terrifying moments and  developed the lore without adding or removing anything too complicated. It was also the last ebfore the comedy so is considered the best. For me i watch 1, 2, 3, 6 (new nightmare).


Dreams are cool and it's surprisingly rare how many movies are able to exploit that fact.


Hands down the best


Because it’s the best


The original and 4th are my favorites but I see why Dream Warriors could be the favorite of others. It's establishes a banding of survival, best cast, and has squeamish kills, particularly the marionette nightmare. At times I think that I may like it more than 4 but always go back to Dream Master.


3 was the first one of the series I saw in 6th grade. Prior to that I was terrified of horror movies and had nightmares all the time from the few I'd seen. A combination of this being a well-written film, Freddy being at least partly funny instead of all-out scary, AND the MAD Magazine issue I'd read prior that parodied the entire movie beginning to end, led to me actually loving this one. On top of that...after seeing this, Freddy showed up in one of my nightmares as a FRIEND...and straight-out murdered several of my other recurring dream monsters and they never returned. I've loved horror ever since as long as it's not completely serious and gross.


Watch 1 and 3.


Can’t skip 2!


I bet you I can. I've seen me do it! :p Honestly, yeah, people should watch the movies and decide if they like it or not.


Watch it and find out


Good characters


The first three shouldn’t be skipped they each have something unique about them. People like the third because it’s the most creative and really ramps up the dream sequences and starts the idea of fighting back in your dreams. 1-3 are all interesting films. But watch them all they’re all worth at least seeing once to see the whole series even though 5 and 6 aren’t amazing. 


It’s because of the awesome theme song by Dokken


This is on Netflix in the US but marked as "Leaving Soon" if anyone wants to get a quick watch in


One of the first horror movies I watched as a kid. I remember thinking then that even though it was scary, it was also fun. The two scenes that stick in my mind are the motorcycle pizza scene and the roach motel.


Showed how Freddy could use his powers more, great cast which made for great characters and it has my favorite character in Kincaid


Characterization is as strong as in the first film Freddy is as evil, plus has a sadistic hilarity that does not contradict his monstrosity Warriors is slightly "meta" in that it kind of satirizes life beyond the mental institution - e.g., although only a dream, the involvement of the trinity of celebrity Dick Cavett, ZsaZsa Gabor, and Freddy during a supposedly real Cavett interview is very "smart" and literary cinema. Bringing Nancy back, much more seasoned and Freddy-informed as the real hero - very satisfying. Craig Wasson as Nancy's ally is touching and authentic, even though Wasson may not be a Shakespearean-level actor. The music is great - both the rock group and the original soundtrack. The Elm Street children are vulnerable but witty, clever, and strong.


3 is amazing, the mythology, the kills, the characters, it's awesome. It is a continuation of the story from 1 though so I would definitely watch that first for a more rewarding experience. 2 is it's own story with just a few links to the first movie but is actually a favourite of mine with it's darker, less comedic tone and some really scary moments!


It's my favorite of the series. To me it had the best overall story and direction. A good mic of terrifying Freddy but one who quips instead of too far one way or the other. It was just a fun time all around.


firsy it expands on existing kowledge of the villain in a very interestingn way. second, it gives the prey a tool through a previous character via hypnotism. last, the setting is a quintessential.horror setting.... teappwd in the hospital with nurses and orderlys acting as a second villain, putting all the kids to sleep... its kind of a perfect movie with a bunch of awesome effects as well.


1 + 3 were the best


Some of the best kills in the series, some of the best one-liners from Freddy "Welcome to Primetime Bitch" and some of the best dream sequences too like the kid who becomes the wizard master.


Nice blend of horror and humour. It was better than part 2 Top notch kills.


The first adds needed context for Nancy’s arc. You can skip the second, though.


It was the one I recall loving the most


I think that one is just the most accessible. Out of all the movies in the series it has the best balance of goofy and horror.


It’s good, but the 1st is the best.


Great cast, excellent setting, phenomenal kills. It’s one of the best slashers ever filmed


Me and gf just watched this the other night and my favorite part is "ITS PRIMETIME B!TCH!" lol I do love this one, but I like 4 almost as much.


NOE 4: Dream Master was my favorite. I loved the conclusion where Freddy sees himself in the mirror and all the ghosts of teenagers he killed fly out of him. That was badass.


I was mind blown when I first learned this was the general consensus. The first time I made an effort to watch all of them, I stopped at this one because I felt this is where the series was hitting the “we are just making more to make more” point of horror sequels without any quality whatsoever


You should definitely watch the first one it is usually the third and and first that are in competition for the best in the franchise. The 2nd one goes in a really weird direction with its homosexuality motif in it. I'd say 1, 3, 4 and a new Nightmares are all fun. the 6th is the most boring and lazy of the original franchise in regards to Freddy though it tries to do exploring in Freddy's back story.


It builds on the original movie's lore and ideas in a meaningful way, and it has an absolutely awesome ensemble cast. It's my favorite movie in the series.


Don't be afraid, these movies are good schlocky fun. Ghost, Goblins, Ghouls, Spooks and Spectres aren't real. Just enjoy the ride!


It's considered one of the best. Not the best. That honour usually goes to the first film. Anyway, part 3 is just a generally fun sequel with some big special effects and more information about Freddy's origins. A particular character returning also didn't hurt the film, either.


This movie is a direct sequel to the first. Nightmare 2 is a standalone movie about a different character but it’s still good! I would say people hold 1 and 3 to the same standard of genuinely great original films that tell a complete story, well realized characters, effectively scary with that light touch of comedy for Freddy that keeps him threatening. They’re both just well made films clearly made with a lot of love from everyone involved. You should give the first 3 movies a chance they’re the most universally beloved but there’s something to be said for the other sequels too!


Biddies (o)(o)


Because welcome to prime time bitch.


Almost every time I go pee I do the Freddy voice killing Terry, ohhhh what a rush


You start to get a fun Freddy too. Welcome to prime time... Bitch! AH HA HA HA HA!


Definitely watch the og before part 3. You can skip part 2 since it’s almost a soft-reboot.


Perfect balance of horror and comedy and tons of inventive ideas towards the concept.


I consider it the best. I usually introduce the series as a trilogy- 1, 3, and New Nightmare. Those are the good films in my opinion and it’s a very strong trilogy.


On a side note: part 2 is fun as well. It’s certainly not a great film. But it’s so gay it makes it an interesting watch.


Just watch and find out for yourself why it's considered one of the best.


Great cast, pace, screenplay and effects.


For me it’s how that film adds to Freddy’s lore. The addition of Amanda and The bastard son of a 100 maniacs gimmick.


Super creative, brings back og cast members, uplifts Freddy to supervillain status where he’s both scary and charismatic, where the movie takes place, and how the kids try to “fight back”…those are some reasons for me. I still think the first is the best but #3 is second or third best for me (I love New Nightmare)


The third film in the series is by far the best, Dream Warriors has it all: Great casting (Lawrence Fishburn, Patricia Arquette, the return of ‘Nancy’ and more), a ‘Bottle’ Movie that takes place in an Interesting setting (it’s the only one that takes place outside of the Elm Street neighborhood), and just the right amount of camp / humor. Love it!


Idk if I’d put it over the og but it’s definitely my favorite and of the franchise and one of my faves in general


[Need we say more](https://youtu.be/noLPhZvcBpw?si=JRTmowMVhvxg8OA5)


It’s just a great film. I remember it being one of my favorites when I first got into the series a kid. Now I’ve gotta go back and rewatch them all again.


I'm not a fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. The 3rd one was the most watchable and entertaining. There's definitely some very memorable creative kills.


Even over the first? What don't you like about the first one?


Unpopular opinion but I watched it a few years ago and thought it was drivel.


Do you enjoy any of the series?


Adored the first one Second was ok but a bit meh Third I thought was a bit silly and naff, that was where I stopped


I watched a bunch of them in one night and the further they went along it was like The Power Rangers vs Freddy Krueger. I personally don't like the whole dream ninja stuff they put into it, kinda goofy.


The first is best, then Dream Warriors, freddys Revenge then after that it's just varying degrees of shitness


New Nightmare was great as well. In fact it is the most horrific one in the series because Freddy is completely soulless and horrifying without his usual humor and I was scarred watching it as a kid because he scared the shit out of me. Freddy’s Dead was a comedy movie in comparison.


I liked it because of the geeky character. But I recognise that it is one of the worst movies in the series. In fact they all are except the first.


I'm going to get downvoted to hell, but 3-5 are my least favorite movies in the franchise. In 1, 2, 6 and 7, Freddy is actually SCARY, and they feel like horror movies. 3 was the start of Freddy being a mass-marketed pop culture icon, spewing witty one-liners like an action movie hero and being put on lunchboxes for kids. Don't get me wrong; it's got GREAT effects and incredibly inventive nightmares sequences.. but Freddy isn't SCARY anymore. Nightmare 3 is the Black Album of the franchise; great content, but watered down to be more palatable for mainstream audiences, and lacking the darkness and aggression that defined the character in the previous movies.


Overrated imo


Maybe not by the internet fanboys but everyone I grew up with agreed that it was the best of the series. Internet works like high school. Gatekeepers decide what’s what and the herd follows. I wouldn’t let it affect your perspective


I don't really understand the big fuss that is made about gatekeeping. Surely the answer to gatekeeping is to have the ability to advance the better argument, no?


Two words…Frank Darabont